Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Frequently Asked Questions & Useful Resources => Topic started by: morphe on April 09, 2010, 11:23:47 am

Title: A few questions about starting out
Post by: morphe on April 09, 2010, 11:23:47 am
I have been thinking of starting a window cleaning round for some time, currently i am in a 9 to 5 job. I am starting to struggle abit with money, we manage, but just and we cant seem to save money any more, its tough.
I was planning doing either evenings or weekends, im guessing weekends people will be out or still in bed.
I clean my own windows which has lead on the outside, real pane and hard to get right.
south west wales, i am aiming low at £500 pm if this is possible

My questions.

1. what equipment do i need, must haves (would like good makesand cheap)
2. what prices, i would aim for terraced houses. 1 up 1 down
3. how often do you clean weekly, fortnightly, monthly
4. what time is best to knock
5. insurance, what insurance would i need, i will be driving to jobs.
6. is it best to outlay money on a uniform to look smart when i knock.
7. business name, any need for this for starting out?

Hopefully i could be self employed because working for my current employer is killing me, long story, but not sure if window cleaning will work.

have you any other ideas that i have missed which will be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: A few questions about starting out
Post by: jonnyald on April 10, 2010, 07:46:45 am
my tips would be - dont delay nor do too much research before you start otherwise doubts will creep in . get hold of a ladder as soon as you can (check out its weight first,dont buy a heavy one ,itll do you in ) and buy a basic squeegee/mop  and a short pole in a d-i-y shop  and make up a big bag of old towels from your home and start door knocking a.s.a.p

practice on your own windows if you want first ,go inside and look at the results  too

 get your car insurance changed to a policy that covers you for using it for windowcleaning, it wasnt expensive for me