Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: groundhog on May 29, 2008, 06:39:07 pm

Title: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 29, 2008, 06:39:07 pm
I priced up a huge guttering job some time ago, I've just been told that I have got the job! Which is good but when I originally priced it I didn't realise that there was a plastic mesh over the guttering, I originally intended on hiring a gutter vac, but I don't think this will be any good, unless I go around removing all of the mesh first!! :-\ Not something I really want to do as there is over 300mtres of gutter!!!
Someone has sugested using drain rods to push it all through and a high pressure hose to clean the mesh, anyone tried this? or any other ideas would be appreciated.  ???
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: pdale on May 29, 2008, 06:43:12 pm
It will be a bad one if there's trees around. The mesh gets full of twigs and leaves. I've learnt from experience myself!
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 29, 2008, 06:45:28 pm
How did you clean them mate, there are trees about, I'm worried about what I've let myself in for!!!!! :-\
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: Alex Wingrove on May 29, 2008, 06:49:08 pm
here is what i think

pressure washer and lance, blast it out, messy but effective, very quick aswell,

you will spend some time clearing up though, can you get a lad to help you do it? give him £80 to sweep up etc
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: pdale on May 29, 2008, 06:54:17 pm
The job i did was nowhere near as big as yours. The mesh was detachable, so i had to remove it. I also suggested to the customer not to put it back on as the twigs made the gutters worse by blocking any dirt flowing. This had the desired effect so i didn't have to put it back on.
I then just got my hands dirty with a small trowel, cus it was chocca.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: Jon-scwindows on May 29, 2008, 08:04:57 pm
i had a job yesterday large house and it had all the plastic mesh in it, i was using a ladder, but got my pole and twisted the brush so it was straight as the pole, then used that horizontally to clean it out. Put the mesh back afterwards as i went along. Not nice using the ladders! they get top heavy with the standoff / mess bucket up the top and with the stabiliser strapped to the bottom.

the majority of the stuff you can blast out, especially with a pressure washer, i had my hose up the top and used that to blast stuff along and rinse down with varistream up a bit.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: cherubs cleaning on May 29, 2008, 08:43:42 pm

how high is it

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: Skyglide on May 29, 2008, 09:17:55 pm
Stick to cleaning windows - lots of them - keep all your kit clean. Good profits.
Pressure washing is a mess everywhere, customers don't like it.  By hand is the most effective way.
We have one of our staff who will do these jobs (trad for 10 years), other than that we don't touch gutter work - windows only.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: Neil Williams on May 29, 2008, 09:32:49 pm
but I don't think this will be any good, unless I go around removing all of the mesh first!! :-\ Not something I really want to do as there is over 300mtres of gutter!!!

Don't take this personally but....TOUGH
Take it from me you can't clean gutters out with this stuff in place so it will have to come out.
And why didn't you get up there at quote stage and see what you were up against?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: Wayne Thomas on May 29, 2008, 09:39:29 pm
You can normally tell if there is guttering mesh with the tell tale clips poking out of the guttering with short spaced intervals.
I always asks any customers if they have the guttering mesh, if they have, I normally decline the jobs as it means pressure washing the dirt out and making a mess everywhere or getting the ladder up there and it's time consuming doing it all by hand or using drainage rods.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 29, 2008, 10:29:07 pm

Don't take this personally but....TOUGH
Take it from me you can't clean gutters out with this stuff in place so it will have to come out.
And why didn't you get up there at quote stage and see what you were up against?

Oooer Mrs :-* whats rattled your cage?

Don't worry, I will still do ok out of it, seeing as its priced at over £1400!!
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on May 30, 2008, 12:52:01 am
Nearly off topic Graham  ::)

Am I the first one to create an add on for his Harris pole? ? ? ? ? ?

Tonight I was in the workshop converting my other Harris pole, I finished that and remembered I wanted a gutter hook, I had looked on the net but couldn't find one at a reasonable price to suit my needs.

I used an old Unger pole that fitted the end of the Harris pole, hammered banged and cut it up on my bandsaw until I had a hook shaped spoon.

I stuck it on the end of My Harris Pole and cleaned the rear of my guttering out in less then five minutes, I have never in all my years cleaned out guttering this fast before.

Just another tool in my Box for my guttering work.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 30, 2008, 01:21:04 am
Nearly off topic Graham  ::)

Am I the first one to create an add on for his Harris pole? ? ? ? ? ?

Tonight I was in the workshop converting my other Harris pole, I finished that and remembered I wanted a gutter hook, I had looked on the net but couldn't find one at a reasonable price to suit my needs.

I used an old Unger pole that fitted the end of the Harris pole, hammered banged and cut it up on my bandsaw until I had a hook shaped spoon.

I stuck it on the end of My Harris Pole and cleaned the rear of my guttering out in less then five minutes, I have never in all my years cleaned out guttering this fast before.

Just another tool in my Box for my guttering work.

Any chance of a photo Jeff? that sounds interesting!!
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on May 30, 2008, 01:26:21 am
Nearly off topic Graham  ::)

Am I the first one to create an add on for his Harris pole? ? ? ? ? ?

Tonight I was in the workshop converting my other Harris pole, I finished that and remembered I wanted a gutter hook, I had looked on the net but couldn't find one at a reasonable price to suit my needs.

I used an old Unger pole that fitted the end of the Harris pole, hammered banged and cut it up on my bandsaw until I had a hook shaped spoon.

I stuck it on the end of My Harris Pole and cleaned the rear of my guttering out in less then five minutes, I have never in all my years cleaned out guttering this fast before.

Just another tool in my Box for my guttering work.

Any chance of a photo Jeff? that sounds interesting!!
I'll put one up tomorrow and I'll get someone to take a picky of me using it on the harris pole.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 30, 2008, 01:36:32 am
Cheers mate!!  :)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on May 30, 2008, 01:31:46 pm
Well, its not pro looking but boy does it work, This is my protor type, I will be making a much more pro looking one if field tests are successful, preliminary tests are running great.
The hook
Just pushes onto the Harris Pole.
Closer View
In Action on my Workshop Guttering
This one is doing my house guttering out the back
The spoon shape picks up the muck

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on May 30, 2008, 09:02:18 pm
But how do you get that sloppy silt-like red tile gunge out?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 30, 2008, 09:28:26 pm
Wow that looks great Jeff!! I'm definetley going to give that one a go!!

Anyway the panic is over, I went back up to have another look at the gutter cleaning job that I have, and the mesh is only on a very small section of gutter, the rest haven't got it!! :) They are however very blocked with pine needles mainly :(
So it looks like a may be hiring out a gutter vac after all!! ;D
Unless anyone else wants to lend me one for a competitive price!!! ;)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on May 30, 2008, 09:43:13 pm
What? Like this?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on May 30, 2008, 09:45:12 pm
Or this?

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: cherubs cleaning on May 30, 2008, 09:49:51 pm

you can hire mine if you want

jerry    (watford)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: shaun Collier on May 30, 2008, 09:50:15 pm
sorry guys,

but i really don't understand why you need fancy equipment to get sh!t out of gutters? are people so paranoid or scared of ladders. how can you know a gutter is clean without looking inside it? ladders can be made to be safe with all the stability and safety products, ladders are an integral part of a window cleaners kit (wfp or trad). i of course understand that certain jobs are too dodgy for ladders but allowances should be made to hire access equipment.. sorry but i still don't understand how you can clear a gutter without looking innit


Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on May 30, 2008, 09:56:35 pm
Couldn't agree more.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 30, 2008, 09:58:21 pm
(http://) No like this!!
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on May 30, 2008, 10:01:08 pm
No problem.  Is there mesh under that?

Anyway, it's always good to have proof that you have done the job..., as Shaun says...

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 30, 2008, 10:02:53 pm
sorry guys,

but i really don't understand why you need fancy equipment to get sh!t out of gutters? are people so paranoid or scared of ladders.



I'll let you get up there and clean them out then Shaun!!!
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 30, 2008, 10:10:00 pm
How much Jerry? And how high does yours reach? Is it a 240 volts version or do you use a generator? Oh and do you have the spike to loosen the debris?
And thanks for the offer mate!!!  :)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 30, 2008, 10:11:42 pm
And another view... Go on Shaun your brave, get up there mate!!!  ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: shaun Collier on May 30, 2008, 10:15:16 pm
no problem. as per my last post. make allowances to hire access equipment. personally a towable mewp stuck on the back of my landy....but my opinion is that you need to see you have cleared the gutters and not CHECK, CHECK again as its such an integral part of a buildings water shedding capabilities. obviously its a nice building and a comprehensive contract. just imagine if you caused more damage by hard packing crap into the downspouts without knowing and the resulting damage later in the winter rains. if you check you will see it. besides having a go at me for an opinion won't help your inability to check all details BEFORE quoting. sorry if thats brutal...truth often hurts. please don't bodge it to get it on budget, trust me, walk away with an apology is better than being in the paper for trashing peoples beautiful flats when the damp gets in from an overflowing guttering


Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 30, 2008, 10:18:28 pm
Ever heard of a gutter cam Shaun? Technologies an amazing thing you know!!  ;)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: cherubs cleaning on May 30, 2008, 10:20:42 pm

you pick up or del: ?

