Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Mr T on December 01, 2009, 02:49:42 pm

Title: Business goals/targets
Post by: Mr T on December 01, 2009, 02:49:42 pm
Hi folks, as everyones business is different just wondering what your goals/targets and ambitions are for your business in the year ahead...........
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: JRDEasiReach on December 01, 2009, 02:59:24 pm
My target at this moment is to be still going in 6 months time :) after that ill tell you the rest :)
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: richywilts on December 01, 2009, 03:50:42 pm
im building to get to £4000 every 8 weeks at the moment before xmas were just under £3000 at the min then were goin to have a target of £6000 every 8 weeks then hopefully build it up to £8000.

we have employed a canvasser who takes the first clean money hes been doing ok for us prob built it up 1200 last four weeks. he was pricing a little low so we gave him a kick up backside n now hes pulling in houses at better prices.

we will just keep him going till we get to where we want to be with 2 vans going out and 2 employees.

Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Dale Smith on December 01, 2009, 04:16:58 pm
I would like to nearly double what we do in the new year, not neccesarily the amount of houses we do, but the amount of money we get in.
That will mean a spring offensive on the canvassing/door knocking front, but this time compared to when we were starting we know exactly what we want & where we want it.... ;D

To be fair Richy's is a very similar plan... :)
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: daz1977 on December 01, 2009, 04:44:22 pm
get more commercial work in, so on rainy days i still got something to do,  need to employ a canverser, to help grow the business, so i can put an other van on the road with a bloke in
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: DaveG on December 01, 2009, 05:17:54 pm
to earn as much as i can in as little time as possible ;D
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Ian Lancaster on December 01, 2009, 05:23:52 pm
to earn as much as i can in as little time as possible ;D


All you need to do is insert a figure instead of "earn as much as I can" (e.g. £4000) and insert a timescale (e.g. every 4 weeks) instead of "as little time as possible" and work out how you're going to achieve that.

Seeemples  Tck tck

 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: leapstallbuildings on December 01, 2009, 05:34:20 pm
Today I've set myself a target of getting £50 of new work per week from the start of February to the end of next year - each job to hopefully fit in with my 6 weekly schedule.  That didn't sound much when I first wrote it as it sounds like about £2,600 a year.  Then I realised that it's a lot more than that because it's ongoing.  To make way for it, I intend to gradually shift out my lower paid work.  Such a move on my part is long overdue.
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: mlscontractcleaner on December 01, 2009, 05:58:04 pm
My main aim right now is to get all this week's work done by Saturday close of business. If it doesn't stop bloody raing I'll be out working on Christmas Day just trying to catch up!!
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Moderator David@stives on December 01, 2009, 06:50:40 pm
My goal is to sell up and have an easy life.
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: mlscontractcleaner on December 01, 2009, 07:00:22 pm
You'd get bored. It must be true, women have an easy life and they get bored ;)
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: dazmond on December 03, 2009, 12:48:41 pm
my realistic goals are quite simple and modest really for 2010!get a ford transit connect for £3,000-£3,500,logod polo shirts/ some new leaflets for getting better paying work.creep up prices of underpriced compact work every april.price better for new work etc,etc.WFP eventually but maybe pospone it till ive got a few spare grand knocking about!still unsure of it as i like trad and im used to tradpole work that eliminates a lot of unsafe window sounds too much hassle and expense especially with being in a first floor flat on a water meter.also had a lot of people saying that domestic custys DO NOT LIKE WFP!!its also easier to leave a mess of the windows.also leave them cleaner for longer!who wants that?u want ur custys to have them cleaned once a month!!(in the main)the thought of fillin a tank up every night with a hose up my stairs for an hour,unreeling all that hose and gettin dog crap on it,keep havin to move the problems that frustrate u.high overheads,problems in winter with frost,shoulder/neck/back/elbow problems.and some of u guys are only cleaning as many houses a day as me so not really much faster on average houses taking into consideration unreeling hoses,stopping/starting the van etc,etc.doesnt seem to me to have that many benefits for the domestic WC with all the extra hassle
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Mist A Bit on December 03, 2009, 12:59:30 pm
my goal for the new year is to go wfp by end jan and get prives up in april. ffom their i want more comm work to go with all my domestic

Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: krave on December 03, 2009, 01:07:39 pm
I want £800 Pw after expenses.
Going into Wfp and not knowing what costs are going to be et is a bit daunting, but by rough calculations, cant be too bad compaired to what your turnover is.
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: lee_dewing on December 03, 2009, 01:08:01 pm

I see your 6 weekly,

I thinking of changing to this currently 5 weeks use to be monthly.

reason for 6 weeks is i need to bump up some under priced work, which lowest is 30% underpriced.

