Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Klean07 on March 11, 2022, 11:07:20 am

Title: Dog poo!
Post by: Klean07 on March 11, 2022, 11:07:20 am
We have a handful of customers that never get their dogs poo up from month to month its vile and I know most will say ditch the customer but these are big houses I'm talking about £40 to £60 a house. Is there anything I could say to the customer without insulting them?
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: G Griffin on March 11, 2022, 11:57:08 am
Express your health and safety concerns.
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: SB Cleaning on March 11, 2022, 12:10:15 pm
Cat cr.ap is much worse
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: a900 on March 11, 2022, 12:18:26 pm
Had the same this morning. Ended up on my hand pulling more hose around the corner.

I speak to or text the customer to explain. I usually mention it gets on our hoses which gets on our hands and its only one step from our eyes. If they are not embarrassed and change we cancel them. they usually are very apologetic.
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: alank on March 11, 2022, 12:19:15 pm
Yes it is a health and safety issue and we shouldn't have to put up with it. We've had some in the past where the front of the property is clean then you go through the gate and the back has barkers eggs all over, I just close the gate and don't clean the backs.
I always inform customers that we will not clean if there is dog mess.
They are usually on the ball with their cleaning up after their pets once they know that you aren't prepared to dodge around trying to avoid dog poop.
If they don't clean up I don't clean the windows they can get someone else simples.
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: Simon Trapani on March 11, 2022, 12:36:29 pm
I don’t put up with it no matter what no more. I just dump no matter the cost. It’s disgusting. That’s just how some people live. Dirty pigs.
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: Spruce on March 11, 2022, 02:48:23 pm
I don’t put up with it no matter what no more. I just dump no matter the cost. It’s disgusting. That’s just how some people live. Dirty pigs.

I agree ^^^
 When we needed the business, we put up with it. Now, no way. One we dumped just didn't understand our concerns. Another told us we needed his business and now we could ##''** off, and he slammed the door. Good thing he paid us before I voiced our concerns.
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: tlwcs on March 11, 2022, 02:54:15 pm
Do you send a reminder  text the evening b4?
I enclose the line ‘please ensure all dog poo is removed’
If they don’t mention it and if they continue not clearing, then dump
I bet they’re all wolves fans!
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: G Griffin on March 11, 2022, 03:12:51 pm
I don’t put up with it no matter what no more. I just dump no matter the cost. It’s disgusting. That’s just how some people live. Dirty pigs.
That'll teach um ;D.
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: Simon Trapani on March 11, 2022, 03:18:20 pm
It does! Because there’s plenty of other work out there.
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: DJW on March 11, 2022, 04:09:00 pm
I dump.
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: Bungle on March 11, 2022, 04:20:37 pm
I trod in a poo bag full of cat cr4p yesterday. It burst on impact 🤮
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: simon w on March 11, 2022, 04:22:12 pm
I think their attitude stinks  ;D
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: Slacky on March 11, 2022, 04:47:38 pm
I dump.

On the lawn?
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: lal on March 11, 2022, 05:05:26 pm

     When i arrive at a new job, if there is dog mess there, i tell the owners i need the dog mess cleaned up before i start
     the job, most people are apologetic and obliging, ive had the odd idiot challenge me, because i had the nerve to ask them
     would they clean up the mess, with the idiots with attitude,  i just tell them to get someone else to do the job, and drive off.
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: Mike Burd on March 11, 2022, 05:39:58 pm
I dump.
And you complain about dogs?
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: G Griffin on March 11, 2022, 05:54:41 pm
I'd contact the police but that'd make me a stool pigeon.
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: Tristan R Clean on March 11, 2022, 06:00:49 pm
I have had issues with dog muck been left before.
I will not do any with shog dite at all now.
We used to live in a flat and the neighbour above would leave her dog mess on our shared path.
I took the liberty to clean it up - tucking it to one side.
She came back worse for wear one night and trod in it - all the way through her flat.
She brayed on our door and lost it - expletives, threats the lot.
Called me passive aggressive.
Sometimes you can’t win🙄
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: Simon Trapani on March 11, 2022, 06:44:59 pm
I’ve even had customers offer to clear it up there & then but even that’s not good enough because you still got the wet smudge to stand in or drag your hose through.

If that’s how they live, that’s how they live. I find you’re not going to change them.

We text for gates & include about clearing any dog mess but i point blank refuse requests where there is no locked gate, they just want a text so they can clear up the poo. I draw the line there.

I am a dog owner so I know what it’s like, especially in the winter when it’s dark out & you still got to pick it up but have a job to see it or the grass is all soggy etc. But it’s all part of being a dog owner. Some people just don’t see it like that.

