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UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Frequently Asked Questions & Useful Resources => Topic started by: CP CLEANING on April 18, 2006, 05:16:56 pm

Title: fire and flood technician
Post by: CP CLEANING on April 18, 2006, 05:16:56 pm
hi to eveyone

is there anyone who can tell me what i do if i want to start in fire and floods, ive heard it is hard to get into but its something i have been thinking of for a while hope someone can help??????

cp cleaning
Title: Re: fire and flood technician
Post by: John Kelly on April 18, 2006, 08:10:42 pm
It is hard to obtain work now that the big nationals have most of the insurance market sown up.
However you can pick some work up if you work hard at it.

It is imperative that you obtain adequate training for this type of work. If you don't there are many things waiting to bite you in the arse. Even some of the big boys have been hit with £80,000 bills when they have cocked up.
Try the National flood school, they run regular training courses, a lot of it hands on.
Title: Re: fire and flood technician
Post by: CP CLEANING on April 18, 2006, 08:43:30 pm
thanks john

ive sent an email asking for information so hopefully find out abit more, and to see if can get on the course, even though i have no experience, would you think this would matter? are you into that kind of work and if so did you do the course?

cp cleaning
Title: Re: fire and flood technician
Post by: John Kelly on April 18, 2006, 09:47:41 pm
I've been doing this work for nearly 12 years. All the training I did was in house with the company I did most of my work for, sadly no longer here.
The training is a good eye opener and will help you decide whether it is for you or not. Flood work is much more enjoyable than fire restoration, I think so anyway.
You can find some good info here:

Work your way through this lot then decide if you still want to go ahead.
Title: Re: fire and flood technician
Post by: CP CLEANING on April 20, 2006, 09:14:17 pm
thanks again john il read threw and see wot i think again many thanks