Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: dai on June 19, 2006, 08:01:35 pm

Title: Tip for unger teleplus users
Post by: dai on June 19, 2006, 08:01:35 pm
I only ever use 4 of the five sections on the Unger Teleplus pole. The problem I had, was that the plastic end caps were always wearing through where I was putting the pole down on the ground. I wanted to make an end cap that would still allow for the pole to fit in the waste pipe pole carrier.
PROBLEM IS NOW SORTED. Just roll up a piece of old squeegee rubber and push it in the end, the lip on the rubber stops it going inside. Just cut bits off with scissors until you have a length that just pushes in. I used a small screw driver to help push it in place. Once it was in I wasn't going to pull it out again to measure the exact length. You will have to experiment yourselves. Dai
Title: Re: Tip for unger teleplus users
Post by: jeff1 on June 19, 2006, 08:25:11 pm
Hi Dai

I have not changed over to wfp yet, and have just finished my trolley (building my own) I also have the unger poles, and have also used waste pipe to hold my pole, but what I did was to cut 4'' of waste pipe down its lengh to create a strip of waste pipe, I then riveted this to the bottom of my pipe to stop my pole going all the way through, I don't know if  it will have the same affect as you have, but I think after reading your thread, I might have saved myself a few new ends for my pole, many thanks
Title: Re: Tip for unger teleplus users
Post by: Jeff Brimble on June 19, 2006, 09:17:04 pm
I wore/broke the ends off most of my Ungers, still working OK
Title: Re: Tip for unger teleplus users
Post by: dai on June 20, 2006, 06:03:31 pm
I know they work ok Jeff. I was trying to avoid damaging the base of the number 4 in case I ever need to fit the number 5 section. The rubber also prevents the base of the pole slipping when I leave it propped up against  the wall. Of course the squeegy rubbers can be used as a base for any diametre pole. Dai
Title: Re: Tip for unger teleplus users
Post by: Jeff Brimble on June 20, 2006, 06:07:41 pm
Will try this tip with the light modular carbon fibre poles. Thanks.