Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: The Jester of Wibbly on July 06, 2018, 03:02:34 pm

Title: When the suns out....
Post by: The Jester of Wibbly on July 06, 2018, 03:02:34 pm
It's funny how when the suns comes out..

My phone has not stopped ringing.  New quotes galor
Title: Re: When the suns out....
Post by: paul alan on July 06, 2018, 07:15:11 pm
Yeah same here.

I'm starting to get fed up with the sun, sweating like a barbecued pig smothered in sun cream and needing a pee all the time cos I'm having to drink 5 litres of water so my blood doesn't dry up in my veins.

Then there's the glass...…….I just want some cloud coverage!
Title: Re: When the suns out....
Post by: Missing Link on July 08, 2018, 05:30:46 pm
and needing a pee all the time cos I'm having to drink 5 litres of water so my blood doesn't dry up in my veins.

Add some salt to your water.  Peeing it straight out means your body has not absorbed it.  The salt will help your body to absorb the water.

Just salt; you don't need any other electrolytes.  Trace elements are also lost in sweat, such as potassium and calcium, but at such low-levels that it makes no difference.

How much salt?  One of those sachets you get in cafes to 1 litre of water is what I'd do, but it all depends.  I was listening to a scientist (who runs ultra marathons) who advises the US military on hydration, and he reckons some people are more 'salty sweaters' than others.  You can tell if you're a 'salty sweater' if you see salt lines on your hat/clothes, in which case a little more salt might be necessary.

This advice would be suitable for someone who runs ultra marathons during hot weather, but it's what I do when I'm working in the heat too.
Title: Re: When the suns out....
Post by: paul alan on July 08, 2018, 06:36:42 pm
I did wander about any implications of pouring through so much water. I though it may unbalance something.

Thanks for the salt "hack" .  I ate a macdonalds yesterday and my blood pressure went right up for hours afterwards, I think it was all the salt on the fries and in the sauce. Probably coupled with a bit of dehydration and all the saturated fat.

I may give it a try and hope it doesnt send the BP soaring.

Title: Re: When the suns out....
Post by: dazmond on July 08, 2018, 09:24:04 pm
I seem to pee less when it's hot.i only need to go once or twice in the day when I'm out working....

As for your blood pressure going up by eating McDonald's Paul.......really? ::)roll

I never even check my blood pressure after eating junk food..... ;D    ...or any other time for that matter!! ;D
Title: Re: When the suns out....
Post by: Shrek on July 08, 2018, 09:32:55 pm
I pee less when it’s hot too but sweat a hell of a lot more. Iv been drinking 2-3 bottles of water recently and not needed the toilet till dinner time !
Title: Re: When the suns out....
Post by: dazmond on July 09, 2018, 08:59:48 am
A bit cooler up north this week lads (still fairly hot and sunny though!) 8)

as for new enquiries ive had very few TBH......a few new jobs the other week that are now on the books but im not bothered ATM....plenty to go at for the next few weeks.... :)
Title: Re: When the suns out....
Post by: robbo333 on July 09, 2018, 06:07:36 pm
I've had loads of new enquiries. But I tell you what's nice; is having someone to pass them on to.

I'm helping a new 2 man team who are starting off, very nice guys, who are just trying to provide a better future for their families.
I know they are technically my competition, but I am overloaded and fairly confident with my customers. Also they have a gutter vac and do all my custies gutter vac work (without trying to nick the custy).  They also do some of my FSG cleans that I am too busy to do. I trust these guys totally.

Sometimes I get 4 enquiries a day. Then nothing for a few days. I reckon they get 3 out of 4 calls. I am very picky about what comes my way.

The best bit is, I never let a new enquiry down. If I can't do it (or more to the point, don't want it), they can. And because they are just starting out, they are grateful for it.

It's a Win Win!
Title: Re: When the suns out....
Post by: paul alan on July 09, 2018, 06:25:10 pm
I seem to pee less when it's hot.i only need to go once or twice in the day when I'm out working....

As for your blood pressure going up by eating McDonald's Paul.......really? ::)roll

I never even check my blood pressure after eating junk food..... ;D    ...or any other time for that matter!! ;D

I dont need to check my BP I can feel my heart beat in my chest and hear it in my right ear, been like that for years.
Title: Re: When the suns out....
Post by: Bernie Green on July 13, 2018, 01:49:20 pm
Its when you get to a customer all hot and bothered, you are sweating like a pig, greasy as a bit of KFC, all smeared in factor 50 and the customer says "you've got a good day for it today"
Title: Re: When the suns out....
Post by: Soupy on July 13, 2018, 01:52:13 pm
Sun's out?


Guns out.