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UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: windows_chepstow on November 22, 2006, 03:34:10 pm

Title: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: windows_chepstow on November 22, 2006, 03:34:10 pm
How honest are you; just out of interest.

I'm not a tax inspector, but you can vote anonomously, I'm sure. ;D
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Pole2pole on November 22, 2006, 03:42:05 pm
Is ya consciounce eatin at ya Tosh? ;)
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: geefree on November 22, 2006, 04:25:40 pm
Whoo !

I believe there is an ex taxman ... window cleaner on here lol...

he will have mates you know......  ::) >:(
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Paul Coleman on November 22, 2006, 04:30:28 pm
How honest are you; just out of interest.

I'm not a tax inspector, but you can vote anonomously, I'm sure. ;D

With the price of gas these days, it's cheaper to be honest than to put the books in the oven for cooking.  ;D

I play it straight myself - even declaring end of year tips.
I do feel that taxing tips in an intrusion but I understand why it's done.  If it wasn't done that way, people would find a way of calling their salaries tips.
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: [GQC] Tim on November 22, 2006, 04:36:08 pm
every penny
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Moderator David@stives on November 22, 2006, 04:42:26 pm
I declare 100% but even that does not stop me being worried in case i have not done something right.

It really annoys me when customers ask if i want cash so I dont have to declare it, or give you that knowing wink.

To save £1000 in tax you would have to hide about £4000 in earnings, what do you do with it , you cant spend it.

I would rather look for ways to improve my business than wasting time trying to dodge tax.

Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: windows2clean on November 22, 2006, 05:12:50 pm
A clean conscience is the best pillow
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Sir Squeaky on November 22, 2006, 05:23:16 pm
My turnover was under 15 grand last year anyway.
So my tax was about £450.

So who cares? ;D

Bit worried this time though, as I've no money to pay a tax bill with.
Can you do it on payments?

If not, tough.
They can't accuse me of earning more if I've got no bloody money.
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Jake on November 22, 2006, 05:59:51 pm

Some years back while in the building trade, I paid my January tax bill in monthly instalments, think you would pay a small amount of interest. Have a word with the tax man, they just want 'their' money, they won't mind waiting 6 months?

Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Moderator David@stives on November 22, 2006, 06:00:18 pm

I dont understand , your turnover was less than £15 k  I did that much by July

i think you need to seriously think if you are in the right business or not.

How many customers have you got.

Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: simon knight on November 22, 2006, 06:03:08 pm

Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Sir Squeaky on November 22, 2006, 06:12:23 pm

I dont understand , your turnover was less than £15 k  I did that much by July

i think you need to seriously think if you are in the right business or not.

How many customers have you got.


I'm got enough to do each day.
I rarely catch up.

I just haven't got massive commercial jobs, and my prices aren't a rip-off. (not saying yours are!)

No-one could earn much more on my round, I'm quick.
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Moderator David@stives on November 22, 2006, 06:20:27 pm
so you only work 3-4 hours a day then
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Sir Squeaky on November 22, 2006, 06:22:03 pm

No, about 5 or 6.
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Moderator David@stives on November 22, 2006, 06:25:03 pm
£10 an hour  :o
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Sir Squeaky on November 22, 2006, 06:29:25 pm
No, about 20(ish).

You can't work every hour.
Sometimes I've got to pick up or drop off my daughter.
Sometimes it rains (lots lately).
Sometimes I finish earlier.
I don't do friday afternoons.

Averaged out that's the way it is.
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: windows_chepstow on November 22, 2006, 07:00:49 pm
Bit worried this time though, as I've no money to pay a tax bill with.
Can you do it on payments?

Yes, I paid in installments this year.  I waited untill they started sending threatening letters and then arrived at a monthly payment plan after a bit of haggling.  The tax man isn't too bad.

It's all paid off now (including most of 06/07s tax) and I feel like I'm rich!  We've even had meat for dinner.

Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Ian_Giles on November 22, 2006, 07:15:47 pm
If you are declaring just about everything you earn, less a cup of tea here and paper there (for the sake of arguement) then roughly 15k a year, working a 6 hour day works out at a tenner an hour (near enough)

Doesn't matter that you have a Friday afternoon off, take bank holidays off, get rained off, hacked off or whatever.
Your job is worth a tenner an hour.

All of those reasons that any of us lose time over (hols, rain whatever) have to be taken into consideration.

I have a day tomorrow for instance, where by the time you have been to Mike's and bought your paper I'll have knocked out £206  (6am start and you get your paper at about 8am)
Whatever you may think to the contrary, the prices I'm charging are not rip off prices, were you doing them off a ladder (by that I mean you personally) you would almost certainly want a similar amount for the jobs.

so I could turn around and brag that I'm earning over a £100 an hour.

I'm not, at the end of my tax year I will be turning over somewhere in the region of 25k.
So my average is a paltry 14 quid or so an hour for me (approx a 35 hour working week)

Yet I feel like I am consistantly turning over above a £100 a day...but of course time is lost through hols, rain....
You get the picture?

to get a decent income it is no use thinking, I'll charge this semi £7.00, I can knock out 3 or 4 of these an our easily...I'm on £21 an hour! Over 32k a year!!!!

But of course you are doing no such thing, to achieve a decent income, £7.00 a semi just isn't enough (rog, this isn't a dig at you personally by the way, I'm really just using you as an example).

So many seem to think that because they can bang out well over a ton a day they are earning really good money, but once you have worked out what you have actually turned over in 12 months, whether you work just 5 hours a week or 50...

Your tax return tells you what you are really earning...
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Sir Squeaky on November 22, 2006, 07:23:55 pm
I was just looking at the poll results so far and thinking...

Bunch of liars. ;D
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Moderator David@stives on November 22, 2006, 07:35:55 pm
I set my target last new year to increase the amount of work on my books by £20'000 to be achieved by last working day this year so far I have achieved an extra £15'000 with no advertising or marketing or doorknocking or leaflets , I have not even got a sign written van.

How did i achieve this you may ask.

If a promise of a job comes up then i would of achieved my goal, I have been told the job is mine but i need confirmation before christmas for it to count


p.s Squeeky I am no Liar

My motto is live your life with 100% integrety and you will go far, If you are prepared to tell small lies where do the big lies come in.
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Sir Squeaky on November 22, 2006, 07:58:20 pm
Whatever you may think to the contrary, the prices I'm charging are not rip off prices, were you doing them off a ladder (by that I mean you personally) you would almost certainly want a similar amount for the jobs.
I would never ask for over 200 quid for two hours work Ian, more like £45-50.
So yes, that's a massive rip-off. :o
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Bob McKillop on November 22, 2006, 08:06:10 pm
Ian, is that £200  just on your own?
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: windows_chepstow on November 22, 2006, 08:13:25 pm
Ian, is that £200  just on your own?

I can answer for Ian here.  Yes, it's by himself.

The job he's talking about (I think) is a big three story office block with large sash type windows.

I've seen Ian doing these trad a few years ago and it involves climbing off a big old ladder and standing on the sills - three stories up.

WFP rips through this job, since there's no climbing up or down with a ladder move for every window.

Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Sir Squeaky on November 22, 2006, 08:25:48 pm
He's trebled the price then.
It used to be £70 for 2 and a half hours trad.(when I was slow)
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: windows_chepstow on November 22, 2006, 08:33:14 pm
He's trebled the price then.
It used to be £70 for 2 and a half hours trad.(when I was slow)

I may have got the wrong building.
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Roy Harding on November 22, 2006, 08:58:35 pm
I set my target last new year to increase the amount of work on my books by £20'000 to be achieved by last working day this year so far I have achieved an extra £15'000 with no advertising or marketing or doorknocking or leaflets , I have not even got a sign written van.

How did i achieve this you may ask.