110 v 5 kva gen

48/55 feet

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 30, 2008, 10:22:29 pm
I'd pick it up
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: cherubs cleaning on May 30, 2008, 10:25:19 pm
do you wat the cam as well ?

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: shaun Collier on May 30, 2008, 10:26:28 pm
which raises my original question. why all the fancy kit to move sh!t. also what happens if you dislodge a gutter joint or a gutter joint which takes 30 seconds to click in, do you tell punter sorry but my gutter cam looks but can't touch, you'll have to get a plumber to fix it!! lets face it, modern plastic guttering, especially standard trade supplied crap (coz its cheap) busts its joints in the sunshine, i always pop em back in, so when i clear gutters they don't leak much either, if they do, extra brass to fix. please dont take personally


Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 30, 2008, 10:31:51 pm
do you wat the cam as well ?


Depends how much extra cost?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 30, 2008, 10:38:02 pm
which raises my original question. why all the fancy kit to move sh!t. also what happens if you dislodge a gutter joint or a gutter joint which takes 30 seconds to click in, do you tell punter sorry but my gutter cam looks but can't touch, you'll have to get a plumber to fix it!! lets face it, modern plastic guttering, especially standard trade supplied crap (coz its cheap) busts its joints in the sunshine, i always pop em back in, so when i clear gutters they don't leak much either, if they do, extra brass to fix. please dont take personally



Shaun I really don't know why you are so concerned! I promise I will take great care not to damage the guttering!! And if there are any leaks, then I will cross that bridge when I come to it!!  ;)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: windowwashers on May 30, 2008, 10:39:04 pm
which raises my original question. why all the fancy kit to move sh!t. also what happens if you dislodge a gutter joint or a gutter joint which takes 30 seconds to click in, do you tell punter sorry but my gutter cam looks but can't touch, you'll have to get a plumber to fix it!! lets face it, modern plastic guttering, especially standard trade supplied crap (coz its cheap) busts its joints in the sunshine, i always pop em back in, so when i clear gutters they don't leak much either, if they do, extra brass to fix. please dont take personally


Agree with you a bit there Shaun, I use ladders to fix and or clean gutters, I would use a gutter vac if I wanted to go down this route in business, something for the time I dont, it is an add on to window cleaning and I am insured to do it.

gutter vacs I think are a great idea but people thinking that they will never need a ladder are mistaken or if they choose this route when something goes wrong they will have to pay for it to be fixed and that is not cheap, some will nevr have this problem and fair play to them it is safer

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 30, 2008, 10:43:02 pm
So you would get up a ladder to clean the guuters in the photo I have posted then Ian? What the photo dosn't show is how uneven the ground is!! If I had told the management company that I was going up there on a ladder I can guarantee that I would not have got the contract!!
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: shaun Collier on May 30, 2008, 10:45:08 pm
coz u asked an open forum for an opinion, i gave one, you sent a sarcy response, i responded, kinda fun and a way of promoting ideas and getting good advice, sometimes gems turn up outta blue in response to others opinions, sorry if you're tekin my comments wrong way.


Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: windowwashers on May 30, 2008, 10:47:31 pm
So you would get up a ladder to clean the guuters in the photo I have posted then Ian? What the photo dosn't show is how uneven the ground is!! If I had told the management company that I was going up there on a ladder I can guarantee that I would not have got the contract!!
Not saying that at all m8.

Commercial gutter cleaning is different to domestic and I took it as that is what shaun was talking about, commercial is totally different on most, again I will say I think gutter vac is a good idea.

I aint knocking you I dont do that  (poser) just saying what I think  ;)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 30, 2008, 10:49:07 pm
Who you calling a poser? you poser!!!  ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: windowwashers on May 30, 2008, 10:49:54 pm
Who you calling a poser? you poser!!!  ;D
loooooooooooooool least I smiled at the glass  ;)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 30, 2008, 10:57:01 pm
I thought you was grimacing!!  ;) Good vid though mate, when you gonna do some more??
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on May 30, 2008, 11:11:37 pm
But how do you get that sloppy silt-like red tile gunge out?
I use my pressure washer and Lance, Like I said in my original post, the hook was the remove any weeds growing out of the guttering.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on May 30, 2008, 11:13:17 pm
sorry guys,

but i really don't understand why you need fancy equipment to get sh!t out of gutters? are people so paranoid or scared of ladders. how can you know a gutter is clean without looking inside it? ladders can be made to be safe with all the stability and safety products, ladders are an integral part of a window cleaners kit (wfp or trad). i of course understand that certain jobs are too dodgy for ladders but allowances should be made to hire access equipment.. sorry but i still don't understand how you can clear a gutter without looking innit


I know mine are clean because I use CCTV on the end of my pole.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 30, 2008, 11:16:40 pm
Did you stick a camera on the end of your harris pole Jeff??  :o
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on May 30, 2008, 11:19:21 pm
Did you stick a camera on the end of your harris pole Jeff??  :o
The picture with my hook in the workshop guttering was taken with my cctv cam that I stuck on the end of my Xtel, but its just as easy to stick it on the Harris pole.
The rest of my pics were taken with a digital camera.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: windowwashers on May 30, 2008, 11:25:19 pm
I thought you was grimacing!!  ;) Good vid though mate, when you gonna do some more??
I have another on cam now I done today, I am going to do a whole lot more all the ones I am doing for the next moth are tests to get better at filming (I am not a film director) I may go and get a new camcorder (do they still call them that :-\ ) next moth as I have a few things up my sleeve for it.

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on May 31, 2008, 07:48:21 am
Did you stick a camera on the end of your harris pole Jeff??  :o
The picture with my hook in the workshop guttering was taken with my cctv cam that I stuck on the end of my Xtel, but its just as easy to stick it on the Harris pole.
The rest of my pics were taken with a digital camera.
So was this one taken with a cctv camera?  Damned good pic for that.  This is a still from a movie is it?

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jonah on May 31, 2008, 07:59:06 am
Did you stick a camera on the end of your harris pole Jeff??  :o
The picture with my hook in the workshop guttering was taken with my cctv cam that I stuck on the end of my Xtel, but its just as easy to stick it on the Harris pole.
The rest of my pics were taken with a digital camera.
If you can be bothered , could you mail me with details of how you have your set up please ?   ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 31, 2008, 08:34:17 am

The picture with my hook in the workshop guttering was taken with my cctv cam that I stuck on the end of my Xtel, but its just as easy to stick it on the Harris pole.
The rest of my pics were taken with a digital camera.

Did you just stick it on using tape? I'm going to try it today, don't tell the wife though, its her digital camera, and I'm not sure she'd appreciate it being dangled over a gutter at 30ft!!!!  ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on May 31, 2008, 11:51:26 am
Sorry for the delay Guy's
The picture in the guttering is taken from a still with the cctv, its a wireless cctv available from Maplins for around £100, there excellent for close up shots (ideal in my case) but bloody rubbish for a security camera, they have ccd (close coupled device for the techno's) chips in them crisp clear images.

When I use it, I just cable tie the camera to my pole and Tape a pp3 battery just below it for power, There rated at 8v but all electronics have a small tollerance so 9v is no big deal.

Down below we have a small portable TV screen and the boss usually sits in the car shouting out if she see's any obstructions, when custy's are around this isn't the ideal situation, so I borrowed my grandsons portable tv and video recorder to try out and the results are brilliant for what we need, I have offered my grandson £100 for his little set up and so far the little git won't part with it :'( :'(

A couple of pics of the cctv up on my pole.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: Jeff Brimble on May 31, 2008, 03:15:26 pm
Do you just load it onto photobucket to put the link on here as we do with stills ?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on May 31, 2008, 05:28:21 pm
Sorry for the delay Guy's
The picture in the guttering is taken from a still with the cctv, its a wireless cctv available from Maplins for around £100, there excellent for close up shots (ideal in my case) but bloody rubbish for a security camera, they have ccd (close coupled device for the techno's) chips in them crisp clear images.

When I use it, I just cable tie the camera to my pole and Tape a pp3 battery just below it for power, There rated at 8v but all electronics have a small tollerance so 9v is no big deal.

Down below we have a small portable TV screen and the boss usually sits in the car shouting out if she see's any obstructions, when custy's are around this isn't the ideal situation, so I borrowed my grandsons portable tv and video recorder to try out and the results are brilliant for what we need, I have offered my grandson £100 for his little set up and so far the little git won't part with it :'( :'(

So you don't take still's as such, you take a film and grab images from that, yes?

Have you a link to the Maplins item?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on May 31, 2008, 08:43:09 pm
Sorry for the delay Guy's
The picture in the guttering is taken from a still with the cctv, its a wireless cctv available from Maplins for around £100, there excellent for close up shots (ideal in my case) but bloody rubbish for a security camera, they have ccd (close coupled device for the techno's) chips in them crisp clear images.

When I use it, I just cable tie the camera to my pole and Tape a pp3 battery just below it for power, There rated at 8v but all electronics have a small tollerance so 9v is no big deal.

Down below we have a small portable TV screen and the boss usually sits in the car shouting out if she see's any obstructions, when custy's are around this isn't the ideal situation, so I borrowed my grandsons portable tv and video recorder to try out and the results are brilliant for what we need, I have offered my grandson £100 for his little set up and so far the little git won't part with it :'( :'(

So you don't take still's as such, you take a film and grab images from that, yes?

