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UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: dazmond on July 26, 2018, 07:49:10 am

Title: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: dazmond on July 26, 2018, 07:49:10 am
so guys a hosepipe ban is imminent here in the north west which we all know doesnt affect us but if it gets more severe(like it did in parts of the south in 1976)and a drought order is issued WE would be affected.....

1....would you have a few weeks off and hope for rain?

2.......carry on WFP regardless and hope you dont get fined.

3.go back to trad.......(Noooooooo!!!!!! :o ;D)
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: AuRavelling79 on July 26, 2018, 07:57:27 am
Forgetting the legalities I think you would get so much social pressure from your customers that you would have to stop or do trad downstairs or summat.
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: dazmond on July 26, 2018, 08:04:49 am
Forgetting the legalities I think you would get so much social pressure from your customers that you would have to stop or do trad downstairs or summat.

i suppose if you ve got a stand pipe in the road you wouldnt be able to purify any water anyway! ;D

me personally id go back to the ladders and carry on(picking and choosing my work as some is unsuitable for ladder work)
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: lal on July 26, 2018, 08:45:06 am

              1   8) :)
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: Richard Groves on July 26, 2018, 08:46:48 am
Likewise Dazmond.
I would probably continue with a heavily revised and reduced round only doing trad jobs that I felt comfortable with and possibly take a week or two off.
Just like a severe winter, this is what we save up emergency funds for. So long as my bills are paid, I wouldn't sweat about that ( at least  :D )
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: mjm on July 26, 2018, 09:18:53 am
i would go to spotless water and buy off them 3p  per ltre  £25   credit free when sign up
 for 2weeks  or so   iam already getting sarcastic remarks   about  hosepipe bans from people walking past  and iam in croydon  no whare near    you people with hose pipe bans   
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: nathankaye on July 26, 2018, 11:10:37 am
Because of the general ignorance n stupidity of the general public whom we work for, I would print some small flyers of to explain what an actual "hose pipe" ban means and for whom.
When the time comes when they restrict business usage of water then I would revert back to the ladders only restricting myself due to the severe heat we may be working in.
But as above, this is why it's important to have separate funds for when we get hit in the bad times.
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: deeege on July 26, 2018, 11:47:18 am

It’s all a bit confusing isn’t it. This is the local reservoir to me this morning (in Warrington), it looks probably 5% max down on what it’s like in the winter months.
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: Stoots on July 26, 2018, 12:43:16 pm
I would probably flout it and hope for the best.

Failing that I'd use spotless water.

Failing that I would have a few weeks off and pray.

Failing that I would sell up and get a job in tesco.

I wouldn't do this job if it involved using a ladder.
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: alank on July 26, 2018, 12:54:47 pm
Keep calm and carry on as normal  ;D
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: Richard Groves on July 26, 2018, 01:15:33 pm
There are several levels of drought order though and completely different to a hose pipe ban. Simply buying your water from  spotless or whoever is not going to keep you legal if the order is severe enough.
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: The Jester of Wibbly on July 26, 2018, 02:06:07 pm
How about let's not worry or panic about it unless in the unlikely event it happens. There would be far more important things to worry about if it did
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: mufcglen on July 26, 2018, 03:33:29 pm
I live in Stockport and have the hosepipe ban coming in too but I’m trying to find out are we definitely excempt from it as I’ve seen it’s banned for cleaning windows as a homeowner but obviously we are using it as a business purpose but filling from a domestic home tap not meter, is that a grey area?
Driving over to Sheffield a few days ago the reservoirs was looking quite empty, I read that they’re losing silly amounts every day in leaks though so I sympathise due to the weather on one hand but the last 5-6 years most summers have been a wash out and 2-3 months of barely any rain we get this I find it abit of a joke myself that we aren’t more prepared!
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: dazmond on July 26, 2018, 03:57:10 pm
I live in Stockport and have the hosepipe ban coming in too but I’m trying to find out are we definitely excempt from it as I’ve seen it’s banned for cleaning windows as a homeowner but obviously we are using it as a business purpose but filling from a domestic home tap not meter, is that a grey area?
Driving over to Sheffield a few days ago the reservoirs was looking quite empty, I read that they’re losing silly amounts every day in leaks though so I sympathise due to the weather on one hand but the last 5-6 years most summers have been a wash out and 2-3 months of barely any rain we get this I find it abit of a joke myself that we aren’t more prepared!

