Clean It Up

UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Carpet Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Shorty on August 01, 2004, 08:28:48 am

Title: Profiles
Post by: Shorty on August 01, 2004, 08:28:48 am
What a shame that so many people won't fill out their full profile.

Are they ashamed to fill it out??

Or are they scared that 'Auntie's going to come around and rip their flamin' arms orf'??

Is it something to do with the secrecy policy, or is it just based on a 'need to know' thing.

Basicaly, a person can have several email addresses under a different name, slander whomever they want to, or send out scurrilous messages to raise the boiling point, and get away with it, with no fear of incrimination.

Not even a basic address is required.

Unless of course, it is on the data base of posters.

It is nice to know to whom you are conversing.


Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: lee_gundry on August 01, 2004, 12:47:07 pm
i am with you on this one shorty.

Don,t need their house number, even the area they live in would be handy.

Lee G
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Doug Holloway on August 01, 2004, 02:11:54 pm
Hi Guys,

When you meet someone you introduce yourself.

Why should it be any diffferent here?.

It's noticeable that the more 'rogueish ' comments come from the annoymous.

So come on guys and gals , d'ont be so shy and fill in your profiles.


Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Dynafoam on August 01, 2004, 03:43:24 pm
Another vote for disclosure from me.

I do keep my Email address hidden as part of my anti-spam strategy ( 'Spambots' trawl the net to pick up these addresses ).

Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Jasonc on August 01, 2004, 04:48:14 pm
What a shame that so many people won't fill out their full profile.

Basicaly, a person can have several email addresses under a different name, slander whomever they want to, or send out scurrilous messages to raise the boiling point, and get away with it, with no fear of incrimination.

Welcome to the internet, where've you been?
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: strakercleaning on August 02, 2004, 02:24:44 am
Those with something to hide............DO :-X
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Neil Gott on August 03, 2004, 11:52:36 pm
I find the practice of hiding behind the cloak of anonymity quite deplorable.

In my local newspaper, many of the readers' letters are from 'name and address supplied'. They are often devoted to slagging off the local council, the police , their supermarket and all the rest. I now look at the bottom of their letters and if they are from 'name and address supplied' I don't read them.

I use the same policy with forum posts. If you can't stand up and be counted please stay seated!
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: strakercleaning on August 04, 2004, 12:08:44 am
Very sensible solution but very time consuming reading bacwards :o
Policy should be NO PROFILE NO POSTS
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Ken Wainwright on August 04, 2004, 12:18:24 am
My sentiments exactly Chris.

My view is that a full name, trading name and address should be provided on registration. If somebody wants to be a little more secretive, they can then opt to only display their name/ nom de plume and county/city. But the administrator would have full details. If the member turns out to be naughty, after checks on name/address/phone etc, if incorrect they will then be banned.

Vengence would safely and happily be mine:)
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: strakercleaning on August 04, 2004, 12:46:13 am
I even include a WeeMee cartoon likeness ;D
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Dynafoam on August 04, 2004, 12:46:28 am

To change the subject, I note that you now look younger in your latest picture - You been taking vitamins  ;D

Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Dennis on August 04, 2004, 12:48:20 am
I even include a likeness ;D

So do I.  ;D
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: strakercleaning on August 04, 2004, 12:48:56 am
Found a WeeMee on Friends Reunited and thats the closest i could get with the adjustments ;)
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: strakercleaning on August 04, 2004, 12:50:05 am
Next time you are local.........feel free to pop in and borrow my CLIPPERS 8)
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Dynafoam on August 04, 2004, 12:53:12 am

Think about it, would I dare say that anyone looked old ?

(Glasshouses and stones)  :(

Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: strakercleaning on August 04, 2004, 12:55:39 am
Some people handle age better and it does suit some more than others ;)
You are only as old as the women you feel  :-X :-X :-X
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Dynafoam on August 04, 2004, 12:59:39 am
Thanks Chris,

...................... (I think)
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Musicman on August 04, 2004, 01:21:55 am
Hmm, interesting. I have been a member of this forum pretty much since it's inception and have given a lot of sound advice based upon quite a few years in the industry and have received a considerable number of public and private messages thanking me for that help.