Worse is when you see piles of dog mess & then  their kids trike or toys next it! Unbelievable.

Rant over. Just a big hate of mine & arguably one of the worst things about window cleaning imo.
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: G Griffin on March 11, 2022, 06:46:51 pm
I have had issues with dog muck been left before.
I will not do any with shog dite at all now.
We used to live in a flat and the neighbour above would leave her dog mess on our shared path.
I took the liberty to clean it up - tucking it to one side.
She came back worse for wear one night and trod in it - all the way through her flat.
She brayed on our door and lost it - expletives, threats the lot.
Called me passive aggressive.
Sometimes you can’t win🙄
Was she shit faced?
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: markymark on March 12, 2022, 08:02:56 am
It never ceases to surprise/depress me how other people live. I can't understand how they can sit on the patio in summer with the cloying stench of dog s41te wafting across the lawn.
When I first started wfp a customer (solicitor, quite smug with herself and her station in life) asked if I was ok with getting around the logs her labrador had left. She was too busy to clean it up, and her son's never bothered, "you know what young lads are like" - they were early 20's, and obviously not used to tidying up after themselves, never mind a dog. I said I wasn't, and would really appreciate it if someone could clean up before I cleaned the next time. She agreed, and I thought the ground rules were set. What I didn't count on was next time I turned up, householder forewarned, the poop scoop and bags were left out. She popped her head out to ask if I'd like a brew and to point out she'd left the scoop there for me to clean up what looked like a couple of weeks worth of dog mines.
"No thanks", kit away, back in the van number blocked.
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: alank on March 12, 2022, 08:40:34 am
It's definitely a people problem and not the dogs fault.
It doesn't matter rich or not so well off some people just appear to be blind to the dog turds or they don't see it as a problem.
We had a customer years ago who had a few rottweilers when we priced the job up they said clean all the windows you can get too but miss the side patio doors etc where the dogs are fenced in.
When cleaning the windows the dogs would run around the patio area stand in their own poop and then go through the patio doors into the house  :o
One summer day they were out there with wine and nibbles and obviously they just lived like that.
Lots of people get dogs and don't even bother to exercise them or clean up after them and once the puppy stage is over they are not interested.
I've owned dogs all my life and currently have a lurcher and terrier that live in the house.
They are walked at least three-four times a day hence we don't have dogs poop in our garden or yards and yes we pick it up outdoors unlike a lot  ;D
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: Phil J on March 13, 2022, 11:58:33 am
I know it's difficult sometimes because we don't want to lose good-paying work but you have to draw the line sometimes. I've binned off two long-standing customers in the past couple of weeks for that very reason. I even put a really nice note through one of them's front door explaining the difficulty in cleaning the backyard due to the dog mess and they totally blanked me, so it's bye-bye from me and you can find somebody else.
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: Jay Le Huray on March 13, 2022, 01:09:17 pm
I ditched a £17 job last week as I was fed up with trying to skip the dog poo
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: NWH on March 13, 2022, 01:34:47 pm
Years ago I mentioned this to a customer and she just laughed about it,I got dogs and cats all over my hose and shoes and hands before I realised.
I wouldn’t even entertain a job like that these days you should be able to tell when you first go and look how it’s gonna go with the 💩.
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: robbo333 on March 13, 2022, 06:10:58 pm
If it's cleared up then fair enough.
If not, I'm too busy to 'tip toe' around and they have no respect for people working on their property.
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: Mike Burd on March 14, 2022, 05:42:05 am
Years ago I mentioned this to a customer and she just laughed about it,I got dogs and cats all over my hose and shoes and hands before I realised.
I wouldn’t even entertain a job like that these days you should be able to tell when you first go and look how it’s gonna go with the 💩.
I guess if it was a big house you'd pick it up for free though. Only take 10 minutes.  ;D
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: Richard iSparkle on March 14, 2022, 06:57:20 am
it's always going to feel a bit embarrassing but we just give them a knock when we see the problem and ask if they could clean it up for us so we can clean the back or whatever. dog owners tend to know as soon as you mention it and are apologetic and embarrassed.

if they aren't in and its bad we just clean what we can and leave a note saying back not cleaned because of dog pooh and they get charged full price for the visit.

for most people this approach is fine and works well.
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: CleanClear on March 14, 2022, 10:35:53 pm
We have a handful of customers that never get their dogs poo up from month to month its vile and I know most will say ditch the customer but these are big houses I'm talking about £40 to £60 a house. Is there anything I could say to the customer without insulting them?

