Hey Stevey;
I bet you guys have the best tea on earth!
Health care over here is a wide range; but I have to say it is excellent.
When I was divorced and paid for it myself for 4 of us I opted to go with a high deductable $2000.00 to cover catastrophic circumstances.
It was $135.00 per month. It had dental and prescription coverage and allowed for 4 doctor visits per person per year for a cost of $35.00 copay.
Now that I am married to a retired military man my health care is almost free.
If you were here several years ago it may have been before health care furnished by companies was required.
Now if you have more than 10 employees you must pay for 1/2 of the premium for all policies. If you had an HMO (Health management organization)policy then there is no deductable and no doubt was a family policy.
The laws have changed a lot in the past few years. No one is denied health care in the USA.
Even if you have no insurance, medicaid kicks in and will pay for what is needed.
There is no waiting list or requirements if you need health care. If you are below a certain income amount your kids are covered for free.
I know about this topic because I was self employed and had to pay for my own.
$700.00 per month is not today's rates for coverage. I don't blame you for being discouraged because that is way too expensive to even consider.
The window cleaning rates are pretty good here. As I was suggesting a certain rate per pane; it evens out; easy panes along with upper story difficult panes; same price.
That is what I have adopted; per pane or per window. And the place is growing like crazy! I live 20 minutes from Fort Hood.
Recently 5000 troops were transferred here. My husband owns rental houses so he has profited as well as many other businesses.
Mine included. The yellow pages have helped me a lot. I get cold calls daily.
I think adopting a set pattern of charges is easier than other methods.
Texas girl