Have you a link to the Maplins item?
I only use the cctv for guttering work and at the moment its just for my own benefit and not the customers, well I suppose in a way it is for the custy's benefit as I can check out the guttering properly.
My grandsons DVD Recorder with TV was a present from his other grandmother, when she visited the states.
This means Yes, I do take stills but on this occasion I took stills from the dvd.

I bought the CCTV system from my local maplins, but I'll check out there site for a link
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on May 31, 2008, 09:00:03 pm
OK Found a link at Maplins, Looks like I had a bargain? I had 2 camera's with my kit.

With this system there is the camera (Transmitter) and the receiver, now these will have a power supply that plugs into the mains at home, this is no good for our use, so you will have to make up your own leads, this is very easy, a plug that fits into the camera supply cable and on the other end a pp3 battery clip, make sure you get the positive and negative wire the right way, Plugs will have to be soldered, so it doesn't interfere with the signal.

You will also have to do the same for the receiver, plug and pp3 battery clip.

All you need then is a portable TV, I bought a little 7'' one from Tesco's Around £69.99 0r £79.99 (can't remember the correct price, sorry) and if you go the full hog, you can get a little portable DVD recorder, I'm still trying to source one at a reasonable price.

On a sunny day you will have to face away from the sun, as this blurs the picture, so just face the other way and it will work fine.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 31, 2008, 11:07:22 pm
I cleaned all of the low level guttering using a ladder today, really easy apart from the 25mtr stretch which has the mesh on it!! What a waste of time that stuff is, they were still quite full of crap despite the mesh, and it was a real pain getting under it to clean them, I'm just glad that the rest of the building does not have the mesh on the gutters!! I surveyed the high level 3rd storey gutters, with my high tech camera on a stick!!! And to my surprise they are not too bad at all, looks like I could have an easy day with the hired guttervac on wednesday, I also got chatting to a couple of the neighboors, and they want their gutters cleaned as well!!! I think wednesday is going to be my highest earning day ever!!!!!!!! ;D yipee!!
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on May 31, 2008, 11:19:19 pm
I cleaned all of the low level guttering using a ladder today, really easy apart from the 25mtr stretch which has the mesh on it!! What a waste of time that stuff is, they were still quite full of crap despite the mesh, and it was a real pain getting under it to clean them, I'm just glad that the rest of the building does not have the mesh on the gutters!! I surveyed the high level 3rd storey gutters, with my high tech camera on a stick!!! And to my surprise they are not too bad at all, looks like I could have an easy day with the hired guttervac on wednesday, I also got chatting to a couple of the neighboors, and they want their gutters cleaned as well!!! I think wednesday is going to be my highest earning day ever!!!!!!!! ;D yipee!!
Its a great feeling walking along and looking into the guttering from the ground, it goes to show that we don't need to spend thousands of pounds to see whats up there.
Been out in the workshop today building my Mk2 version of my gutter cleaner, this one is spring loaded and adjustable.
Its like a giant pair of tongs operated by piano wire from the ground  ;D when Its finished I'll stick some piccy's up after I've tested it.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on May 31, 2008, 11:32:46 pm
Sounds like another great idea Jeff!!! I am tempted to use a similar tool to clean out the high gutters on this job, especially after seeing from my survey that there isn't that much crap in them!! But I put it in my method statement that I would be using a guttervac for the high level stuff, and the residents actually seem quite excited about it!! So I had better not dissapoint them, I'm making a lot of money from this job, so I suppose £70 to hire the vac out won't hurt!!!
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on May 31, 2008, 11:45:26 pm
The vac will make you look pro, but on your next Job go for a hook and save £70  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 01, 2008, 12:02:05 am
The vac will make you look pro, but on your next Job go for a hook and save £70  ;D ;D

Next time I will just state, that all work will be carried out from ground level, and checked using my high tech camera system!! ;D I won't be lying will I !!!  ;D
I must admit though, I am quite looking forward to trying out the guttervac!!! That may be my next diy project! ... The wife has just said I better keep my hands off her Dyson!!!!  ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 01, 2008, 03:20:02 pm
Well Mk2 is complete a bit OTT the boss said but after lots of testing also removing and adding bits, it now works a treat, I don't think its too good on the harris pole on full extent, I then stuck it onto my XTel and that was the Biz.

I had this idea when on a guttering Job last week were I had 3 Tennis Ball's in the guttering and I had to resort to Ladders (YUK!) to remove them.
My business is now completely ladder free, so the Mk1 will be used for a general clean before the lance goes up and the Mk2 will be used to remove any foreign objects that I see up there, Just another tool to my collection.

The Tongs are operated by pulling the piano wire, you can see 2 black things, these are set to around bungalow Height and house Height, the third silver one, I hope to set for 3 story Height.

The pressure is set by the wing nut against a spring and the spring also serves to open up the tongs when I release the wire.
The tongs them self's are made out of that non-slip aluminum flooring so they have excellent grip.

Full View

Tension screw and spring along with the attached wire fixture.

Gripper plates and pole holder section

Handles for better pulling power

In use on the upper guttering on the Harris pole

Just going in for the kill on the workshop guttering

And what do we have here?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: Jeff Brimble on June 01, 2008, 03:29:04 pm
Excellently inventive !

Sure my gran had some wooden ones for getting the washing out of the boiler and lucky you have a hard skin to put up with the salad tong jokes.

What happens if you dont use the spring ?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 01, 2008, 03:30:43 pm
Excellently inventive !

Sure my gran had some wooden ones for getting the washing out of the boiler and lucky you have a hard skin to put up with the salad tong jokes.

What happens if you dont use the spring ?
I remember the old wooden ones Lol
If you don't use the spring, then you will have to lower it every time to re-open the tongs up.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: Jeff Brimble on June 01, 2008, 04:09:19 pm
I can just see Unger - inventors of the Fixi clamp, coming along and tempting you with loads o £££ for the rights. Hope so anyway  :)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 01, 2008, 04:18:07 pm
That will be the day Jeff, Well I could do with the money in September Lol
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: pitcher on June 01, 2008, 04:23:45 pm
jeff hi camera looks great must come round 2 you and give me demo
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 01, 2008, 04:24:47 pm
jeff hi camera looks great must come round 2 you and give me demo
I thought you seen it craig?
Pop around some time and have a look.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: pitcher on June 01, 2008, 04:30:29 pm
no but i think with all the gutter work i do i should invest in one just taken ROK contract on start monday 84 house to do by august  325 next site
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 01, 2008, 04:39:17 pm
How much do you charge to remove a tennis ball?

Serious question, btw.

Or do you insist on clearing the whole building?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 01, 2008, 04:46:47 pm
no but i think with all the gutter work i do i should invest in one just taken ROK contract on start monday 84 house to do by august  325 next site

Craig did you get that phone number I posted for you?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 01, 2008, 04:49:23 pm
How much do you charge to remove a tennis ball?

Serious question, btw.

Or do you insist on clearing the whole building?
I suppose I would remove just a tennis ball but to find out its a Tennis ball, the CCTV would have to come out first to locate it.
I recon on £20/£30 to do the Job and I'm not joking, travel time, set up time,  do the Job and put everything away.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 01, 2008, 05:07:42 pm
That seems reaspnable to me.  If you think what the job could cost by ladder/MEWP/scaffolding, your £20 (£30 might be pushing the envelope?), it seems good value.

I'#d try to do the whole house if possible, and charge around £55 for a 3 bed semi.

I'd go for £25 to remove something like a ball - retrieve a frisbee etc from a roof.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 01, 2008, 05:11:13 pm
I always try to get the full Job, but if someone was persistent, I may possibly relent and do it, not my ideal way of making money.

I can just see a customers face when you quote £30 just to remove a Tennis Ball, they really don't understand what's involved.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 01, 2008, 05:35:36 pm
That grabber thing looks good.

Have you thought about adapting either of these:
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 01, 2008, 05:36:53 pm
And where do you get piano wire from without upsetting a pianist?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 01, 2008, 05:39:11 pm
That grabber thing looks good.

Have you thought about adapting either of these:
  • One of those litter picker grabber things
    A tree pruner

Jouk on the Academy Forum, posted a picture of a litter grabber, saying about adapting one but I think the tree pruner may prove a little on the heavy side as they are made of steel tubing
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 01, 2008, 05:44:57 pm
And where do you get piano wire from without upsetting a pianist?
Ha Ha
I savaged mine from one of my Draught drawing boards in the workshop, as I did with the black plastic hand grips and the silver weight you see in the pictures.

I suppose you can get it on-line.

I Can't say a lot but a similar one to My Mk1 gutter hook, is on someone's drawing board and will be on sale in the future.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 01, 2008, 08:51:58 pm
Keep it up!

We have suction
crud reduction
emulsification of the crudtion

removal of the un-approvable
elimination of the nation's gunction
eradication of the motion
or non-motion of the non-motion potion lotion
and the destruction of the muction.

George Cross in the post for the man with the most

(my arm hurts)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 01, 2008, 11:53:11 pm
Mr Tumble

Have you been on the BOOZE?????  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 02, 2008, 07:05:29 am
No, just being creative for a change.