I have ongoing conversations with several other members that I have 'met' through this forum; and have had the pleasure of meeting others through NCCA activities, the A&M get together at Watford, and business in general. On these occasions I am happy to give my name as I can be confident that my livelihood isn't going to be compromised.

I choose to remain anonymous as revealing my name could jeapordise the freelance activities that I undertake (some may resent paying for my services while I am assisting others for free). So yes I do have something to hide but does this mean that I shouldn't be allowed to post on here?

There are not many on this forum from a sales and marketing background and my help can be somewhat specialist given that most members are primarily operators.

I agree that people should at least show where they are based, and the absence of such detail has prevented me from submitting advice on many occasions.

I will turn the question round and ask; in the event that you did know who I am, would it have any bearing on the help that I give as that advice is factually sound, informative, and relevant?

Ken - Forum Admin has all of that information about me.

Neil - I am not deplorable but a normal decent guy that likes to help others.

Chris - for someone who openly supports a member (whose name we became aware of) whose activities has tarnished this site and it's reputation I find your comment 'No Profiles No Post' quite ludicrous.

Just something for you to think about.

Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: strakercleaning on August 04, 2004, 02:08:05 am
My 'Ludicrous' comment came as a result of the fiasco regarding that person. My support was for free speech and a persons right to express an opinion, not for any one individual. That person tarnished his own name/ reputation/ credibility and not that of the forum. This forum went way up in my estimation, just by allowing him the chance to talk. Some forums do not allow such a freedom of speech/opinion :-X
On the subject of 'ludicrous' , do we address you as Mr man or Mr Music :P ..... you could at least include a christian name for the purposes of correspondence.
Chris Straker
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Musicman on August 04, 2004, 02:35:17 am
At the risk of 'doing a Jasonb'


My support was for free speech and a persons right to express an opinion.

Isn't this a contradiction?

I respect your opinion on whether the forum was tarnished and we will have to agree to disagree with this. I will add however that I have recommended the site to several commercial customers who have become members and 'check-in' from time to time, I now wish that I hadn't!!

It's a shame that you just picked up on the last paragraph rather than the whole point that I was trying to get across, but never mind.

Just Musicman will be fine thanks.
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Derek on August 04, 2004, 10:19:51 am
Obviously a highly contentious issue...

I am sure we all have our own opinions on 'past' events and postings.

I see and respect both sides to this argument but wouldn't it be nice to be on at the very least 'first name terms'?
Surely that wouldn't compromise very much?  :-/


Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Doug Holloway on August 04, 2004, 10:22:50 am
Hi Guys,

I take more notice of posts written by people who have the 'bottle' to show who they are.


Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: strakercleaning on August 04, 2004, 10:24:48 am
I picked on the last paragraph, as it was the one addressed to myself. ::)
How could my two phrases be a contradiction? The right to free speech is seperate from the Profiles issue!!
The forum needs to remind people that 'nicknames' are not real names and should therefore, be changed. I would not take advice from a nickname, just in case that person was malicous/unscrupulous and not traceable................ same way i do not employ persons without signwritten vehicles and landline telephone numbers.
Let us agree to disagree and i hope that you can be found at Carpex with 'correct' name badge!!
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Derek on August 04, 2004, 10:41:36 am
Hey Mr Musicman

I think Chris that means he wants to buy you a pint..

He must be feeling ill  ;)

Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Musicman on August 04, 2004, 12:44:35 pm
Derek - we have met on a couple of occasions and I can assure you that if I gave even my christian name on this forum I could compromise my position, and therefore a reasonable part of my income - which has to be my priority do you not agree?

Chris - of course the two phrases are a contradiction. What you are saying on the one hand is that everyone has the right to express an opinion, on the other hand unless an individual gives their name they are not entitled to that right.

Sadly I cannot attend Carpex due to work commitments, however I anticipate that my deep clean team will be in Surrey in the not too distant future and I will invite you to come along and meet me and the crew. I will explain more at that point and I am sure that you will understand. Bring a case of lager - a pint wont go far enough between all of us.

Doug and Chris - I couldn't care less whether you take advice from me or not. The fact remains that when I do try to help on this forum it is sound advice based upon years of experience. I repeat that a lot of people have thanked me for my input.