If a promise of a job comes up then i would of achieved my goal, I have been told the job is mine but i need confirmation before christmas for it to count


p.s Squeeky I am no Liar

My motto is live your life with 100% integrety and you will go far, If you are prepared to tell small lies where do the big lies come in.

Well done Dave your spot on.

With George you can project you income for future years, my projection shows a 40% increase on this year.

I can cope with it but only if I work till 4.00pm and not 2:30pm there becomes a point that one man can only do so much.

But declare all, if you want a mortgage loan you need the figures to get it.

Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: billozz on November 22, 2006, 09:45:54 pm

I have a day tomorrow for instance, where by the time you have been to Mike's and bought your paper I'll have knocked out £206  (6am start and you get your paper at about 8am)

can you clean windows in the dark????
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: windows_chepstow on November 22, 2006, 09:56:09 pm
Good on you guys if you're 100% honest with your tax return; no sarcasm implied or inferred.

I also understand the moral issues concerning tax evasion, but there's a big disparity to how the tax system works, and how this money is often wasted.

Do you know the Queen is something like the hundred-and-thirty-something richest woman in the UK, yet she's only paid taxes for the past twenty years; not a penny before that; and that only came about because she AGREED she should pay tax.

I wish I could've gotten away without paying a single penny in taxes for as long as she has.

Oh, and what about ole 'Big Ears'?


From the news:

LONDON - PRINCE Charles faces new scrutiny over his accounts as MPs demand to know why his main income benefited from tax exemptions.The chairman of the Public Accounts Committee has written to the Treasury questioning why the Duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster do not pay corporation or capital gains tax.

There's loads and loads more I could rant about; waste in the private sector.  Empire building and cr@p appointments in goverment and local government.  Holidays at the public expense.  MPs expenses.  Illegal wars.  Benifit fraud.  2500 quid payments to immigrant crimals to leave the UK and the list goes on...

If any window cleaner makes a few extra quid for his family through declaring a smaller turn-over than what he's made, then morally, I think it's justified.

Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: windows_chepstow on November 22, 2006, 10:47:17 pm
...6am start ...

can you clean windows in the dark????

You should start a new thread asking this, but I think you'll find that it's possible and for certain types of work; especially town centre stuff; it's the only way you can do it before the traffic and pedestrians get in your way.
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: matt on November 22, 2006, 11:06:30 pm
i earn under 15K legit

of course its ben said im a " 5 quid a house man, on the dole etc etc " what a laugh that joker was ;)

of course im not, but dont let the truth get in the way of a character attack

back on subject, i only work 3 days a week, so i guess what i earn is still ok, but even as 10 quid a hour, its more than other "semi skilled jobs"

Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Sir Squeaky on November 22, 2006, 11:51:58 pm
Well said Matt.
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Ian_Giles on November 23, 2006, 05:57:34 am
He's trebled the price then.
It used to be £70 for 2 and a half hours trad.(when I was slow)

You are both (Tosh included) correct on the account in question, but it also includes the big 3 storey appartment block directly next door and 6 shops (A £10, an £8 a £7.50, a £6.50, a £6.50 and a £4 acount)
These will be completed by approx 8am.

Squeaks is wrong on a couple of points, the job he is talking about was £75 when he was doing it and it drove me potty that it always took him 3 hours to clean it (and he wasn't slow then, in fairness, off a ladder that job is very hard work indeed)
That was....what...5 or 6 years ago Rog?
It went up another fiver, then up another tenner a couple of years later (2 and a half years ago).
Because of WFP it's now one of my top accounts, rather than one I would use almost any excuse to put off doing.

Yes, in town centres you clean in the dark...except it isn't dark, the streetlights make it a doddle.

Matt makes a point that at a tenner an hour it is more than other semi skilled jobs.
Ok, for the hours you actually work what you do is well paid.
But you don't get holiday pay for one thing, and out of that 15k all of your business expenses have to be taken off.
It is your business that is earning £10 an hour, your wages are significantly less than that.
This is yet another mistake that self employed people make, not just window cleaners, they see their hourly rate as their wage, it isn't.
One of the benifits of having a separate account for your business (please note I not not saying a business acount) is that you can make out a standing order from the one you use for your business to the one you use for a personal acount.

