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UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Carpet Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Raj on March 13, 2016, 10:13:08 am

Title: Confidence!
Post by: Raj on March 13, 2016, 10:13:08 am
Been on the courses run by cleansmart and the legend that is Derek Bolton.
Got the gear(you could say,no idea!!!).
Had a few days out with Rutland Carpet Clean (A bloody great bloke!) Done my own carpets and a mates and had rave reviews from family BUT....and this is the BIG BIG BUT...I'm REALLY struggling with confidence.
The before and after photos I see on some cleaners websites are awesome- I can NEVER do that!
What say customers aren't happy?
What if I ruin a carpet,? ( hopefully the training will kick in!)
Good job I'm still in full time employment!!!
How long did it take you guys to build up confidence?
Do you still have days of doubt???
Think it's just the Sunday blues......
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: tim handley on March 13, 2016, 11:26:55 am
First few jobs are a bit nerve racking, you will be ultra slow, ultra carefull, but if youve done training you will be fine!
You will speed up and get much more confident, oh, and you will also love the job as well.......
At least thats how it went for me.............  i think you have to do something pretty dumb to trash a carpet.........
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: Aaron stanton on March 13, 2016, 03:36:30 pm
Yep I was nervous to but you just get more confident without realising. With the
Confidence you get quicker. I just need more work to come in now.
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: Mike Halliday on March 13, 2016, 06:29:07 pm
Before & after photos always look amazing..... Otherwise why take the photo?

I think the hardest thing for a beginner to learn is when to stop and realise that's as good as it's going to get, more scrubbing.... More prespray ..... More extracting won't make Blind bit of difference..... that's as clean as it will get.
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: AJB on March 13, 2016, 08:05:10 pm
Don't forget, most before and after pictures are the extreme.
99% of carpets don't actually look better in photo's. I once
removed a dustbin sized stain of beetroot completely, customer
absolutely amazed, as was I. trouble was before extracting I thought
I can't be ar*ed to fetch the camera, it won't look any different, big
mistake >:(.
Confidence will come with experience, and most cleaners become over
confident, when a brown trouser event knocks them back to where they
should be, confident but careful.
I used to train cleaners for a nationwide company many years ago, usually
3 to 6 months to reach the minor c&ckup that sets them properly on their way.
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: David Deer on March 13, 2016, 08:12:26 pm
I think the hardest thing for a beginner to learn is when to stop and realise that's as good as it's going to get, more scrubbing.... More prespray ..... More extracting won't make Blind bit of difference..... that's as clean as it will get.
After cleaning a few carpets you will then know whether it will get any cleaner and explaining that to the client. Showing them pile erosion and permanent stains and explaining what effect cleaning products make to them.  After a while you'll get a rhythm and develop your own methods which will give you confidence. You may get the odd grumble but you just go back and clean it again and see if it makes any difference. Most of the time it won't but it keeps the customer happy.
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: derek west on March 13, 2016, 08:30:17 pm
Before & after photos always look amazing..... Otherwise why take the photo?

I think the hardest thing for a beginner to learn is when to stop and realise that's as good as it's going to get, more scrubbing.... More prespray ..... More extracting won't make Blind bit of difference..... that's as clean as it will get.

Amen to that mike. think we've all been there.
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: Raj on March 13, 2016, 08:41:09 pm
Many thanks for the comments Guys.
Think I just need to do a few jobs and I'll be okay but at the moment confidence is lower than Aston Villas chances of staying in the Premier League!!!
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: derek west on March 13, 2016, 08:44:15 pm
Many thanks for the comments Guys.
Think I just need to do a few jobs and I'll be okay but at the moment confidence is lower than Aston Villas chances of staying in the Premier League!!!

didn't realise your confidence was that low, feel for ya buddy  ;D
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: Raj on March 13, 2016, 08:49:43 pm
Luckily as a season ticket holder for 20+ years of my beloved Leicester City,on a football note I'm on top of the World!!!
Just cant bloody clean carpets!!?!!
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: CleanerCarpets on March 13, 2016, 10:28:47 pm
Raj - fear of disappointing or failure is the best motivation to do a great job

I was sort of in sales before - i remember an old manager of mine asking why i hadnt applied for a position that had come up - i said i was worried i wouldnt manage it even though i was top in my area for sales. He said its the fear of failing that drives the best on to achieve better than others and he was right and it always stuck with me.