Anyway, it looks like the angle of the wire where it exists one of the arms might put som unwanted force on some of the parts.

Ideally wouldn't you want to be able to pull the wire in a striaght line as possible to reduced any twisting motion?

How about incorporating a small pulley at that point for the wire to rotate around?  Or do you have a smooth flange of some sort at that point?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!JEFF
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 02, 2008, 02:51:06 pm
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 02, 2008, 03:41:25 pm
Ah Ah, you see you wasn't paying attention was you????? ;D ;D

The grippers have a tension wing nut fitted, now if you undo the wing nut, you are able to close it with ease, no need for different angles etc.

The cable does just come through the hole and rubs against the aluminum, I would suspect over time that a groove will be worn into the alley, I could add a little wheel or even a phosphor bronze bearing, but to be honest for the amount it may get used, it may not be worth the extra effort.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 02, 2008, 05:11:45 pm
I can't find a spring anywhere.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 02, 2008, 05:17:21 pm
The second picture down on my photo's and you'll see the spring.

If you mean you can't find one at home? then do what I did and steal one  :o

I found an old metal child gate and on there was a nice spring, that what you see in my photo's. ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 02, 2008, 05:50:09 pm
I'm going to have a go at this and I have a six inch steel rule that I can bend and it has enough spring to do the job I think.

btw, I have someone asking em to put a couple of leaf guards in their downpipes and your grabber thing will be just the job.

I wonder if you can get some old washing machine tongs.  That's the chap - tongs.  Littler picker use them too.

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 02, 2008, 05:55:15 pm
These tongs might be a bit too big for gutter work.

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 02, 2008, 06:46:46 pm
They won't be any good Mr Tumble  because there is no where to add the pole?  ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 02, 2008, 06:49:47 pm
That reminds me, Mr jeff, where did the tube come from where you stick the end of the Harris pole?

And did you rivet it to the arm?  I guess you must have rivetted/screwed it in at least two places to stop it twisting/flopping down?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: NWH on June 02, 2008, 06:58:10 pm
Groundhog do you know what i would do and it works,get a hose pipe and attatch it into the gutter at 1 end flood the gutter and then drain rod the down pipes until it no longer over flows.As all the rubbish is being pushed along if you drain rod it it will eventually clear all the debris away.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 02, 2008, 07:05:24 pm
That reminds me, Mr jeff, where did the tube come from where you stick the end of the Harris pole?

And did you rivet it to the arm?  I guess you must have rivetted/screwed it in at least two places to stop it twisting/flopping down?

The tube was the Boss's old mop handle  :o  ;D

I drilled 2 larger holes to get a screw driver in and then 2 smaller holes to screw it with self tapping screws, I had to do this a few times Just the get the angle right.
I do use a lot of rivets but non on the tube section.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 02, 2008, 07:07:41 pm
Groundhog do you know what i would do and it works,get a hose pipe and attatch it into the gutter at 1 end flood the gutter and then drain rod the down pipes until it no longer over flows.As all the rubbish is being pushed along if you drain rod it it will eventually clear all the debris away.
It doesn't always work Matt,
what if you have an extra unwanted garden growing in the guttering, If it was so simple I would not have come up with the hook in the first place, it was taking ages with a lance and pressure washer, just to try and blast it out.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 02, 2008, 07:10:16 pm
Its a good idea mate, but I have already done the majority of the job, the lower level guttering at the sides and rear of the complex, I actually used a similar method, although I didn't use a hose, just an 8 ft rod with a bung fixed onto the end, I kept pushing the rubbish along the gutters, and then clearing it out every 25ft or so, it worked well.
I have to use the guttervac for the high level stuff, as I stated it in my method statement, and the residents seem quite excited about it for some reason!!! ;D
Hopefully going to be using the guttervac on wednesday, so I will post some pictures and let you all know how it went!!
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: NWH on June 02, 2008, 08:00:52 pm
Even if there are plants in there it will still soften them and move them along to the down pipe ready for you to rod,if it dosen`t leak or overflow they won`t know.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: Jeff Brimble on June 02, 2008, 08:11:52 pm
What ! are you suggesting we leave the muck up there as long as the downspouts are clean ?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 02, 2008, 08:14:12 pm
I think he is suggesting that you wash it down the downpipe!
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: Jeff Brimble on June 02, 2008, 08:15:49 pm
Oh I see, it was the  "if it dosen`t leak or overflow they won`t know. "  ???
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 02, 2008, 08:16:07 pm
I had this problem last week with a garden in the guttering and even the lance and pressure washer had a hell of a job shifting it.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 02, 2008, 09:22:20 pm
If it's just the downpipe that's blocked (and you know that from a camera), why not vacuum from below and avoid all the pipes in the air?

If the downpipe goes into the ground, you might have to get permission to cut a hole in it to attach your vac.

Why vacuum up the top if the gutters are clear?

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 02, 2008, 09:39:55 pm
If it's just the downpipe that's blocked (and you know that from a camera), why not vacuum from below and avoid all the pipes in the air?

If the downpipe goes into the ground, you might have to get permission to cut a hole in it to attach your vac.

Why vacuum up the top if the gutters are clear?

If there is a blockage in the down pipe, I use a steel mouse with a hook on the end, if it does go right into the ground  sometimes you can remove the rubber boot and feed the mouse up that way. if you can't take it apart, then I do revert to the lance and blast it down.
No vacuums in my hands, I haven't built one yet.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 02, 2008, 09:50:35 pm
Please explain about your steel mouse Jeff, I'm intrigued!!!  :)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 02, 2008, 10:02:17 pm
Pinching more of my idea's  ;D ;D ;D ;D  ;)

Its a BT steel Mouse, they use them for feeding cables under floor boards and look like those big cloth talpe measures.

If I did't have it I would go to Screwfix and buy myself an electricians kit for feeding cables under the floor, there small rods made of fiberglass very bendy with hooks etc you can stick on the end.
Ideal for cleaning out downpipes.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 02, 2008, 11:11:07 pm
Pinching more of my idea's  ;D ;D ;D ;D  ;)

Its a BT steel Mouse, they use them for feeding cables under floor boards and look like those big cloth talpe measures.

If I did't have it I would go to Screwfix and buy myself an electricians kit for feeding cables under the floor, there small rods made of fiberglass very bendy with hooks etc you can stick on the end.
Ideal for cleaning out downpipes.

I still haven't got a clue what your talking about Jeff, but I'm going to find out, as this sounds like an excellent tool to have!!!  :)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 03, 2008, 02:51:18 am
Have a look at this page then and you will see what I mean.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 03, 2008, 08:07:36 am
I only half see what you mean.

How do you propose to use these?

I see two tpes - the rigid fibreglass ones and the fishing tapes.

Are you suggesting that these are used for clearing downpipes?


Do you put some sort of bung on the end of the hook and draw it through the pipe?

If so, how can it cope with the funy angles that you get near the hopper at the top of the pipe?

How can you cope if the pipe does not have an open end where it gets to the ground?

Is the flexible fishing wire the preferred choice?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: windowwashers on June 03, 2008, 08:09:55 am
I only half see what you mean.

How do you propose to use these?

I see two tpes - the rigid fibreglass ones and the fishing tapes.

Are you suggesting that these are used for clearing downpipes?


Do you put some sort of bung on the end of the hook and draw it through the pipe?

If so, how can it cope with the funy angles that you get near the hopper at the top of the pipe?

How can you cope if the pipe does not have an open end where it gets to the ground?

Is the flexible fishing wire the preferred choice?
Mr Tumble, any chance you could make your signature picture smaller, anyone with a slow pc will be waiting ages for a page to load only to see this several times
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 03, 2008, 08:14:19 am
I only half see what you mean.

How do you propose to use these?

I see two tpes - the rigid fibreglass ones and the fishing tapes.

Are you suggesting that these are used for clearing downpipes?


Do you put some sort of bung on the end of the hook and draw it through the pipe?

If so, how can it cope with the funy angles that you get near the hopper at the top of the pipe?

How can you cope if the pipe does not have an open end where it gets to the ground?

Is the flexible fishing wire the preferred choice?
Mr Tumble, any chance you could make your signature picture smaller, anyone with a slow pc will be waiting ages for a page to load only to see this several times
I'll look into it.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 03, 2008, 08:36:49 am
[quote author=windowwashers link=topic=56041.msg478187#msg47818

Mr Tumble, any chance you could make your signature picture smaller, anyone with a slow pc will be waiting ages for a page to load only to see this several times

I'll look into it.

Don't get rid of the Mr Tumble picture!! My son's a big fan!!!! ???
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: windowwashers on June 03, 2008, 08:39:03 am
[quote author=windowwashers link=topic=56041.msg478187#msg47818

Mr Tumble, any chance you could make your signature picture smaller, anyone with a slow pc will be waiting ages for a page to load only to see this several times

I'll look into it.