Was wondering were you always 6 weekly.

don't know wether to inform all custy's of change or just leave it, might be opening can of worms there :(

Think i will tell the ones going up £5 of fewer visits wether this stops me losing them?

I hope 6 weekly visits  gives me the scope to price higher.

will put on leaflets frequency, and windows stay cleaner longer, and cleaner whole window frame pane and sill.

shortly after leaflet drop will door knock, don't like knocking bit of a fraidy cat but from what people say is quickest way of building compact round.

thanks all
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Lee Pryor on December 03, 2009, 02:22:24 pm
goals for next year are.

to build a canvassing team of 4 people. to start in feb/march. got 2 at the moment

to distribute at least 30,000 leaflets between feb-oct (easy)

to step away from cleaning windows myself (long over due)

to update our website (possibly completely new) with the addition of a page of video demonstrations of all of our services.

to add between 5-12k turnover per month by october. (this means adding another van, going to be moving away from ionics for this for the first time im fed up with their crazy prices.)

to take a zero tollerance aproach to late payers, messers, rude customers and so on.

Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Steve CM on December 03, 2009, 03:12:29 pm
to take a zero tollerance aproach to late payers, messers, rude customers and so on.

i started that one early, infact this week ;D
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: matt on December 03, 2009, 04:28:40 pm
we need a " whats your aims / targets for next year " thread  ;)
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Phild on December 03, 2009, 04:43:27 pm
Try this simple test to see if your goals / targets / ambitions are realistic or pie-in-the-sky!
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: cockney rebel on December 04, 2009, 07:17:18 am
to take a zero tollerance aproach to late payers, messers, rude customers and so on.

i started that one early, infact this week ;D
Hear,hear. Some people can be cheeky twats. "Call back later" and there not in or ignore you on purpose. " I'll pay double next time" etc etc. Im sure if there bosses said i'll pay you next time or i'll give you your wages later,they wouldn't be happy.
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Frankybadboy on December 04, 2009, 07:20:18 am
my goals is simple ??? ??? ???

to still be alive tomorrow ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Tosh on December 04, 2009, 07:25:23 am
my goals is simple ??? ??? ???

to still be alive tomorrow ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

One day you'll fail to make that goal.  You may even die today!
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Frankybadboy on December 04, 2009, 06:35:56 pm
my goals is simple ??? ??? ???

to still be alive tomorrow ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

One day you'll fail to make that goal.  You may even die today!
i let you know if i do tosh :o :o ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: leapstallbuildings on December 04, 2009, 07:06:44 pm

I see your 6 weekly,

I thinking of changing to this currently 5 weeks use to be monthly.

reason for 6 weeks is i need to bump up some under priced work, which lowest is 30% underpriced.

Was wondering were you always 6 weekly.

don't know wether to inform all custy's of change or just leave it, might be opening can of worms there :(

Think i will tell the ones going up £5 of fewer visits wether this stops me losing them?

I hope 6 weekly visits  gives me the scope to price higher.

will put on leaflets frequency, and windows stay cleaner longer, and cleaner whole window frame pane and sill.

shortly after leaflet drop will door knock, don't like knocking bit of a fraidy cat but from what people say is quickest way of building compact round.

thanks all

When I first started I supplied a monthly service.  Some wanted two monthly and a few even wanted three monthly.  This was easy to supply at first because I had big gaps in the workload anyway.  As time went by, I had overfilled my workload - mostly with underpriced, "busy fool" type work and I struggled badly to keep up with my schedule.  So I needed to change a few things.  First of all, I gave away some work.  I didn't ask for any money as the prices were lousy - however, it gave someone a start.  All the work I gave away was in two neighbouring villages and the bits in between.  It was worth about £500 a month on average (about 10 years or so ago).  So that got rid of the worst of my underpriced work at a stroke and it was in a separate geographical area too.  I still had more work than I could handle so I went to 6 weekly across the board.  Most were monthly anyway so they saved a few quid.  The two monthly ones mostly went along with it too (though a few dropped out).  All the three monthly work went in the big giveaway.  After a while, some people wanted every other time which was now 12 weekly.  In order to avoid a load of run-of-the-mill at such infrequent intervals, I would only do cleaning at 12 weekly intervals if the job was worth over £70.  In the last year or so, in view of the economy, I have relented a bit and I now have a £40 minimum for 12 weekly intervals (though I do have a £33er @ 12 weekly that pre-dated all this).  If someone wants 12 weekly, they have to pay me £40 or more for the privilege.  Obviously, if the economy gets really serious, I may have to adapt accordingly but I will avoid that if I can.
My 6 weekly is actually 6 - 8 weeks.  I like to leave myself a bit of flexibility.

