Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Mikey Warner on October 30, 2003, 11:32:02 pm

Title: Calling all GG4 Users
Post by: Mikey Warner on October 30, 2003, 11:32:02 pm
Hi Guy's it's the new boy again!

I have just started using GG4 and used it by following the 5ml per gallon as instructed and found it hard work (maybe cause i'm new might have summit to do with it  ::)) I have now doubled the dose (and a tad more) and find it easier to work with now.

What I am posting for is to see what dosages you guy's use??

Many thanks Mikey ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Calling all GG4 Users
Post by: STEVE71163 on October 30, 2003, 11:38:55 pm
Hi Mikey,
            I use GG4 and i put two 5ml measures to a quarter of a bucket of water (Contractors bucket). I did find that GG4 takes a bit of getting used to and holding the squeegee lighter helped as well. :D

Title: Re: Calling all GG4 Users
Post by: Mikey Warner on October 30, 2003, 11:43:09 pm
Cheers Steve, I do like the stuff, but as i am still new to this biz i struggle a bit to see where i've been when squeegie'n off, ha ha, I'm used to following the bubbles you see, ha ha.

Title: Re: Calling all GG4 Users
Post by: g_griffin on October 31, 2003, 12:05:14 am
Hi Mikey,  I find I use a stronger dosage than it says on the bottle (5ml per gallon) but have no particular method  for measuring. I usually keep adding a bit until I`m happy. I find it also depends on the state of the windows- some inside hardly need any but some dirtier windows outside I tend to need a stronger solution. I suppose all our windows are different so we use different quantities not to mention different bucket sizes. If you`re finding it a bit easier now,  then you`re not doing so bad. I`ve been using it a few  months and  find its still a bit hit and miss.  Gerry.
Title: Re: Calling all GG4 Users
Post by: shinnyshinner on October 31, 2003, 12:23:05 am
Hi Mikey
Hows tricks I use about 30-40ml to 3/4 full of water I too use contractors bucket.
Title: Re: Calling all GG4 Users
Post by: Mikey Warner on October 31, 2003, 12:43:23 am
Hi Guy's, Hi Shinner,

It's funny really, i Have 3 of those 5ltr Aqua-Pura bottles in the motor, 1 with just over 5ml in, 1 with 10ml in and the other with 15ml in, ha ha, just look at the windows and take my pick (chance?)  :-/ ::) ;D

Title: Re: Calling all GG4 Users
Post by: shinnyshinner on October 31, 2003, 12:46:27 am
Flash sod
you must be earning to much
I can just about afford a sample in my van
Title: Re: Calling all GG4 Users
Post by: Mikey Warner on October 31, 2003, 12:49:48 am
Well you know what it's like when you first start, I ordered 5 samples!! just to try it out,  ::) ::) ::) ::)  :D
Title: Re: Calling all GG4 Users
Post by: shinnyshinner on October 31, 2003, 12:54:36 am
Hi mikey
I ordered 3 and when they come thought they was not going to last long so got the Big bottle
As I was talking to steve the other day I dont know what to make of it I give it till the end of the bottle but might go back to persil.
If I do all my customers will go thought you said it was better dug a hole there.