Clean It Up

UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Carpet Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: stevegunn on November 12, 2003, 06:15:07 pm

Title: Customer cancelled job
Post by: stevegunn on November 12, 2003, 06:15:07 pm
fifteen minutes before i was due to do her carpets today what do you guys do about this sort of thing happening?
Title: Re: Customer cancelled job
Post by: woodman on November 12, 2003, 06:23:30 pm

Pain in the back side I know.

Depends if you do written quotes or not (and if it is a loyal customer)

If you do then you should have Terms & Conditions

In this I state that if a job is cancled at the last minute they will be liable for a payment of £48+ VAT (my minimum charge)

It also states that all changes to appoinment times have to be notified at least 24 hrs before hand.
We can all be a bit flexible here ,people have busy lives and things crop up from time to time which is no problem so long as they let you know.
Title: Re: Customer cancelled job
Post by: Mike Halliday on November 12, 2003, 08:12:13 pm
I just forget about it, go to my local coffee shop buy a grande latte and sit and read all the papers ;)

it's a fact of life you get cancellations. you can try and do something about it but it will just cause you stress the best thing to do is put it behind you. and take the time to chill out

Title: Re: Customer cancelled job
Post by: Mark Betts on November 12, 2003, 08:58:19 pm
I agree with Mike,

Not worth worrying about, it doesn't happen that often.

You could chase for a call out charge etc , but once again too much stress and it will cause bad feeling.

On a couple of occasions I have arived at a job to find knowone in.

On both these occarsions i have just popped a note through the door saying I had missed them and to give me a call etc.

One I heard nothing from but another i had a call a couple of hours later saying the husband had forgotten everyword about it, even though I sent a comfirmation letter etc, She rebooked for the next week.

As for cancelling prior to the appointment date there may be a valid reason for the cancellation ie family issues etc so dont enquire too much as to why as it may embarass the client.

If they do cancel I just thank them for letting me know and if i can be of help in the future to let me know.

However I transfer their name and adress onto my "prospect" database so they still recieve my newsletter etc etc from time to time, you never know the reason for cancellation may be genuine and they could book you in the future.



A cclassic example happened yesterday. I arrived at client hosue to find no one in. She ahd booked me a couple of weeks ago. I had her work phone number so i gave her a call.

Now i could have been shirty etc when she answered but when i said who it was it was she said she had forgot every word about it. She really needed the work doing but said it would take her half hour to get home from work.

I said no problem I would go and grab some lunch and see her in half hour.

Half hour later she arrived apologising profusely. I completed the job (2 bedrooms) and when she paid me she also booked me to clean her Lounge and H/S/L in a couple of weeks.   Now if i had been shirty etc i would not have got the extra work.

Ok it was the last job of the day so i could afford to wait half hour.
Title: Re: Customer cancelled job
Post by: Ian Gourlay on November 12, 2003, 09:45:01 pm
Spend time putting out leaflets, or door knocking or maybee both.
Title: Re: Customer cancelled job
Post by: Ken Wainwright on November 12, 2003, 09:56:49 pm
I'd go with Mike too. Chill out and enjoy the free time. But if you're hungery to expand your business, Ian's suggestion is on the button.
Safe and happy cleaning:)
Title: Re: Customer cancelled job
Post by: Cloverleaf on November 13, 2003, 12:00:59 am
I agree with previous posts.
Its very rare to get a cancellation.
I have found that these people are probably not worth doing business with anyway, and best left alone.
Cant remember how many jobs I'v been to and the customer says, I forgot you were comming, and luckily they have been in (usualy the affluent busy bees) ;D
Title: Re: Customer cancelled job
Post by: Fintan_Coll on November 13, 2003, 01:03:38 am
Get them from time to time, not very often though and sometimes they have good reasons, many will re- schedule and those who do not are best forgotten about.
Title: Re: Customer cancelled job
Post by: Ivar_Haglund on November 13, 2003, 02:08:35 am
;D ;D ;D 8) ::)

That is why I always keep fishing pole and fly rod in work truck sometimes golf clubs

job gets cancelled no big deal

go fishing or play golf

Title: Re: Customer cancelled job
Post by: woodman on November 13, 2003, 11:29:06 am
Agree with most of the above,

nevertheless you should have trading Terms & Conditions this protects you and  the customer.

I can't remember the last time some one cancled last minute that wasn't a genuine emergency.This is due in part I am sure to the fact that they know I might charge them for it.

Your day might not allow you to go and put your feet up as your next appointment could be a customer that has made special arrangements to meet you at a specific time.A cancled or late appointment can put your day out and as such you should have the right (and you do) to compensation.

However this does not mean that you will exercise that right and that in it's self can be a good selling point to the customer who let you down but you must let them know you are 'letting them off' this time ;)

Title: Re: Customer cancelled job
Post by: Len Gribble on November 13, 2003, 10:25:47 pm
At least you got some warning, I know of other so called potential customers (carpet cleaners) phone up and book you, you arrive to find the homeowner is unaware of the booking or it’s a fictitious number and phone numbers, it doesn’t happen often but it’s dose!

It’s worth keeping a data base and cross-reference between good / no show customers or windups.

I agree with most of the posts it’s a two way street, if you’re running late for what ever reason do you phone them? And do they accept your apology?
