Clean It Up

UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Carpet Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: vangaurd on June 17, 2007, 12:13:57 pm

Title: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: vangaurd on June 17, 2007, 12:13:57 pm
local paper, this morning ,
cleaning section. any 2 items cleaned for £30.00
is this bloke for real!
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: Charlie Payne on June 17, 2007, 12:51:09 pm
could be a bait & switch tactic. crafty pricing to draw in the bait.  or he could be a cheap & cheerful bod, has'nt moved on since the first time he took up c/c, plenty of them about, bodge it & scarper merchants.   
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: Susan Dean (1stclean) on June 17, 2007, 01:50:04 pm
i was working cheaper then that six months ago  :( did a front room hsl and a bathroom on saterday for 45 pounds with the truck mount the others wanted 30 pounds  :-X

ten pounds a carpet here now not so very long ago i would of under cut them all just to get on the nevres but them days have long gone for me now
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: brights cleaning on June 18, 2007, 11:08:01 am
who cares what these people charge?
concenrtrate on the great service that you do and don't waste your enery on other cleaners
there is a saying    " some poeple know the price of everything and the value of nothing" 
if they want a cheap price then let these guys do it
if they want a quality job, they might use you!
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: spindle on June 18, 2007, 06:16:41 pm
if somebody wants to do that for £30/45 let them

just means that it will be 1 less price shopper 4 me!!!! ;D ;D
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: carpetguy on September 03, 2007, 08:19:49 am
Why would you assume to be doing a better job just because you charge more, so often nowadays this is not the case.
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: Aquakleen Restoration Services on September 03, 2007, 03:51:46 pm
Hi Tony did that fella ring you on Saturday morning regarding the 3 piece suite? I could not make it so gave him your number.
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: matt jones on September 03, 2007, 04:02:04 pm
Hi guys,
I cleaned some carpets for a friend of ours back along and their neighbours was thinking of having theres done later on down the line, Anyway saw this person yesterday and asked weather they still wanted me to come and give them a quote, she replied we have already had it done apparently this local company cleaned the whole of their 5 bedroom house and they also cleaned the whole of their dentist surgery which they own for £200. I couldn't believe it, what is going on i would of charged more than that just to do the house.  :(
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: carpetguy on September 03, 2007, 04:38:46 pm
You are in a competitive market and the local got the work why would someone NOT support the local business ::) ::)
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: matt jones on September 03, 2007, 04:45:47 pm
Well they knew me and i am local. Yet must of been the fact that they advertise stupidly low prices.
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: mark_roberts on September 03, 2007, 07:20:03 pm
£45 for a lounge, HSL and bathroom???????????????  thats just as cheap TM or no TM.

I worked out today my TM drinks £5 an hour on petrol.  You guys would be better off working in Tescos for £8 an hour.

Do yourselfs a favour and LEARN how to be in business before you go bottom up.

Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: melanie rowe on September 03, 2007, 07:42:24 pm
i know the guy that did it, truck mounted in exeter, has no work ,so he really needed the money...............sad but true, its guys like this who spoil it for everyone else..........
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: Dave_Lee on September 03, 2007, 07:44:37 pm
Well said, I am not as expensive as a lot of CCs I know, but for a Front room, Hsl, etc I wouldt be interested for less than £130 and thats only if they were on the small side. If I had to do it for £45, I would feel like I was paying them! Of course if the job only took half an hour thats another story, but you know as well as every PROFESSIONAL out there, that it cant be correctly, thoroughly, completed in that time, no matter what they say.
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on September 03, 2007, 08:02:40 pm
How long would you take to do it?

Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: David_Annable on September 03, 2007, 08:09:36 pm

Had a call last friday about a clean, so popped round saturday morning to quote and if accepteble do the job there & then.

My price £83, she says let me think about it.

I say is that more than you were expecting, Yes the last bloke that did it when we move in charged £35.

So you win some you loss some, she wasnt calling the last guy though was she!


Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: Mike Osbourne on September 03, 2007, 08:11:12 pm

When people say that what do you say?
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: Aquakleen Restoration Services on September 03, 2007, 08:26:13 pm
I just say then why arent you getting him back? If he was a pro hed be contacting you with postcards etc... offering you special offers.

I have a database of all my custys and i always look after them
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: John Kelly on September 03, 2007, 08:48:35 pm
A few years back someone, I can't remember who it was, stood outside a supermarket asking people if they had ever had their carpets cleaned. Out of the ones who said yes I think it was 85%, didn't know the name of the person or company that had cleaned them.
Most people think a carpet cleaner is a carpet cleaner. Thats why its so important to market to your existing customers rather than wasting money chasing new ones all the time.
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: David_Annable on September 03, 2007, 09:07:32 pm

To be honest she took me by surprise, I was expecting her to say " yes get on & do it ".

