Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Whizz-Bizz on September 16, 2013, 12:40:10 pm

Title: Canvassing
Post by: Whizz-Bizz on September 16, 2013, 12:40:10 pm
Go on, not heard any great canvassing stories for a week, so hows your canvassing missions going ?
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: HampshireWindowCleaning on September 16, 2013, 03:01:55 pm
Awesome, canvassed some big houses near where I live last week, got a £50 two monthly, £40 monthly and a £35 two monthly.
Great time of year to canvass as people that say yes are obviously wanting them done all year round.
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: Dawn03 on September 16, 2013, 03:38:51 pm
We are just getting started and have picked up over £200 monthly in residential customers in the last two weeks. I thought this was pretty good going since we are new to this.  Our guy was lucky and hit an area where the existing cleaner didn't have the best reputation for service or turning up on time.   We also have a large commercial quote we are waiting to hear back about so keeping fingers crossed for that one.  Will be really chuffed if we can pick up another £100 or so by the end of the month. This week is focused on canvassing, resi and some commercial so will see how it goes.
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: Whizz-Bizz on September 16, 2013, 03:46:29 pm
Awesome, canvassed some big houses near where I live last week, got a £50 two monthly, £40 monthly and a £35 two monthly.
Great time of year to canvass as people that say yes are obviously wanting them done all year round.
Go easy there and save some for me  ;D
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: Whizz-Bizz on September 16, 2013, 03:50:17 pm
We are just getting started and have picked up over £200 monthly in residential customers in the last two weeks. I thought this was pretty good going since we are new to this.  Our guy was lucky and hit an area where the existing cleaner didn't have the best reputation for service or turning up on time.   We also have a large commercial quote we are waiting to hear back about so keeping fingers crossed for that one.  Will be really chuffed if we can pick up another £100 or so by the end of the month. This week is focused on canvassing, resi and some commercial so will see how it goes.
Sounds like its going alright, I do find in some areas a wayward window cleaner can be more awkward, with customers actually admitting yes I know hes terrible and I dont even like him but he been here 15 years. That can really put a downer on my day. Good luck on the commercial job
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: roundbuilder on September 16, 2013, 03:54:12 pm
We are just getting started and have picked up over £200 monthly in residential customers in the last two weeks. I thought this was pretty good going since we are new to this.  Our guy was lucky and hit an area where the existing cleaner didn't have the best reputation for service or turning up on time.   We also have a large commercial quote we are waiting to hear back about so keeping fingers crossed for that one.  Will be really chuffed if we can pick up another £100 or so by the end of the month. This week is focused on canvassing, resi and some commercial so will see how it goes.
Sounds like its going alright, I do find in some areas a wayward window cleaner can be more awkward, with customers actually admitting yes I know hes terrible and I dont even like him but he been here 15 years. That can really put a downer on my day. Good luck on the commercial job

That brings a tear to my eye also mark lol... They simply want to keep there crap wc who turns up as he feels who misses window out and leaves smears everywhere doing a poor quality job just for the fact he has been doing them for sooooo long and nomatter what you say to them will it change there minds.
Gotta respect the love and loyalty on some folk though i guess even though its annoying.
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: Whizz-Bizz on September 16, 2013, 04:08:17 pm
Its a funny one I think, Ive also had it where hes half decent, and He does whole house for £6 and I offer front for same money and they switch over. Customer loyalty is a funny one, Ive had pretty much a whole street in uproar that I dared knocked their local guys road, and Im pretty sure customers ring up cleaners to say theres a guy here knocking.