OF course we re exempt!WE PURIFY WATER TO USE FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES!we re not affected AT ALL!
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: dazmond on July 26, 2018, 04:01:54 pm
Because of the general ignorance n stupidity of the general public whom we work for, I would print some small flyers of to explain what an actual "hose pipe" ban means and for whom.
When the time comes when they restrict business usage of water then I would revert back to the ladders only restricting myself due to the severe heat we may be working in.
But as above, this is why it's important to have separate funds for when we get hit in the bad times.

this is OTT in my letters/flyers or anything....we dont have to explain ourselves to anyone.......if anyone asks i just tell them straight...WE RE NOT AFFECTED!!..... 8)
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: The Jester of Wibbly on July 26, 2018, 04:41:18 pm
When I get asked I just say it only affects residential usage and not commercial at the moment.  I also remind them I am working from a tank not mains.

I also tell them I use water saving technology too where no water is wasted between windows and I purify without producing any waste.
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: AuRavelling79 on July 26, 2018, 05:08:21 pm
Not during a drought order but in the present circumstances ... These are all good things to be ready to tell customers and passersby that show concern.

1. I got water from my roofs during winter and spring.
2. I've got 1000's of litres previously stored.
3. If that gets low I can get my tank filled up by driving to an area that has no water restrictions.

Now ... do I really need to be more specific and explain that the water from my roof collected during the winter would just about fill a bucket of water every day for trad work. Or that my 1000's of litres in storage are actually 2,700 litres of pure made from the tap with approximately twice that having gone down the drain. Or that although I can get water elsewhere, I never have.
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: John Mart on July 26, 2018, 05:08:34 pm
When I get asked I just say it only affects residential usage and not commercial at the moment.  I also remind them I am working from a tank not mains.

I also tell them I use water saving technology too where no water is wasted between windows and I purify without producing any waste.
You lie basically.  ;D
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: The Jester of Wibbly on July 26, 2018, 05:19:55 pm
When I get asked I just say it only affects residential usage and not commercial at the moment.  I also remind them I am working from a tank not mains.

I also tell them I use water saving technology too where no water is wasted between windows and I purify without producing any waste.
You lie basically.  ;D

It's all true for me. I am Di only and use the uni valve.  Oh and I have a tank in my van  ;D
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: lal on July 26, 2018, 05:23:53 pm
When I get asked I just say it only affects residential usage and not commercial at the moment.  I also remind them I am working from a tank not mains.

I also tell them I use water saving technology too where no water is wasted between windows and I purify without producing any waste.

        I also tell them I use water saving technology too where no water is wasted between windows and I purify without producing any waste.

Paul what make is your system, i want one of them systems that doesn't waste water too, how much ?  ;D ;D
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: John Mart on July 26, 2018, 05:38:00 pm
I think just say it isn’t tap water. It’s deionised. That’ll do it.
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: The Jester of Wibbly on July 26, 2018, 05:41:10 pm
I think just say it isn’t tap water. It’s deionised. That’ll do it.

And I'm getting fed up of being asked to water the plants too  ;D
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: andyM on July 26, 2018, 05:41:57 pm
I tell them I make my water out of wine.
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: John Mart on July 26, 2018, 05:45:44 pm
I tell them I make my water out of wine.
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: Johnny B on July 26, 2018, 07:23:14 pm
It would make no difference to me 😊

Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: Bungle on July 26, 2018, 10:02:04 pm
The problem a lot of 'window cleaners' will have if we can't use WFP is most can't trad  8)
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: Splash & dash on July 26, 2018, 10:54:21 pm
I think the main point here is that we went over to wfp beacause of health and safety working at heights regs so going back to ladders isn’t an option , we certainly won’t be doing that , I would rather take time off if it came to that but I think it’s highly unlikely down hear as the  reservoirs are practically full
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: G Griffin on July 26, 2018, 11:52:47 pm
How about everyone emptying their IBC's into the reservoirs and topping them up? 
No bans and window cleaners would be national heroes. We'd also be lowering the tds's of our local ressies.
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: Pete Thompson on July 27, 2018, 12:39:20 am
I’d say I’d filled up my tank at my mates house in Scotland (or wherever) that’s not affected by the drought order.

Prove that I didn’t.

