Clean It Up

UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Carpet Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: DanielWelford on November 10, 2006, 06:42:50 pm

Post by: DanielWelford on November 10, 2006, 06:42:50 pm
I often see a lot of discussion about turnover, but anyone can create large sales volumes if they spend a lot on advertising. I was interested in what the average was for PBT (profit before tax), as in my opinion this is a truer guide of success, as opposed to turnover.


Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: jasonl on November 10, 2006, 07:15:40 pm
and wait for the smell of b!"£$%$£t to arrive lol
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: *paul_moss on November 10, 2006, 07:23:26 pm
I personally would not get out of bed if I could not net £1k per day  ;D
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: Damian on November 10, 2006, 07:31:16 pm
Would only get half a days labour from me for that Paul. Being as though i am booked up solid for five years i can afford to charge that ;)
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: *paul_moss on November 10, 2006, 07:36:15 pm
Im a bit slow this year as im only 3 years booked up ahead :(
But last year I was 6 years booked up  :o

Ok silly hour over now  ;)
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: supernova77 on November 10, 2006, 07:38:10 pm
Are you talking about "business" profit, i.e. after taking your salary out? Or, are you talking about actual profit that you use as salary? If that makes sense.  :-\

Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: Damian on November 10, 2006, 07:49:45 pm
The problem with all trades when you are self employed is the fact that you have good weeks and bad weeks. So in this instance to ask for a weekly figure will never be very accurate as some people may quote busier times than others etc-there are too many variables that need to be considered. It would have been a more accurate poll if using a mean average over a full year.

Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: gwrightson on November 10, 2006, 08:04:21 pm
better still lets see who can tell biggest fib :)

Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: DanielWelford on November 10, 2006, 08:28:59 pm
It was purely curiosity. You do not have to particpate.

I agree that there a lot of bs merchants on here that seem to be outdoing everyone, yet spend all their time on here telling everyone how busy they are!!!!

Leave em to it.

Dan ;D

Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: maxcarpets on November 10, 2006, 10:08:46 pm
I cant speak for everyone, but I must say that i dont like it when I hear all these guys accusing others of BS because they are doing better.  The whole thing depends on so many different factors Area, People, Situations, how bad they want it I personally would not want the worry and commitment for less the £1000 at least per week. I do not understand why someone would want the pressure and worry of running your own business to earn £250 per week when you could earn this at TESCO without any worries.  Sorry guys, just my opinion.

Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: Damian on November 10, 2006, 10:36:43 pm
I cant speak for everyone, but I must say that i dont like it when I hear all these guys accusing others of BS because they are doing better.  The whole thing depends on so many different factors Area, People, Situations, how bad they want it I personally would not want the worry and commitment for less the £1000 at least per week. I do not understand why someone would want the pressure and worry of running your own business to earn £250 per week when you could earn this at TESCO without any worries.  Sorry guys, just my opinion.


Justin-so after all the advertising you pay for and running costs of a sole trader you are clearing 1k a week? If so then my hat is off to you-well done! Are you using a porty or t/m? Or are you saying youre bookings are worth 1k a week?

Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: Damian on November 10, 2006, 10:56:18 pm
Sssshhhh-the inland revenue watch these sites! lol-so does my ex-(maintenance etc!) i couldnt possibly earn that sort of money and i am always hard up! If there are any free gifts or food for work then i can oblige or maybe a new pair of trousers?

Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: Len Gribble on November 11, 2006, 01:39:44 am
Made a loss last year £24k dose that count?

Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: Adam Young on November 11, 2006, 02:28:08 am

Better book your flight now!

Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: Neil Grainger on November 11, 2006, 07:20:26 am
Justin is right, why would you want to run your own business for anything less than £500 profit.

My buisness is only 2 years old but I want to be earning over a £1000 a week profit in the future, will take lots of hard work but will get their.

I suppose what you want from your business is down to what you want from life.

If you are in your fifties you may not need to earn that much so clearing £250 a week profit would be good .

If you are like me and mortgaged upto the hilt, you'll want to make as much money as possible.

I would not want to do this if I was not clearing more than £500 a week because Justin is right I could get a Job without any of the worries and earn that a week.

My plan is for my business to make me my fortune and ultimatley run on its own with me sitting at the top. That the plan anyway. But i'm still learning to walk in this industry so when I've learn't to run I want to be making my fortune.


Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: matt jones on November 11, 2006, 11:55:03 am
No offence lads but surely no one earns anything near £500 a week working in Tesco's. People moan alot about not earning enough in this business if that's the case then why are you still init? Surely money aint everything anyway c/c has given me a better more healthier stress free way of life already, and let's be honest it aint exactly the hardest business to run surely. One thing i know is that i am 100 times happier being self-employed in this business then working for some arrogant w***er making him lots of money as in my previous job. People go on about all the overheads and that but everyone has them you couldn't be in a business without them - for instance fuel costs, well even if you were working for someone else you would still have bloody fuel costs unless you use to walk to work. Not many of you will probably agree with what i have said but i am probably in a different situation then you as i don't have a mortage to worry about as yet etc I'm still at home as i cannot afford todays house prices as no one my age can down here either. I am still young and i hope to establish myself say in 2 years time and hopefully be getting enough work in, to be able to get my own place if it doesn't work then least i have given it ago. Also i don't just rely on c/c as a regular income i do other work aswell as i have only just started up a few months ago so things are abit slow. One way i look at it if i was earning what i arent in my previous job in c/c then i would be happy and anything else would be a bonus cause after the poop i had to put up with in my last job anything is better.
matt :)
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: jasonl on November 11, 2006, 12:05:37 pm
I agree with matt, also it is not profit I seek , it is adding value to my businesses, I ACTUALLY TRY TO MINIMISE MY NET PROFIT BY OFF SETTING,as much of my expenditure as possible, against my business, if i worked at tesco, and my car cost 4k a year in depreciation, repairs,fuel etc i would need to earn about 6k to have the 4k in my pocket , as it is  my business pays the 4 k , so that is  2k saved , multiply that by several out goings and , lower your net profit , and your tax bill ... legally.
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: matt jones on November 11, 2006, 12:29:30 pm
Definatly mate it's putting as much of your expenses as you possibly can down to business expenses. And also finding that happy medium of working but enjoying as much of your free time as you can not working yourself into an early grave.(what's the point) with c/c i get lots of free time to do other things aswell as just work and that is what you want. I would only need one busy day doing carpets to earn what i was earning in a week in my previous job.
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: maxcarpets on November 11, 2006, 12:34:04 pm
Thanks Neil, It does depend on individual circumstances, as Neil said if you have a Mortgage and 2 kids with one on the way as I have I could'nt survive on £250 a week. So therefore I probably put myself under more pressure IE extra advertising costs etc. But when I brought my first set up back in 1987 from Ashcombe distributors ( now ALLTEC ) in Cambridge ( another story in their ) I did not have intentions of earning £250 a week nearly 20 years later.

Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: craigp on November 11, 2006, 02:12:23 pm
i cant under stand that way of looking at it, yes expenses are non tax deductable, but if i buy a new van at 10k i've still got to earn that 10k and you wont even see that as a tax reduction on that years earnings as its would go into the capital allowance pool and 25% per year taken out, so you have 2.5 k the first year move across to your expenditure = reduction in tax(first year of buying van) £620. wow!
so spending 10k on a new van still not that clever.
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: maxcarpets on November 11, 2006, 04:30:44 pm
I agree. I have never brought a new van or anything for that matter on finance, it does'nt make sense to me. If its paid for it doesnt matter if you have a bit of a quite time.
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: Matt Read on November 11, 2006, 06:16:30 pm
I've always seen the capital allowances differently,i may be wrong but buying a new van on finance...yes you have to earn it to pay for it but if its 25 % of the vaue off your tax bill the first year 25% off the remainder the following year so etc then are you paying for it ? One plus is you have a reliable new van to impress the customers with you can do as much work as you want without worrying about giving it to the tax man and when the allowance has dwindled away after about year 4 you can do it again. No mot's to worry about ....minimal breakdowns etc ...i look at machinery the same way why not get the best you can to work with and make life easier rather than give it to the tax man ?...maybe i'm missing a point here ?
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: craigp on November 11, 2006, 07:09:06 pm
on finance may well be different as it could, i guess, be veiwed as any other ongoing expense, ie. your £200 a month (lets say) would be non tax deductable.

or to put in into a yearly tax bill reduction on finance for a van=

£200 per month=
£2,400 a year in van repayments


£2,400 of your earnings not taxed = £420 off your tax bill
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: Matt Read on November 11, 2006, 07:15:46 pm
The £200 per month would be like paying your next tax bill monthly  but having the use of new van/equipment . i'm probably wrong maybe there is something i haven't thought of ?
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: craigp on November 11, 2006, 07:28:17 pm

the 10k spent on a van does not come off your tax bill, it means that 10k you earn will be not taxed.