Some are bolshy and confident - talk the talk but when you actually look at their results they don't match up.

Embrace the fear - it will motivate you to the best you can and more than most and you'll smash it!
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: Stoots on March 13, 2016, 11:16:38 pm
One of the best things to learn is how to talk crap, fake it until you make it. Ive not been cleaning long and only occasionally as i do other things. Also went on the cleaning course. booked a job in earlier carpet clean and some eye liner needs removing. can you do that he says? no problem i said, ive no idea really so i`ll google eyeliner removal and have a go.
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: derikraven on March 14, 2016, 06:19:31 am
I've been cleaning carpets for 46 years and some jobs still make me nervous. The thing is, take your time and think about what you are doing. Don't take risks. If a stain won't come out  then leave it alone, don't panic. When discussing the job with a customer NEVER say you can get a stain out, better to say you will do your best but no guarantees. Never overwet a carpet. Point out where there are flaws in the carpet or loose fitted carpets. Always look and act professional.Be friendly and smile a lot and people will remember you. :)
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: Derek Corbrick on March 14, 2016, 07:06:28 am
Go to your local carpet store and see if you can get some of their old carpet samples, take them home stain them with all sorts take some pictures then practice removing the the stains (don't forget to make a note of the method you used) take after pics and post them. Practise makes perfect. :)
Looks like I should practice my spelling :)
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: gwrightson on March 14, 2016, 07:24:22 am
Go to your local carpet store and see if you can get some of their old carpet samples, take them home stain them with all sorts take some pictures then practice removing the the stains (don't forget to make a note of the method you used) take after pics and post them. Practise makes perfect. :)
Looks like I should practice my spelling :)

I would add to that Statement,

Leave the samples at least a few weeks .

Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: Hilton on March 14, 2016, 10:53:32 am
I've been cleaning carpets for 46 years and some jobs still make me nervous. The thing is, take your time and think about what you are doing. Don't take risks. If a stain won't come out  then leave it alone, don't panic. When discussing the job with a customer NEVER say you can get a stain out, better to say you will do your best but no guarantees. Never overwet a carpet. Point out where there are flaws in the carpet or loose fitted carpets. Always look and act professional.Be friendly and smile a lot and people will remember you. :)

Thats' good advice, can I just add that it's good practice not to call every spot and mark a 'stain' it's only a stain if you cannot remove it.
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: maxcampbell on March 14, 2016, 07:07:04 pm
Lot's of good advice, I think I agree with everything that's been said, but I just wanted to re-enforce the idea that we only publish "Before & after" shots when we're proud of a good result, and it will take you a few jobs before you come across a real minger that you put right. Start carrying a camera (not a phone) that will take well exposed shots, take quite a few before's and select which ones you take "afters" of.
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: Raj on March 15, 2016, 07:42:56 am
MANY thanks Guys...Your a good bunch!!!
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: Ian Harper on March 15, 2016, 11:37:28 am

every month thousands of yards of carpets are cleaned by contact cleaners that just give the product and machine to a cleaner and tell them to get on with it. these contacts cover a wide range of business and types of customers.

Franchise owners employ people and send then out after just basic training.

People will be charging many times what you will ask for with the seam training as you.

If you are not confident then keep going on different courses as you do you will get to a point when you think these guys cant tell me anything I dont already know. thats the signal that you have all the knowledge you need.

BTW I know guys that go on the same courses every year as a refresher. how can anyone say they go it all the first time ?

Good Luck Mate
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: Simon Gerrard on March 15, 2016, 07:09:58 pm
A lack of confidence is something you will get over in time. Meanwhile,  don't let your lack of confidence  cause you to over an over things, thinking that perhaps you get it a little better if you do and end up over wetting the carpet causing shrinkage and odour problems.. If you can't get a carpet clean relatively easily then look at your prespray as it may not suit the soil conditions.

On the flip side of this is 'over confidence' which leads to complacency and that is your biggest enemy and will lead to you making big and expensive mistakes. The longer you do this job the more you come to realise that the minute you drop your guard - bang - problem. Learn from your mistakes and become your own biggest critic.

Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: JandS on March 15, 2016, 07:17:31 pm
"Start carrying a camera (not a phone)"

My camera is 12mp, my phone is 16mp, guess which takes the best piccies.
Haven't used camera since last June the phone is that good, same with the video.
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: derek west on March 15, 2016, 09:05:55 pm
"Start carrying a camera (not a phone)"

My camera is 12mp, my phone is 16mp, guess which takes the best piccies.
Haven't used camera since last June the phone is that good, same with the video.

a megapixel and its size has hardly anything to do with the quality of a picture.  next you'll be telling us your amp goes up to 11 so must be 1 louder :)

i have a camera that has the same mega pixels as my phone but the quality of the picture on the camera is amazing. its all about the lens.
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: JandS on March 15, 2016, 09:19:07 pm
Capture greater detail for a kick off....looking back on some pictures there isn't much difference but, slightly better with the mobile but not that you would really notice unless you were looking for it.
However if both pictures are, in essence, identical why take the camera when I have the mobile with me all the time anyway.
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: Dave Lissaman on March 16, 2016, 08:22:03 pm

The confidence will come the more you do
At the moment your like your boy Vardy a few years ago - all ambition but looking at others in the premiership whilst he was still playing on dog poop park.
Keep at it and you'll gain in confidence and before you know it the crowd at the  Nou Camp will be shouting your name

Come on the Foxes and Raj  ;D
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: Raj on March 17, 2016, 08:54:35 pm

The confidence will come the more you do
At the moment your like your boy Vardy a few years ago - all ambition but looking at others in the premiership whilst he was still playing on dog poop park.
Keep at it and you'll gain in confidence and before you know it the crowd at the  Nou Camp will be shouting your name

Come on the Foxes and Raj  ;D
This ^^^
I couldn't have put it better if I tried!!!
I knew this Rutland Carpet Cleaner bloke was a Good un!! ;D
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: derek west on March 18, 2016, 08:06:32 am

We have a training day coming up in 9 weeks that may help with your confidence,  If you email me i will send you the details and you can see if its for you or not.
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: Raj on March 18, 2016, 05:01:37 pm
Thanks Derek but The last thing I need now is more training, gotta get out there and clean!!!!
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: Tony Stewart on March 18, 2016, 06:36:14 pm
Hi Raj I would at least have a look at Derek's TACCA day not for training but for getting amongst other carpet cleaners for the day. I went on the first TACCA day and was blown away. It was a lightbulb moment for me. I was introduced to the truckmount world and found that the other carpet cleaners were just a normal bunch of guys and that gave me confidence to move on and upwards. Forums are great but sometimes you have difficulty sorting out good information from bad whereas if you speak to people in the flesh they will happily tell you what you want to know. By all means clean carpets but think about TACCA.
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: derek west on March 18, 2016, 07:16:38 pm
Thanks Derek but The last thing I need now is more training, gotta get out there and clean!!!!

No Problem, Just thought it might help chatting with 200+ Carpet cleaners,
Get out there and clean stuff, its great. Welcome to a way of life.
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: tim handley on March 18, 2016, 08:14:37 pm
no such thing as too much training.......... ;D
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: Raj on March 18, 2016, 08:57:21 pm
Didn't mean to frown upon more training but the brain goes round and round with all the aspects involved and it can get daunting when your a newbie. Im sure I'd find it rewarding meeting many Carpet Cleaner who know what they are doing do might give it a whirl actually.Thanks
Email sent to you Derek- ta!
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: Dave Lissaman on March 18, 2016, 09:04:27 pm

I'm going - every day is a school day
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: Raj on March 19, 2016, 10:07:46 am
Does seem. Like a decent day  looking at it!!! Just hope they do a Veggie option hog roast!!!! ;D
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: derek west on March 19, 2016, 07:06:11 pm
Quite a few have asked for a veggie option so its veggie lasagne with garlic potatoes this year/
Title: Re: Confidence!
Post by: maxcampbell on March 19, 2016, 07:34:56 pm

i have a camera that has the same mega pixels as my phone but the quality of the picture on the camera is amazing. its all about the lens.

And the internal software that controls exposure, etc.