As far as increasing the lower prices to go 6 weekly, that is a tough call I think.  If you do want to do that, I think you would be better off ensuring you have spare work first as you will probably lose some if you are thinking of increases around 30% for the lower ones.
Just my view.  The way I did it may not be right for you.  I'm not an oracle of all things window cleaning   ;D
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: lee_dewing on December 04, 2009, 07:55:12 pm

thanks very much.

i hear what your saying about spare work.

I have some work that i will hike up straight away as i hate doing it now and not bothered if i lose,  the way i look at it is the crap slows me up getting round to the cream.

I will knock on a few doors in spring, and get some better priced work then go back and alter accordingly.

thanks lee.
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Lee Pryor on December 04, 2009, 08:06:15 pm
leapstallbuildings.......... in a single bound! ;D

you said in a previous post you were based in smallfield. who are you?
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Lee Pryor on December 04, 2009, 08:12:11 pm
hold on ive got it the initials are P.C?
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Clive McDonald on December 04, 2009, 08:17:15 pm
Some of these goals are unrealistic. It is impossible to clean large scale and to canvass pretty much full time for instance.Others meander indecisively such as daxmond who states his goals and then talks himself out of it.

Some of course are all too possible and a bit scarey.
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: dazmond on December 04, 2009, 08:35:04 pm
states his goals and then talks himself out of it!!ha!ha! ;) ;Dall my goals are realistic for me!ive been undecided about WFP for a good 6 months now.i have finally made up my mind to stay trad as im used to trad pole work that eliminates a lot of the riskier window cleaning!also ill wear more evenly as legs get a workout when using ladders then the arms when using the pole(which by the way cuts my ladder use almost in half}.i will be getting a wfpole that fits on outside tapsfor conny roofs,fias,soffits etc. though!

best wishes to u all

Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: krave on December 04, 2009, 08:35:15 pm
Some of these goals are unrealistic. It is impossible to clean large scale and to canvass pretty much full time for instance.Others meander indecisively such as daxmond who states his goals and then talks himself out of it.

Some of course are all too possible and a bit scarey.

Lol, after all the Wfp posts its now not happening.  :o
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: suds window service on December 04, 2009, 09:16:22 pm
i  doubled the business in year 2 .
if we do it again in year 3 they,ll need a fifth chair in the dragons den lol :o
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Lee Pryor on December 04, 2009, 09:52:44 pm
dont you mean a 6th chair? better make it 7 i want to play too. ;D
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: suds window service on December 05, 2009, 08:49:03 pm
dont you mean a 6th chair? better make it 7 i want to play too. ;D
how do i get my business to your level ???
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Gleaming windows on December 05, 2009, 08:50:06 pm
My goal for next year is to sneak into J V Prices Christmas bash  ;)
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: matt on December 05, 2009, 09:20:30 pm
my goal is the same as last year and the year before that

keep on doing what i am doing

when life is good, why change it
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Window Washers on December 05, 2009, 09:36:30 pm
My goal for next year is to sneak into J V Prices Christmas bash  ;)
I will come with you to help you over the wall  ;)
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Steve CM on December 05, 2009, 10:04:18 pm
my goal next year is to work smarter and not harder ;)
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Gleaming windows on December 05, 2009, 10:09:41 pm
My goal for next year is to sneak into J V Prices Christmas bash  ;)
I will come with you to help you over the wall  ;)

I'll pass you a chicken leg out  ;)
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Window Washers on December 05, 2009, 10:40:07 pm
My goal for next year is to sneak into J V Prices Christmas bash  ;)
I will come with you to help you over the wall  ;)

I'll pass you a chicken leg out  ;)
Chicken leg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, oh no I want a bottle of plonk and at least a chicken breast of fillet steak, what parties do you go to  ::)
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: leapstallbuildings on December 06, 2009, 08:09:28 am
hold on ive got it the initials are P.C?