25% of the value of 10k (your van) goes in each year as an exspense so the 25% which is 2.5k will be deducted off your taxable income.

so if you have earned £20k in the year you can take £2.5k off that, and present £17.5k to the tax man to tax.
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: craigp on November 11, 2006, 07:31:50 pm
good job ive not had a drink, cus that would have never made sense then, LOL!
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: steve cardy on November 11, 2006, 07:45:36 pm
Regarding capital allowances i think they work a bit more like this.
If you buy a van new for say £10,000, in year 1 you receive 40% tax allowance.
so thats £4000 of your net profit. In year 2 you get 25% of the balance in this case £1,500 off that years net profit. In year 3 you get 25% off the new balance which is £1,125 off your third years net profit.So to get your full allowance would take approx 8 plus years. This is why some people perfer leasing as you receive full tax releif as you go on in that year.
If you buy a van on hp you get the depriation as a capital allowance and the interest you pay on the loan is tax deductable.
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: Damian on November 11, 2006, 08:04:52 pm
Im sure its only 40% of your payments and not the full amount. I do what i do and leave my accountant to do what i pay him for ;) If he says buy another van then i do. simple. I do know its less for estate cars as these are not commercial vehicles.

Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: craigp on November 11, 2006, 08:27:51 pm
i've not heard of 40% for first year before.

but yes 25% will obviously be off new balance so reducing each year.
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: maxcarpets on November 11, 2006, 08:38:35 pm
Sorry Guys, Cash only No finance wins everytime for me

Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: maxcarpets on November 11, 2006, 08:39:32 pm
By the way, Neil we must meet for that beer before Xmas!

Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: Damian on November 11, 2006, 08:42:03 pm
Craigp-no i didnt mean 40% for first year but some guys are saying you claim 100% of what you pay each month on finance and i'm sure you can only claim 40%?-for commercial vehicles. Less for estate vehicles etc(was going to buy them-for their sakes) I am really not au fair with taxes as like i say-i pay my man to sort it and let me do what i do ;D

Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: craigp on November 11, 2006, 08:51:52 pm
i was refering to steves post,

and yes you are correct steve i just looked it up on inland rev website, it is a new thing, from 2004 you can claim 40% for first year (small and medium buisness)

this is a good thing for us, i ll be looking into it further as ive bought a new van myself this year. (only 3.5k van though)

Damiam, im not sure myself on the fincance thing, ive not bought that way so not had to look into how you deal with that for tax.

i know we all meant to take out a % for 'personal use' but if you got a car too then vans 100% work use. lol.
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: Damian on November 11, 2006, 09:03:39 pm
Dunno Craig-i register the bike an all as i can do estimates a lot quicker with it-wizz thro traffic and sort everything out! lol. The new ZX10 is on order ;D

Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: craigp on November 11, 2006, 09:08:00 pm
zx10 bit slow ; - )

my last bike gsxr 600 k4, used to take it over mid wales, brillent roads!

as you know the handling on todays bikes mind blowing.
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: Damian on November 11, 2006, 09:25:02 pm
Craig-dear dear 600-mmm ::) I used to have a small bike when younger and raced but now i prefer to use the throttle properly ;D I love Honda quality but do like the new kwak and am gonna back down and try one-besides me and mates have gotta big discount on 3 new orders :o Maybees we will get your way at some point?

Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: Neil Grainger on November 12, 2006, 08:07:20 am
all bikers should be driven off the road, damp nutters ;D ;D
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: craigp on November 12, 2006, 09:49:14 am
todays 600 's are quicker than yesterdays gsxr 1100.

my mate got a fireblade and could never lose me.
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: Prestige1 on November 12, 2006, 10:42:25 am
I have gone into mobile spotting! any one with a stain call me! upto 10miles takes 1 day to get there between 10 and 40miles  upto 1 weeks travel, I think it sould catch on. take a look at my new machine! beets that honda above! just look at the storage! Regards Phil
Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: Damian on November 12, 2006, 11:51:25 am
Neil-nice attitude! Craig-yes youre right new bikes are a lot quicker and certainly better at handling-(thats why im waiting for new one-just love getting a new bike!). Im quite impressed with the lack of p***y strip on front tyre fella-looks like you use them to their full ability-just how it should be ;D

Title: Re: PROFIT
Post by: Neil Grainger on November 12, 2006, 04:40:35 pm

give me a call when you are free, would be could to catch up s we are so close.

