Clean It Up

UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Carpet Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: md_cleaning on November 14, 2007, 03:44:21 pm

Title: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: md_cleaning on November 14, 2007, 03:44:21 pm
Just seen this in a mag I get sent, anybody tried it and if so how does it compare to other powders on the market?
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: lands on November 14, 2007, 04:36:28 pm
Whats it for?
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Doug Holloway on November 14, 2007, 04:45:58 pm
Hi Guys

It's a misleading advert it's actually Prochem Pureclean, which is sodium tripolyphosphate which is the chemical commonly know as a microsplitter.

I have been using it for over a year and now clean 90% of my suites with it and about 60% of carpets.

I also use it as a prespray in the traditional MS way.

A good product.


Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Phil Marlor on November 14, 2007, 05:10:03 pm

How are you Doug,

Been using it myself, when you say 60% of carpets, what type of carpet do/dont you use it on, somtimes wonder if it's strong enough.

You say you also use it as a pre-spray, I thought it was only a pre-spray.

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Doug Holloway on November 14, 2007, 06:02:14 pm
Hi Phil

I'm well thanks , hope you are too.

I use it as an in tank chemical on most of the those off white carpets irrespective of composition really.

On dirty carpets particularly PP I will use a stronger detergent such a Double Clean or Formula 90.

On lightly soiled carpets I use as a prespray only.


Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on November 14, 2007, 06:06:26 pm
Doug with the off white carpets do you use a prespray?

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Doug Holloway on November 14, 2007, 06:17:34 pm
Hi Shaun

Yes , usually several different ones, I always think a prespray is worth the effort as it loosens the dirt.

Sometimes I will use a strong prespray and  a light rinse, other times the other way round, depends on the type of soiling.


Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: richie on November 14, 2007, 09:11:34 pm
i have used Pure Clean many times with FANTASTIC results on domestic carpets, commercial carpets, offices(low profile carpets) and upholstery.   I have found that it outperforms the likes of Solutions/microsplitters.  I posted comments regarding Pure Clean on Clean Talk regarding how good it was and gave a diary of events and as no surprise my posts were deleted. 

If anyone hasnt tried Pure Clean yet i urge you to give it a go.  It outperforms MS in quality & price.

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Mark Lane-Matthews on November 14, 2007, 11:57:48 pm
I use Pure clean with a splash of M power acting as a booster on synthetics with great results.

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: lands on November 15, 2007, 04:25:19 pm

The product still has the usual phosphates etc so does that mean we can't market it as eco-friendly?

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Doug Holloway on November 15, 2007, 05:58:27 pm
Hi Pete,

You eat it so I think that makes it pretty green.

I believe this is the greenest optopin available to us at present.


Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: lands on November 15, 2007, 06:12:02 pm
Spoke to Ron Tilley's Daughter about it and she was'nt that sure but I have some on order so will try it out. Obviously did'nt get offered a sample.

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Mark Lane-Matthews on November 15, 2007, 11:28:42 pm
If any company wants to know how to promote their business without all the extra bull****.Do a sales course with Ron Tilley,the man has done it all and has the T shirt .

                                                With the geatest respect
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Ian Gourlay on November 16, 2007, 05:30:26 am
Doesit require a lot of extra aggitation like microsplitters
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: richie on November 16, 2007, 10:55:46 am
Hi Ian,
 No it does need all the aggressive agitation as with the likes of MPOWER and MS.  As with just about any chemical agitation does improve the cleaning.   I have only agitated Pure Clean once or twice.   Works well with or without and OUTPERFORMS MPOWER,  Pure Clean works on all different types of carpet unlike others that is a hit n miss.

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Mark Roberts on November 16, 2007, 02:16:24 pm

As Doug has pointed out Pure Clean is made up of sodium tripolyphosphate which is the main ingredient of every microsplitter like solutions or one-step so the difference is minimal, you will need the same agitation as ms depending on fibre and dirt level.

Chemicals like m-power and nemisis should require less agitation due to the active ingredients normal ms dont contain, I find they out perform ms easily and keep working after you have left. But, like Doug I know what works and when to use it, so experimentation is best to find what suits you.
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: bennymon on November 16, 2007, 05:10:44 pm
i picked up a sample at the carpet cleaners day out and ive been very pleased with the results  :)
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on November 16, 2007, 05:37:31 pm
I have a love hate relationship with colloidals but still end up going back to MS, I've experimented loads with it but I still find them lacking on upholstery.