Any tips what should i have said ?


Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: carpetguy on September 03, 2007, 10:09:21 pm
Hang on a sec' some of you are going on about charging pretty high prices and not being prepared to work for a certain price - often an hourly rate which is as much as many people earn for 30 to 40 hours in other jobs - but the same people are to be found seeking information about marketing and some clearly offer Special Offers or Discounts while the ones who are busy and taking decent money which I'd suggest £35 - £50 per hour sometimes more are regarded as " letting the side down " why ?
Looking back through posts there are a few where sensible discussions have teken place and others where people are just plain bolshi if they think someone charges less than them.
What I wonder about is the real value offered by people who charge high prices and whether they really do a better job which in most cases I very much doubt. Yes there will be a few who are excellent craftsmen and take pride in their work and do an excellent job, but there will also be many who simply charge high prices and do not give value for money.
They give the industry a worse image than the Honest Johns who charge somewhere in the region of £45 - £55 per hour - not as an hourly rate but charges that equate to that -  and give the consumer an excellent service and good value. Some responses suggest that the lower priced people don't understand the economics of building a business and will fail because they don't charge enough. REALLY !
The majority of operators are individuals who work alone and if good, build a rapport with clients and get additional work by asking for recommendations - leaving cards bottles of stain remover etc - ensuring their name is easily found.
Now if these people are earning £45 -£55 per hour and only working for 30 hours per week they are grossing £75000 per annum which should give a net of around £60000 which is more than many small businesses net for their owners and about 4 times the Tesco employee
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on September 03, 2007, 10:21:52 pm
IMO if you are turning over £75k then approximately £12k will be vat, and what about holidays and slower periods?

You earn what you think you are worth and what you can get, a mentor of mine once said to me that you need to be grossing what you think you need in 6 months as the other 6 months you won't. In an essence make hay while the sun shines.

When Next (a good example as they sell their own brand of clothing so you can't compare apples for apples with other retailers) sell you a pair of shoes or a shirt what profit margin do you think they make? probably about 400-500% do you feel ripped off? No because your focus is on the good times you are going to have when you wear these items when you are out.

High hourly rates and profit margins are the way of the world.

Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: Mike Osbourne on September 03, 2007, 10:50:13 pm
Hi David,

I still get caught out sometimes especially when you are getting all the positive signals.

All I would say is I have retrieved a job or two with an engrained formula that I learned years ago.

1. First of all do what you did. Say something like 'That's fine, if someone's quoted cheaper I can understand' But don't walk!

2. Try and make some small talk then start asking questions as if you are just interested or curious (you probably are anyway!) in how this person cleans a carpet and makes a profit. pre vac, insurance, etc Must be done as if you are curious or it won't work, they will clam up and kick you out.

3.Ease into finding what she really WANTS. You probably didn't get it first time because you thought you knew this but you didn't. It may well be she wants it dirt cheap, in which case you don't want it anyway. Or it  could be that she needs to feel she's getting a better deal from you. That could mean you will not ruin her carpet or maybe you could do slightly more work for your original quote.

4. Change something that makes them make a new decision.

This is very brief and misses out loads of stuff but a good start for CC and is 100x better than just walking.

The key though is not getting in this situation in the first place. My theory is it's all about RAPPORT-this is what really gets you the business. Easy with people like you, a real skill with those who aren't.


Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: David_Annable on September 03, 2007, 11:13:18 pm
Thanks Mike

To be honest we were getting on fine untill i gave her the price.

Then it was " I'll get me coat ".

She did ask on the phone originally how much will it be, but i just dodged it.


Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: carpetguy on September 04, 2007, 12:12:24 am
The Next analogy is an interesting one as their performance in recent years has been dramatically affected by the emergence and more recent market dominance of Primark, Matallan and T K Max.

Similarly the growth of Macdonalds, B K, Kentucky Fried, etc has taken a heavy toll on the typical restuarants of beyond 20 years ago, almost extinct.

Motor vehicle retailing , Furniture retailing, Hardware retailing are a few others affected by changing buying patterns.

Programs like the one fronted by Dom Littlewood are increasing the consumers resolve to seek " best value " which is perceived as lowest price.

I think the retail mark up is more like 80%
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: Ian Gourlay on September 04, 2007, 08:58:46 am
I still retail blinds and make 45%  mark up 100%  but you do  loose a little due to Mr Littlewood.

