Clean It Up

UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Carpet Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: cleanability on July 06, 2004, 01:08:39 pm

Title: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: cleanability on July 06, 2004, 01:08:39 pm
Never gone all out on the leaflet front but going for it now. Going for full colour A5 maybe including photo of me and my van ( if this is a good idea ). Any advice would be appreciated. Any leaflet examples that work maybe emailed to me would be fantastic.

                                thanks   Chis  
Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: paul_smith on July 06, 2004, 03:12:04 pm
try trade print warehouse on 01428 342464 they will send you samples and then you can make up your own based on these. they are really cheap.
does anyone know any leaflet distribution companies?
regards paul.
Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: Len Gribble on July 06, 2004, 09:43:46 pm

Check and do a search also I take you also have them dropped at your home check with the person who delivers them.


Leaflets I have found having my address on it is a bonus trust also don’t use a mobile number bit iffy
Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: cleanability on July 08, 2004, 12:14:05 am
Thanks for the replies. Yes....Paul "print warehouse" sounds great and yes they sound cheap and they are sending me some samples.

Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on July 08, 2004, 02:02:08 am
Paul, look carefully at Mike hallidays he swears by leaflets and does 1000's per week so if he hasn't got it right!

I like other types of marketing/advertising myself.

Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: Mike Halliday on July 08, 2004, 11:07:10 am

shaun, if tradeprint send out a sample pack it usually has one of my leaflet included.

but its not the leaflet that gets the work, its the amount & reliable delivery

get these right and the work will  roll in  :D

Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: Doug Holloway on July 08, 2004, 10:57:28 pm
Hi Guys .

I've done a few million in my time,

Definitely a proper address!
Definitely a local phone number!
Definitely a command, e.g ring us now to get your special offer.
Definitely a lot of leaflets!
Definitely a special offer!


Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: cleanability on July 08, 2004, 11:09:29 pm
Doug     Do you leaflet the same areas over and over again?  If so how long between each delivery?   And if there's an offer I presume theres a cut off date it?

Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: Doug Holloway on July 09, 2004, 12:21:57 am
Hi Chris ,

Yes I do the same areas over again but on a 3-6month frequency whereas I know Mick suggests every four weeks.

I used to have several offer dates but now to keep it simple have one ending 31st march to give me a boost in early spring and the other 30th October to prolong summer.


Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: cleanability on July 09, 2004, 12:46:55 am
Hi Doug
        Hope you don't mind me picking your brains. Whats sorts of numbers are you delivering per week/month. Do you deliver any yourself? What sort of price are you paying if someone else delivers them?


Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: Ian Gourlay on July 09, 2004, 07:00:48 am

I know your point about special offer to attract work, but it appears to me that companies that offer Free Room up to 200square feet , or Have one room cleaned and I will do another free, must charge a higher price to be profitable.

Hence I am always stuck for an offer that customer considers to be of sufficient value  to pick up the phone.  Therefore I am depending on  a numbers game reaching people who want their carpet cleanened.  

Not those who would if pushed.

Which is why I use direct personal marketing.

I think I am asking what offers are available that work that do not involve double the work or depend on pushing people for extra work when you have got throgh the door.

I will be on about The Secret of the door if I do not watch it.


Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: Ian Gourlay on July 09, 2004, 07:06:12 am

Your upmarket  address does not put people off then.



Another point about putting home address do you think it makes us more vunerable to theievies crank mail  window smashers, fire bombers etc

or amI being parinoid \ at this hour of the morning


Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: Len Gribble on July 09, 2004, 09:13:17 am

I seem to have a better response from customers where I put my address on the leaflet, some have committed it shows you are not a fly-by-night.

If you advertise in yellow page and on you must have an address so I can’t see the difference by having on the leaflet.

I take your point re vulnerability if ones a fly-by-night.

Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: Dave Parry on July 10, 2004, 12:50:01 am
Ian, I have a guy who drops my leaflet along with 2 or 3 others, folded seperately. Charges £ 24 / 1000. does about 3 to 4000 per week. This should be regarded as a minimum.
re special offers, I have hall / stairs / landing free if two other rooms inc Lounge done. seems to work well, people like it and theres normally no furniture to move.
I dont have my address on but do have land line and mobile on. No room for address.
Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: Ian Gourlay on July 10, 2004, 08:48:07 am
Thanks Dave, Dont mind giving away Hall stairs and landing for two rooms.
Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: Dynafoam on July 10, 2004, 07:55:19 pm
Dave & Ian,

You obviously do not dislike doing stairs as much as I do - give me a bit of horizontal any day !

( No rude comments about my time of life please  ;) )

Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: Len Gribble on July 10, 2004, 10:49:38 pm

Dave only doses the horizontal on stairs as he suffers from vertigo.

Me be rude would I ??? ???

Len ;D ;D
Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: paulchambers on July 12, 2004, 01:17:37 pm
Another 500 leaflets delivered 100 letters posted to Hotels at the weekend still no phone calls
Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: Mark Betts on July 12, 2004, 04:30:14 pm

It will take time, you will not get an instant response form leaflets or letters.

Letters need a folow up.

Check your hotmail account


Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: Dennis on July 12, 2004, 05:25:52 pm
Another 500 leaflets delivered 100 letters posted to Hotels at the weekend still no phone calls

Blimey give it a chance!  ;)

I sent out 200 previous customer letters Thursday and have only got a rug and £70 lounge so far, and I've been at this 14 years, (plus a £250 commercial for September 30th but that does not count)
Keep at it  :)
Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: Len Gribble on July 12, 2004, 10:18:38 pm
I cleaned a sports club last week (not a fitness type) this was quoted back in March, next time I may put a cut off date.

Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: paulchambers on July 12, 2004, 11:13:38 pm
;D i'm too eager
Title: Re: leaflets advice/samples?????
Post by: Ian Gourlay on July 13, 2004, 09:08:57 am

If you have got nothing to do today go down the streets with a clipboard where you delivered your leaflet.

Knock at the door,  introduce yourself , askm if they receiived leaflet would they like a qoute.

Do this between 4 and 7 go back to houses with no reply.

More details on how to do this in Marketing section on Cleantalk.

If it does not work try another area and repeat.