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In reply to Darren...Ive Been Bumped!!!
« on: November 16, 2009, 09:52:46 am »
Darren and the rest of the people posting on the previous forum.

This is Sam, Willies wife, i had a very interesting read through the post on the forum with regards to the wand my husband bought from Darren and i am disgusted with many of the responses.  It seems most of you seem violence is the only way to sort things out.

Can i just say for the record that mu huby did not "bump" the wand off of Darren.  We paid via cheque, the day after we paid a large cheque into our account for a big job my husband had done, obviously the cheque was due to clear the day before Darrens did. Now bearing in mind that Darren and Willie both agreed that the wand could ONLY be collected when the cheque had cleared aswell which everyone all round was happy with.  Also, when my hubby sent the cheque he sent it with 1 of his marketing cards and business cards and letter headed paper complete with business name, address and phone numbers.  If someone was going to "bump" something they wouldnt do that would they.  That would be asking for trouble from the start.

A few days later my hubby phoned Darren to see if he had received the cheque as we hadnt heard anything and his response via e-mail was "yup got it, its in the bank" to which my hubby replied "thats great Daren, give me a phone when its cleared and ill come and collect" to which Darren replied "its in the bank mate, you can come through" to which me and Willie both thought it is cleared so off he went to collect the wand.  It wasnt until over a week later when Darren phoned to say the cheque had bounced.  Now he phoned at 8am and Willie was out workling all day so left it to me to deal with.

An email was sent to Darren explaining we noticed the cheque we paid in had also bounced, so not only were we £700 out of pocket we now had a wand we couldnt pay for, and with my husband just starting up, work was not coming in thick and fast so we asked if we could have 2 weeks to try get the money together to pay him. 

Can i also state that Darren was very aggressive on the phone to my husband that night threatning him and when i took the phone to sort it out to prevent the 2 of them saying/doing this they may regret he was still aggressive with me and had a very threatning manner.  We agreed to the 2 weeks and i also emailed Darren that night saying i was very taken aback with his attitude and threatning behaviour and not to contact us again if he were going to behave in that way and wait for me to contact him.

Unfortunately, within those 2 weeks we tried everything we could think of to raise the money and to live opurself as the first big job my hubby done the cheque had bounced and we were struggling as a family as well as trying to raise Darrens money. We even copnsidered selling most of his equipment, the ones that we knew would sell, adn just keep 2 of the smaller machines to keep him goin but after listing it, he immediately regretted it and so ended the listing.

My hubby used to work for fire / flood restoarion and through his dad who is also in that line of business got work as a suby up north extracting water from domestics homes and some carpet cleaning.  We thought some of these jobs would be cash paid but we later found out that as he was working as a subby through a building contractor he would paid 30days after work was finished so that is not due to come in until mid Dec

Lastly, on Friday Darren phoned and emailed shouting and threatning me, even after i explined my hubby was workin away and i was in the house with the kids and being 6 months pregnant but he would not listen, i dont even think he believed me but to speak to anyone like that is a disgrace.  anyway after what seemed an eterntiy he has now agreed to let us pay over 4 weeks @ £60 a week which we are greatful for but could have done without the absue and threats.

I would just like to say to you all that you are all to quick to assume the worst as a new and now struggling company starting to get off , as you all know it is hard and we are genuine ppl who have kept in contact with Darren and offered different methods to pay so next time chaps, please dont be quick to judge or agree that violence is the best way froward. 

Shame on many of you


  • Posts: 2279
Re: In reply to Darren...Ive Been Bumped!!!
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2009, 10:12:17 am »
I wouldnt write a cheque to someone, in the hope that another cheque would cover it.
It is a criminal offence to issue a cheque knowing that there are insufficient funds in the account to cover payment.

derek west

Re: In reply to Darren...Ive Been Bumped!!!
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2009, 10:12:59 am »
why didn't you just give it back, problem solved everybody happy?

Karl Wildey

  • Posts: 781
Re: In reply to Darren...Ive Been Bumped!!!
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2009, 10:20:31 am »
Personally I think maybe Darren was a bit too aggressive but then again why?
maybe he thought he was just about to be ripped off, and its taken how long to sort this?


Re: In reply to Darren...Ive Been Bumped!!!
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2009, 10:26:14 am »
yes maybe that was an error on our part assumiong the cheque qould clear but it was a pub / restaurant that he done the work for and never ever thought the cheque would blounce so we have learned our lesson in that respect yes and we have said that to him time n time again. 
Darren made it clear he didnt want the wand back, he just wanted paying which we are doing now and my hubby needs the wand to get work, its a catch 22 but hopefully this is now the end of the matter.

Darren O

  • Posts: 1322
Re: In reply to Darren...Ive Been Bumped!!!
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2009, 01:36:55 pm »
This is the first time ive seen this thread and just to clear a couple of things up the reason i started using threatning language was because i was promised that your husband had a lot of work lined up the following week and you asked for more time to pay i wasnt happy but had no choice and agreed the following day your husband was selling his carpet cleaning business on ebay and also my Wonderwand that he still hadnt paid for to me thats against the law.Then after giving you another 2 weeks to pay i got another story from you that your husband is working in Aberdeen now and i have to wait another 2 weeks and you will pay me £60pw its a different story every week with yous ive also got a young family to look after but i would never pay someone with a cheque when i didnt have the funds in the bank to cover it.


