Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: AuRavelling79 on December 21, 2017, 09:50:45 pm

Title: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: AuRavelling79 on December 21, 2017, 09:50:45 pm
Mrs. S. - an irritating pain now realises she's not getting clean windows for Xmas.

Two years ago she went from £12.00 every 4 weeks to £16.00 every 8 weeks at their request and she grumbled that it was more expensive but accepted my "there's two months worth of dirt to clean rather than one" explanation.

About a year ago she asked me to miss her as she's "just had new windows yesterday and she's worried the sealant won't be dry yet". I agree but then find out that rather than (say) having a whole house of windows or even one side of a house of windows she actually only had one window done (kitchen.)

Six months ago she gets new neighbours next door - but across a driveway so not attached - who immediately start refurbishing the house and adding a conservatory. Mrs S. says it's too dusty and that she won't have the windows done "until they're finished".

I mentally dump her but just say "okeydokey - understood; see you later".

Yesterday I'm working about 200 yards away in the next road and chatting to a really good regular 4 weekly customer as Mrs S. walks by and cheerily says "you can start doing mine again; are you round my road today?"

Not wanting a confrontation in front of my good customer I say "I'll be in your road in a couple of hours."

Sure enough, I pull up outside her house, run the hoses to her two neighbours',  houses clean them, put away and drive off.

Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: Shrek on December 21, 2017, 10:05:14 pm
Iv sacked off quite a few this month, you don’t realise how much of a pita some people are until you’ve dumped them
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: Marc Stock on December 22, 2017, 08:30:32 am
Customers are a pain. Fact.

In my opinion though, and it is just my opinion. I dont see what she did wrong.

Ok she sounds a bit eccentric but at the end of the day she wanted you to come back and redo them but you just plain blanked her which harbours resentment.

What i would have done is after dealing with the 1st customer go to her house and either clean it/or politely explain why i can no longer clean for her. After all she did explain her wants and needs as a customer to you (even though to you they were silly reasons) but to her they were significant.

Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: nathankaye on December 22, 2017, 09:14:06 am
To save any confusion, I always explain to a customer why I wont be cleaning their windows any more and that they would be best to source another cleaner and its always said in a professional manner.
Saying yes and not turning up is never a good idea.
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: P @ F on December 22, 2017, 09:45:03 am
People like that dont deserve an explanation , they do deserve dirty windows thats all !
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: Dry Clean on December 22, 2017, 09:45:42 am
To save any confusion, I always explain to a customer why I wont be cleaning their windows any more and that they would be best to source another cleaner and its always said in a professional manner.
Saying yes and not turning up is never a good idea.

Feels good though, it would be nice to think it would teach them what's its like to be messed about but I know it doesn't,
for me its just easier to tell them what they want to hear and then suit myself.
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: Walter Mitty on December 22, 2017, 09:49:26 am
Mrs. S. - an irritating pain now realises she's not getting clean windows for Xmas.

Two years ago she went from £12.00 every 4 weeks to £16.00 every 8 weeks at their request and she grumbled that it was more expensive but accepted my "there's two months worth of dirt to clean rather than one" explanation.

About a year ago she asked me to miss her as she's "just had new windows yesterday and she's worried the sealant won't be dry yet". I agree but then find out that rather than (say) having a whole house of windows or even one side of a house of windows she actually only had one window done (kitchen.)

Six months ago she gets new neighbours next door - but across a driveway so not attached - who immediately start refurbishing the house and adding a conservatory. Mrs S. says it's too dusty and that she won't have the windows done "until they're finished".

I mentally dump her but just say "okeydokey - understood; see you later".

Yesterday I'm working about 200 yards away in the next road and chatting to a really good regular 4 weekly customer as Mrs S. walks by and cheerily says "you can start doing mine again; are you round my road today?"

Not wanting a confrontation in front of my good customer I say "I'll be in your road in a couple of hours."

Sure enough, I pull up outside her house, run the hoses to her two neighbours',  houses clean them, put away and drive off.

I'm a very naughty boy. I would have started by asking where she lived.
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: Soupy on December 22, 2017, 10:06:28 am
Mrs. S. - an irritating pain now realises she's not getting clean windows for Xmas.

Two years ago she went from £12.00 every 4 weeks to £16.00 every 8 weeks at their request and she grumbled that it was more expensive but accepted my "there's two months worth of dirt to clean rather than one" explanation.