Let that standing order be your true wage.

What is left behind is what you run your business off.

And don't forget...your business also needs to make a profit and have funds available for small investments - upgrades to equipment and so on - You will be pretty disappointed to see what your true income actually is.

Gotta shoot, 5 mins to get to my offices ;D

Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Paul Coleman on November 23, 2006, 06:15:27 am
Bit worried this time though, as I've no money to pay a tax bill with.
Can you do it on payments?

Yes, I paid in installments this year.  I waited untill they started sending threatening letters and then arrived at a monthly payment plan after a bit of haggling.  The tax man isn't too bad.

It's all paid off now (including most of 06/07s tax) and I feel like I'm rich!  We've even had meat for dinner.

Tosh.  I realise that they must have charged you interest but did they slap a £100 fine on you as well for not paying up on time?
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Paul Coleman on November 23, 2006, 06:23:36 am
If you are declaring just about everything you earn, less a cup of tea here and paper there (for the sake of arguement) then roughly 15k a year, working a 6 hour day works out at a tenner an hour (near enough)

Doesn't matter that you have a Friday afternoon off, take bank holidays off, get rained off, hacked off or whatever.
Your job is worth a tenner an hour.

All of those reasons that any of us lose time over (hols, rain whatever) have to be taken into consideration.

I have a day tomorrow for instance, where by the time you have been to Mike's and bought your paper I'll have knocked out £206  (6am start and you get your paper at about 8am)
Whatever you may think to the contrary, the prices I'm charging are not rip off prices, were you doing them off a ladder (by that I mean you personally) you would almost certainly want a similar amount for the jobs.

so I could turn around and brag that I'm earning over a £100 an hour.

I'm not, at the end of my tax year I will be turning over somewhere in the region of 25k.
So my average is a paltry 14 quid or so an hour for me (approx a 35 hour working week)

Yet I feel like I am consistantly turning over above a £100 a day...but of course time is lost through hols, rain....
You get the picture?

to get a decent income it is no use thinking, I'll charge this semi £7.00, I can knock out 3 or 4 of these an our easily...I'm on £21 an hour! Over 32k a year!!!!

But of course you are doing no such thing, to achieve a decent income, £7.00 a semi just isn't enough (rog, this isn't a dig at you personally by the way, I'm really just using you as an example).

So many seem to think that because they can bang out well over a ton a day they are earning really good money, but once you have worked out what you have actually turned over in 12 months, whether you work just 5 hours a week or 50...

Your tax return tells you what you are really earning...

I know what you are saying Ian.  I have a couple of joibs that I do on a Saturday morning that are close to each other.  Since using WFP I can bang these out in about 45 minutes and I get paid £49 for them - all before 8 a.m.   That works out at about £65 an hour.  No way do I earn that sort of money overall though - nothing like it.  Another job is for £32 which I knock out in about 35 minutes.  Again that is around £55 an hour.  For anyone to use such jobs as a guide to my overall income would provide a completely false picture.
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: windows_chepstow on November 23, 2006, 09:05:56 am
Tosh.  I realise that they must have charged you interest but did they slap a £100 fine on you as well for not paying up on time?

Nope, no fine.  I left their bills in my big pile of other bills and contacted them when they threatend court action for the second time.

I then phoned our local tax office, pleaded poverty and the guy was fine.  I wanted to pay 200 quid a month and he wanted me to pay 300 quid a month and we settled at 250 per month.

I did incurr interest, not much though I think, but they did make me pay this years tax in advance, based on last years accounts which I think is a bit unfair and slightly unusual in that from another post this is not normal; apart from one other member here who it happened to.

