Clean It Up

Documents to download => All cleaning related documents => Topic started by: Allways Cleaning on July 10, 2006, 08:31:59 pm

Title: doorknocking leaflets
Post by: Allways Cleaning on July 10, 2006, 08:31:59 pm
hi all
desperate for some ideas on leaflets. how the wording goes i am going to do window cleaning but similar trades leaflets would give me at least some idea. ??? ??? oh where to start, tried doing it myself showed it around and it was errr trashed. but no one could suggest anything better. :-\  i need your expert help. :D any graphics more the merrier. any links as well your own leaflets please ;) ;) pics of wfp as well if you have any, or links to free graphics.
thank you in advance
Title: Re: doorknocking leaflets
Post by: andrew chrysler on July 26, 2006, 02:41:52 pm
............ free graphics.

try google images
Title: Re: doorknocking leaflets
Post by: the red carpet on July 27, 2006, 07:42:08 am
E-mail this guy and tell him you want some window cleaning sample leaflets,

he will then send you back a load of different designs, you pick the one you like send him back your company name and phone number and he will print them for you.
job done ;)
Title: Re: doorknocking leaflets
Post by: Allways Cleaning on July 27, 2006, 09:33:07 pm
Thanks for the idea andrew lots of sites to see spent hours looking. Red have thought of going the printer method but thought there was not too much to it and am trying myself! well maybee its time to hand over to an expert.
paul ;)
Title: Re: doorknocking leaflets
Post by: Jon T.C. on August 10, 2006, 07:02:02 pm
This guy did my leaflets, excellent service, quality and price. Believe me, by the time you've prattled around doing them, it will be a lot cheaper and easier, I speak from experience.

regards Jon
Title: Re: doorknocking leaflets
Post by: Allways Cleaning on August 10, 2006, 08:06:12 pm
hi jon, which guy did your leaflets?