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: richie on November 16, 2007, 11:45:32 pm
Have you used Pure Clean?  I have found that the aggitation speeds up cleaning sometimes but generally speaking i can get the same results without the agitation.   

The good thing about Pure Clean is that it works on wool & poly prop (as does MS) unlike MPOWER.  I dont like the idea of having to soak the carpets with pre-spray (as you do with MPOWER) which is another reason i would not use MPOWER.  With Pure Clean & MS its just the normal spray.

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Ian Puckett on November 17, 2007, 01:13:17 pm

you come out with more than a feild full of cows
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: richie on November 17, 2007, 11:22:44 pm
Just saying what i and others have found in the results.

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Mark Lane-Matthews on November 18, 2007, 12:38:34 am
Richies comments are spot on to my findings.Pure Clean has become my main cleaning solution  for domestic synthetics.
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: richie on November 18, 2007, 07:39:53 pm
many people appear to be saying that M power is not as good as they first thought it was

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Buster Ingram on November 18, 2007, 08:37:31 pm
I'll go with Richie, used both and find Pure clean has the edge for me,
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: carpet guy on November 18, 2007, 08:58:41 pm
                                                                                                                                                       Colloidal cleaners have been around for years and I had considered importing then when reading about huge dilution rates, but what I found out about colloidals, is that they were developed for the Laundrette type industry as a prewash emulsifier , rather than a cleaner, by describing them in language that suggests they are NEW TECHNOLOGY is IMO misleading to say the least.

As an emulsifier, they will assist with the cleaning process, but, are they better than, or as good as, traditional presprays.

What the * ***** product is not, is new technology.
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: *paul_moss on November 18, 2007, 09:14:42 pm
                                                                                                                                                       Colloidal cleaners have been around for years and I had considered importing then when reading about huge dilution rates, but what I found out about colloidals, is that they were developed for the Laundrette type industry as a prewash emulsifier , rather than a cleaner, by describing them in language that suggests they are NEW TECHNOLOGY is IMO misleading to say the least.

As an emulsifier, they will assist with the cleaning process, but, are they better than, or as good as, traditional presprays.

What the * ***** product is not, is new technology.

Totally agree with that.
This is the main reason i get fed up with the * ***** company because of the BS hype.
Some people think they can re invent the wheel.
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: carpet guy on November 18, 2007, 09:18:39 pm
There are, I'm sure, some excellent products in the " U S " and I have been knocked back several times, when asking about importing. Too much trouble to fill in the expo documentation!

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: *paul_moss on November 18, 2007, 09:25:31 pm
How does Dave liahona get his stuff.
I may be worth Dave ordering a load of stuff  and we can all split it.
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: richie on November 18, 2007, 09:27:37 pm
Pure Cleans ingrediants may not be new, nor are the mpower (or so ive been told).  The main thing is that it works.  The main fact is that it works VERY WELL on  everything ive tried it on.  Surely this is the most important thing about ANY chemical.

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Buster Ingram on November 18, 2007, 09:28:33 pm
In our industry there is not very often something new it's only re-package and applied differently.
For me I tend to find a product and stick with it call me old fashion but after 28 years they all do the same thing.  ;)
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Buster Ingram on November 18, 2007, 09:34:14 pm
If someone told me that the water from 20 virgins cleaned carpets with fantastic results I certainly would not scour the country looking for it  :-\  Not me I stick with what works for me ;)
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: richie on November 18, 2007, 09:36:43 pm
long time no see/hear Daddy Ingram.  Hows things with you mate?   

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: carpet guy on November 18, 2007, 09:39:43 pm

I was NOT referring to the Prochem product, which I'm sure is the result of much research.


I agree about sticking to what works, but I have always been happy to try other products and judge them by results, as at the end of the day, we want a good result for minimal effort and reasonable cost.
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: richie on November 18, 2007, 09:49:56 pm
When given the chance i like to try new products.  If i were to keep different pre-sprays in the van i would choose (not in any order).

One Step (carpet & upholstery)
Prochem Pure Clean (carpet & upholstery)
Prochem Power Burst (carpet)

All of the above work well on all carpet fibres and give you the carpet cleaner & your customer the results that are expected of the HIGHEST STANDARD. 