About a year ago she asked me to miss her as she's "just had new windows yesterday and she's worried the sealant won't be dry yet". I agree but then find out that rather than (say) having a whole house of windows or even one side of a house of windows she actually only had one window done (kitchen.)

Six months ago she gets new neighbours next door - but across a driveway so not attached - who immediately start refurbishing the house and adding a conservatory. Mrs S. says it's too dusty and that she won't have the windows done "until they're finished".

I mentally dump her but just say "okeydokey - understood; see you later".

Yesterday I'm working about 200 yards away in the next road and chatting to a really good regular 4 weekly customer as Mrs S. walks by and cheerily says "you can start doing mine again; are you round my road today?"

Not wanting a confrontation in front of my good customer I say "I'll be in your road in a couple of hours."

Sure enough, I pull up outside her house, run the hoses to her two neighbours',  houses clean them, put away and drive off.

Sorry Gold but to me that just sounds spineless.

There is a good chance that if you were to man up and explain to her your issue, she'd adhere to your terms in future. If not; at least you'd both know where you stood.
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: Jonny 87 on December 22, 2017, 05:00:10 pm
To save any confusion, I always explain to a customer why I wont be cleaning their windows any more and that they would be best to source another cleaner and its always said in a professional manner.
Saying yes and not turning up is never a good idea.

He didn’t say yes. He just factually stated..... I’ll be in your road in a few hours. (Truthful statement) he didn’t say “I’ll get YOUR windows cleaned
In a few hours”  ;D

Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: Frankybadboy on December 22, 2017, 05:13:16 pm
To save any confusion, I always explain to a customer why I wont be cleaning their windows any more and that they would be best to source another cleaner and its always said in a professional manner.
Saying yes and not turning up is never a good idea.
So who the professional you get to tell them ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: AuRavelling79 on December 22, 2017, 05:28:19 pm
Just to remind those that felt the need to tell me I'm spineless or unprofessional ...

At the outset I always tell them no doorstep cancellations. She drove a coach and horses through that one a) with the one replaced window trick and b) the dusty neighbour trick.

She simply assumed I'd be back which was evidenced by her comment to me when I was talking to the other customer and I believe she was taking the service for granted.

So inasmuch as I didn't restate my terms in front of another customer I guess you could call that spineless and similarly when I said "okeydokey understood" when she did the old dusty neighbour trick.

Next time I'm in the street she will have got the message or will possibly ask me why I didn't clean and I will say "sorry Mrs. S, I have to look after my regulars and I was running short on time." The fact I was running short on time to go home and come on here with a cup of tea and chat to you lot was not mentioned.

Now if there is contrition and a reaffirming of rules, a price increase and a "no more messing" promise then I will consider taking her back on.

But I'm counting on the fact that if I was in her shoes I wouldn't want me cleaning her windows and so we won't have to deal with each other again.

Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: nathankaye on December 22, 2017, 05:38:55 pm
To save any confusion, I always explain to a customer why I wont be cleaning their windows any more and that they would be best to source another cleaner and its always said in a professional manner.
Saying yes and not turning up is never a good idea.

He didn’t say yes. He just factually stated..... I’ll be in your road in a few hours. (Truthful statement) he didn’t say “I’ll get YOUR windows cleaned
In a few hours”  ;D

Hasn't an MP been sacked for being misleading in his statements recently  ;D
Haha i know its not on the same comparison but it was implyining  a yes and so it is misleading compared to saying something like;
Im sorry I wont be able to continue my service with you, as we agreed at the onstart............ (explain)

