Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: BRETT on December 23, 2008, 01:36:17 pm

Title: 2nd january?
Post by: BRETT on December 23, 2008, 01:36:17 pm
just had 10,000 leaflets delivered,planning to get them all delivered on 2nd january,do you think this would be worthwhile this soon after xmas? ???
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: supernova77 on December 23, 2008, 01:38:14 pm
Your going to deliver 10,000 leaflets in 1 day  ???
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: BRETT on December 23, 2008, 01:43:53 pm
hoping to as have got help from a few of santa,s litte helpers ;D
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: landy2 on December 23, 2008, 02:10:37 pm
the trouble i find with leathlets is that you dont get a good responce i find it better to go on the knock on a sunday and see them face to face
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: krave on December 23, 2008, 02:20:23 pm
I have recently started up, and i dont deliver really. I choose a road to go to, i then knock on the door with my planner open and a leaflet in hand. Politely explain that im a local window cleaner in the area, and then continue to ask if they currently have one or are looking at getting one, Then book them in for quote etc.

People that are not in, i leaflet drop and call back a few days after i have cleaned the neighbours, so there is a chance they have seen me. People that say they have one or want one in the future i give a leaflet and say take it as a second port of call. Amount of people that have said they're window cleaners have gone missing is unbelievable ( some of these people also say they have one to get rid of you )

On average i get a new client every ten to fifteen minutes of knocking. Only had one call from just dropping a leaflet, and about five from personally handing them over to people that said they didnt avctually want/need one.

so really knocking and introducing yourself is the much better optiom.

Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: supernova77 on December 23, 2008, 02:46:54 pm
Then book them in for quote etc.

You book them in for a quote? Why not quote them there and then?

Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: Tosh on December 23, 2008, 03:00:05 pm
In estate areas, you can post 100 leaflets per hour (apparantly); so 10, 000 leaflets equals 100 'man hours' to deliver them.

If you plan to do this in one eight hour day, 100 man hours equates to needing 12.5 people to post them; but posting leaflets for an eight hour stretch; non-stop; is going to be tough.

Good on you if you can organise this though.
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: landy2 on December 23, 2008, 03:37:45 pm
i find that people like you loose customers for us cleaners who have rounds by poaching on established work
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: Klean07 on December 23, 2008, 04:04:11 pm
Thats rubbish, Everyone has the right to drop leaflets wherever they like. If your customer is satisfied with your work etc then theres no need to worry about losing any of your customers.
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: AuRavelling79 on December 23, 2008, 04:04:41 pm
i find that people like you loose customers for us cleaners who have rounds by poaching on established work

Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: krave on December 23, 2008, 04:12:22 pm
Then book them in for quote etc.

You book them in for a quote? Why not quote them there and then?


I do when possible, some people dont seem to want me in there and then and ask to come back on so and so date.

i find that people like you loose customers for us cleaners who have rounds by poaching on established work

I think your comment there is very unfair, you dont know me nore do you know my words to customers. As soon as some one says they currently have a window cleaner i follow on by saying im not looking to poach work. but giving someone a leaflet as a second port of call is not unfair on 'you'. It is completely with in reason, same as if a asda leaflet comes through your door but you shop in tesco, and the amount of people that say there window cleaner has dissapeard. So what happens when he might do this. I have to knock again or wait for the next man to get the job first. A second port of call is exactly that, if something goes wrong then contact me.

So how have i poached or tried poaching work? How am i to know the house im knocking currently has a window cleaner?

Again the statement you have posted is rather rude.

Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: landy2 on December 23, 2008, 04:14:19 pm
i have seen cleaners kicked of ther ladders for poaching and so they should it a cleaners living i met someone like you before he tried it on so i give him a taste of his own and started to do all his work for half the price being a big company put him out of buisness did not like it in the end
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: MSTAV on December 23, 2008, 04:26:12 pm
purevision are you on a windup??
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: daniel horne on December 23, 2008, 04:33:42 pm
you need work like everyone els and yes it is every man for there self so good look  :) :) :) there more work out there than you know and more. so do your best but dont think it will all come at once keep working on going out and covering as much as you can with in 10 mils of you then do it again. 10 week later you never no how much you will get bye doing that but give it ago. :D :D
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: Paul Coleman on December 23, 2008, 04:41:18 pm
i have seen cleaners kicked of ther ladders for poaching and so they should it a cleaners living i met someone like you before he tried it on so i give him a taste of his own and started to do all his work for half the price being a big company put him out of buisness did not like it in the end

Personally, I think you should castrate them and boil them in oil.  How dare someone try to do business on someone else's "patch"?
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: davids3511 on December 23, 2008, 04:45:28 pm
i have seen cleaners kicked of ther ladders for poaching and so they should it a cleaners living i met someone like you before he tried it on so i give him a taste of his own and started to do all his work for half the price being a big company put him out of buisness did not like it in the end

How did you find 'all his work'. Did you follow him around for a month or two?
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: geefree on December 23, 2008, 04:45:33 pm
Everyone has a right to start up,

you cant think... oh im going to be a window cleaner, and sit at home waiting for the phone to ring, because you have a free line in the yellow pages....

