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UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: WavieDavie on June 12, 2004, 02:47:39 pm

Title: Cost of Wages / PAYE
Post by: WavieDavie on June 12, 2004, 02:47:39 pm

In the thread finding staff;action=display;num=1086639816  you mentioned "plus admin costs of doing paye" Just being nosey, but how much does it cost you for doing wages? I've been using PAYE-Master for years and the current yearly support package is £105 +vat = £123.38 or £2.00 per week if you can get the vat back. It's so easy to use and takes minutes to do. End of Year stuff is literally done for you, you just print off the sheets you need - which come free from Inland Revenue anyway. Go to and click on business owners. I can recommend it highly and am NOT on commission!

They have an online help section and you can also phone at any time (Mon-Fri 9-5) for advice on wages but that's an 0870 line at the exhorbitant rate of 8p per minute.

IRIS PAYE-Master Single Company
Price (Inc. VAT): £152.75
Description: Special offer pack, including: Initial fee, annual fee and 250 payslips.

(If anyone decides to use this software let me know, I'll pass on a very handy tip I got from someone else who uses it too.)

Sometimes it seems that running a small business takes up more time than the business, so this is one way to smooth out a few of the bumps. And once you get the hang of it, I dare say you could start doing wages for other small businesses close to you too!  ::)

All the best from a SME proprietor, wages clerk, personnel officer, health and safety rep, wet nurse, social worker, marriage guidance counsellor, aquisition controller, life skills consultant, personal chauffeur drive contractor to the family . . . Oh, and I manage to throw water at windows every so often too - have fun ;)

Title: Re: Cost of Wages / PAYE
Post by: The_Fed_Man on June 12, 2004, 03:33:18 pm
The Inland Revenue do a free CD rom to do all your PAYE now, its not all that hard once you've learnt it, free telephone support as well.  

If you only have a handfull of staff you don't  necessarily need software.
Title: Re: Cost of Wages / PAYE
Post by: WavieDavie on June 12, 2004, 04:21:06 pm

I saw that on the Employer's CD 2004 and had a look. Trust me, I'm happy to pay £2 a week for an all-singing, all-dancing, software package which takes up absolutely no brainpower at all and completes ALL forms for you, always allowing that the Inland Revenue actually send out the right ones in the first place.

I completed my online order form and after the expected delivery date had passed, decided to chase them up by phone - then got duplicate orders sent, but they were incomplete because some forms had run out and they'd forward on the others when they were reprinted. Guess what - they arrived as full orders! Oh I can feel the red mist coming down - anyone want to take up origami?
Title: Re: Cost of Wages / PAYE
Post by: The_Fed_Man on June 12, 2004, 04:59:34 pm

Didn't get the forms this year, just the CD all on there.

What's the score in Scotland, all forms filed online by 2005?

A Scotsman happy to pay £2 a week  :o are you a thoroughbred? ;D
Title: Re: Cost of Wages / PAYE
Post by: WavieDavie on June 12, 2004, 07:32:40 pm
Didn't get the forms this year, just the CD all on there.
Oh dear, I couldn't have studied it hard enough, were you able to print off off the end of year paperwork blanks from the CD? But aren't some of them colour-coded? I only use a black ink laser printer for the business, maybe that's why I must have decided to use their paperwork.

What's the score in Scotland, all forms filed online by 2005?
So I can get dosh from the taxman? Youbetyoass!! Ooops, sorry - Yes old chap, I think that's a most excellent suggestion, and I intend to implement it fully to avail myself of the promised £825!

A Scotsman happy to pay £2 a week   are you a thoroughbred?  
Martin, everything's relative. If I was doing it by hand, I'd be spending more than £2 a week on headache tablets, believe me.