This is my 3rd self-assessment, I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: matt on November 23, 2006, 11:26:15 am
He's trebled the price then.
It used to be £70 for 2 and a half hours trad.(when I was slow)

Matt makes a point that at a tenner an hour it is more than other semi skilled jobs.
Ok, for the hours you actually work what you do is well paid.
But you don't get holiday pay for one thing, and out of that 15k all of your business expenses have to be taken off.
It is your business that is earning £10 an hour, your wages are significantly less than that.
This is yet another mistake that self employed people make, not just window cleaners, they see their hourly rate as their wage, it isn't.
One of the benifits of having a separate account for your business (please note I not not saying a business acount) is that you can make out a standing order from the one you use for your business to the one you use for a personal acount.

Let that standing order be your true wage.

What is left behind is what you run your business off.

And don't forget...your business also needs to make a profit and have funds available for small investments - upgrades to equipment and so on - You will be pretty disappointed to see what your true income actually is.


i can see what you mean, but many "semi skilled jobs" now only pay 3 weeks holiday a year (no bank holidays or they are inc your 3 weeks), so thats roughly 600 quid a year for that

my business expenses this year have been VERY low, ive paid my PL insurance ( 90 quid) and thats it, nothing else

i get my mileage for my car (but i get allowance for that)

10 quid bag of resin (still have half of it)

i really have little else to show for expenses, though i have just brought a new printer for 20 quid from the Post office

most of what we earn is ours isnt it, or have i missed something here ?? ?? ??

edit, i thought of another expense, my accountant
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: bumper on November 23, 2006, 03:45:39 pm
neaver pay tax, dornt want to join the club,so im out ;D
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Easyclean Windows on November 23, 2006, 03:49:28 pm say you earned 15,000 does your wife work? if not do you take yours and her allowances away before you do your accounts?
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Sir Squeaky on November 23, 2006, 04:30:46 pm
Yes she does.
Sorry I don't really understand the question. ???
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: DASERVICES on November 23, 2006, 04:35:11 pm
  I declare everything, better to have a clean conscience than a guilty one.
  Had an interesting debate with my mate over this, he was trying to get
  the price of a job reduced by paying cash in hand. Pointed it out to him he
  was encouraging the guy to break the law which is wrong, would you
  employ someone who does this !!!

  When the Tax man visits at least you will not have sweaty palms. ;D

  Only earned £10k last year and £6k was netted off by claiming for mileage.

  For every £1k you earn you loose out £370 off your tax credits, £220 you pay
  to the tax man and the NI so in the ned you only end up with £410 in your
  pocket.   ??? ???

  Why break your back to pay the tax man, make life simple and enjoy it.
  The only way you make money is if you take on staff but then you have
  the downsides on this as well.



Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: matt on November 23, 2006, 07:09:02 pm

  Only earned £10k last year and £6k was netted off by claiming for mileage.

  For every £1k you earn you loose out £370 off your tax credits, £220 you pay
  to the tax man and the NI so in the ned you only end up with £410 in your
  pocket.   ??? ???

  Why break your back to pay the tax man, make life simple and enjoy it.




thats interesting, makes you think why do people bother
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: matt on November 23, 2006, 07:10:27 pm
We had this debate last year and the year previous.

You will always get people who aim to earn little money and rely on Family Tax Credits to see them by.

If that type of workshy scrounger can sleep at night, there is little the hard working, honest few can do about it.

these same people just maybe happy earning a few quid and spending lots of time with the family etc etc (esp if its a young family (before school))

who are we to judge them ?? ?? ?
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: sunshine windows on November 23, 2006, 09:34:56 pm
Legitimate taxpayers that's who  >:(
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: tatman on November 23, 2006, 09:40:44 pm
everyones different earn what you want i dont need £800 pounds a week to live on.  ;D theres  people on here obsessed with money. Whos gonna be the richest man in the graveyard? These types to be honest get on my tits :-* We all get taxed to f### on everything we buy in this country. the more you earn the more TAX. be happy earning a fair days money window cleaning is a good wage earn what you want but dont get OBSSESSED it kills!
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Wozza on November 23, 2006, 09:53:47 pm
honesty is the best way and I declare all I earn including tips
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: matt on November 23, 2006, 11:05:48 pm

You will always get people who aim to earn little money and rely on Family Tax Credits to see them by.

