Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: *strawman69 on June 15, 2005, 05:26:28 pm

Title: how much should i charge
Post by: *strawman69 on June 15, 2005, 05:26:28 pm
ive just been asked to clean all the pvc and outsides of the  gutterings on a semi detached house can anybody give me an idea on how much to charge and if i will be able to do it all with wfp the gutering is filthy and not sure if wfp will get it clean enough any tips or ideas more than welcome.

thanks shaun
Title: Re: how much should i charge
Post by: Davindo Cleana on June 15, 2005, 05:53:38 pm
I just did a detached for 100 - took nearly 7 hours using ladders - will charge higher next time - did anyone else get an image of Bruce on Play Your Cards Right, just there ;)
Title: Re: how much should i charge
Post by: windows_chepstow on June 15, 2005, 06:04:41 pm
I really hate these jobs therefore I charge a £30 hourly rate.  I know many here will say that's too cheap; and others too expensive.

But it's a dirty job, when doing it using ladders and hard work too.

The last two I did took three hours each; charged them both £90 each (including windows) and went home minging dirty and knackered.

Saying that, I'm considering purchasing a 'Hi Flow Kit' advertised as ideal for conservatory roofs and shop signs.  It has a soap dispenser (a small compartment where you can add cleaning tablets).

Has anyone used this for cleaning soffits?
Title: Re: how much should i charge
Post by: marc al on June 15, 2005, 09:49:01 pm
  I plug my waterfed pole into the customers outside tap and away I go, you sometimes have to dip the brush head in soapy water for stubborn stains and may occasionaly have to go up a ladder for real bad bits, my top tip is use a different brush to the one you use for windows.
  As for price I would charge at least 100 pound, more if you think you can get away with it.

Title: Re: how much should i charge
Post by: bluesteve on June 16, 2005, 02:07:04 pm
  how much do these hi flow things cost and from where, i m sick of doing balancing acts on conservatory frames
  There must be a post somewhere about but im buggered if i can find it,
  What regt or corps was you?
Title: Re: how much should i charge
Post by: matt on June 16, 2005, 02:32:03 pm
  I plug my waterfed pole into the customers outside tap and away I go, you sometimes have to dip the brush head in soapy water for stubborn stains and may occasionaly have to go up a ladder for real bad bits, my top tip is use a different brush to the one you use for windows.
  As for price I would charge at least 100 pound, more if you think you can get away with it.


i do EXACTLY the same