You have to get out there and find the work, .. yes  i think he is winding you up. ??? ;)
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: landy2 on December 23, 2008, 04:51:21 pm
you know what custys are like 50 pence cheaper then they will go with anyone
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: karygate on December 23, 2008, 05:17:41 pm
that only applies to c** ;Dp window cleaners
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: RO-Sheen on December 23, 2008, 05:21:38 pm
you know what custys are like 50 pence cheaper then they will go with anyone

That comment speaks volumes about your quality of work!!! ::)
 If you did a great job and were regular and reliable your customers wouldn't drop you for a saving of 50p! If you were very pleased with the service of your window cleaner would you drop him to save 50p???
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: mick hay on December 23, 2008, 05:25:41 pm
Ive built my whole business on leaflets, over nearly 4 years and have a very profitable one. i leaflet where i want, yea had some calls of off the "big men" stating im on "their patch". Really strange when they actually meet me and apologies for their attitude saying they was having a bad

I never poach other w/c work, only take on custies who have no cleaner. As from march i will be dropping 10,000 a month for 10 months. Always been my best source of advertising.  ;) ;)
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: Chris Galloway on December 23, 2008, 05:27:56 pm
you know what custys are like 50 pence cheaper then they will go with anyone

Goes to show your custy service cant be that good. Or maybe its the type of custy's you have taken on in the first place.

However if my current custys want to go elsewhere for 50p, then they are welcome too.

Just because someone already has a window cleaner doesn't stop me from earning a living, however i wont blatantly under cut anyone just to get it. I will just give my charge, if that less, then so be it. ( I never ask how much anyone pays).

Not everything is about cost anyway, as many of my customers are paying more then they used too. They are happy for a reliable, honest window cleaner.
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: geefree on December 23, 2008, 05:32:01 pm
One customer said i was £4 dearer than her previous window cleaner, whilst having a cuppa with me.... but she said she likes how i work and what i do , compared to him... he left all his dirt on the window ledge.. and missed an odd window...basically she said he put more dirt on than he took off.

And i hear that very very often.... and see it too.

And i say... keep doing it....

it helps me no end.
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: ftp on December 23, 2008, 07:48:08 pm
Mick Hay, just curious but why would you want to drop 100,000 leaflets? I always thought you were very successful so would think you had a full round - or do you employ as well?
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: peter holley on December 23, 2008, 08:01:00 pm
you know what custys are like 50 pence cheaper then they will go with anyone

 ;D ;D ;D ;D iv never read such nonsense in my life.....the customer decides who to have , and its not based on prrice alone....oh and i like to see you or anyone else kick my ladders... they are on top of my van ;D so you will iether hurt your foot or strain yourself.... big company? ::)
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: mick hay on December 23, 2008, 08:25:52 pm
Mick Hay, just curious but why would you want to drop 100,000 leaflets? I always thought you were very successful so would think you had a full round - or do you employ as well?

 i'm looking to take on more work to start employing end of next year.
 i'm just about to reach the vat threshold on my own, so as soon as i go over the threshold, i might as well take the bull by the horns and start building a larger business.
 Ive someone i know well who keeps asking if he can come on board, we have spoken a lot and he knows how i work and what i expect, so hopefully, he will be a good employee!!   ;)

Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: ftp on December 23, 2008, 08:29:13 pm
Well done Mick, i've got a lot of respect for chaps like you. You'll have to publish your secrets one day.  ;)
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: windowswashed on December 23, 2008, 08:32:45 pm
Good window cleaners build up good rounds by word of mouth from happy customers and advertise where they think best.

Leafleting 10,000 potential customers, (some who already have a window cleaner) is poaching other window cleaners work intentionally unless clearly stated on the leaflets IMO.

Obviously window cleaners need to find new work from time to time and competition can be healthy, but too many window cleaners in one local area will slowly force prices down regardless how good one can clean windows. Economic year to follow will see many new redundant workers enter window cleaning, driving the prices down, ruining it for regular, professional w/c'ers obtaing new work at a later time when these wanabies move away from w/c because the economy picks up and they move into easier jobs again. WFP has made it all too easy for many more new starters to establish themselves in the market of window cleaning as they don't have to climb ladders anymore or clean tradition style.  

For those who have an established round who leaflet..... if your customers are happy with your window cleaning service and you are short of work ask your customers to recommend you to their family and friends and their friends too.

Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: ftp on December 23, 2008, 08:46:52 pm
How do you get your work Windowsashed?
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: windowswashed on December 23, 2008, 08:52:01 pm
How do you get your work Windowsashed?

Most of it is from recommendations, some from parish magazine, some from advertising elsewhere and some from website. Never leafletted although there's always a first time for everything.
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: mick hay on December 23, 2008, 08:53:35 pm
I definatley dont drive prices down, im the most expensive in the area, other w/c cant understand how customers pay it!!

I leaflet to keep my name and logo fresh in peoples minds, and i get referalls weekly who know how much i charge, so they are happy to pay that bit more!

You have to remember though, you go into business to make money, and you wont make money by being shy about putting your name about in case you annoy other w/c.

 I didnt get into window cleaning with the outlook of cleaning windows til i retire, i want to be in the office overlooking everything, and my next step is towards that!!!

Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: DaveG on December 23, 2008, 08:55:15 pm
Ive built my whole business on leaflets, over nearly 4 years and have a very profitable one. i leaflet where i want, yea had some calls of off the "big men" stating im on "their patch". Really strange when they actually meet me and apologies for their attitude saying they was having a bad

I never poach other w/c work, only take on custies who have no cleaner. As from march i will be dropping 10,000 a month for 10 months. Always been my best source of advertising.  ;) ;)

Mick , when you leaflet drop do you call back and door knock or do they contact you?

Cheers Dave
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: gary999 on December 23, 2008, 08:59:11 pm
its a free market i leaflet where i want to
unless it states on the door no free papers or leaflets ;D

customer decides who they want

i dont leaflet houses that i know for sure have a window cleaner
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: mick hay on December 23, 2008, 09:04:30 pm
I dont knock, i have 10,000 at a time go out, then about 2 months later another 10,000.

I always wait for the custie to contact me and ASK ME for a quote, rather than me asking them if they want a window cleaner. When they ask you, you are in control, hence you can demand a higher price!!

I come from a sales background, sold timeshare in spain, cars advertising. etc etc, so i still use some of my sales knowledge.

Door knocking is an excellent way of building a round, if you have the time, however, i found the way i do it, i can get better priced work!!

You jus have to be a bit patient, but believe me it works!!!  ;)
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: peter holley on December 23, 2008, 09:15:23 pm
its a free market i leaflet where i want to
unless it states on the door no free papers or leaflets ;D

customer decides who they want

i dont leaflet houses that i know for sure have a window cleaner

bbbbbaaaahhhhh! how ya doin matey?

Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: AuRavelling79 on December 23, 2008, 10:10:46 pm
How do you get your work Windowsashed?

Most of it is from recommendations, some from parish magazine, some from advertising elsewhere and some from website. Never leafletted although there's always a first time for everything.

Sorry, windowswashed? Say that again... because if that Parish magazine goes out to my customers then you are no different in essence to the leaflet dropper. Offering your services to my customers!

Do that round my patch (everywhere within a 250 mile radius of Birmingham) and I'll smash your windscreen, push you off your ladder and behave like the complete thug that I am!

In case anyone thinks my threats are serious - j/kidding ww!

Seriously - a Parish mag is a much better idea than leaflets IMO.
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: Paul Coleman on December 23, 2008, 11:17:12 pm
Mick Hay, just curious but why would you want to drop 100,000 leaflets? I always thought you were very successful so would think you had a full round - or do you employ as well?

 i'm looking to take on more work to start employing end of next year.
 i'm just about to reach the vat threshold on my own, so as soon as i go over the threshold, i might as well take the bull by the horns and start building a larger business.
 Ive someone i know well who keeps asking if he can come on board, we have spoken a lot and he knows how i work and what i expect, so hopefully, he will be a good employee!!   ;)

Hey, that's some business you've built to go near the VAT threshhold on your own.  Well done !!  I hope to emulate you but that will take a while I think.
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: Glyn H on December 24, 2008, 12:58:03 am
10,000 leaflets @ 30 seconds per leaflet = 83.5 hours work,
so you will need nine helpers working for 8 and bit hours each -
sounds exhausting
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: stfc on December 24, 2008, 07:41:02 am
im doing a leaflet drop that day,when i go out i aim for around 10 per 1000 delivered,and never fails,im aiming for around 40 new customers for january,and i deliver around 300 pe hour
Title: Re: 2nd january?
Post by: gary999 on December 24, 2008, 08:59:36 am
its a free market i leaflet where i want to
unless it states on the door no free papers or leaflets ;D

customer decides who they want

i dont leaflet houses that i know for sure have a window cleaner

bbbbbaaaahhhhh! how ya doin matey?


okay sheepmeister ;D ;D

have a good one ;)