Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: gordons on June 17, 2005, 12:14:07 am

Title: What would you do?
Post by: gordons on June 17, 2005, 12:14:07 am
Hi there looking to start a large round with 3 staff. My options are

1. each gets a contract of 20 hours per week and they only work when its dry and i ask them to do extra hours when its nice, but they might say no and all my customers would not get their windows cleaned.

2. Offer them contracts of 40 hours and make them work in the rain and all my customers get their windows cleaned.

What would you do? Please help me
Title: Re: What would you do?
Post by: james44 on June 17, 2005, 01:30:31 am
I  think i would get the customers first  before you start thinking of contracts ect
Title: Re: What would you do?
Post by: Ian_Giles on June 17, 2005, 06:55:27 am
you need to get the business first!
How you go about employing people comes second, but I would have thought that getting part timers in will be tough going. The weather isn't going to have a big effect, you lose a day here and there, big deal, it goes with the territory.
The problem with employing people is paying out Employers liability, Employer NI contribututions and don't forget you have to pay their tax too!

You can write what you like in a contract, but for what you are talking about the tax man will consider them employees if they get to here of it and its no use squawking about the clever small print you have put in the contract that you might think will absolve you!!


Title: Re: What would you do?
Post by: gordons on June 17, 2005, 09:45:25 am
I do have the customers as im buying them from someone but the staff did not have contracts and basically they did what they felt like doing
Title: Re: What would you do?
Post by: on June 17, 2005, 11:26:21 am
Hi Gordon
We have a w/c company down our road that just gives the w/c the work on the day he turns up. He works out how much money there is in a days work and gives the w/c a percentage. These w/c are not employed by him as far as I know and it dosnt look very pro. He makes them clean the windows but they are not to collect the money, somebody else has that job but its not the same person every time. I have picked up a lot of work from him over the years as people donot like to see a different w/c every month and then a different person to collect every month. He is also very cheap so his w/c cant afford to really unercut him. He also uses people who want to start up on their own.
If your going to do it then dont go down the same road as he has done. Its not fair on the w/c or the customer.