Don't get rid of the Mr Tumble picture!! My son's a big fan!!!! ???
I dont mean the pic of mr tumble its the pic thats half the size of the posts he does.  ;)

My kids also like Mr Tumble
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 03, 2008, 08:40:20 am
The trouble is that its on  website - I tried to change it but can.t  I might have to get another if it's a pain in the areese ffor some.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: windowwashers on June 03, 2008, 08:42:22 am
The trouble is that its on  website - I tried to change it but can.t  I might have to get another if it's a pain in the areese ffor some.
I dont understand what you mean, I can help you if you explain it a little more clearly (I is a bit thick you see)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 03, 2008, 08:44:40 am
Quote from: groundhog link=topic=56041.msg478198#msg478198

Don't get rid of the Mr Tumble picture!! My son's a big fan!!!! ???
I dont mean the pic of mr tumble its the pic thats half the size of the posts he does.  ;)

My kids also like Mr Tumble

Few that's a relief, my 2 year old would have been well upset!!! Whats going on in the picture at the bottom anyway Mr Tumble?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 03, 2008, 08:50:47 am
The trouble is that its on  website - I tried to change it but can.t  I might have to get another if it's a pain in the areese ffor some.
I dont understand what you mean, I can help you if you explain it a little more clearly (I is a bit thick you see)

The sig is a direc link to a website - so I can.t make it smaller.  Here it is: (
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 03, 2008, 08:52:03 am
Quote from: groundhog link=topic=56041.msg478198#msg478198

Don't get rid of the Mr Tumble picture!! My son's a big fan!!!! ???
I dont mean the pic of mr tumble its the pic thats half the size of the posts he does.  ;)

My kids also like Mr Tumble

Few that's a relief, my 2 year old would have neen well upset!!! Whats going on in the picture at the bottom anyway Mr Tumble?
Follow the link for explanation (
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 03, 2008, 08:53:48 am (

Sorry, this one maybe.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 03, 2008, 08:54:39 am
I give up.  Got to go to work.   :)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: windowwashers on June 03, 2008, 08:55:11 am

Sorry, this one maybe.
or maybe even this one: (
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 03, 2008, 11:42:13 am
I only half see what you mean.

How do you propose to use these?

I see two tpes - the rigid fibreglass ones and the fishing tapes.

Are you suggesting that these are used for clearing downpipes?


Do you put some sort of bung on the end of the hook and draw it through the pipe?

If so, how can it cope with the funy angles that you get near the hopper at the top of the pipe?

How can you cope if the pipe does not have an open end where it gets to the ground?

Is the flexible fishing wire the preferred choice?
The spring steel one on the reel is the best one to have, I'm not saying the used by anyone else, I am saying this is what I use.

There like the drain clearing tool you can buy, they will go around all the bends of down pipes.
I added a little hook to mine, when you feel a blockage just give a little extra push and a slight twist and this does  the trick of grabbing the blockage, you simply then pull it downwards.

The fish tape I use on the reel is so flexible, that if I get a down pipe that is sealed on the end with a rubber bung, you can remove the rubber bung and normally get your fingers in enough to slip the fish reel into the bottom of the down pipe and feed it up the pipe.
There has been cases where the down pipe goes into a solid ground with no access in this case you have to look for alternative ways, I was able to slip the joint on one of them and access through there.

I am designing my self a little wheel that I can add to my pole that will direct the end of the fish wire into the top of a hopper, but I'm not 100% sure this will work until its built and tested.

Apart from doing all the above also using the pressure lance if all that fails then its back to ladders, but my intentions are to completely remove ladders from my business, were there is a will there is away, so I will design something to help me acheive this aim.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 03, 2008, 06:51:43 pm
Necessety/mother of invention thing innit.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 03, 2008, 06:57:21 pm
Anything to make life easier and safer is my motto ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 03, 2008, 07:03:10 pm
Going to get up early tomorrow, and go to Omnipole to get my hired guttervac for the day, does anyone know how to get there? ???

If all goes well I may start another thread to let you all know how things went with the guttervac, I'm quite looking forward to it!! :D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 03, 2008, 07:05:24 pm
Its a pity Omnipole didn't have hire centers dotted around the country, they would make some good money in hire sales.

Hope all goes well for you tomorrow Gray?

Don't forget the piccy's ;)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 03, 2008, 07:39:10 pm
Thanks Jeff!! I wish they had one more local as well! I live near Portsmouth, and I'm going to leave about 6am to make sure I miss the traffic and get there for 8.30 when they open. I'm charging the camera up right now!!! :)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 03, 2008, 08:03:25 pm
Jeff, I think you may be making life difficult for yourself with the gutter grabber...

You have the wire entering through the arm on the left of the pic (taken on the ground), while the tube for taking the Harris pole is on the right.

Surely you must be putting all that strain pulling on the hole where the wire exits.

Surely you need the wire to be exiting on the same side as the arm that is supported by the pole?

Maybe I'm wrong, but that's how it looks from here.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 03, 2008, 08:54:43 pm
Jeff, I think you may be making life difficult for yourself with the gutter grabber...

You have the wire entering through the arm on the left of the pic (taken on the ground), while the tube for taking the Harris pole is on the right.

Surely you must be putting all that strain pulling on the hole where the wire exits.

Surely you need the wire to be exiting on the same side as the arm that is supported by the pole?

Maybe I'm wrong, but that's how it looks from here.
I see what your saying Mr Tumble and agree with you, if I turn the tension up on the spring it has a tendancy to try and twist but when its in the guttering it can't twist because the guttering stops it.

Also I have the tension spring set to minimum and with it set there, you can pull the grabber closed with just 2 fingers.
Don't forget Mr Tumble this is only a protor type, I shouldn't have called it Mk2 as its a different design completly from the Mk1 version, the Mk2 version like lots of things I make could easily end up in the Bin ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 03, 2008, 09:16:25 pm
I'm with you on the development side of things.

I've made my own now, and can see that there are a number of variables.

The positioning of the spring
The length of the spring
The angle of the tube that receives the Harris pole
The position of the draw string
Whether to use rivets or machine screws in the various locations.

But I think there's some potential for this thing - limited, yes, but I can think of a few uses.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 03, 2008, 10:43:40 pm
I'm with you on the development side of things.

I've made my own now, and can see that there are a number of variables.

The positioning of the spring
The length of the spring
The angle of the tube that receives the Harris pole
The position of the draw string
Whether to use rivets or machine screws in the various locations.

But I think there's some potential for this thing - limited, yes, but I can think of a few uses.
There is always room for improvement  ;D
Don't use a powerful spring, the reason for the spring is to just reopen the grabbers, so you don't have to lower it to open them back up.
You can see rivets on mine also 1 self tapping screw, the hole below this screw is a curved shape to allow the grabbers to swing open, if you put in a straight line of holes then the screw can bind and stop free movement.
My main reason for it is to just grab items out of gutters, my Mk1 is the best for getting Gardens out of the gutters.

Lets see your pictures of it then Mr Tumble.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 04, 2008, 07:38:04 am
I'll do them later.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: windowwashers on June 04, 2008, 07:46:21 am
I'll do them later.
Cheers for removing the pic Mr tumble ;)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 04, 2008, 08:31:50 am
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 04, 2008, 08:32:35 am
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 04, 2008, 08:33:28 am

...end of pics.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 04, 2008, 01:45:59 pm
There tall ones Mr Tumble?
Looking at yours I may just move my cable down further, althouth there easy to operate moving them down will make it an easier task.

Have you tried them out yet? when you do let us know how they handle.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 04, 2008, 03:40:51 pm
No, I haven't tried them yet.

Yes, I used the whole length of ally square section.

I notice that the tube connected to the arm is a bit fragile.

I put the cable there as I knew that it would be easier to operate than at the top.

The cable I used is 1/16th galvanised steel wire from b&q.

My spring is too small and tight really - i need one with a longer 'frequency' if you know what I mean.

I have three gutter leaf guards (for the downpipe) to install next week, so will try to use it then.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 04, 2008, 03:51:25 pm
Here's a job it won't cope with...

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 04, 2008, 04:23:49 pm
I would use my Mk1 on that and then finish of with the lance.

The spring to reopen the Mk2 doesn't need to be a very strong one, just enough to re-open the Jaws.

You may be able to see now why I put the wing nut onto my bolt, when you undo it you are able to open the jaws a bit wider but again this is governed by the length of the spring.

I hope it all goes well for you next week. ;)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 04, 2008, 08:26:09 pm
I just ordered a whole box of springs from screwfix!

Much time to play with.

Do you think longer arms or shorter are better?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 04, 2008, 08:34:43 pm
I just ordered a whole box of springs from screwfix!

Much time to play with.

Do you think longer arms or shorter are better?

Now that is a question non of us know the answer to? you have the long set and I have the short set.

Just Guessing though, shorter is lighter and might give better balance.

The main thing to think about with the grabbers are Weight , ease of use, grab distance between the tongs and ease of operation to close the grabbers.
I have decided to drill a couple more holes down the bottom and put the pull wire down there.

So were learning from each other on this one.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 04, 2008, 09:05:12 pm
I went to bed last night thinking about cams and having two wires perhaps, then I remembered that I only had two hands, not four.

and phosphor bronze bushes.

and spring(s) outside of the arms?