This wouldn't course an argument in front of the good customer but it would also reinforce to them that your a man of your word. Especially if they were thinking of trying it on in the furture.
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: AuRavelling79 on December 22, 2017, 05:46:23 pm
Fair enough Nathan and Soupy. I'm off to stand in the corner for a bit.
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: robbo333 on December 22, 2017, 10:02:57 pm
Any customer that mucks me around gets dumped. I am fairly tolerant and open minded, however, at the point she said about her neighbours work and she'll contact you when she's ready...she's dumped!
I never ever contact custies to tell them they are dumped, I just don't turn up.
These people aren't stupid, they know they have p155ed you around and know full well why you haven't turned up.
If they ever phone and ask why I haven't been, I just say 'I didn't think you wanted me to clean any more' because of...(reason goes here).
I don't ever want to have a customer where I am wondering 'IF' they want their windows done this time (8 weeks). I can't build a business on that!
There are so many good customers out there, I really can't be arsed to waste my time and effort on people who muck me around.
I clean windows because it is supposedly simple and stress free! As soon as anyone starts to upset the 'apple cart' I may as well go back into working in an office.
Aaaaaaaand reeeeeelaaax!  ;D
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: Miko67 on December 22, 2017, 11:37:24 pm
I don't think it's spineless at all.
Why should customers always have you by the balls?? Pay when want , cancel or put back when want etc.,,,
Then you just take it like a good little boy.
I think it's great you doing that, I get great satisfaction off that, when you know a customer doesn't give a feck about you but wants there windows clean, and you do there neighbours and give it an extra rinse too :-) and leave them hanging.
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: RPCCS on December 22, 2017, 11:54:52 pm
I agree Miko,  its MY business, I work for MYSELF, not other people, and I choose the way I run my business,. Once you let customers dictate to you, then you have lost control and are no longer a business person, but an employee, and the customer is the boss.
I'm like the majority of posters on this thread, I turn up regular, do a decent job for a fair price, and if anyone doesn't like the way I operator wants to change things around, there;s the door.  Last time round in one area, this guy, who works for a tv company, big 4 bed detached house , double garage, 2 cars, huge conservatory, says, can we use you a bit less? say 3/4 times a year? just trying to cut expenses, incidentally ,his Mrs works for same company, and is regular in front of the cameras.  I said no, but can do each second visit if you want? Anything less than that, then I can't keep you on, I need to know how much work I have to do each day/week He agreed, so we'll see how long it lasts.
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: lee_dewing on December 23, 2017, 01:26:15 am
Granville gave the messer, a taste of what it is to be messed about😁

She turned into a maybe.

You either want clean windows or you don't.

If she wants a space on your round Granville tell her it's standing order only or 3 payments in advance.

I don't give messers much room.

Is this customer an asset to Granville's business?
Would he like more customers like this?

Would more customers like this increase Granville's hourly/daily/weekly etc income?

Customers like this are tolerated if you don't have a full.round.
Make her flounce off.
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: nathankaye on December 23, 2017, 02:12:37 am
Next time we (as window cleaners) get annoyed by a customer or a drunken irish man outside a shop we're working on, this is what we need to do between next job.!
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: Soupy on December 23, 2017, 04:52:21 am
The dreaded window cleaner inferiority complex strikes again. No one is saying you should take it like a good little boy. The total opposite in fact.

They don't understand how a window cleaning round works, why would they? Even if you went over it with them in the beginning, they weren't really listening. Quite right too, how a window cleaning round works is less interesting than you might think. The way they see it is simple: you are a window cleaner, they want their windows cleaned.

Do you really think that you're getting one over on them by telling them you'll be there, then not doing them? You're not. They just think you're either weird or incompetent.

Losing a customer shouldn't give you satisfaction whether it's a messer, a flounce or any other reason. You should be trying to work out something with these people that you're both happy with, if you can't work something out; tell them why. It's not difficult.

Explain that your books are nearly full and you're turning away work, work that wants doing every time. Tell her that you schedule a certain amount of work each day for the area you're in and her turning you away messed up your timetable. Tell her you offer an ad-hoc service but it's 5x your standard monthly price. You could even tell her the truth; you take it personally when she asks you to miss her windows. My point is, tell her something. I don't see what you have to lose and I see no point in messing her about.
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: alank on December 23, 2017, 05:42:40 am
Good advice there soupy ;D
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: Steve Newres on December 23, 2017, 07:15:21 am
Any customer that mucks me around gets dumped. I am fairly tolerant and open minded, however, at the point she said about her neighbours work and she'll contact you when she's ready...she's dumped!
I never ever contact custies to tell them they are dumped, I just don't turn up.
These people aren't stupid, they know they have p155ed you around and know full well why you haven't turned up.
If they ever phone and ask why I haven't been, I just say 'I didn't think you wanted me to clean any more' because of...(reason goes here).
I don't ever want to have a customer where I am wondering 'IF' they want their windows done this time (8 weeks). I can't build a business on that!
There are so many good customers out there, I really can't be arsed to waste my time and effort on people who muck me around.
I clean windows because it is supposedly simple and stress free! As soon as anyone starts to upset the 'apple cart' I may as well go back into working in an office.
Aaaaaaaand reeeeeelaaax!  ;D
Succinctly put.
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: AuRavelling79 on December 23, 2017, 11:46:46 am
Thanks Soupy ...