In North Blind market is very competitive so to make money you need to sell on quality.
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: carpetguy on September 04, 2007, 09:14:15 am
Ian I have a friend who manufactures and retails blinds and is finding it's becoming impossible to compete with the likes of Tesco, Asda, etc, getting greedier by the day.
We found ready made blinds - various widths you just reduce the length to suit - for as little as £5 guess where they came from ? The biggest threat to manufacturing in not only the U K but the whole of Europe
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: John Kelly on September 04, 2007, 09:37:20 am
Off track from carpet cleaning a little, anyway, The yanks are starting to get a bit concerned about China. The Chineese are upping there military spending by 15% of GDP per year. This is a massive amount. They have recently purchased a load of submarines from the Russians, and are building naval ships like theres no tomorrow. They say it is to protect there trade routes, however the Yanks are starting to worry that they have a different agenda. Don't forget they are still communists.
I think Hoover have now switched all their manufacturing away from China and other multi-nationals are looking to do the same.
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: Mike Osbourne on September 04, 2007, 01:08:10 pm
You can't really compare MD, Walmart etc with what we do because they work on economies of scale and can deliver far more through QUANTITY.

The only way around that in cc is to employ lots of staff and pay them peanuts.

Quality is still sought for and people will always pay for it.
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: carpetguy on September 04, 2007, 01:49:21 pm
Any market is driven by the same forces -  products or services which consumers want or need M & S started as - pile em high sell em cheap and moved on to providing Value for Money, ie decent quality at competetive prices.


Interesting comment John and I hope our puppets I mean MP'S take heed unfortunately the U K has a history of crisis management only acting after the event

Incidentally the current threshhold for VAT is £64000 and anyone working for themself earning around that amount is doing pretty well in my opinion.
Provided of course they don't try to be too flash and buy machinery they don't need or waste money on poor marketing efforts.
It's been mentioned on here that the best and most cost effective marketing is to deliver a very high standard of work, get the customer to agree then ask for testimonial / referraliness.
If you measure up you will grow your business and get additional and repeat business through proving yourself, if you don't produce the goods you will need to spend a great deal on advertising and promotion for years to come.

Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: matt jones on September 04, 2007, 02:21:18 pm
i know the guy that did it, truck mounted in exeter, has no work ,so he really needed the money...............sad but true, its guys like this who spoil it for everyone else..........

Hi Melanie,
Who's comment were you replying to?
Was it mine?
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: Bennie25 on September 04, 2007, 08:33:06 pm
Not every one buys on price, do you buy Gillette razor blades, i do and it cant be for the price thats for sure! lol
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: Dave_Lee on September 04, 2007, 09:41:35 pm
In answer to your question, how long would it take me - about one and a half hours to two hours.
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on September 04, 2007, 10:01:40 pm
I usually take 15 minutes and leave them a bottle of spotter for the bits I've missed.

The real point I am making is that for £130 for 2 hours is shall we say industry standard for a good experienced cleaner, if you charge less you then have to make your money up elsewhere therfore you end up rushing the job.

Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: Dave_Lee on September 04, 2007, 10:17:44 pm
Exactly Shaun. The other point is - some cheaper end CCs might say, that is charging too much for 2 hours work, wrongly thinking that the customer will think that too. However the truth is that in the vast majority of cases, customers have a tolerence time limit. In other words, once you have started to clean those carpets, the custy just wants you finished and gone asap. If you are charging the £130.., then obviously the job has to be right, but if the job is right and done within their personal tolerence limit, they are very happy to pay that sort of money.
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on September 04, 2007, 10:35:03 pm
Yep you can actually be there too long irrelivant of what you have charged, they see you as a hinderance on their day and want to go out but feel as though they should be in the house with you to make you tea and help you move things etc.

Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: David_Annable on September 04, 2007, 10:51:14 pm
Hi Dave & Shaun

Has it not occured to either of you, that it is only you 2 that customers are glad to see the back of.

Could it be something to do with your sparkling personas.


PS coudn't spell personallities !

PPS Mabel i'm glad to see the back off that roobin B***ard.
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: Kinver_Clean on September 05, 2007, 08:17:56 am
Talking of markups, I worked in the 80s for a clothing factory, now long closed due to imports, where we made clothing for a major fairly upmarket chain store. They were fairly simple to make and cost about £2 a dozen inc immediate overhead labour costs. We added £3 company overheads. The chainstore set their prices (and inspected our factory including the canteen ) which were £14 a dozen. They charged £4.50 EACH in the store. I also was involved with a company that made replica football shirts, they cost about £1 each including printing the logos etc. They sold for £30-40 each. Talk about a ripoff.

I have no worries for charging a decent rate or a bit more if I can

Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: Bennie25 on September 05, 2007, 08:51:28 am
Theres some idoits on here, there are two people who KNOW what they are talking about, have been and are successful in the most important thing earning money, have vast experience, oh and importantly have been where most of you are (the cheap end) so have seen both sides, giving free advice, and not only is it not taken but its critised.

Those in the know will agree with me in saying, you aint got a clue.
Title: Re: whats this industry comming to?
Post by: David_Annable on September 05, 2007, 01:46:03 pm

I was only joking !