Legitimate taxpayers that's who  >:(

the person who chooses to not earn that much and enjoy time with family etc etc

still pay tax's ?? ? ?? ?? ??  you earn more money, you pay more tax, its fairly simple
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: DASERVICES on November 23, 2006, 11:18:20 pm

  After 20 yrs working long hours in an office, never seeing the kids or wife
  think I'm entitled to a better life for the family's sake. So to go and work
  long hours again think I will have no family left.

  Yes I would like to pay tax but prices up Scotland are low, I work 3 days
   a week due to weather and claim for everything. Am I wrong NO, am I happy

   This system is ending so why get caught up in trying to get rich, thats why
   I see so many happy window cleaners and thought hey I would like a slice
   of that. Best move I've made.


Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Ian_Giles on November 24, 2006, 06:07:41 am
May seem a rather daft thing to say, but earning or turning over big money means you have to put a fair whack away each week to cover your eventual tax bill.

If you are earning 15k or less your tax bill is only going to be a couple of hundred quid, but if you are up over 30k (not an excessive amount to turn over) then your tax bill is going to be a couple of grand or more.

Many of us, regardless of what we earn tend to spend it as it comes in and never seem to have an awful lot in the bank at any one time.
You don't know where it goes :o
Whether 15k or 30k you still have only a couple of hundred in the bank :-\

At 15k you can soon find the tax bill, but if your bill £3,000 or more and you haven't put any away to cover it, you're gonna sweat :'(

Ok, I'm stating the obvious I know...but how many put money aside every week to cover their tax bill??

Ooh...I feel a new topic coming on ;)

Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Paul Coleman on November 24, 2006, 08:35:24 am

  After 20 yrs working long hours in an office, never seeing the kids or wife
  think I'm entitled to a better life for the family's sake. So to go and work
  long hours again think I will have no family left.

  Yes I would like to pay tax but prices up Scotland are low, I work 3 days
   a week due to weather and claim for everything. Am I wrong NO, am I happy

   This system is ending so why get caught up in trying to get rich, thats why
   I see so many happy window cleaners and thought hey I would like a slice
   of that. Best move I've made.



Totally agree that happiness is the first priority Doug.  No-one ever laid on their deathbed wishing they had done more overtime.  So I agree with you but for totally different reasons to the one stated.  I wish people wouldn't use this forum to - well I won't say it but I'm sure you know where I'm coming from.  It can be a touchy subject for some of us.

Best wishes.
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: matt on November 24, 2006, 09:47:22 am

  After 20 yrs working long hours in an office, never seeing the kids or wife
  think I'm entitled to a better life for the family's sake. So to go and work
  long hours again think I will have no family left.

  Yes I would like to pay tax but prices up Scotland are low, I work 3 days
   a week due to weather and claim for everything. Am I wrong NO, am I happy

   This system is ending so why get caught up in trying to get rich, thats why
   I see so many happy window cleaners and thought hey I would like a slice
   of that. Best move I've made.



good on your doug

im a little differerent, i work 3 days a week aswell BUT

my daughter is still pre-school and when she was born, my wife cut down her hours to work part-time, i packed in my carpentry job and started WC'ing

so we both work 3 days a week and we both spend loads of time with our daughter :) it works VERY well, i see other dads and chat to them, and 90% would love to do what i do, 4 days a week with my daughter, it doenst get much better

of course she will start school next year, so i MIGHT work 4 days a week, i really dont think i will ever go to 5 days though

to be called "workshy" is way off the mark, i just choose my values in life, and i wil be honest, i dont need to earn 400 quid a week, oh it would be nice to look at the bank account and think "wow, loads of money in the bank" but i dont see the point

Im 100% honest with my tax return, last year i paid 1500 in tax
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Moderator David@stives on November 24, 2006, 10:53:52 am
£1500 I wish , I paid over £5000 last year and reckon It will be about double that next year
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: matt on November 24, 2006, 11:10:32 am
£1500 I wish , I paid over £5000 last year and reckon It will be about double that next year

yes dave, but you earn alot more than me

so the more you earn, the more you pay, its a fair system ;)

Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: neil100 on November 24, 2006, 11:31:12 am
Just been reading the posts, Why is it some w/c knock those who are earning a good whack at cleaning windows?

