Clean It Up

UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Carpet Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Jonny F on December 05, 2009, 10:33:50 pm

Title: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: Jonny F on December 05, 2009, 10:33:50 pm
 OK, what scent would you say you get the best feed back about from your customers? I used to always use Bane's Lemon scented oil.........but recently I have been using Hydramasters Multi-Phase and have actually had customers write on comment cards how much they liked it. I have always used this product for urine decontamination.......but never as a post spray.

       So what do you think your customers like? Many franchises have spent years researching this subject, as they think it is one of the most important parts of the job.......what do they smell when you leave?............if you not using a post spray, you want to rethink this. If it does not smell clean, is it really clean?
Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: Daria Taylor on December 05, 2009, 11:15:17 pm
OK, what scent would you say you get the best feed back about from your customers? I used to always use Bane's Lemon scented oil.........but recently I have been using Hydramasters Multi-Phase and have actually had customers write on comment cards how much they liked it. I have always used this product for urine decontamination.......but never as a post spray.

       So what do you think your customers like? Many franchises have spent years researching this subject, as they think it is one of the most important parts of the job.......what do they smell when you leave?............if you not using a post spray, you want to rethink this. If it does not smell clean, is it really clean?
currently we dont use one only on some jobs, where animals etc are involved, but i always said same smell makes it just that little bit nicer.
Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: will01 on December 05, 2009, 11:28:04 pm
chip shop curry
Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: Jonny F on December 05, 2009, 11:33:55 pm

   You bring up a good point, sometimes people are sensitive to strong deodorants. I always ask about chemical sensitivity, and often if there is an issue its address in the intial phone call. I just think a light clean scent is very important, otherwise it can be super clean and even smell neutral, but a hour after you leave and the wet bulb reaches max density, the HVAC system kicks on and that neutral smell can take on a "wet sock" or sour smell. I think people who do water restoration can relate to that state, when the carpet and pad have been pulled and the air in the home is moist and heavy.......and dont even get me started on the smell of damp wool carpet!!
Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: tom123 on December 06, 2009, 08:11:48 am
I can fully appreciate where your comming with this one. If you have to justify the foul smell comming from the customers fresh clean carpets, it doesnt look good!

I find i get good feedback from apple scent.
But i am planning on adding a little extra to the bottom of my quote sheet and actualy get the customer to pick a scent, giving them a choice of 3 or 4.
Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: Simon@arenaclean on December 06, 2009, 09:30:22 am
When using microsplitters/nemisis/m-power anything applied post should be tested. Detergent free chemicals etc are designed to leave no residue so post spraying with a scent maybe defeating the object, test on some samples first. If using high PH (powerburst etc) it would normally be acidic rinsed. Confirm post spraying does not raise the PH.

Sheep dip smell ;D After cleaning wool it's natural it will smell, I confirm to my clients it's a sign of quality ;D Once dry the smell will go and a window opened will help, particularly this time of the year when the heating is leaping of the wall.

Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: stu_thomson on December 06, 2009, 09:59:27 am
Jonny have you tried bane cleans baby powder and their orange one as well been using them for years with very positive comments

Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: clinton on December 06, 2009, 01:57:16 pm
Simon thats what i say to the clients with the quality bit you smooth talker ;D

Used to use one from altec caint think of the name at the mo ???

Must say when i do my commercial jobs i have had nice reports from the smell  from fusion clean on the l m system..
Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: Jonny F on December 06, 2009, 01:57:36 pm
  Morning Stu,

    No, I have only used the lemon, to be honest I have been using it for years and I was just looking for a change. I guess I need to call the guys in Indy and try a couple other scents. Baby Power sounds interesting.