Nothing would stop me working, and I certainly wouldn’t be using ladders.
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: nathankaye on July 27, 2018, 09:31:17 am
Well here in Doncaster we had some cracking thunder since Thursday night and heavy down pours since then and today it's been great to get out in it, haha without the work equipment esp since lightning is in the mix as well
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: John Mart on July 27, 2018, 11:05:30 am
A drought only really occurs if there's not enough rain in the winter. It takes 12 months of below average rainfall. However, there have been four in the last 100 years.
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: The Jester of Wibbly on July 27, 2018, 01:17:28 pm
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: Walter Mitty on July 27, 2018, 06:55:14 pm
It's hard to say.  I wouldn't be able to take too much time off.  I'd probably revert to ladder and squeegee and take a gamble on backpacking the odd difficult window where there is a safety issue.  All extras like conservatory roofs, gutter/facia cleaning would be deferred.
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: Spruce on July 27, 2018, 08:28:07 pm
The problem a lot of 'window cleaners' will have if we can't use WFP is most can't trad  8)

How many trad cleaners can use a chamois leather?
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: NBwcs on July 27, 2018, 08:47:05 pm
Really winds me up. I was made redundant from Anglian Water over 14 yrs ago and set up my wc business. I pretty much guarentee you I could go back to places where I know there are leaks which wernt considered financially viable to repair and they'll still be leaking and I'm not talking small leaks either.  I'm sure those in the north west can tell similar stories. This winter /spring was one of the wettest I've had since being a wc, other hot country's  go to great efforts to preserve water when they get it, but we don't. A country as wet as ours is should never run dry. The public perception bothers me as well, just because we're on show we're obvious targets. Coca cola use more water per day than the whole of Peterborough, bet they won't get any grief., and there was a program on the other day that revealed it takes over 3000litres of water to make one t shirt! Does my head in.
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: Shrek on July 27, 2018, 08:59:03 pm
The problem a lot of 'window cleaners' will have if we can't use WFP is most can't trad  8)

How many trad cleaners can use a chamois leather?

What’s one of them  ??? Is it a new Gardiners product  ;D
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: John Mart on July 27, 2018, 09:26:06 pm
Really winds me up. I was made redundant from Anglian Water over 14 yrs ago and set up my wc business. I pretty much guarentee you I could go back to places where I know there are leaks which wernt considered financially viable to repair and they'll still be leaking and I'm not talking small leaks either.  I'm sure those in the north west can tell similar stories. This winter /spring was one of the wettest I've had since being a wc, other hot country's  go to great efforts to preserve water when they get it, but we don't. A country as wet as ours is should never run dry. The public perception bothers me as well, just because we're on show we're obvious targets. Coca cola use more water per day than the whole of Peterborough, bet they won't get any grief., and there was a program on the other day that revealed it takes over 3000litres of water to make one t shirt! Does my head in.
It certainly was wet. We’re miles away from a drought order I reckon but there will probably at some point be one.
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: nathankaye on July 27, 2018, 10:39:20 pm
Really winds me up. I was made redundant from Anglian Water over 14 yrs ago and set up my wc business. I pretty much guarentee you I could go back to places where I know there are leaks which wernt considered financially viable to repair and they'll still be leaking and I'm not talking small leaks either.  I'm sure those in the north west can tell similar stories. This winter /spring was one of the wettest I've had since being a wc, other hot country's  go to great efforts to preserve water when they get it, but we don't. A country as wet as ours is should never run dry. The public perception bothers me as well, just because we're on show we're obvious targets. Coca cola use more water per day than the whole of Peterborough, bet they won't get any grief., and there was a program on the other day that revealed it takes over 3000litres of water to make one t shirt! Does my head in.

Same here, its all propaganda to cover their own backs
Title: Re: what would you do if there was a "drought order"......?
Post by: deeege on July 27, 2018, 11:48:25 pm
Really winds me up. I was made redundant from Anglian Water over 14 yrs ago and set up my wc business. I pretty much guarentee you I could go back to places where I know there are leaks which wernt considered financially viable to repair and they'll still be leaking and I'm not talking small leaks either.  I'm sure those in the north west can tell similar stories. This winter /spring was one of the wettest I've had since being a wc, other hot country's  go to great efforts to preserve water when they get it, but we don't. A country as wet as ours is should never run dry. The public perception bothers me as well, just because we're on show we're obvious targets. Coca cola use more water per day than the whole of Peterborough, bet they won't get any grief., and there was a program on the other day that revealed it takes over 3000litres of water to make one t shirt! Does my head in.

Well said. It takes 750,000 litres of water for each frack of a well. Are United Utilities limiting the fracking that is happening in its area now? Are they bolloxxx.

What annoys me is the members of the public saying you can’t use your hosepipe as if water is a national treasure, it’s not, we all pay good money to our privately owned water companies for our water, whilst the directors of those privately owned companies take multi million pound salaries for supplying us with what should be a national asset in the first place.

I’ll be using my hosepipe however I see fit for the duration of the hosepipe ban. Couldn’t give a toss if that’s frowned upon or not.