At the moment she is a dumpee ... if she enquires why, I can give her the Soupy lecture and see if she is trainable. For now I  don't have to wonder whether she'll have her windows done and if and when I train her it's win - win.

Thankfully there are at least two other window cleaners in the road so hopefully she'll go to one of them and mess them about which ties them up and leaves me to prune my round into even better shape. That's win-win too.
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: lee_dewing on December 23, 2017, 04:14:15 pm
Explain that your books are nearly full and you're turning away work, work that wants doing every time. Tell her that you schedule a certain amount of work each day for the area you're in and her turning you away messed up your timetable. Tell her you offer an ad-hoc service but it's 5x your standard monthly price. You could even tell her the truth; you take it personally when she asks you to miss her windows. My point is, tell her something. I don't see what you have to lose and I see no point in messing her about.

Hi Soupy not trying to be sarcastic as that all makes sense what you said there and well put.

But your earlier comment about customer not interested in how a window cleaning round works and it's all quite boring to her is probably true and she would have the Same enthusiasm for anything else said.

If your full up.... why suffer messers.
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: Walter Mitty on December 23, 2017, 04:53:19 pm
You get the hump, then you dump.
Who would have believed that Humpty Dumpty was a window cleaner? :)
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: Soupy on December 23, 2017, 07:32:53 pm
Explain that your books are nearly full and you're turning away work, work that wants doing every time. Tell her that you schedule a certain amount of work each day for the area you're in and her turning you away messed up your timetable. Tell her you offer an ad-hoc service but it's 5x your standard monthly price. You could even tell her the truth; you take it personally when she asks you to miss her windows. My point is, tell her something. I don't see what you have to lose and I see no point in messing her about.

Hi Soupy not trying to be sarcastic as that all makes sense what you said there and well put.

But your earlier comment about customer not interested in how a window cleaning round works and it's all quite boring to her is probably true and she would have the Same enthusiasm for anything else said.

If your full up.... why suffer messers.

If you're full you're full, that much is true. It's easier and cheaper to sort the customers you've got than to get new ones. At least it should be.

It's not a case of suffering messers, I have my fair share, believe me, but to me the issues Gold's customer had weren't that big a deal. One two minute conversation and it's done, come what may.
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: P @ F on December 23, 2017, 11:38:01 pm
I dont do messers at all , they all get one chance , if its a good reason that is .
In fact i already have a list of 12 or so that are getting the boot in the new year , am i going to tell them , am i feck .
Why ?
Because they didnt tell me that they were going to hold my payment off so they could have a nice Christmas , they didnt tell me that they were having electric gates fitted , they didnt tell me that after i had set all gear up that they were going to pressure wash the patio later and that i should come back the day before Crimbo eve .
I clean your windows but im not a retarded feckin lacky .
Shame but i really cant be arsed with the likes of that , and to be honest they will probably have done me a favour !   
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: Johnny B on December 24, 2017, 07:29:53 am
This is where I differ from the norm.

I offer a service giving the customer the frequency they want,  and I have a good number who will phone me when they want an ad-hoc clean.

I now have a fairly large customer base, so if I do get a 'not today', I dont care what the reason is, I'll see them next time and just go to the next job pn my list. If they do it 2 or 3 times in a row, I just ask them to call me when they need me and I'll schedule them in for when I'm in their area the next time. I still make money from having them on the books so there's really no issue to deal with as both parties benefit.


Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: Shrek on December 24, 2017, 07:52:23 am
This is where I differ from the norm.

I offer a service giving the customer the frequency they want,  and I have a good number who will phone me when they want an ad-hoc clean.

I now have a fairly large customer base, so if I do get a 'not today', I dont care what the reason is, I'll see them next time and just go to the next job pn my list. If they do it 2 or 3 times in a row, I just ask them to call me when they need me and I'll schedule them in for when I'm in their area the next time. I still make money from having them on the books so there's really no issue to deal with as both parties benefit.