Re: In reply to Darren...Ive Been Bumped!!!
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2009, 01:46:58 pm »
Darren i dont want to get into another argument i just wanted to put the record staright that we were not scammers and out to scam you and i have tried my level best to get you the money as quickly as possible.

Darren O

  • Posts: 1322
Re: In reply to Darren...Ive Been Bumped!!!
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2009, 01:48:19 pm »
Another thing when the cheque bounced i told you on the phone that if you didnt have the money i would take the wand back and i would even drive to Falkirk to collect the wand you then told me that the wand wasnt on the premises and you refused to give me the wand back, you and your husband wouldnt no the truth if it slapped you in thre face.When is my first payment due i take it its this Friday could you tell me how you are going to pay me please.Darren


Re: In reply to Darren...Ive Been Bumped!!!
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2009, 02:23:20 pm »
Your lucky i dont give u a slap in the face let me tell you with your cheek.
You have had your say Darren , now I have had mine end of.
I am NOT discussing payments on this site.  I have already told you when / how and i shall email you a private email to confirm seen as you have obviously forgotten.

PS Just for the recrod, the wand was not on the premises when you asked as all his equipment is kept in a lock up.

As i said i am not lowering myself to having these petty arguments, we are all adults with families, you have had your say i have had mine, leave it now Darren!!

Darren O

  • Posts: 1322
Re: In reply to Darren...Ive Been Bumped!!!
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2009, 02:30:50 pm »
I would just like to correct Sammii on something else she said this morning on this forum she said her husband needs the wand in question to get his work done its a catch 22 situation she said, last week she told me her husband swapped the Wonder Wand for another wand its one porky after another i no when iam getting my chain pulled.


Re: In reply to Darren...Ive Been Bumped!!!
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2009, 02:33:35 pm »
you didnt understand what i was saying, he wouldnt have his new wand if it wasnt swapped for your wand, i mean he needed a wand to work, i never said the wwand darren

Darren O

  • Posts: 1322
Re: In reply to Darren...Ive Been Bumped!!!
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2009, 02:56:37 pm »
Sammi your husband told me he used a Truvox 200psi portable so what are you telling me now your husband didnt have a wand to go with his machine how did he make a living.

Re: In reply to Darren...Ive Been Bumped!!!
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2009, 03:01:41 pm »
Hey guys, whilst the original thread was of interest generally to carpet cleaners re scamming, not so sure this back and forth posting is going to achieve much.

What are both of you going to do to resolve it?


Re: In reply to Darren...Ive Been Bumped!!!
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2009, 03:07:20 pm »
Just get the wand back daren and then leave it mate aint worth the stress..


Re: In reply to Darren...Ive Been Bumped!!!
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2009, 03:08:18 pm »
i dont think a public forum is the place for this sort of argument. but really in future why buy something when . you are not completely sure you can pay for it . Secondly writting a cheque without cleared funds is a breach of contract and therefore illegal sim to writting a cheque from a closed account.

thirdly its not darrens prob you custys cheque bounced and giving you a payment plan is a very nice thing for him to have done.

And why not return it to him and you can both forget it. but if you need it so desperately to work you should be honest enough to pay for it.  I dont think darren is registered charity.


  • Posts: 3183
Re: In reply to Darren...Ive Been Bumped!!!
« Reply #15 on: November 16, 2009, 03:12:14 pm »
Apublic forum is exactly the place to discuss the matter,,, Darren has no wand or cash, simple sammiiii,, PAY UP OR GIVE IT BACK!!!!


Darren is a business , not a charity.

Yes you lost out on a cheque ,, that is not Darrens problem , it is yours.
I clean carpets
I dry Buildings

Darren O

  • Posts: 1322
Re: In reply to Darren...Ive Been Bumped!!!
« Reply #16 on: November 16, 2009, 03:24:03 pm »
Ive already agreed to give them more time to pay another 2 weeks that ran out last week i then agreed to wait another 10 days for my first payment that was due this Friday that was the end of the matter for me i stopped posting about on this forum until today.When i see blatent lies like Sammi saying i didnt want the wand back when i told Sammi i would drive 40mile and collect the wand myself and then getting told its not on the property whats that about they could of easily returned the wand back weeks ago if they realy wanted to.


Re: In reply to Darren...Ive Been Bumped!!!
« Reply #17 on: November 16, 2009, 03:38:06 pm »
You never told me driectly you wanted the wand back, in fact, in our 1st conversation you told me you didnt want the wand, you wanted paying for it which is what i am doing and you are getting money on friday.

Yes i too thought it was sorted Darren. The reason i posted on this site, is because i had a complete stranger send me a private email on my bebo page telling me there were a bunch of ppl talking about me and my husband and this i thanked him for bringing to my attention and when i read the comments i was appalled and bloody disgusted.  Firstly for you and your fellow users on here condoning violence threatning to come here and do all bloody sorts and i have to sit and read this and then the ppl who have been looking through my bebo page with no disregard to me or my family.


Doug Holloway

  • Posts: 3917