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 04, 2008, 10:06:59 pm
Its alright going to bed thinking about it, its when you start to dream about it, it becomes a problem ;D ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 04, 2008, 10:30:26 pm
Its alright going to bed thinking about it, its when you start to dream about it, it becomes a problem ;D ;D
And I just ate a large piece of cheese!
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 05, 2008, 11:31:25 am
Well the job is finished, I have just returned the guttervac to omnipole! That was the worst bit!! having to drive to Croydon, over 2 hours each way!!! My shoulder are aching a bit after cleaning all that guttering yesterday, but I don't mind as I made some very good money!!! Anyway I'll tell you the rest later, I'd better go and clean a few windows first!!  ;)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 05, 2008, 02:23:09 pm
Well done Gray, like I said its a shame omnipole did't have out-lets up and down the country to hire out there gutter vacs, I'm sure they would make some good money from the hire side, its a little to far for a lot of guy's including my self.

Get those piccy's on.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: Glyn H on June 05, 2008, 04:40:38 pm
We do hire out all over the UK but obviously its only worth it to our customers  if they need the  kit  for a weeks hire as the couriers delivery and collection cost is about £50.00.
Local authorities, MoD etc. tend to hire for a month at a time and to them its a really cheap option as they save thousands £££ not needing to  put up scaffolding.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 05, 2008, 04:48:03 pm
We do hire out all over the UK but obviously its only worth it to our customers  if they need the  kit  for a weeks hire as the couriers delivery and collection cost is about £50.00.
Local authorities, MoD etc. tend to hire for a month at a time and to them its a really cheap option as they save thousands £££ not needing to  put up scaffolding.
That's nice to see that you do hire up and down the country Glyn.
Like I said, its a shame you don't have out-lets where we could go and hire one locally, as I'm sure there would be quite a few guy's (including myself) that would hire one from you.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 05, 2008, 09:05:00 pm
Jeff and anyone else who's interested - here's tonights mods.

I wasn't happy about having a circular face against a flat one - a bit wobbly, so I got some channel (U shape) and bolted it with five bolts to the tube that goes on the Harris pole.

This meant I could mount the grabber to the Harris pole with two flat surfaces - with bolts AND Araldite.  It's really solid now.

The other things was trying to sort the spring out.  I had a whole box of the things delivered from Screwfix, but could I find the one i need?  pah!

You see the results below.

The grabber's ok, but not much movement at the tip.  But we don't need much.  I need to find a longer spring, but the ones I have had have been mainly too strong.

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 05, 2008, 09:05:36 pm
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 05, 2008, 09:06:09 pm
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 05, 2008, 09:06:51 pm
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 05, 2008, 09:07:28 pm
pics end
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 05, 2008, 09:34:00 pm
Nice Mods Mr Tumble, the spring can be a pain in the rear though can't it?

The trouble is were we have the spring fitted you need more effort to operate it, I think if it was lower and fitted with a weaker spring, it will work so much better.

This week-end I'm lowering my wire (like yours) and lowering the spring, I also have a spare pole end, so might just fit it in like yours to make it permanent.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 05, 2008, 10:00:30 pm
Did you see I ave two springs fitted?  This is because the springs are nice and loose, but they are not very long, and I can't get two to sit together so I thought I would put them in different places.

But this means the arm travel is restricted. 
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 05, 2008, 10:22:44 pm
Jeff, also have a think about those grab arm arcade games.

And think about the actuation of rodded bicycle brakes.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 05, 2008, 11:33:51 pm
Jeff, also have a think about those grab arm arcade games.

And think about the actuation of rodded bicycle brakes.
How many times did you ever win any thing on those bloody things  ;D ;D

I recon once you get the spring right Mr Tumble you won't want to use any thing else.

The spring on those brakes are very strong and may take some pulling power.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 06, 2008, 07:33:12 am
Good point about not winning anything!

As for the brake idea - it might look a bit strange holding a bicycle up against the house - especially if you extend the forks by 25'.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 06, 2008, 10:17:23 am
Its going to look silly with a bike on top of a pole though ;D ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 06, 2008, 03:56:50 pm
Heres the kit;  :)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 06, 2008, 04:06:05 pm
Here's my verdict on the abilty of the grabber to get hold of a plant and get it out:


Need a mod.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 06, 2008, 06:33:10 pm
Heres a close up;
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 06, 2008, 06:54:02 pm
What about that blue and orange bendy nozzle?  Got a pic of that?  Could you remove it as it looks a bit narrow for gutters?

And did it get blocked up easily?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 06, 2008, 06:54:52 pm
Ready to clean those gutters!!
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: mark dew on June 06, 2008, 06:57:12 pm
what is the pole with the pointy bit that is next to the electric reel on the 2nd pic above?
Is is just to loosen hard debris?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 06, 2008, 06:58:45 pm
OK I know its the wrong way round!! couldn't work out how to turn it!!!
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: mark dew on June 06, 2008, 07:07:19 pm
OK I know its the wrong way round!! couldn't work out how to turn it!!!

the 6th and 7th buttons along the bottom from the right allow you to turn the picture 45 degree in either direction. Although i think you have to save it 1st.

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: mark dew on June 06, 2008, 07:16:17 pm
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: windowwashers on June 06, 2008, 07:21:54 pm
Jeff, also have a think about those grab arm arcade games.

And think about the actuation of rodded bicycle brakes.
How many times did you ever win any thing on those bloody things  ;D ;D

I recon once you get the spring right Mr Tumble you won't want to use any thing else.

The spring on those brakes are very strong and may take some pulling power.
The reason you win very rarly on them is because they are programed, you didnt really think it was skill did you ? put enough money it you win as the grabber closes with more pressure.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 06, 2008, 07:24:57 pm
Thanks for that Mark!! The spike on the end of the powerpole is to loosen up the debris as you said.  :)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: mark dew on June 06, 2008, 07:29:08 pm
Thanks for that Mark!! The spike on the end of the powerpole is to loosen up the debris as you said.  :)

cheers groundhog.
It's another very interesting thread you have put up that has got my mind working on future options.
keep it up!!  ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 06, 2008, 07:32:03 pm
Thanks Mark, I will post some more about the gutter job later, got to eat my takeaway now. Cheers  ;)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 06, 2008, 07:45:02 pm
Here's my verdict on the abilty of the grabber to get hold of a plant and get it out:


Need a mod.
What happened the Mr Tumble? Mine worked OK, I pulled out a gutter garden of around 2 feet long with mine today.  ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 06, 2008, 08:32:12 pm
Jeff, the shape of the nippers on the end I reckon - they are round, when they need to be square-ish.

What I'm trying to say is that my nippers are only meeting at one very small point, meaning that I'm lucky to catch anything in them.

I ran out of time as usual, but I think I know what I need to do.

As it is, the nippers I am using will be fine to remove a tennis ball, just not plants.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 06, 2008, 08:36:33 pm
Jeff, also have a think about those grab arm arcade games.

And think about the actuation of rodded bicycle brakes.
How many times did you ever win any thing on those bloody things  ;D ;D

I recon once you get the spring right Mr Tumble you won't want to use any thing else.

The spring on those brakes are very strong and may take some pulling power.
The reason you win very rarly on them is because they are programed, you didnt really think it was skill did you ? put enough money it you win as the grabber closes with more pressure.

I'm thinking just of using the mechanical parts, not the electronics.  The grabbers in the game have pointed tips - we need three tips coming toether which means anything in the way gets grabbed.

Look at one of those washing line things:

.. there's something about the way that thing operates that make me think we could make an efficient grabber for plants.

Bicycles not needed Jeff.  ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 06, 2008, 08:41:57 pm
When i made mine, I measured and marked them out, I then cut them out on my bandsaw, then I put them clamped together onto the grinder so they were both the same size and a uniform fit, both my grippers are flat against one an other.

I also put a bit of an edge on the tips, just so I could use them like a saw to cut through the gutter gardens, sometimes these gardens are quite long, so being able to cut them helps.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 06, 2008, 08:46:43 pm
Jeff, also have a think about those grab arm arcade games.

And think about the actuation of rodded bicycle brakes.
How many times did you ever win any thing on those bloody things  ;D ;D

I recon once you get the spring right Mr Tumble you won't want to use any thing else.

The spring on those brakes are very strong and may take some pulling power.
The reason you win very rarly on them is because they are programed, you didnt really think it was skill did you ? put enough money it you win as the grabber closes with more pressure.

I'm thinking just of using the mechanical parts, not the electronics.  The grabbers in the game have pointed tips - we need three tips coming toether which means anything in the way gets grabbed.

Look at one of those washing line things:

.. there's something about the way that thing operates that make me think we could make an efficient grabber for plants.

Bicycles not needed Jeff.  ;D

A washing lines a bit big to go onto the pole  ;D ;D

I see what your saying Mr Tumble but to have 3 grabber arms, may be ideal for some types of guttering but if you end up with a gutter mostly covered by the roof tile, then the 3 armed grabber will become useless because it won't fit in, even the grabber will suffer the same problem, A hook on the end for the narrow type guttering will do the job.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 06, 2008, 09:12:09 pm
Heres a close up of the main attachment that I used;
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 06, 2008, 09:12:47 pm

You've no idea how many google images of wrecking claws/arcade games I have had to look at to come up with the notion of the upside-down rotary washing line!
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 06, 2008, 09:13:53 pm
Heres a close up of the main attachment that I used;

Is that aluminium that tube?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 06, 2008, 09:15:53 pm
And heres tha other attachment provided:
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 06, 2008, 09:17:21 pm
And hers the drum just before the first time I emptied it!
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 06, 2008, 09:27:53 pm
And heres tha other attachment provided:
What's that for? Rectaloctomy?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 06, 2008, 09:28:40 pm
Yes mr tumble the tube is alliminium, and I had 36ft of it!!
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 06, 2008, 09:33:40 pm
WOuld plastic downpipe been easier you think?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 06, 2008, 09:34:04 pm
And heres tha other attachment provided:
What's that for? Rectaloctomy?