Just thank god toy breeds are in fashion like french bulldogs, sausage dogs etc... Back in my day Alsations, Dobermans and Rotweillers where in fashion. On the plus side, they where easier to spot !!!  ;D
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: NWH on March 14, 2022, 10:45:04 pm
Yeah back in them days you could take one yourself in the old garden if they had one of them and get away with it 💩🤣🤣🤣🤣
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: james peters on March 16, 2022, 07:05:37 pm
I have 2 border collies .  I have to pick up their turds daily without fail.
I would be embarrassed if someone came to do work  in my garden if I hadnt cleaned up

Just last week i stopped going to one customer £40  job , because its horrendous . the turds are fluffy meaning they have been there weeks.
I  dont need to explain to her , I would imagine she knows why i havnt called
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: Ggh on March 16, 2022, 07:35:16 pm
Unless they’re working dogs, I’m not sure why people have them. Horrible things.
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: Col on March 16, 2022, 10:08:09 pm
Dog poop!
Twice this year I have stood in fox poope
Twice this year I have stood at the back of my van and hosed my boots and bottom of trousers down
Twice I have driven home with the windows open in winter
Twice I have stripped off behind my front door and put a washing on
Twice I have washed my nostrils out with soapy fingers because you know you are never getting that smell away
Twice that has happened on high end city centre jobs
Never stood on a dog poope in years though...
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: Mike Burd on March 17, 2022, 03:58:26 am
I have 2 border collies .  I have to pick up their turds daily without fail.
I would be embarrassed if someone came to do work  in my garden if I hadnt cleaned up

Just last week i stopped going to one customer £40  job , because its horrendous . the turds are fluffy meaning they have been there weeks.
I  dont need to explain to her , I would imagine she knows why i havnt called
Unless it’s a middle of the night emergency, ours don’t go in the garden at all. One longish walk (both getting on so only a mile) and two very short ones - again to protect their knees and they do it all then.
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: james peters on March 17, 2022, 09:11:20 am
Unless they’re working dogs, I’m not sure why people have them. Horrible things.
opinionated tw8t
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: Granny on March 17, 2022, 12:52:28 pm
Unless they’re working dogs, I’m not sure why people have them. Horrible things.
opinionated tw8t
Surely he has a right to his opinion - just because it doesn't coincide with yours you think you have the right to call him a nasty name?
In essence that sums up the attitude of a lot of dog owners in this country.
Many are extremely selfish and care more about a dumb dog than a fellow human being.
For instance how may children have been maimed and killed by dogs?
How many Posties are injured and have to retire each year because of dog attacks?
How many decent neighbours have their lives blighted by the constant whining and barking of dogs kept by selfish owners?
They deposit hundreds of not thousands of tons of toxic waste indiscriminately across the country.
Go to any so called beauty spot  frequented by dog walkers and you will see plastic bags of dog $#1!e hanging from the hedges, fences and trees.
I have given up a lot of good jobs because of it often after putting a lot of effort on the first clean, not to mention washing hoses, boots, clothes etc.
There, that's my opinion I'm waiting for the hate fest and the death threats now! Feel free ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: james peters on March 17, 2022, 03:21:39 pm
Unless they’re working dogs, I’m not sure why people have them. Horrible things.
opinionated tw8t
Surely he has a right to his opinion - just because it doesn't coincide with yours you think you have the right to call him a nasty name?
In essence that sums up the attitude of a lot of dog owners in this country.
Many are extremely selfish and care more about a dumb dog than a fellow human being.
For instance how may children have been maimed and killed by dogs?
How many Posties are injured and have to retire each year because of dog attacks?
How many decent neighbours have their lives blighted by the constant whining and barking of dogs kept by selfish owners?
They deposit hundreds of not thousands of tons of toxic waste indiscriminately across the country.
Go to any so called beauty spot  frequented by dog walkers and you will see plastic bags of dog $#1!e hanging from the hedges, fences and trees.
I have given up a lot of good jobs because of it often after putting a lot of effort on the first clean, not to mention washing hoses, boots, clothes etc.
There, that's my opinion I'm waiting for the hate fest and the death threats now! Feel free ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
2 peas in a pod
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: Ggh on March 17, 2022, 04:08:46 pm
Woof woof.
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: NWH on March 17, 2022, 04:59:53 pm
If I come across a person that doesn’t like animals I won’t bother with them,it can tell you a lot about a person imo only of course 👌.
Title: Re: Dog poo!
Post by: robbo333 on March 17, 2022, 05:18:00 pm
The more people I meet...the more I like my dog.