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UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Carpet Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: jasonl on October 13, 2015, 08:40:29 pm

Title: £200,000
Post by: jasonl on October 13, 2015, 08:40:29 pm
You run a national group of carpet cleaners and have 200 grand in the bank what do you do ?
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Robin Ray on October 13, 2015, 08:50:24 pm
Keep doing the same..
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: jasonl on October 13, 2015, 08:54:28 pm
The same as what ? Sitting on 200kyear after year ?
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Hilton on October 13, 2015, 08:59:14 pm
You run a national group of carpet cleaners and have 200 grand in the bank what do you do ?
Are you describing your situation or somebody else's ?
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: jasonl on October 13, 2015, 09:02:45 pm
Someone else's
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Hilton on October 13, 2015, 09:05:32 pm
Is it a franchise ?
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Steven Butler on October 13, 2015, 09:10:11 pm
Start a new seperate venture!
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: jasonl on October 13, 2015, 09:16:18 pm
No . It's a group for carpet cleaners, does anyone have an answer to my original question?
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Robin Ray on October 13, 2015, 09:35:51 pm
Not enough information.  ???

If they have £200,000 in the bank sitting there doing nothing they are doing something right. If they need the money for future ventures it is their to invest. If it is sitting there doing nothing it could be divided in dividends after all getting the dosh is the aim of going to work.

As a group though they may have £200,000 running expenses a month (unlikely, but we don't know the size of this group.) If that is the case they have no choice but to sit on it in case of a future difficulty) 

Personally I find my own business finances more pressing
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: jasonl on October 13, 2015, 09:42:37 pm
The Ncca hold a huge amount of cash whilst doing very little to promote carpet cleaning to the general consumer .

I think this is a scandal. Overly cautious and backwards looking .
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Hilton on October 13, 2015, 10:02:09 pm
They should franchise
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: MarkRs4 on October 13, 2015, 10:43:03 pm
1. Sell it

2. Franchise it

3.  be happy and carry on with what they are doing

Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Robin Ray on October 13, 2015, 11:26:42 pm
The Ncca hold a huge amount of cash whilst doing very little to promote carpet cleaning to the general consumer .

I think this is a scandal. Overly cautious and backwards looking .


you should have said earlier.

As many ex Nacca board members are on here maybe they can shed some light on the matter.
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: sean oregan on October 14, 2015, 06:01:52 am
If I was the ncca I would use it for advertising to the public with a message that says  "if they don't choose an ncca member to clean their soft furnishings they are running a risk of employing a cowboy"
Not saying non ncca members are cowboys (I am not yet a member hopefully I will be come late November) but if public thought like that it would increase their membership numbers.
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Jonathan Evans on October 14, 2015, 07:28:04 am
If I was in charge or on the board of the NCCA and they did have £200k sat in the bank this is what I would do.
I would build a page on the website fully seo it and invest to dominate in all areas then pass any referals onto nearby cc'ers.
I know they do this but not aggresively. This would add value then a couple of years down the line charge extra on subs etc.
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Mike Halliday on October 14, 2015, 07:34:05 am
The Ncca hold a huge amount of cash whilst doing very little to promote carpet cleaning to the general consumer .

I think this is a scandal. Overly cautious and backwards looking .

This topic is very cryptic :-\ , is your point that the NCCA has too much money in the bank?

Are you a member ? If not you could say ,mind your own business how much they have and what they do, it's nothing to do with you, if you are a member attend the annual meeting and voice your concerns.

Is £200k really that much  in the scheme of things?
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Jonathan Evans on October 14, 2015, 08:20:00 am
I have been a member for the last 7 years, I feel it gives great value for money and clients like the fact you belong to a governing body.
Fair point Mike is £200k a lot for them to have in the bank? I would be more worried if they only had a fiver :)
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Hilton on October 14, 2015, 11:47:37 am
The Ncca hold a huge amount of cash whilst doing very little to promote carpet cleaning to the general consumer .

I think this is a scandal. Overly cautious and backwards looking .

This topic is very cryptic :-\ , is your point that the NCCA has too much money in the bank?

Are you a member ? If not you could say ,mind your own business how much they have and what they do, it's nothing to do with you, if you are a member attend the annual meeting and voice your concerns.

Is £200k really that much  in the scheme of things?

No of course its not,

200k to run an organisation is not very much at all and can very quickly be run through..

I agree the topic was started off in a very cryptic way, if you are a member take it up with then at the next AGM if not its none of your business.
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Paul Clapham on October 14, 2015, 11:48:32 am
£200,000 is no where near enough money to "educate" the Great British  public about using a trained carpet cleaner, or to get brand recognition.

Just as a side questions, how much revenue do the NCCA take in each year and how much do they spend , and what do they spend it on ?