I think they use it for colonic irrigation mate!! ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 06, 2008, 09:35:26 pm
And there's me I thought it was a winkle picker  ::)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 06, 2008, 09:41:52 pm
That would lok odd on your foot.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 06, 2008, 09:42:49 pm
WOuld plastic downpipe been easier you think?

Yes I do, the ally ones were quire heavy at 36ft!! My arms still haven't fully recovered!!! However, the guttervac did the job for me, it wasn't perfect, but it was good. I think you need to use it more than once to really get the hang of it though, at first I was using it on full power all the time with all three motors on, thinking the more suck the better!! but I found that especially on the area that was heavily blocked with wet leaves ect, I was better off turning the power down, otherwise the nozzle became blocked very easily, as it was trying to suck in too much at once, at first when it blocked I was bringing it down to clear it each time, but as the job went on I got the hang of scraping the end of the nozzle on the edge of the gutter or the tiles to clear the blockage.

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 06, 2008, 09:56:42 pm
On the whole this gutter cleaning job went very well, I effectively earnt a good weeks wages from one days work!!! I have Glyn to thank for that really as he advised me on the pricing of this job on another thread a couple of months back. He told me what the big boys would be pricing this job at, I must admit I did go in slightly lower than he said, there was over 300metres of guttering to be cleaned out, I priced up at £3.50 a metre, I then added on the cost of hiring out the guttervac, and then a bit more on top of that to make it really worth my while, to my amazement I got the job, the management company were very impressed with how competitive I was!!!! :o And they were also impressed about the fact that I would be doing the work from the ground, and also that I would not be damaging their imaculate grounds with cherry pickers ect!!
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 06, 2008, 10:03:38 pm
Sorry I missed something, but did you get photos of inside the gutters?  Hav eyou got a gutter cam or did you hire one?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 06, 2008, 10:10:08 pm

Sorry I missed something, but did you get photos of inside the gutters?  Hav eyou got a gutter cam or did you hire one?

I had my trusty harris pole cam with me!!! I have a couple of video clips I took of the inside of the gutters, if you want to see them, I will have to post them on youtube later, but it seems to be taking ages to process stuff at the moment, I posted another Harris pole clip on there 6 hours ago, and its still not appeared for viewing!!!!
Here is a photo of inside the guttering before I started though;
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 06, 2008, 10:22:42 pm
I think we would all REALLY like to see the after photos - did the custy?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 06, 2008, 11:22:01 pm
I have posted a clip from the Harris pole cam, of the guttervac actually clearing the gutters, its only a short clip, and its my first attempt at using the guttervac, I got a lot better at using it by the end of the job!! It will be on youtube when it has finished processing, youtube seems very slow tonight!! so it could take a while, I also have another short clip of the inside of the guttering after I had finished, its not a great clip but its the only one I've got, as I had to keep deleting the clips as I went to make room on the memory for me to check other areas of the guttering. I will put this on youtube as well, and I will let you know when its available for viewing!  :)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: cvdewsbury on June 06, 2008, 11:41:35 pm
On the whole this gutter cleaning job went very well, I effectively earnt a good weeks wages from one days work!!! I have Glyn to thank for that really as he advised me on the pricing of this job on another thread a couple of months back. He told me what the big boys would be pricing this job at, I must admit I did go in slightly lower than he said, there was over 300metres of guttering to be cleaned out, I priced up at £3.50 a metre, I then added on the cost of hiring out the guttervac, and then a bit more on top of that to make it really worth my while, to my amazement I got the job, the management company were very impressed with how competitive I was!!!! :o And they were also impressed about the fact that I would be doing the work from the ground, and also that I would not be damaging their imaculate grounds with cherry pickers ect!!

how did you check the downpipes for blockages?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 06, 2008, 11:44:57 pm
The guttervac clip is on youtube, just type in 'guttervac in action' It was filmed from the top of my harris pole!! the camera was held on with electrical tape!!! It's only a short clip, and probably doesn't really do the guttervac justice, I should have waited until I had got the hang of using it really before taking the clip, I had the nozzle at the wrong angle really, but it gives you an idea of how it works!!  :)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: windowwashers on June 06, 2008, 11:52:41 pm
the link to it is: (
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 07, 2008, 12:12:07 am
Thanks Ian, I will learn how to do that one of these days, perhaps my 9 year old will show me how is done tomorrow!!  :-[
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: windowwashers on June 07, 2008, 12:16:52 am
Thanks Ian, I will learn how to do that one of these days, perhaps my 9 year old will show me how is done tomorrow!!  :-[
give me a call tomorrow after 9am  ;D  01234 870 225 I will teach you in less that 2 mins over the phone, would be nice to speak to you anyway m8.

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 07, 2008, 12:56:24 am
Thanks for the offer Ian, but I will probably be working tomorrow morning :( I have taken note of your number though, as I may well want your advice and help sometime soon, as I am seriously thinking about getting myself a website. Cheers  :)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: windowwashers on June 07, 2008, 01:02:46 am
Thanks for the offer Ian, but I will probably be working tomorrow morning :( I have taken note of your number though, as I may well want your advice and help sometime soon, as I am seriously thinking about getting myself a website. Cheers  :)
I was not trying to sell you a site m8 I want to have a chat with you, give me a bell tomorrow sometime if you can does not have to be in the morning my mobile is 07788 732 789 if I am out and about or leave a message on office number(if I am not there) and I will call you back.

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 07, 2008, 01:03:51 am
Heres another view from the harris pole cam, this is from over 30ft up, and shows me inspecting the gutters to check they are clean. Ok so you know by now I can't do the link!! but its on youtube under the title of 'harris pole cam' Its not great, but it shows what you can do with a cheap pole, a digital camera and a piece of electrical tape!!  ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: mark dew on June 07, 2008, 01:10:39 am
a link to all groundhogs videos on youtube.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 07, 2008, 01:12:36 am

I was not trying to sell you a site m8 I want to have a chat with you


I realize that Ian, I know you weren't trying to sell me a site mate. I will give you a call if I get chance, it would be good to have a chat with you!!  :)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: windowwashers on June 07, 2008, 01:14:11 am
Heres another view from the harris pole cam, this is from over 30ft up, and shows me inspecting the gutters to check they are clean. Ok so you know by now I can't do the link!! but its on youtube under the title of 'harris pole cam' Its not great, but it shows what you can do with a cheap pole, a digital camera and a piece of electrical tape!!  ;D
Here you go for this link:  (

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 07, 2008, 07:57:46 am
Not David Puttnam, but with practice...

Keep trying with the camera GH, it will come together.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 07, 2008, 08:07:22 am
Jeff: (
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 07, 2008, 09:39:23 am

Not David Puttnam, but with practice...

Keep trying with the camera GH, it will come together.

You try using a camera on the end of a 30ft pole with the sun in your eyes!!! ;D It's a bit tricky to say the least! I did have some better footage, but unfortunately had to keep deleting them as the memory was full, that just happened to be the only clip I had left, as it was the last section of guttering I checked!!  :)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 07, 2008, 09:46:27 am

Not David Puttnam, but with practice...

Keep trying with the camera GH, it will come together.

You try using a camera on the end of a 30ft pole with the sun in your eyes!!! ;D It's a bit tricky to say the least! I did have some better footage, but unfortunately had to keep deleting them as the memory was full, that just happened to be the only clip I had left, as it was the last section of guttering I checked!!  :)
I have!  :)  Not having a go, just jesting.  Get a bigger memory card would be the answer.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 07, 2008, 07:12:50 pm


Thank you Mr Tumble

Gray, you need a guide on your pole that runs along the guttering edge, if you smash that camera up bashing it around like that, your boss will kill you  ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 08, 2008, 07:42:18 am

Not David Puttnam, but with practice...

Keep trying with the camera GH, it will come together.

You try using a camera on the end of a 30ft pole with the sun in your eyes!!! ;D It's a bit tricky to say the least! I did have some better footage, but unfortunately had to keep deleting them as the memory was full, that just happened to be the only clip I had left, as it was the last section of guttering I checked!!  :)
GH - how much would you say one of those sections of tube weighed?   100gms? A kilo?  Five kilos?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 08, 2008, 09:18:04 am

Gray, you need a guide on your pole that runs along the guttering edge, if you smash that camera up bashing it around like that, your boss will kill you 

Your right there Jeff, she wouldn't be too happy!! ;D I'll get to work on that guide ready for next time!! cheers mate.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: frames to panes on June 08, 2008, 09:32:21 am
Jeff, seen this before somewhere  ???

ht tp://
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 08, 2008, 11:21:01 am
Jeff, seen this before somewhere  ???

ht tp://
Thanks DJW that's  what we need, something light and easy to handle, going to do a search for it.