I have posted before how much I earn a week, Then someone takes it the wrong way and says I am obssesed with MONEY.

I am not, But I do realize that no one is going to come along and shove cash in my pocket and say go on son spend it on what you want, when its run out just come back for more.

I have put down what I have earned before only for one reason only and that is to show anyone window cleaning can earn a top class wage. When I started my Dad went Crazy, my mum was upset my freinds thought I had lost it. Why? Because w/cleaning is Perceived as a Low earning mindless job.

My freinds thought I would be poverty stricken whilst I was a W/C. I have proved them all wrong and many look at w/c as a fantastic job.

If I was Obssesed with money I would work 6 days a week, pileing the cash in. I dont, I never work on the weekend, I never work pass 5pm. From my children being born we have allways sat round the table in the evening to have our dinner.

In summer I am often finnished in three days. Fom next year I will be working a maximim of 10 months and having 2 months off in the winter. Granted I have worked hard all my life, But thats because I am a grafter, I used to be a baker and had to do 60hrs a week for peanuts,not out of choice its what the job demanded.

With w/c you can earn a good living. Some people w/c but dont want to work so they clean for 2 days, earn a good wage and put there feet up and point at someone like myself as a money grabber because I earn more then I need.

I had a very poor upbringing, Had to walk every where because my mum could not afford a Bus. I had to walk to school 4 miles a day till I was 15 yrs old in shorts as my mum could not afford to clothe me in long pants, My legs where often blue in colour when I arrived at school in the morning when the temp was below freezing.

So I have grafted so my family will never go short, they never have. I have planned for my future by putting money away and investing it as I dont want to work outside till I am 65 yrs old. Does that make me obbssesed with money?

Not in my book, Those kind of people are never content with what they earn as they allways want to earn more. What they earn is never enough. I have built up my round from scratch against the odds, I earn a good living and I am very content with my life.

So please dont condem someone as a money grabber if they are earning a great wage. Your so wide of the mark its untrue. I know others on here also earn a great wage, thats because they have a good buisness head on them and they wont want to work till they are in their grave.

You can get someone who earns very little each week, but they are more obssesed with money then those that have it.

Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Moderator David@stives on November 24, 2006, 12:44:13 pm
I am a money grabber and proud of it , I work an average of 25 hours a week, I now just employ my wife so we have 50 hours window cleaning money coming in, which gives us a very good life style, I can go for a meal when i want , i can buy my kids what they want , if something breaks i can replace it straight away.

Like Nel , My maths teacher went ballistic at me and made me cry at 15 years of age when i told him i was going to get a job window cleaning for £10 a day cash in hand plus my dole money, yes that was a genuine job offer off a window cleaner who i helped to collect his money on thursday evenings when i was a kid, I was very bright as a kid and was one of the best at maths in the school , not very good at English , but had a very good brain all round, he went on to say i would be throwing everything away and i would not have a future.

Anyway I did not take his job offer up mainly due to the maths teacher and not wanting to be up a ladder , the thought scared me slightly, I went through every dead end job going until i finally became a window cleaner at the age of 31.

I feel like going back to that maths teacher and saying look at me now, I now earn more money than you.

I intend to earn even more next year , I will be setting another goal for another £20'000 increase in work on my books , this will be achieved mainly by increasing the amount of cream i have on my round and not neccesseraly by working harder.

I used to worry about losing my tax credits , now that makes me laugh so much thinking about it , what a loser i was, One day i just thought sod this for a lark , lets start making some real money and do you know what it worked.

