Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: AuRavelling79 on June 03, 2005, 11:08:15 pm

Title: Excuses/Responses
Post by: AuRavelling79 on June 03, 2005, 11:08:15 pm
What's the best excuse you've heard from a customer as to why they want you to "miss them out" this time. ::)
Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: pjulk on June 03, 2005, 11:43:10 pm
Don't get that any more i tell them that i clean every 4 weeks from the start and if they say miss me they get missed forever.

Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: rosskesava on June 04, 2005, 12:08:19 am
How about 'I havn't been to the toilet yet'?

We got that excuse about 2 months back from an old lady whose property is under priced anyway.

I'm not sure if she needed to spend hours on the throne or was putting us off with a feeble excuse.

Anyway, horrible as it may sound, because she was not more forth coming with any reason other than that and shutting the door in my face, we havn't gone back and won't do again.

Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: jakeandmia on June 04, 2005, 04:18:02 pm
went to one house on friday and the lady came to the door and said"can you miss me this month cos im studying".I wouldnt of disturbed her anyway only to get money.glad she did to be honest all postage stamp windows and a nightmare.

Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: thewindowcleaner1 on June 04, 2005, 05:26:52 pm
Fella came out and asked me to miss them this time as he was having carpet fitted, that was 10 months ago I still keep missing them (like an headache )

Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: scrimit2 on June 05, 2005, 02:54:15 pm
"because it was muddy"
was one I had, incase your wondering the floor was muddy not the windows or anywhere near them, oh another one because it's suppossed to rain tomorrow
Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: danny mckim on June 05, 2005, 04:19:04 pm
We have also had the carpet fitting excuse another good one was dont clean my windows when im not in as the dog goes mental. We had a customer who told us only to do half the windows as some were not that dirty, now they are all dirty as we dont do them anymore.
Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: williamx on June 05, 2005, 04:24:33 pm
I use to drop customers from my list and not put them back on again when they use to say not this time please.

I have now changed it, I now charge new customers 100 % more for a first clean and then the normal rate there after provoiding they have it cleaned on the agreed time rate, if they don't then they are dropped from the list, and if they want it cleaned again, they have to pay the new customer rate again.
Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: on June 07, 2005, 02:00:23 pm
I had a customer who always moaned that her dog went mad when I came round. Once the dog ripped up the hallway carpet and when she was explaining this to me she gave me the impression that it was me that was the real blame, so I dropped her from the list.

Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: matt on June 08, 2005, 08:11:53 pm
my best 1 is :

I am about to have my dinner  ::) ::)

i replied "its ok, i have had mine, thanks for the offer though"

Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: windows_chepstow on June 08, 2005, 08:28:08 pm
I've had one recently who said 'Not this month, Mate'.

'Why?' I asked him after humping a bucket full of water, my ladders and A-Frames into his garden.

'Because my wife hasn't cleaned the insides, so it's pointless', he says.

'Female Genatalia' I whisper to myself (or words to that effect) as I do a very smart about turn and march off.

Thing is, he wants them done now as he's asked his next door neighbor to find out why I've stopped comming.  Is he thick or what?

I told the neighbor that I'm not going to cart my kit next door, just on the off-chance that his missis has cleaned the insides; therefore I'm allowed to clean the outsides.

Customers like this should realise that they're very easily replaced.  Good window cleaners often are difficult to replace.

Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: Sir Squeaky on June 08, 2005, 08:51:52 pm
Here in Chepstow we've been having our town centre made all rather arty farty.
I was doing a large shop front for years before this work started.
I was then told "leave it about 6-8 months for the work to finish, as it's not worth it"
I assumed I'd still clean his house though, but he then says "No, don't do that either, as I put it through the shop's accounts!"
Of course being probably worth millions and having only 8 cars he couldn't possibly manage to pay cash...

Oh well, his choice, but after a few months he now had a browny grey shop. ;D

Needless to say, the work has long since finished and no word from him. Good account too, but I don't feel like doing him any favours now.

Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: windows_chepstow on June 08, 2005, 08:57:55 pm
Here in Chepstow we've been having our town centre made all rather arty farty.
I was doing a large shop front for years before this work started.
I was then told "leave it about 6-8 months for the work to finish, as it's not worth it"
I assumed I'd still clean his house though, but he then says "No, don't do that either, as I put it through the shop's accounts!"
Of course being probably worth millions and having only 8 cars he couldn't possibly manage to pay cash...

