Clean It Up

UK General Cleaning Forum => General Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Unique on March 09, 2005, 03:38:31 pm

Title: kitchen stainless steel sink (urgent)
Post by: Unique on March 09, 2005, 03:38:31 pm
Hi everyone

Can you help solve my problem? ???

Yesterday one my new cleaners cleaned a customers sink with toilet cleaner. She thought she was doing the right thing as the customer had not supplied the correct cleaning product to remove the limescale from the draining board and from around the taps.

This has left the sink looking a lighter colour in parts and you can notice the streak marks.  Can anybody tell me how to fix this problem and what to get for it?  I would be very grateful

As a side thought,  Most of our customers use our products, which i know are strong, but gentle enough not to mark anything.  I am wondering now, to save this kind of thing happening in the future whether to always supply the cleaning products for residential customers.  Your opinions please.


Title: Re: kitchen stainless steel sink (urgent)
Post by: wreelyclean_servic on March 09, 2005, 03:54:54 pm
See page 3 of this forum there is a question on there that may help.
Title: Re: kitchen stainless steel sink (urgent)
Post by: Tim Downer on March 09, 2005, 04:34:49 pm
Yes we have had the same problem in the past.
Certain toilet cleaners are good for cleaning the sinks and taps, and do bring them up to a lovely shine.
However, if the cleaner has been poured over the sink, and left there for even 20 / 30 seconds or so, then it has done its job and cleaned the areas that were covered.....but not the areas that were not covered.
Before going out and spending money on the suggestions on page 3 of the forum, go back to this sink with the toilet cleaner. This time pour over the sink and immediately cover the whole sink area using sponge or cloth. Hopefully this will rectify the problem.....if it does help...BINGO!!...If not then its back to page 3 suggestions.

All the best


P.S It may well be an idea to buy one of those products incase my idea doesn't work, then at least you are there and can use it straight away (careful and in ventilation....don't want you to mix chemicals in small area and then keel over). If you do not need it you can take it back and get your money back!!
Title: Re: kitchen stainless steel sink (urgent)
Post by: Unique on March 10, 2005, 03:19:22 pm
Thank you both Wreelyclean Services and Tim for replying.  I am going to give both ideas a try.  I will let you know what happens.

Title: Re: kitchen stainless steel sink (urgent)
Post by: Sarah2005 on March 10, 2005, 05:56:31 pm

Hope you managed to resolve the issue with the sink!

I am only in the very early stages of setting up my domestic cleaning business, infact only currently at the research stage, preparing and attending courses etc.  I decided in the beginning to supply my own products as I personally thinks it looks professional and will help me to charge the right price, as the Customer is not supplying you with their products and feels that their home is being cleaned with professional products that they will assume are far better than the products available to them in the Supermarkets.  I understand most of your Customers use your products, however I would personally recommend you supply all your own.  That is just my personal view and the route I am taking, hope it helps you with your decision.  This incident should be the answer in itself and has confirmed to me I made the right decision.

Sarah :)

Title: Re: kitchen stainless steel sink (urgent)
Post by: Jan K on March 10, 2005, 06:24:16 pm
Hi Sharon!

I agree with Sarah, but just for the record, before I started supplying my own products, I had a clause in my Terms and Conditions that stated if the correct products/machines/supplies were not available then we couldn't be expected to do a proper job and in that case the job wouldn't be carried out. It would have been better to just leave the sink/taps and explain the reasons why. To be blunt, I wouldn't have even entertained the idea of using a toilet cleaner down the sink, and I only use bleach based products on the strict understanding that Clients realise we aren't insured for using them and they give us permission to use them at their own risk! :)
Title: Re: kitchen stainless steel sink (urgent)
Post by: Unique on March 11, 2005, 12:52:49 pm
I agree with you Jan and Sarah.

The cleaner is quite new and personally if i was doing the job i would not have attempted to clean the sink with toilet cleaner. 

It has made me realise that perhaps my induction training needs looking at.  The cleaner speaks english quite well but after talking to her i realise that she does  not  always understand english. Rather than saying that she does not understand she just says yes. 

Oh well just another day at work ;)
Title: Re: kitchen stainless steel sink (urgent)
Post by: Jan K on March 11, 2005, 07:04:03 pm
Unique, I think it's a case of chalking another one up to experience, learning by both ours and our staff's mistakes and getting on with it all. None of us are expoerts in everything, but we quickly learn and that is the way to succeed. As long as we are able to handle things tactfully both with staff and Clients I personally don't think making mistakes would cause any short or long term problems. I believe that if you make sure your staff are confident that they can approach you in this respect and that you assure your Clients that mistakes, if any, are dealt with promptly and efficiently.......well everyone is secure in the knowledge that you have a good business head and are in control.......waffling on again ain't I? ;D
Title: Re: kitchen stainless steel sink (urgent)
Post by: CMS on March 11, 2005, 07:46:59 pm
You could try using baby oil.

But there IS something I have used on a similar occasion.

One of my staff used toilet cleaner on the stainless steel door of a lift in a prestige office block!!! I used a product called 'Shiny sinks'. I've never seen it sold commercially but EVERY supermarket sells it.

Hope this gets you out of trouble.
Title: Re: kitchen stainless steel sink (urgent)
Post by: keith b on March 11, 2005, 10:24:19 pm
Hi Unique,

Try using bi-carbonate of soda with a little water and rub gently in to sink, then wash down with sponge and clean water, and dry with old newspaper.

Do test a small area first!

good luck and let me know how you got on!
Title: Re: kitchen stainless steel sink (urgent)
Post by: Unique on March 14, 2005, 10:43:05 am
Thank you for everyones input.

I actually tried everything, BarKeepers Friend,
the said  toilet cleaner, bleach etc

What worked was brasso metal cleaner. 

I have also ordered Peek cleaner which i've had in the past but did'nt realise how good this product is. I shall always have some by.