You seem to offer alot of services, could it be possible that your spreading yourself to thin? i believe as far as marketing goes to concentrate on one or two main services, become "known" for that service, build up business and offer other services in addition.
I think if you try to offer all things to all men it is harder to get the message across?
so my advise would be pick the most profitable parts of your business and concentrate on marketing them, having no more than a strap line saying " we also clean; upvc, windows, conservatories, etc,etc,etc". at the bottom of your flyers.
This way you get clear, concise, bold advertising and branding. ie "mdc office and commercial cleaning" or similar
the company you were with went bust, look at what they did which worked and what didnt. dont copy their business exactly or you will get the same result! (im not suggesting you have copied it, but maybe looking objectively at them may help you understand yours better?).