But that defeats the object of having different frequencies unless they’re payments change when they skip cleans. Some people like skipping cleans because they don’t want to pay the monthly payment and don’t want to pay extra for an 8 weekly clean either.
I had 2 customers txt me back this month saying they want to skip this months clean, so I txt them both back saying yeah that’s fine it’s an extra 50% for every other month service.
1 customer said yeah that’d be great il go 8weekly from now on, the other didn’t bother replying- and she’s the 1 who has 15 chickens in her back yard so it’s difficult enough cleaning it 4weekly with all the crap the gets all over the back door and she expected me to skip this month because she can’t be arsed- so Iv dumped her, I don’t run a business like that
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: lee_dewing on December 24, 2017, 08:51:51 am
Gold's customer had weren't that big a deal. One two minute conversation and it's done, come what may.

Hi Soupy, yes that's true good for you if that works.

I have tried explaining and even sent letters but find messers are messers, I just don't have the energy to go through it all how a window cleaning round works when their turning me away.

I don't think it's difficult I call monthly, clean, you pay...job done.

The only success I've had converting a messer is missing them out and then when they have to know, I tell them straight, to the point but polite.

If they come back it's mainly on a standing order basis, I show the day after, onwards I see their money in my bank.

I'm more than happy to be turned away with their money in the bank.

I find standing order not perfect for me as I'm not on time 100%
But credit and refund if nessercary.

Merry Christmas 🎅 Soupy!
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: AuRavelling79 on December 24, 2017, 08:55:14 am
When I used to give talks I would sometimes use the illustration of the pearl in the oyster.

How does a pearl get formed? Because an irritant (sand) is covered over with a secretion (pearl) and something beautiful and valued is formed.

This particular customer isn't worth the secretion to me. But to someone else she might be.
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: lee_dewing on December 24, 2017, 09:10:46 am

Hi Granville, merry Christmas 🎅

I see my round as a beautiful lawn of grass,

I've worked very hard to get it to it's current state.

I'm not letting the weeds creep in to spoil it all
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: Soupy on December 24, 2017, 09:15:46 am
When I used to give talks I would sometimes use the illustration of the pearl in the oyster.

Surely no one in their right mind would deliberately sit and listen to your pearls of 'wisdom'?

Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: lee_dewing on December 24, 2017, 09:16:40 am
1 customer said yeah that’d be great il go 8weekly from now on, the other didn’t bother replying- and she’s the 1 who has 15 chickens in her back yard so it’s difficult enough cleaning it 4weekly with all the crap the gets all over the back door and she expected me to skip this month because she can’t be arsed- so Iv dumped her, I don’t run a business like that

Hi Shrek merry Christmas 🎅

15 chickens😲

Do you do that job Saturday afternoon? go there with a sack and hatchet, for free Sunday lunch😁

Does she ever give you any eggs?

You could egg her windows with her own supply 😁
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: Shrek on December 24, 2017, 09:59:05 am
1 customer said yeah that’d be great il go 8weekly from now on, the other didn’t bother replying- and she’s the 1 who has 15 chickens in her back yard so it’s difficult enough cleaning it 4weekly with all the crap the gets all over the back door and she expected me to skip this month because she can’t be arsed- so Iv dumped her, I don’t run a business like that

Hi Shrek merry Christmas 🎅

15 chickens😲

Do you do that job Saturday afternoon? go there with a sack and hatchet, for free Sunday lunch😁

Does she ever give you any eggs?

You could egg her windows with her own supply 😁

Merry Christmas 🎄  lee

No , I used to do it through the week lol , one of the first questions I ask all my customers is ‘ do you have any dogs ?’ .... she said no but never mentioned the flipping chickens when I quoted online ffs .
Iv only cleaned a couple  of times and although it’s an easy mid terrace (Iv got to drive round to the back alley to do the back) , she forgot to clean all the chicken 💩 up last month so started doing it when I arrived . Kind of glad I dumped really 
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: davids3511 on December 24, 2017, 10:12:40 am
To save any confusion, I always explain to a customer why I wont be cleaning their windows any more and that they would be best to source another cleaner and its always said in a professional manner.
Saying yes and not turning up is never a good idea.

