Clean It Up

UK General Cleaning Forum => General Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Ian Gourlay on November 14, 2003, 08:37:43 am

Title: There Must be Money in Car Valeting
Post by: Ian Gourlay on November 14, 2003, 08:37:43 am
Only saw start of program Holiday Swap or somthing.

But there was this guy living in a mansion who does car valeting for the rich folks up north. Not sure if he does it himself

Regularly goes on Cruises.

Maybee he is on this board.
Title: Re: There Must be Money in Car Valeting
Post by: STEVE71163 on November 15, 2003, 10:04:42 am
Hi Ian,
        Their is a company around here that have started up that have got hold of a yard and have started doing car wash and hoover for £10.00 and also full valeting and they are packed everytime you go past their :o

Steve Lowe
Title: Re: There Must be Money in Car Valeting
Post by: Ian Gourlay on November 15, 2003, 11:20:29 am

When I venture out of this backwater,

I see people doing hand car washes at Motorway Service Stations, and as you describe in abandoned yards at industial estates.
Just proves for little risk there is an oportunity.
Perhaps I should look around for a well sited industrial unit to base my cleaning empire and then we could offer valeting and all the extra overheads wopuld be covered.
Can you still get Work Experience People?.  .

We have got an ARC car wash.

However I do think the Guy I am talking about does Fords  However I think one of his customers now lives in Spain.
Title: Re: There Must be Money in Car Valeting
Post by: STEVE71163 on November 15, 2003, 11:55:23 am
Hi Ian,
        When i look over the last few months since they started when they had nothing their apart from buckets,sponges and leathers. Now they have large marque type things with lighting and power washers and loads of other equipment. It must be paying well :D

Title: Re: There Must be Money in Car Valeting
Post by: DP on November 15, 2003, 01:40:34 pm
There is a franchise opperating out of NCP carparks at an area cost of £20k plus. This seems to suit the kids with hoods fraternaty very well, and they are not known to work for pennies, so I agree there must be something in valeting.

Ps. This thread must be killing someone we know right now  ;)
Title: Re: There Must be Money in Car Valeting
Post by: petra on November 15, 2003, 10:05:28 pm
Yes they have been extremly quite, since we asked for free samples
PS WE have a guy round here with a marquee and all that , but he also has an excellent reputation and that is what gets you the work.
Title: Re: There Must be Money in Car Valeting
Post by: Ian Gourlay on November 16, 2003, 07:15:43 pm

That put the Kye WASH on that I was considering offering our NCP Car Park £50 for a pitch a week.

After all its only a brown field site awaiting development.
Title: Re: There Must be Money in Car Valeting
Post by: DP on November 17, 2003, 09:42:23 pm
OOPP's sorry about that, I have seen these guys everywhere in NCP's in the city and outskirts, I was useing NCP's everyday (around here you got no choice).

Personaly I would,nt trust some of the persons Ive seen with me keys, let alone me car, I rekon they might end up as some sort of neck ornament and I would have to barter for them back!

However I came across this franchise the other week and was stunned at the cost of it. Although this company has clearly done a deal with NCP, its still worth an approach if there is nobody there at the mo.

Title: Re: There Must be Money in Car Valeting
Post by: Clean_Waterless on November 28, 2003, 07:55:56 pm
Hi Ian

We are the Waterless Car Cleaning Company Ltd.

We are signing Affiliates throughout the UK setting up their own Valet business. Our latest Affiliate is an ex. BMW valeter in the business for over 6 years. He is now bringing some of his colleagues under his network.

He was very sceptical of the Waterless concept initially. Now he is looking to be cleaning 1000 cars per week!! (not on his own)! That is serious money! & he did not pay much for the privalage!

If you are interested in making good money, visit our web site for further information.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Gary Mansfield
Title: Re: There Must be Money in Car Valeting
Post by: petra on December 03, 2003, 01:05:44 am
Well my car went in for a valet last week (while i should have been relaxing on my hols..but mothers do moan) and god was I impressed it was as nice as the day I bought It (4 months ago) but learn to car and respect my car or add car valeting to my achivement list for next year.......and the chap that clean the car told me how he did it too......
PS waterless (free samples ring a bell)