One of the forum moderators had a need to post anonymously for a long while to protect himself yet he is highly respected and gives excellent advice. Did you ignore his comments?
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: strakercleaning on August 04, 2004, 02:42:00 pm
I am happy to absorb advice from someone knowledgeable but less inclined to listen to a person so opinionated and unable to accept when he is in the wrong. ;D
The topic of free speech assumes the person has met the qualifications to be in the forum, ie: profile posted.
The Profiles argument is another topic that would preceed the free speech one.
The idea of accepting advice from an unnamed moderatror is not a problem due to the fact they are the moderator. I have been one in the past and know that they are selected for a certain criteria, i would accept the knowledge they impart due to the choosing process.
If your experience and knowledge are on a par with your refusal to accept other peoples points of view, then you will continue to prosper.
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: cleanmac on August 04, 2004, 06:06:28 pm
I have tried to add my location to my profile,can,t get it to save.Help please!

Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: strakercleaning on August 04, 2004, 06:09:50 pm
Easier method is to go into Profile and add siganture like i have at the foot of each post.  8)
People can see the info at a glance and you can edit quickly if you wish.
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Dynafoam on August 04, 2004, 06:10:22 pm

You may be forgetting to click on the 'Update' button at the bottom.

On your next visit there why not also add a signature line to include your name, location and any relevant qualifications?

Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: strakercleaning on August 04, 2004, 06:13:02 pm
Or any sarcastic my "hows my driving" tribute  ;D
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Dynafoam on August 04, 2004, 06:21:31 pm

Thats' not a premium-rate number, is it?  ;D

Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: strakercleaning on August 04, 2004, 06:54:23 pm
It is my i may offer an INSTANT RESPONSE  ;D
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Doug Holloway on August 04, 2004, 07:21:26 pm
Musicman et all,

I d'ont think I was saying anything particularly radical when saying I take more notice of people when I know who they are.

I would think most people would do the same.

However as you are obviously a trainer within the cleaning industry I respect your wish to remain anonymous.(either that or has Lord Lucan been found ;D)


Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Mike_Boxall on August 04, 2004, 08:09:58 pm
Hi Guys

Obviously, we would prefer everyone to fill out thier name, company details and location etc but it's never going to happen by forcing people to do it.

I'm aware of 'Musicmans' position and, if he chooses to remain anonymous, people should decide for themselves from his previous posts whether to take his comments seriously or not.

Would it make that much difference if he changed his profile to 'John Smith'. Would people then insist that members fill out their location.....then their contact details?

Chris, with regard to the 'freedom of speech issue', I'd just like to say that it's not peoples opinions we object to, it's way they express those opinions. If anyone feels that's 'censorship' then, I'm sorry, but so be it! I'm sure no-one wants to read offensive posts but what may not offend one member may well offend another.

If we are all on this forum to benefit others as well as ourselves,  we should respect that.



Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: cleanmac on August 04, 2004, 08:40:26 pm
Thanks John,

I have worked it out,you have to wait for it to upload before you close the window.Even on 1mb broadband its slow to do so.

Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Bryan H on August 04, 2004, 09:17:05 pm
Similiar problem adding to signature & I don't have broadband!

Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Derek on August 05, 2004, 12:03:04 am

I have met the Musicman and spoke to him on several occasions and I can see his point.
I do agree that it is desirable to have a name but there are a couple of other people who also have a legitimate reason for remaining incognito.

They have usually 'come out' (not quite the expression I would normally choose but I can't think of an alternative  :-[) and given a good enough reason why they do use a pseudonym... I, for one, respect their reasoning.

I would say, however, that all others 'should' give more details

Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: woodman on August 05, 2004, 12:07:03 pm
Hi Guys

Have had trouble recently trying to update the profile when I click change profile nothing happens I expect others have had the same and given up. :-[
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Bryan H on August 05, 2004, 12:18:03 pm

Exactly the problem !  but last night I stuck with it.   Took 5 -10 minutes to load !  should be much quicker with broadband !

Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: strakercleaning on August 05, 2004, 07:11:41 pm
I appreciate the need for discretion in certain circles and i have spoken to woodman, who keeps that name for his own reasons. My knowledge of Musicman is not so extensive and to have him on a thread about Profiles where he calls peoples views ludicrous, is not very appreciated. I respect people and the the reasons they have for such a measure as using a false/nickname, until they are impolite towards myself.( Respect is earned not deserved)
I recently had a call on my mobile from an irate driver, who i never allowed to cut me up, swearing and threatening all sorts of personal damage. The fact that he withheld his number first and rang me when i had gone through traffic lights.........speaks volumes. Funny that when i pulled up down the road and got out to wait for him to catch up, that he should turn off!!! :'(
That is what i mean about not respecting anonymous persons automatically, we can all be brave when hiding ::)
I have no disrespect for 'nicknamed persons' it's just that they have to earn it ;D
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Derek on August 05, 2004, 11:44:55 pm

There are always two sides to an argument as you have described admirably...thank you.

Incidentally who was it said that there were actually 'three' sides to any argument... yours, mine and the correct one... only joking  ;)

Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: strakercleaning on August 06, 2004, 12:06:03 am
Probably a FEMALE  :o
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Harry on August 06, 2004, 02:07:27 am
It has been my experience that when I first meet someone on these boards that whether I know their name and location etc or not that I really know next to nothing about them. However, after a few months of reading what they say and how they say it, speaks volumes about their personality, values, standards, humour or lack of it and knowledge/experience.
I do believe that most folks on these boards have no idea just how much, about who they are, is revealed in this medium. Unlike conversations where we tend to forget much of what was said, here we can go back and re-read exactly what was said weeks and months later.
Pretty scary really !!

Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: cleanmac on August 06, 2004, 02:44:29 am
You are right Harry Hides and Padman,s board is more  revealing than any other. :) :)

David (Lurker)
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Ian Gourlay on August 06, 2004, 09:15:32 am
I do not want to reveal my age I think I am 20 years younger.

They used to call me Young Ian

The problem I find with posting on boards is you never know wh is just looking in and not participating.

Therefore if you give out full details of your location and you talk about pricing or marketing someone close to you could be using that information against you.

I I could be sure the board was full of participants I would be happy as I have no objection to a mutual exchange of info.

Would it not be possible to have a rule that you must make at least one posting every month or two months to be able to access the board
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: George-Reid on August 06, 2004, 12:20:47 pm
Some boards do that but their is nothing to stop you registering again.

Ref lurking some times you just can not help. it does not mean you dont find the topic of intrest.


Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Mike_Boxall on August 06, 2004, 12:27:51 pm
Would it not be possible to have a rule that you must make at least one posting every month or two months to be able to access the board

Actually Ian, although I think that may be a bit extreme, it may not be such a bad idea to start by removing those who have registered under a nickname and have never actually posted.

I tried to change my own profile after reading the comments about the problems some people have had and I have to say it was slow. I don't think having a broadband connection makes any difference so we'll ask someone to look into it.


Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Shorty on August 06, 2004, 03:05:15 pm
Personally I think that some times the use of a nickname can be a good thing.

I have had mine for nearly fifty years.

If my proper name was mentioned to 99% of carpet cleaners down under, they would not have a clue who you were talking about.

But mention me by my nickname, and it is a different story.

So I guess there is good and bad, or, as THEY say, two sides to every story..........................................................
Unless of course a female is involved.  ;D  ;D


Shorty. ::)
Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Dynafoam on August 07, 2004, 12:09:50 am

It should be remembered that it is possible that some 'lurkers' may not post due to embarrassment about dyslexia or a similar impediment.

I have known a number of intelligent individual who have a wealth of knowledge but prefer to sit on the side-lines of written correspondence, having gone through early life being made to look foolish for jumbling a few letters.

Should they be excluded?

Mikes' idea has validity as it would clear out some deadwood, leaving those such as I described free to re-register.

Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on August 07, 2004, 01:12:21 am
My friends over at Chemdry Rotherham and Doncaster often look in to see what I have been, saying!

Hello Mr.Simmonds and junior :o

Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Ian Gourlay on August 07, 2004, 09:40:21 am
I often try to be extreme just to stir it a little bit.

Title: Re: Profiles
Post by: Derek on August 07, 2004, 11:41:11 am
You Ian.....NEVER!  ;)

I thought Mike Halliday had the sole rights to that   ;)  ;D

I hope you enjoyed you holiday Mike  ;D

John has made a valid point and I personally know of several people who would find it uneasy to post... they shouldn't be excluded
