Clean It Up

UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Carpet Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: HolmansUKLTD on June 23, 2004, 11:27:04 pm

Title: How Clean Is Your House
Post by: HolmansUKLTD on June 23, 2004, 11:27:04 pm
Hello people,

I dont know about you but this programme is on tv at the moment and i get a quite a few calls after the show and the next morning?

wierd isnt it :o

Title: Re: How Clean Is Your House
Post by: littlejack on June 23, 2004, 11:49:00 pm
I am just doing a leaflet drop with the same headline.  I think the service these two women provide is a growing commercial venture.
Anyone else doing this type of service?
Title: Re: How Clean Is Your House
Post by: Derek on June 24, 2004, 09:38:21 am

Personally, I cannot watch these programmes as I feel so embarrassed/ashamed that people can actually live in an environment like that!
How they have the gall to show their 'homes' to the world I will never understand...still I suppose it gives them their five minutes of fame.

The two ladies in the programme do actually promote carpet cleaning and the use of NCCA members... and yes, work has resulted for members as a spin off.

Carry on ladies!

Title: Re: How Clean Is Your House
Post by: Fox on June 24, 2004, 02:37:34 pm
I reckon some of these have just got to be set up!  Who in their right mind would invite a camera crew to their house if it looked like that especially when the words most often used by the tenant/owner are 'I'm too embarassed to have anyone come into my house'!

Still each to his own and at the end of the day as you say helps all of us in the industry by way of promotion.

I remember one particular programme where the 'offender' was a cleaner!  Well if she can't clean her own house then I dread to think what her work was like!
Title: Re: How Clean Is Your House
Post by: Derek on June 24, 2004, 09:46:20 pm
Hey Fox

You just reminded me.... a few years ago I visited the house of a potential employee for a full time cleaning job we had vacant.

I was shown into the 'front' room as it was apparently the best room. On entering I couldn't see very much plus the light was on... in spite of it being a bright sunny day. I could feel my shoes sticking to the carpet with each step...I was asked if I wanted to sit down....NO WAY!
Everything in the room was a dark grey....FILTH... in fact the cleanest bit was on the door where it had been repeatedly pushed open...the hand that did the pushing had removed some of the dirt...UGH!

I dread to think what the rest of the house was like if that was the best room.

It wasn't a set up ...people do live like that...How I don't know but they do.

Enjoy your tea  ;)  ;D

Title: Re: How Clean Is Your House
Post by: williamx on June 24, 2004, 10:08:22 pm
When did he start work for you ;D
Title: Re: How Clean Is Your House
Post by: Fox on June 25, 2004, 02:01:41 pm
lol - I suppose they do, it's a wonder they don't die of some disease or other!

When I ran a domestic cleaning business I used to go and interview people in their own homes it was a really good judge of their idea of cleanliness.  I must admit I didn't come accross anything as horrendous as you but there were plenty I didn't employ!

Just think you were lucky to be there interviewing and not to clean the carpets! :o
Title: Re: How Clean Is Your House
Post by: d_holland on June 25, 2004, 06:29:44 pm
I would like to  know how   the two ladies have promoted NCCA members as I have never seen anything publicised, or have  I  missed a newsletter from the NCCa
Title: Re: How Clean Is Your House
Post by: adl on June 25, 2004, 06:49:04 pm
We did a job 2 weeks back for the local council a 3 bed council house. when we went in they had just had a contractor in to scrape the #rap off the floor and dispose of all the waste that was left in there after the people had been moved out, 110 industrial bin bags of #rap were taken out, we went in to clean and sanitise the place, it was that bad that we ended up powerwashing the interia walls to get the #urds off and yes i do mean turds, this place made the houses on that tv programme look like palaces, the stench was that bad that we could not enter unless we had B/A on. They had even left a big brown present in the bath.
Title: Re: How Clean Is Your House
Post by: Derek on June 25, 2004, 10:54:01 pm
Hi 'd'

Sorry I can't refer to you by name as you don't appear to have one

The show uses an NCCA member and reference features in the shows credits (so I am told) also there is reference in their book

Title: Re: How Clean Is Your House
Post by: Dave_Lee on June 26, 2004, 01:09:15 am
Talking about T--ds in the bath. My wife works in a local city council works department office. It is quite common for their plumbers having to wear full protective clothing to deal with bad plumbing problems like
t--ds blocking the bath water outlet pipes - makes you wonder what they put down the toilet.
Incidently Dave Holland, the CC they use on the show is a fellow Fast Track member, and he would be the first to tell you how being involved in the organisation has helped him greatly improve his business.
Title: Re: How Clean Is Your House
Post by: Londoner on June 26, 2004, 11:25:11 am
I can guess the answers to this are going to be gross.
What's the worst house you have ever been to?

I have been to several houses that the RSPCA wouldn't let you keep pigs in.

I remember one with about 20 cats where you literally choked on the smell as you went through the door.