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Buster Ingram on November 18, 2007, 09:57:34 pm
Hi Richie, I'm keeping very well now I'm living in cleaner air out here in the country,

Carpet Guy,
Its a funny old business this and what I find is we only get one shot at cleaning a carpet so to fanny around trying different solution on clients carpets can work out expensive if it don't work the first time round. That’s why I tend to stick with tried and tested products and those are the ones that have been around for a long time with trusted companies. When these said companies bring out new products you can safely bet the have been tested to their limits before they have unleashed them on the trade. So the fast bubbling light rinsing mind blowing agents that come out from time to time I leave for the opportunists to use and complain about.
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: richie on November 18, 2007, 10:03:33 pm
thats what i meant to say Dave ;)

What TM you running now Dave?
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Buster Ingram on November 18, 2007, 10:06:31 pm
I'm not
For my declining years I have CFR machine. Carpets don't get dirty down here they just get dearer
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: richie on November 18, 2007, 10:10:49 pm
amd would it be snowing down south this evening.  Here in Sunny Walsall all is covered in Snow.

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Buster Ingram on November 18, 2007, 10:14:47 pm
You have to be different Richie,
Back to machines though I could be tempted to Speak to John Kelly and place an order with him
for the jobs that my CFR struggle with????????????
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: richie on November 18, 2007, 10:17:37 pm
are vyou thinking along the lines of a PROWLER?????

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Buster Ingram on November 18, 2007, 10:22:51 pm
I might be if the price is right?????????????????
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Buster Ingram on November 18, 2007, 10:30:35 pm
bald edded Tw*^
Now then
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: will_turton on November 18, 2007, 10:33:09 pm
now now grandad
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Buster Ingram on November 18, 2007, 10:35:08 pm
Who told you I  had an addition to the Ingram household Bill ???
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: will_turton on November 18, 2007, 10:37:57 pm
dont flatter yerself soft lad ;), am in demand as it is!!
how the  are you dave
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Buster Ingram on November 18, 2007, 10:42:08 pm
Very well Bill kind of you to ask,
Our Matthew can’t seem to keep it in his trousers, his girlfriend was in labour for that long the midwife was going to call it a day till Matt piped up if it’s a girl we would like to call her Grace. And low and behold she popped out an  bonny girl who is now our Grace.
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: will_turton on November 18, 2007, 10:43:58 pm
erm you had a few shandys 2nite ;)
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Buster Ingram on November 18, 2007, 10:46:46 pm
No can't afford to drink any more living down here takes all me money. The lanes are to dark here for Angie to do any business.  :-\
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: will_turton on November 18, 2007, 10:49:37 pm
dark lanes has its advantages dave ;D
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Buster Ingram on November 18, 2007, 10:55:25 pm
For you Bill being so ugly I would think it helps.
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: richie on November 19, 2007, 05:22:04 pm
Hi Billy,

Have you tried Pure Clean?  If yes, what are your thoughts of it?

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Buster Ingram on November 19, 2007, 05:30:55 pm
Richie, with the words Pure then Clean on the front of a tub would put Billy off right away.

Bucket and TiTs now that would draw his attention.

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: richie on November 19, 2007, 06:41:39 pm
I can see your point Dave

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: *paul_moss on November 19, 2007, 07:20:35 pm
Dave and Bill, your like Richard and Judy  ;D
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Buster Ingram on November 19, 2007, 07:22:31 pm
I think you mean Punch and Judy  ;D
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Buster Ingram on November 19, 2007, 07:24:28 pm
Billy will be back on later when he's finished washing his hair. :-\
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: *paul_moss on November 19, 2007, 07:31:11 pm
Think your right. Have you seen his new girlie car  :D
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Buster Ingram on November 19, 2007, 07:33:35 pm
No Paul I think he's saving that for me later in the year, if he has'nt aready wrapped it round a lamp post. 8)
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: will_turton on November 20, 2007, 12:31:59 am
 the cars in the garage looking sweet, sorry been away tonite dave, its was the old mans birthday, the old is 56, arent you older than that, ;)
 how did you get on with the doggin the other nite ;D ;D ;D ;
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Joe H on November 20, 2007, 07:35:33 am
I ordered some Prochem Pure Clean last night from the sponsers of this forum.
Hope its as good as you guys say.
Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: richie on November 20, 2007, 09:39:01 am

Im sure that you will not be disappointed.  Let us all know when you have had the chance to use it on different carpet types.  What pre-spray do you use at the moment?

Title: Re: Prochem, Pure cure
Post by: Joe H on November 20, 2007, 10:20:24 am
After trying a sample kindly sent by Restormat I bought and usually use Nemesis Super, but I still have some M-Power, again kindly sent, as a sample from Solutions UK. Amazing how this stuff lasts a long time to to dilution rates.
Both are good to me.
I also have other stuff for the dirtier jobs ie commercial