Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: windows_chepstow on May 06, 2004, 01:41:49 am

Title: Cleaning in the rain - tips please.
Post by: windows_chepstow on May 06, 2004, 01:41:49 am
I've been a window cleaner for just over a year and have always attempted to avoid cleaning in the rain - mainly because I think my customers would complain.

However, I'm nearly at the stage where it would not affect my income if I was dropped by a few complainers - therefore I'm going to get stuck in what-ever the weather (apart from too windy).

Has anyone any practicle tips on cleaning in the rain (apart from wear a hat and rainproof) and what do you say to your customers who might be watching you with some misgivings?


Title: Re: Cleaning in the rain - tips please.
Post by: D.Salkeld_Ltd on May 06, 2004, 02:07:23 am
Hi mate,

Do you KNOW you can clean window to the same standard as it the dry?
If the answer to that question is YES then carry on.

Explain to your customers that you could clean thier windows in the mornnig then it pours down in the afternoon, it's the same effect! at least you are cleaning a months muck of and keeping thier windows clean regulary.  If they can't accept that then don't do them.

In 16 years in this game I've learnt you have to set YOUR stall out, do what YOU believe is right and fair.

The only thing with the rain that stops me is when I am getting soaked.  My mortgage payment don't stop if it's been raining!!

David Salkeld
Title: Re: Cleaning in the rain - tips please.
Post by: Majestic on May 06, 2004, 02:21:25 am
I dont work in the rain only because I dont like getting wet , but another window cleaner who I talk to works in all weather ,he tells any new customers who ask him to clean there windows that he will clean them whatever the weather, take it or leave it so they know that on x day he will be there what ever the weather .
Just tell your customers that the rain is clean water anyway
Title: Re: Cleaning in the rain - tips please.
Post by: windows_chepstow on May 06, 2004, 08:47:42 pm
Thanks for the tips.
Title: Re: Cleaning in the rain - tips please.
Post by: choice.clean on May 07, 2004, 09:38:42 am
i,m not recommending you buy one just for this reason but it is a big advantage with the pole system i just say to the customers 'its a wet system when i leave they are wet anyway so we come all weathers unless its absolutely hammering down' incidentally i used to clean just in the dry but found it was just a matter of guts to get out there yes you,ll lose a few but just replace them real customers want a REGULAR window cleaner
Title: Re: Cleaning in the rain - tips please.
Post by: LANE_ASSOCIATES on May 07, 2004, 11:10:08 pm
Just tell your customers that  when it rains the windows get a FREE  fresh water rinse,
Title: Re: Cleaning in the rain - tips please.
Post by: karlosdaze on May 10, 2004, 12:10:15 am
Just tell your customers that  when it rains the windows get a FREE  fresh water rinse,

You can't do that with 5kg of sand in each downpour!
Title: Re: Cleaning in the rain - tips please.
Post by: karlosdaze on May 10, 2004, 12:11:18 am
Sorry, had to have my say down here near Africa.
Title: Re: Cleaning in the rain - tips please.
Post by: Old_Master on May 10, 2004, 02:58:39 am
Quite a bit of rain in Mallorca recently Karl. It rained for a few days when I  was over at the end of April hope its better when Im there again end of May ;D
Title: Re: Cleaning in the rain - tips please.
Post by: karlosdaze on May 11, 2004, 12:27:50 pm
Raining again today. Is there no end in sight!!! :-/