My turnover has quadrupled since i first had that thought, in fact i feel quite smug and proud of what i have achieved.

In fact i am a bit like Nel and echo everything he has said above, thank god we werent born 100 years ago and dont have to work 60 hours a week down a mine shaft.

Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: on November 24, 2006, 01:18:08 pm
hi all

i think the best thing to do is earn what works for you , i dont want to earn loads as i am not good at saving so i woul never have the money for tax.

i did 13k last year not that much compared to alot of the big boys here .. but it worked for me.

this year i will be heading for 25-27k but the problem is paying the tax on that.

i am planning on only working 3 days from next year and my wife is going to go part time also 3 days a week.

the thing is i keep my outgoings low  ie we have reasonable rent we pay £600 for our 1 bed flat which is good for where we live and then we dont have any debt. so all our money is ours.

so i think fair enough to those who earn loads of money but along with that come huge bills not only tax but also leased vans and sytems staff offices etc all these cost money that i would rather keep.

each to there own spend your time with your family thats my motto!

Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: D woods on November 24, 2006, 01:27:12 pm
Great post's really interesting reading.
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: windows_chepstow on November 24, 2006, 02:10:08 pm
Given the choice, I'd rather be well-off than skint all the time and if anyone knocks hard-working astute window cleaners, then I think that's jealousy.

I wish I had more money-grabbing get-up-and-go inside me, but sometimes; like the past two weeks; I've been pure lazy.

Maybe it's the weather, maybe it's the time of year, maybe it's because we've had a death in the family; or maybe it's because we're getting a big inheritance; but someone needs to give me a kick up the arse and make me work harder.

I sometimes wish I had a big-bullying boss that frightened me into working harder!


Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: matt on November 24, 2006, 02:21:57 pm
if people think i am "having a go" at people who earn loads

then thats simply not true, i dont care if you earn 10 X what i earn and live in a castle


on the flip side, why do people think just because people are happy to earn X amount and work 3 days a week that they are workshy dole / family tax credit scrongers, and thats what a lot of posts look like, if you dont strive to earn 40 K a year and then employ people your seen as a "waster" and giving you lot a bad name

persoanlly, i live fairly well, 2 holidays booked next year (1 of them is a rather expensive holiday, some think holiday of a lifetime, though i dont, as its my 3rd time ), but i dont aim to earn any more that what i earn now

Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: JM123 on November 24, 2006, 02:38:25 pm
I made £4.95 last year (after tax), I then claimed back £8500 on fuel tax and tinned soup allowance.

What??  Don't tut at me like that!
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Sir Squeaky on November 24, 2006, 03:29:52 pm
I sometimes wish I had a big-bullying boss that frightened me into working harder!
No you don't!
I worked for Ian for nearly 5 years... :o

Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: Moderator David@stives on November 24, 2006, 04:05:18 pm
David Woods

You have your own good tale to tell, I always look to your website for a bit of inspiration. 

I have to work a lot harder than most creating a good portfolio of Commercial work due to demographics, but somehow i seem to have the best of what is available locally, ie schools , doctors, nursing homes, day centres, and higher end residential
Title: Re: How honest are you with your tax return?
Post by: DASERVICES on November 24, 2006, 04:55:42 pm

Sorry if my thread sounded like I was having a go at guys earning good money,
was not meant to sound like that. For me to earn mega bucks would mean me
working 7 days a week which I did not choose to go into window cleaning for.

Yes there is good money to be made out there in the commercial world but have
not chosen to go there as there is a risk element which I cannot take with a family of 5 to support. My wife works for a company whose owners are rich
but work all hours under the sun, but they never seem to have a social life
as all their hours are spent on the business. They may love this life but I prefer
a balanced veiw in life where I can give devoted time to my family as well as
providing for them.

Not against anyone getting rich but well against someone telling me to work all
hours under the sun so I can never get tax credits. But people have short memories that this replaced the married man's tax allowance so there is
no wrong doing in claiming.

Once again apologise if it came out the wrong way, just had a bad day.