Yes Lee.  That's me   ;D
I personally am not based in Smallfield.  I'm in Crawley.  My water base is in Smallfield though.
Don't worry.  I'm no threat  :)
Happy to stick with being a sole trader for now.
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Helen on December 07, 2009, 05:25:03 pm
im building to get to £4000 every 8 weeks at the moment before xmas were just under £3000 at the min then were goin to have a target of £6000 every 8 weeks then hopefully build it up to £8000.

we have employed a canvasser who takes the first clean money hes been doing ok for us prob built it up 1200 last four weeks. he was pricing a little low so we gave him a kick up backside n now hes pulling in houses at better prices.

we will just keep him going till we get to where we want to be with 2 vans going out and 2 employees.


Glad to hear that things are better for you now. How long have you had your canvasser? Why was he pricing low? Did you not give him guidelines? How's the roof sealing business going? See you are going into carpet cleaning aswell. Be careful not to become Jack of all Trades master of none.....good luck though :)
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: TYCOON on December 07, 2009, 07:45:52 pm
how much do you pay canvassers??

are they successful???
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: j.v. price ltd on December 07, 2009, 08:05:41 pm
My goal for next year is to sneak into J V Prices Christmas bash  ;)

ha ha
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: j.v. price ltd on December 07, 2009, 08:07:14 pm
My goal for next year is to sneak into J V Prices Christmas bash  ;)
I will come with you to help you over the wall  ;)

got an open day in jan of our trade counter and training centre more than welcome to come have a look and a chat
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Tosh on December 07, 2009, 08:21:00 pm
I want to be the happiest window cleaner in Chepstow.  I haven't got much competition to be honest!  ;D
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: j.v. price ltd on December 07, 2009, 10:27:53 pm
In five years want to be cleaning a few like this.
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: geefree on December 07, 2009, 11:53:03 pm
my realistic goals are quite simple and modest really for 2010!get a ford transit connect for £3,000-£3,500,logod polo shirts/ some new leaflets for getting better paying work.creep up prices of underpriced compact work every april.price better for new work etc,etc.WFP eventually but maybe pospone it till ive got a few spare grand knocking about!still unsure of it as i like trad and im used to tradpole work that eliminates a lot of unsafe window sounds too much hassle and expense especially with being in a first floor flat on a water meter.also had a lot of people saying that domestic custys DO NOT LIKE WFP!!its also easier to leave a mess of the windows.also leave them cleaner for longer!who wants that?u want ur custys to have them cleaned once a month!!(in the main)the thought of fillin a tank up every night with a hose up my stairs for an hour,unreeling all that hose and gettin dog crap on it,keep havin to move the problems that frustrate u.high overheads,problems in winter with frost,shoulder/neck/back/elbow problems.and some of u guys are only cleaning as many houses a day as me so not really much faster on average houses taking into consideration unreeling hoses,stopping/starting the van etc,etc.doesnt seem to me to have that many benefits for the domestic WC with all the extra hassle

Them are good targets and goals.... WOW. ;D

So i guess you are going to start another thread now...

"Im staying trad.... no im going wfp... er no.. i mean trad..." ;)
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Window Washers on December 08, 2009, 07:18:09 am
My goal for next year is to sneak into J V Prices Christmas bash  ;)
I will come with you to help you over the wall  ;)

got an open day in jan of our trade counter and training centre more than welcome to come have a look and a chat
Where is that located Charlie ?
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: j.v. price ltd on December 08, 2009, 09:20:59 am
Watford fella, just off junction 20 of the m25 and junction 8 of the m1

you will have to pop down in the new year and have a look
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: Window Washers on December 08, 2009, 09:25:23 am
Watford fella, just off junction 20 of the m25 and junction 8 of the m1

you will have to pop down in the new year and have a look
I know where Watford is, I was born there  ;D
Will pop down soon ;)
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: j.v. price ltd on December 08, 2009, 09:31:24 am
Ha ha, well it is 2 min's from junction 20 of m25 so do pop in if your passing
Title: Re: Business goals/targets
Post by: 1wayno on December 08, 2009, 10:10:28 pm
to get a wfp next year and earn lots of pennys  ;D lol