Found it  ;D 
just emailing them to see if they will export it to the UK
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 08, 2008, 12:33:06 pm
Check your email Jeff.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 08, 2008, 09:51:19 pm
Graham - any idea what the weight of the omnivac aluminum poles/'tubes is?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 08, 2008, 10:26:36 pm

Graham - any idea what the weight of the omnivac aluminum poles/'tubes is?

Bloody heavy at 36ft mate!!!! :-[
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 09, 2008, 08:32:37 am
I went back up to the apartments where I was doing the gutter cleaning on Sunday, because there was something heavy in one section of the guttering that the guttervac would not suck out, when I inspected it with my harris pole cam, it looked like it was a half brick. Anyway took my brother up there to help me with my long ladders, turns out it was 3 iron scaffolding clips!! Anyway while I was there a couple of blokes were there watching us, one of them asked me how it was going, I instantly recognised the voice, it was Joe Pasquale!! he was a really nice bloke, and the chap he was with was Wayne Dobson, remember the magician off the telly back in the 80's and early 90's, he has ms now and is in a wheelchair, but he still does tours doing his magic tricks, and has his own website where he sells magic tricks, not the normal rubbish you buy in toyshops! but really good tricks!!! and he demonstrated one to me, it was brilliant!!!! He lives in these apartments with his gorgeous wife, and Joe was just visiting.

Just thought I'd share that with you, as it made my day!!  :)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: Jonathan Spencer on June 09, 2008, 09:36:13 am
Jeff, seen this before somewhere  ???

ht tp://
Thanks DJW that's  what we need, something light and easy to handle, going to do a search for it.

Found it  ;D 
just emailing them to see if they will export it to the UK

Let us know if you can get hold of this and if it is any good.  Cheers Jonathan
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: xxmattyxx on June 09, 2008, 09:46:36 am
Maybe I missed it in the post, but how long did the job take Groundhog?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 09, 2008, 10:00:34 am
Maybe I missed it in the post, but how long did the job take Groundhog?

I did the lower level guttering last saturday, which took me about 4 hours, the higher level guttering I did last Wednesday with the guttervac, and this took me another 4 hours. When I say 4 hours, I mean 4 hours solid work with no breaks! Then there was the 2.5hour each way journey to Croydon to get the Guttervac, that was the wort bit!!! I hate driving in the London area, its a bloody nightmare!!!!

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 09, 2008, 10:05:28 pm
Jeff I made one of your mk1 gutter cleaners earlier, I've just tried it out on my gutters, in the dark (couldn't wait till the morning, and it really is brilliant, extremely simple, but does the job great. Cheers  :)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 09, 2008, 11:05:09 pm
Jeff I made one of your mk1 gutter cleaners earlier, I've just tried it out on my gutters, in the dark (couldn't wait till the morning, and it really is brilliant, extremely simple, but does the job great. Cheers  :)
That's cool gray?
Lets see some picky's then.
Out of my Mk1 and Mk2, I do prefer the Mk1, they say simple is always better and I think I proved it on this one, glad you liked it  ;) ; ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 12, 2008, 12:20:03 am
Got a call from the management company who got me to clean the gutters on the apartments. They were very impressed with the survey I did using my Harris cam of the gutters, I had pointed out some problems to them as the gutters had not been fitted properly, and the water could not flow to the downpipes in places because some of the downpipes were actually higher than the gutter!!! They want me to give them a price for me to fix them, it's not something I normally do, but I am going to give them a quote for it as I think I am going to get a lot of work from this company in the future!!! ;D
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 12, 2008, 07:48:34 am
Youll need more than a ladder then Graham!

and i don't mean a ladder in your tights.

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 12, 2008, 08:07:00 am
It will definately be a scaffolding job mate!!

By the way is that you in the above photo?  :o
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: sjm on June 12, 2008, 08:14:38 am
should have gone to specsavers  :P
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 12, 2008, 08:50:53 am
It will definately be a scaffolding job mate!!

By the way is that you in the above photo?  :o
:).  When I was younger. :)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 13, 2008, 06:58:26 pm
I came across some gutters today that had a very soft mesh over them, and it was damned bloody difficult to rip out from the ground.

mesh is bad news.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 13, 2008, 09:58:53 pm
Mesh is definetley bad news mate! and a total waste of time, from what I have seen!!  :(
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 13, 2008, 10:16:51 pm
The great thing about mesh is that it's an endless interestingly subject because the stuff is everywhere!

It's the same with those spikey things designed to war off pidgeons.  You don't need them.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 13, 2008, 10:28:11 pm
To be honest with you, I haven't come across any guttering YET that has mesh on it, I think if I did I would turn the Job down or price high, just because of the hassle involved.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 14, 2008, 02:03:07 am
To be honest with you, I haven't come across any guttering YET that has mesh on it, I think if I did I would turn the Job down or price high, just because of the hassle involved.

If they need cleaning out then the mesh is obviously not working, in future I think I would advise the customer that the mesh would be better off being removed as it dosn't prevent the gutters from blocking, but seriously hinders them being cleaned out, and add the cost of removing it to the price!!!  :)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: windowwashers on June 14, 2008, 02:08:36 am
Have had quite a few jobs with mesh over, it is a pain in the bum, what happens is the gutter 90% ish run free water will go where it is meant to in the drain, what people see is overflow of trees muck ect hence why they want them cleaned, mesh work most of the time, removal of it will make it worse IMO.

I have been doing gutters for years now, the worst ones IMO is the matting (I cant see the point of it gets wet sags and muck builds on top yet still companies sell the stuff (rip off IMO)

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 14, 2008, 02:19:37 am
I've only come accross mesh once Ian, and it was totally pointless!! It was sagging down into the guttering, which was full of leaves, moss ect. The customer may just as well have removed it for all the good it did. Maybe some mesh is better than others, I don't know? But the stuff I have seen was a waste of space!!
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: windowwashers on June 14, 2008, 03:19:31 am
I've only come accross mesh once Ian, and it was totally pointless!! It was sagging down into the guttering, which was full of leaves, moss ect. The customer may just as well have removed it for all the good it did. Maybe some mesh is better than others, I don't know? But the stuff I have seen was a waste of space!!
mesh can be a waste of time, who ever sells this stuff is on a winner if it sells, over time the mesh becomes a mass and a mass in a gutter makes it overflow, dont knock them it makes you and I and x 1000's of us money.

if it does not block it works but will be unsightly again which makes money.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 14, 2008, 06:43:56 am
There's something they have in the USA that is cut to fit gutters. It's a foam basically, and fills the gutter. Leaves and crap fall on top, water goes thru to the bottom and out. I can't see anything but good in this. BUT it does have to be the shape of the gutters, and we have so many different types.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 14, 2008, 10:19:23 am
If you get seed's getting into that sponge, then you have your gutter garden again.
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 14, 2008, 11:19:12 am
Hmm, think you're clever do ya?   ;D


Alright... use it to grow cress in that case.   ;D :)
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 14, 2008, 11:25:33 am
I seen it on a web site somewhere and the holes in it are ideal for trapping airborn seeds.

I suppose a cress farm is the ideal answer ;D just charge the custy for harvesting it  :o
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 14, 2008, 08:19:34 pm
I'll tell youwhat's difficult to fid for gutters and that's the little things you put in the top of downpipes to stop crud going in them.

I know some people might be against them but does anynone know where to get one? I can't find em anywhere!
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: jeff1 on June 15, 2008, 12:25:03 am
I'll tell youwhat's difficult to fid for gutters and that's the little things you put in the top of downpipes to stop crud going in them.

I know some people might be against them but does anynone know where to get one? I can't find em anywhere!

There called leaf Guards Mr T
You can buy the plastic one from Toolstation but they come in part of a kit and are not sold separately
Item No 71783  £6.90
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 15, 2008, 07:36:22 am
£6.90?  :o
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: groundhog on June 17, 2008, 11:34:56 pm

Don't take this personally but....TOUGH

And why didn't you get up there at quote stage and see what you were up against?

Thankyou for your helpful reply Neil!!!! But guess what I came out of this job smelling of roses, and made more than a weeks money from a days work!! ;D
I've only got one thing to say to you mate..... Harris pole harris pole harris pole...... harris pole harris pole!!!  ;D

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 26, 2008, 10:21:22 pm
You like the Harris Pole then, GH?
Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: Oakley Windows on June 27, 2008, 09:27:05 am
I'll tell youwhat's difficult to fid for gutters and that's the little things you put in the top of downpipes to stop crud going in them.

I know some people might be against them but does anynone know where to get one? I can't find em anywhere!

Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: *Mr Tumble on June 27, 2008, 06:27:06 pm
Anyone used these?]] (


Title: Re: Gutters with mesh over them!!
Post by: Oakley Windows on June 27, 2008, 07:15:23 pm
I'll tell youwhat's difficult to fid for gutters and that's the little things you put in the top of downpipes to stop crud going in them.

I know some people might be against them but does anynone know where to get one? I can't find em anywhere!


Your welcome Mr Tumble  :-*