Oh well, his choice, but after a few months he now had a browny grey shop. ;D

Needless to say, the work has long since finished and no word from him. Good account too, but I don't feel like doing him any favours now.



Tell me who he is, and if he phones me (I'm in the phone books); and I'll tell him 'no, 'cos your last window cleaner says you're a toss-pot'.

Honest.  I hate people like that!  You put your prices up and it's the ones with the hot-tub and tennis courts that complain.

We ought to set up some sort of 'black-list' in Chepstow!
Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: zeusjazmin on June 08, 2005, 09:28:40 pm
one lady told me to leave them " cos me and him had an argument,and im thinking of leaving him "
Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: rosskesava on June 14, 2005, 03:14:22 pm
I was putting leaflets through doors and as I put one through a door the lady opened the door, looked at the leaflet and said that everyone in that area used the bus to get to town and then shut the door in my face.

?  ?  ?    ???
Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: pjulk on June 14, 2005, 07:26:41 pm
She must have seen you car.....
Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: pjulk on June 14, 2005, 07:32:10 pm
I had one yesterday.
I have to ring them each month to leave the gate unlocked and sometimes they still forget.
He said he was having his fence done today and does not want them done this month.
I cleaned the rest of the road and he had no work done.
He was outside cleaning his car.
So i walked over and said your window cleaning price is going up £2.50 a month to bring you inline with what others are paying in your road.
I see your fence has not been done today like you said.
(Maybe he though i would not notice)
And next month it will be 50% more due to have to remove two months of dirt.
He said nothing.

Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: UBA1 on June 14, 2005, 07:38:00 pm
I had one yesterday.
I have to ring them each month to leave the gate unlocked and sometimes they still forget.
He said he was having his fence done today and does not want them done this month.
I cleaned the rest of the road and he had no work done.
He was outside cleaning his car.
So i walked over and said your window cleaning price is going up £2.50 a month to bring you inline with what others are paying in your road.
I see your fence has not been done today like you said.
(Maybe he though i would not notice)
And next month it will be 50% more due to have to remove two months of dirt.
He said nothing.


Sweet as ;) ;D
Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: pjulk on June 14, 2005, 08:00:59 pm
Ive got no time for the Not This Month people.
If he says it again he's gone.

Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: Sir Squeaky on June 14, 2005, 08:09:17 pm
Here here.

It's not usually the older folk that say that.
It's the two cars, two kids and too much money lot who play up.

It's because we're "only window cleaners" >:(

Plebs. >:(

Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: AuRavelling79 on June 14, 2005, 10:13:48 pm
They've certainly got a thoughtless attitude. They seem to think they're doing us a favour! It's quite refreshing to dump one of them and watch them squeal. But I only do it to poor value accounts unless they've become really obnoxious.

I need a bit more of the "Graham Gould" attitude methinks! :)
Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: Paul Coleman on June 14, 2005, 11:55:07 pm
They've certainly got a thoughtless attitude. They seem to think they're doing us a favour! It's quite refreshing to dump one of them and watch them squeal. But I only do it to poor value accounts unless they've become really obnoxious.

I need a bit more of the "Graham Gould" attitude methinks! :)

I used to get a lot of "not this month" pleawe.  However, I adjusted my work so that it's every 6 weeks and it doesn't happen much now.  I have been taking on new work lately.  Sometimes I get someone asking for a 12 weekly clean instead of the 6 weekly that I offer.  I just thank them for their enquiry and say that I am only offering a 6 weekly service.  I will go for 12 weekly if the job is worth £40+ though but I don't advertise it.
Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: gaza on June 16, 2005, 12:51:05 am

Title: Re: Excuses/Responses
Post by: baldeagle on June 16, 2005, 07:26:41 am
One of mine asked me to miss her out last time because "The windows are being renewed tomorrow".

Pulled up this month and guess what?
Yup, still the same mangy old Crittall windows, with horrible flaky paint!

So until I see new windows at number 21, I'll continue to give them a miss; but if someone else fills the vacant slot on that round...........

Baldeagle in Staffordshire.