Personally I have never  been a fan of this type of organization , we had ( have ) them in my previous working life, and I always found that most of the board members where in it for themselves...........
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: jasonl on October 14, 2015, 12:09:58 pm
The Ncca hold a huge amount of cash whilst doing very little to promote carpet cleaning to the general consumer .

I think this is a scandal. Overly cautious and backwards looking .

This topic is very cryptic :-\ , is your point that the NCCA has too much money in the bank?

Are you a member ? If not you could say ,mind your own business how much they have and what they do, it's nothing to do with you, if you are a member attend the annual meeting and voice your concerns.

Is £200k really that much  in the scheme of things?

No of course its not,

200k to run an organisation is not very much at all and can very quickly be run through..

I agree the topic was started off in a very cryptic way, if you are a member take it up with then at the next AGM if not its none of your business.

I am not a member precisely because of the above .

Institute of advanced motorists has 50 k in bank .

Guild of master craftsmen 89 k

I could go on and on , they are clearly not using assets for the good of the members in a proactive manner and  taking subs in an underhand fashion .

I am not a member of the Green Party , labour conservative, but I can still comment .
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Kev Martin on October 14, 2015, 12:48:14 pm
I don't quite get this post?  Are you saying you are not a member, it has nothing to do with you, but you just feel that you should just express an opinion on the way that a company runs things because you feel like it?  Am I missing the point here?
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Hilton on October 14, 2015, 12:55:56 pm
Of course you can still comment , it was the manner in which you commented and brushed aside answers as if it was some kind  of da Vinci code we were expected to break before we got to the answer that made it all so strange.

As for the NCCA they are operating for the benefit of their members, if you want them to do something for you then join.

Where are you getting these figures you keep quoting ? Companies House by any chance.
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Mike Halliday on October 14, 2015, 02:40:17 pm
I'll tell you what they should do.......

Ring me up and offer me a job paying £30k a year with a £30k performance bonus after the first year....... then every year do the same until I stop doing what I say  I will do.

want to know what I will do to earn it???

tune in later........when I get back from the gym :)
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on October 14, 2015, 04:39:15 pm
Are you wanting paying while you're at the gym or is this classed as a break or time off?

Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: John Kelly on October 14, 2015, 05:17:56 pm
Why should a trade organisation spend their members money on a general advertising campaign which is going to benefit a far greater number of non-members. Doesn't make sense. If I was paying into a trade organisation, actually we are members of the NCCA, but as a carpet cleaner, I would want money spent to benefit me and other members not joe blogs carpet cleaning round the corner.
I think the money they do spend on advertising is to promote the use of an NCCA member which is right and proper.
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: jasonl on October 14, 2015, 05:22:21 pm
My point is that they do very little promoting the use of NCCA members , but have invited me several times to join via marketing to carpet cleaners.   I agree they should not promote individuals , they are doing very little to promote the industry , yet sitting on fees collected to do so.

Holding reserves is sensible and prudent , but such a huge multiple of annual turnover is not benefitting the industry.
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: JandS on October 14, 2015, 06:16:41 pm
At the end of the day these trade organisations mean sod all, especially to Joe Punter.
Tell them your a member of NCCA and they won't have a clue and won't care.
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on October 14, 2015, 07:13:39 pm
I kind of agree and disagree, a trade organisation can help you train to be better providing you aren't at a level that's knowledgeable or proficient some people like the badge to offer customers confidence when buying but it's only relivant when customers are buying and if the member pushes it. I'd imagine that the ncca are wanting new starters for members that's where they can train and sell the virtues, having trained competent cleaners is a good thing the lack of pushing and marketing to use ncca members towards the customer is an age long arguement specially when the ncca badge is being pushed by the member which also benefits the association but the association isn't pushing the members.

Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: ShaunL on October 14, 2015, 07:53:14 pm
Good point Shaun. I've just sent my application to them. I will be pushing this when dealing with customers. How much will it benefit me? I suppose I'll have to wait and find out..
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Billy Russell on October 14, 2015, 08:22:49 pm
You run a national group of carpet cleaners and have 200 grand in the bank what do you do ?

Out of interest, what would you do and how would you go about it?

Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Jonathan Evans on October 14, 2015, 08:27:45 pm
Not being pedantic but the NCCA do not run a group of cc'ers.
I dont get lots of work but I get at least 1 good job and several people who have booked due to my membership.
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Doctor Carpet (Ret'd) on October 14, 2015, 09:46:21 pm
And of course they can act as a good arbitration service if you ever got into a tangle over a complaint.

Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Doctor Carpet (Ret'd) on October 14, 2015, 09:49:37 pm
Incidentally I wonder what the NCCA could have  achieved if all the cc'ers who had trained with them had gone on to take out membership rather than strike out on their own. Or even (worse) put "trained by NCCA " on their sales literature..

Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Billy Russell on October 14, 2015, 09:57:08 pm
Incidentally I wonder what the NCCA could have  achieved if all the cc'ers who had trained with them had gone on to take out membership rather than strike out on their own. Or even (worse) put "trained by NCCA " on their sales literature..


Spot on
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: wayne zabel on October 14, 2015, 10:35:56 pm
I cant see what's wrong with putting that you have been trained by the NCCA on your literature if you have done the course. ???
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Hilton on October 15, 2015, 08:24:18 am
I think what they mean implying you are a member,when your not.
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: wayne zabel on October 15, 2015, 08:46:41 am
Right I get what you say.but there's a huge difference in having a small sentence saying that you have been" trained" by NCCA than maybe using their logos ect ect  to imply that you are a member when you aren't
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Ian Rochester on October 15, 2015, 05:06:42 pm
Pay the shareholders and employees a massive dividend,  then close the business  ;D
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: Ian Harper on October 17, 2015, 01:49:38 pm

As Mike says its not our business, but as you are doing Jason we can comment on this as they do have a mission statement that affects us all. and many of us have been members at some time. its interesting they never gave anyone a call to ask why we did not renew.

Education is a wonderful thing. For me i lack a lot in many business areas. If you turn that mission statement around and say lets educate the guys cleaning carpets not only in how to do it but how to run a business.  Maths rule this world and you can look at most things and get a greater understanding, business has many of these areas. The design and role out of a program that addresses this would help many make more money and in doing so build bigger businesses. Then indirectly educate the public. you have to say why do UK home-owners not clean as much as USA home-owners.

Its interesting just watched a tech pod cast that was talking about turning around conferences into where you dont have speakers on stage but go into their company and see how its run and get the message that way. if you look at Alan from GetBooked Up he is a great example of one that I would love to be invited into . sure its a franchise but even franchises fail. so whats he doing right? Just one idea of a new direction NCCA can take. BTW I am not talking a BS version on how he or anyone else might want to be seen but a real life one. Business with good mission statements that they are putting to work each day.

Market size has always been one of my big interests. look at any town and you could say that it has to many carpet cleaners. Or that its just they are fighting over the small amount of work. So how do you change this? in my view by companies investing more into selling their services, that comes right back to having lots of highly profitable carpets cleaners being able to promote carpet cleaning. there is that NCCA mission statement again.

So NCCA job is not to just teach people on how to clean carpets but how to build large companies. Fast track was a good start but because of its cost many where not interested. I remember going to a JP boot camp and Robert was there, I asked him why no one from NCCA was attending, His answer was that someone had broke a leg and could not make it. that gives you an insight on how NCCA was run then. Only having one guy to send. BTW I was not even cleaning carpets then I was attending to learn how to grow my Maid Service. while I am on this subject of FT. I am not a fan of holding people up as examples unless its transplant in what they saying is true. if someone makes a statement about turnover then I need proof.

I need people that will show me the way forwards. Not some person that just about selling some service, product or is just there for a fee. finding people in other areas and then using it in ours is refreshing. I not sure of its name but in east london there is a plumbing company that has loads of vans and I seen something on TV about them these guys that have built company's from one van are the types that we should be looking at and learning from.

We are far to fragmented we dont have a business model to follow. thats what I would spend money on finding and then teaching that.


Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: DB on October 17, 2015, 02:41:56 pm
Of course the obvious answer (if its the NCCA you are referring to) is to join....put yourself forward as a  Director and ...CHANGE THINGS.
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: jasonl on October 17, 2015, 02:49:53 pm
You run a national group of carpet cleaners and have 200 grand in the bank what do you do ?

Out of interest, what would you do and how would you go about it?

Like most other trade associations , I would seek to find the best value PR SYSTEM , raise awareness of competent professionals and sweat the assets they hold to uphold the values of the association and achieve the aims.
Title: Re: £200,000
Post by: DB on October 18, 2015, 02:24:11 pm
SORRY ...but I have to laugh...

There are those who moan about the NCCA but seem keen to state on their literature that they were 'trained by the NCCA'...that's a bit rich in my humble opinion. doesn't matter if they were trained by the NCCA I would like to pose the they still adhere to the NCCA doctrines?...or have they viewed all the clips on Youtube and furthered their education via the internet (taking in all the bad stuff as well as the good) in which case can they ethically use the NCCA name...of course those without any ethics will anyway.

If something goes wrong their customers will instinctively contact the NCCA and that's where the 'solids meet the air conditioning'

I have seen and heard first hand how the conversation goes in a situation like that all too often.

As has been said in previous posts membership of the NCCA can benefit a business if its used correctly AND honourably