He didn’t say yes. He just factually stated..... I’ll be in your road in a few hours. (Truthful statement) he didn’t say “I’ll get YOUR windows cleaned
In a few hours”  ;D

Hasn't an MP been sacked for being misleading in his statements recently  ;D
Haha i know its not on the same comparison but it was implyining  a yes and so it is misleading compared to saying something like;
Im sorry I wont be able to continue my service with you, as we agreed at the onstart............ (explain)

This wouldn't course an argument in front of the good customer but it would also reinforce to them that your a man of your word. Especially if they were thinking of trying it on in the furture.
No way should you have that conversation in front of another customer. Not professional at all.
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: Walter Mitty on December 24, 2017, 10:26:56 am
I suppose it comes down to the question, "Would my round/business be more profitable if I replaced this customer with another?"
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: P @ F on December 24, 2017, 11:34:05 am
I suppose it comes down to the question, "Would my round/business be more profitable if I replaced this customer with another?"

I have lost some real good paid jobs through operating the way i do , but i do feel im better off replacing them even if with lower paid jobs , no job is worth the money if you have to chase the payment , or when you do get to do them they are minging .
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: AuRavelling79 on December 24, 2017, 11:48:54 am
When I used to give talks I would sometimes use the illustration of the pearl in the oyster.

Surely no one in their right mind would deliberately sit and listen to your pearls of 'wisdom'?

Yes Soups. They would take the irritant (me) and make a pearl from it!  ;D

Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: Walter Mitty on December 24, 2017, 01:04:11 pm
When I used to give talks I would sometimes use the illustration of the pearl in the oyster.

Surely no one in their right mind would deliberately sit and listen to your pearls of 'wisdom'?

Yes Soups. They would take the irritant (me) and make a pearl from it!  ;D

The ones that were still awake, anyway :)
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: Slacky on December 24, 2017, 04:22:39 pm
I would just like to pick Mr Gold up on his use of grammar.

Are you sure the noun is 'Dumpee'?

Shouldn't it be something a little easier that rolls of the tongue, maybe 'Dumpstress'?

Likewise a noun for a group of customers that have been dumped really needs to be settled on. Maybe a 'Drown' of Dumpstress's.

Just thinking aloud here, but really I'm perturbed with your original use of the word. More homework, please, an hour a night extra, for a week, including tomorrow night too, so you don't make the same mistake twice.
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: robbo333 on December 24, 2017, 04:59:24 pm
Interesting, a collective noun to describe a group of ‘dumped ‘ customers.
I would like to go with a ‘Pita’ of dumped customers. I know it’s also an acronym but it sounds like ‘pizza’ and I now like pizza.
P.S. Happy Christmas everyone  ;D
Title: Re: Latest Dumpee ...
Post by: Johnny B on December 24, 2017, 05:42:06 pm
This is where I differ from the norm.

I offer a service giving the customer the frequency they want,  and I have a good number who will phone me when they want an ad-hoc clean.

I now have a fairly large customer base, so if I do get a 'not today', I dont care what the reason is, I'll see them next time and just go to the next job pn my list. If they do it 2 or 3 times in a row, I just ask them to call me when they need me and I'll schedule them in for when I'm in their area the next time. I still make money from having them on the books so there's really no issue to deal with as both parties benefit.


But that defeats the object of having different frequencies unless they’re payments change when they skip cleans. Some people like skipping cleans because they don’t want to pay the monthly payment and don’t want to pay extra for an 8 weekly clean either.
I had 2 customers txt me back this month saying they want to skip this months clean, so I txt them both back saying yeah that’s fine it’s an extra 50% for every other month service.
1 customer said yeah that’d be great il go 8weekly from now on, the other didn’t bother replying- and she’s the 1 who has 15 chickens in her back yard so it’s difficult enough cleaning it 4weekly with all the crap the gets all over the back door and she expected me to skip this month because she can’t be arsed- so Iv dumped her, I don’t run a business like that

I just keep my prices the same, irrespective of frequency. First cleans obviously take longer than regular maintenance cleans, but I see first cleans as investing time in the customer. Whether they subsequently want me on a regular basis is up to them and unless they ask for a specific frequency I always assume they are one offs or ad-hocs, so they're under no pressure or obligation to have cleans that they don't want or ask for.

It works very well for me because I am never short of work, customers are happy because they get cleans when they want them and I'm happy with the money I am making. Everyone's a winner.