   I used to buy this scent from a local chemical supply house that serviced the pressure washing industry, the first few gals he gave me free as they had come from his warehouse by mistake and he did not handle any carpet cleaning products, after I tried it I liked it and he started ordering from his supplier. I was getting alot of great feed back, and then one day I was washing my car at the local automated carwash and realized where I had smelled this scent was the same perfume they add to that foam that drops from the ceiling in those automated carwashes! It was like this Fruity smell, combo of oranges and Cherry in alcohol base and a PH 4. They were not getting much of a call for it, so it got discontinued............I have people still ask for it today 5 years later!
Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: M.Acorn on December 06, 2009, 03:02:33 pm
Use Prochem odour fresh on every job.
Cant use the other cherry one,as it just makes my mouth water too much !
Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: markpowell on December 06, 2009, 03:22:51 pm
I use Nemesis odour neutrelizer from Restoremate, Brilliant stuff.
Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: Jonny F on December 06, 2009, 03:28:10 pm

  What does it smell like?
Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: Bob Allen on December 06, 2009, 04:18:22 pm
Craftex Lavender, doesnt smell like lavender as we know it but does smell really nice
Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on December 06, 2009, 04:40:09 pm
I like Craftex Citrus, customers say it smells nice but I have gotten so used to it I'm immune to the smell.

Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: garyfindlay on December 06, 2009, 08:04:50 pm
Craftex lavender for me. Does reek for a while, in a nice way.
Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: Jim_77 on December 06, 2009, 11:44:46 pm
On "normal" jobs, I'm a firm believer that no smell is the best smell!  How do you know that the client, friends or family who might be entering the house right after cleaning aren't sensitive, reactive or just plain adverse to the smell of artificial scents and fragrances?!

I've never ever had a complaint about how wool carpets smell after cleaning ??? Regardless of carpet type, the thing a customer should experience after cleaning is that the carpet, or more correctly the area that has been cleaned, is simply "fresher".

On jobs where odour is an issue (pets, smoke, old folks homes etc) I use a deodoriser in the prespray and in some cases as a post application from a trigger spray.  I currently use natural Odour Neutraliser form Solutions which is best described as an "Oriental Spice" type fragrance.
Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: garyj on December 08, 2009, 01:04:10 am
That bubblegum one that Alltec did years ago.

If they still do it I might get some to use as an aftershave, bet I could pull some fat birds with that.

Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: craigp on December 08, 2009, 09:17:34 am
You should note putting a de-oderiser in to a detergent presray will stop that prespray working because deodourisers are cationic and prespray is anionic.

Also cationics (such as deodourisers, sanitisers) should not be used on stain protected carpets, or your damage the protection.

I use none like Jim, I find most people dont want strong odours left behind.

As for wool I just tell them thats the smell of wet wool, never had a problem.
Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: Jonny F on December 08, 2009, 01:27:11 pm

  It is true that most sanitizers are quats and quats are cationic..........but I know of no water base deodorizers that are cationic. In fact most water based deodorizers have a surfactant in them that would actually help your prespray do a better job. I do agree about strong odors, but I'm talking about leaving a nice light clean scent behind.
Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: craigp on December 08, 2009, 03:09:47 pm
This was my understanding from IICRC courses tought by Steve Poulos,

Or was it Julie Roberts from Chemspec said that :-\

Anyway does not matter to me I have no plan to put deodouriser in my prespray.

If there is a bad smell from mould or whatever I use prochems mircosan sanitiser, but must say its not that nice a smell, its like a disinfectant smell.
Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: Jonny F on December 08, 2009, 06:26:18 pm
 I actually know Steve very well.......very nice guy!  I just was just trying to point out that not all deodorizers have the same chemical make up......  but as you rightly pointed out, cationic products and stain resist carpets do not mix.

Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: craigp on December 08, 2009, 10:25:20 pm
Hydramaster have had Steve over to the UK quite alot to do IICRC courses, he a top guy he make the course fun,

Say Craig from the UK says hi ;D
Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: stu_thomson on December 08, 2009, 10:34:51 pm
the bane clean ones mentioned (baby powder, lemon, orange) are a essential oil so only few drops needed and dont interfere with the balance of the solution used :)

Title: Re: Your Customers favorite Scent??
Post by: Jonny F on December 09, 2009, 12:19:03 am

    You should sign up over at the Pro Cleaners Network, every Tuesday night they have a speaker online, and Steve does seminars as well as many other instructors and its free!! Only problem is it starts at 8PM CST and that is like 2AM for you in the UK!  But is is a great audio bullletin board, and the classes are very informative on many subjects.

 Stu, It is amazing how powerful that Bane Perscent is!!