Something that over the years Ive also noticed is having me pop up in an area for a week really gets the lazy guys up and out knocking, so many times this year Ive had cleaners say "good job you knocked last week someone else has been round after you "   
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: Dawn03 on September 16, 2013, 04:33:18 pm
Thanks for the comments. We've been lucky the guy we have employed is great, really enthusiastic and not phased by anything. I'd have got a bit fed up canvassing by now!
We have come across a few areas where WC isn't great and some people won't change, but if we get one or two on the street and do a good job maybe they'll change their mind eventually and if they don't and just want to pay pennies they'll get a service that reflects that.
There is a lot of competition where we are, some are very good, some not so good. I firmly believe in being reliable and giving the best service we can, if we do that I'll be happy :)
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: Whizz-Bizz on September 16, 2013, 04:41:08 pm
Thanks for the comments. We've been lucky the guy we have employed is great, really enthusiastic and not phased by anything. I'd have got a bit fed up canvassing by now!
We have come across a few areas where WC isn't great and some people won't change, but if we get one or two on the street and do a good job maybe they'll change their mind eventually and if they don't and just want to pay pennies they'll get a service that reflects that.
There is a lot of competition where we are, some are very good, some not so good. I firmly believe in being reliable and giving the best service we can, if we do that I'll be happy :)
Your totally right, do a good service at a good price, you'll get them and keep them. Just seen your in Scotland that was my hardest patch this year, competitive is a very good word for it. I was on a new building site with builders still there maybe 40 houses, had 5 different cleaners in there. By the sounds of it you got your head on straight and if you put the hours in you'll succeed
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: Susan Dean (1stclean) on September 16, 2013, 05:19:54 pm
employed a company from Essex that promised the world he didn't get one job then started giving me a hard time last week on the phone , however after my hubby had a meeting with him he went away with a fea in his ear funny how people will shout and ball at a woman on the phone yet there never seem to wont to shout at him strange that  ;D
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: Whizz-Bizz on September 16, 2013, 06:13:24 pm
employed a company from Essex that promised the world he didn't get one job then started giving me a hard time last week on the phone , however after my hubby had a meeting with him he went away with a fea in his ear funny how people will shout and ball at a woman on the phone yet there never seem to wont to shout at him strange that  ;D
Was it T/L crew or P you went with I was going to warn you off but didnt want the cry of sour grapes being shouted from the terraces. To be fair T crew has earned me loads this year as I went and took about 7 of their former clients in Essex and 1 in Newcastle all off which were totally disatisfied. P is a different entity his work is O.K but very underpriced and again many off the guys I took of T/L crew had previously used P.    
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: Susan Dean (1stclean) on September 16, 2013, 06:30:54 pm
employed a company from Essex that promised the world he didn't get one job then started giving me a hard time last week on the phone , however after my hubby had a meeting with him he went away with a fea in his ear funny how people will shout and ball at a woman on the phone yet there never seem to wont to shout at him strange that  ;D
Was it Toms/Liams crew or Patricks you went with I was going to warn you off but didnt want the cry of sour grapes being shouted from the terraces. To be fair Toms crew has earned me loads this year as I went and took about 7 of their former clients in Essex and 1 in Newcastle all off which were totally disatisfied. Patrick is a different entity his work is O.K but very underpriced and again many off the guys I took of Tom/Liams crew had previously used Patrick.   

not going to names and shame people but they wont want to be ringing me in a hurry again
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: Whizz-Bizz on September 16, 2013, 07:21:03 pm
Well Id love to hear from you guys again  8)
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: lyndy on September 16, 2013, 10:16:58 pm
Whizz-bizz I was thinking of useing you in Leicester,but you
Are booked up
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: Whizz-Bizz on September 18, 2013, 03:14:00 pm
I remember speaking to you, hope your well etc, Im trying to juggle a few things around in November,, to open up a more recent slot, if not we got 1 in December. Im already taken 2 bookings for January and Im not even advertising January yet. One of the things

Im trying to do next year is work out a way to get more jobs in. Its breaking my heart not being able to service clients more quickly  ???
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: roundbuilder on September 18, 2013, 05:11:10 pm
How about employing some more canvassers?? 8 would be a perfect number (2 teams of 4 lads you being manager of your team and have 1 in the other team as team leader who is in charge of team moral etc). You could then even have yourself some spare time to spend all the money your making...
On a plus side at least your busy and not twiddling your fingers not knowing what to do.
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: Lee GLS on September 18, 2013, 06:00:42 pm
employed a company from Essex that promised the world he didn't get one job then started giving me a hard time last week on the phone , however after my hubby had a meeting with him he went away with a fea in his ear funny how people will shout and ball at a woman on the phone yet there never seem to wont to shout at him strange that  ;D
Was it Toms/Liams crew or Patricks you went with I was going to warn you off but didnt want the cry of sour grapes being shouted from the terraces. To be fair Toms crew has earned me loads this year as I went and took about 7 of their former clients in Essex and 1 in Newcastle all off which were totally disatisfied. Patrick is a different entity his work is O.K but very underpriced and again many off the guys I took of Tom/Liams crew had previously used Patrick.   

not going to names and shame people but they wont want to be ringing me in a hurry again

Wasn't Tom Cronin was it?
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: richard jagger on September 18, 2013, 06:03:41 pm
Whizz Biss do you canvas  for other industries, and if yes what other industries.
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: lyndy on September 18, 2013, 07:31:11 pm
Whizz-bizz I've not spoken to you before,I wouldn't fancy dec
Think a lot would just want a Xmas clean
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: Whizz-Bizz on September 19, 2013, 11:10:55 am
Had a few good comments but dont know how to multiquote so I'll try to answer you all in 1 thread
Mick Id love a 1st class knocking crew, but alas as we all know canvassers are a nightmare, add in these factors the long travelling days, weeks away etc everyone I take on has to literally be with me 24 hours a day. I also found everytime I take on a new person the quality of the work suffers, or worse still after 3 months they set up rival firms which has happened to me twice out off 5 canvassers taken on. I am actively looking for people but I dont want to go job centre route as you just get so many calls it takes your focus of knocking, Gumtree is pretty poor just get crack pots ringing up chatting for 45 minutes then no showing. There are some good people out there and I will find them.

Lyndy sorry I got you mixed up, had 3 or so enquirees in your area over last 4 months or so, I thought you may have been the chap who was selling his round in Leicester and relocating. Bear me in mind for next year but again the slots filling fast.

Smithie, yes I do canvass for other services via my other marketing company F.M.N Marketing to be fair thou I havnt really pushed that firm so much over the last 3 years as this has kept me so busy. Via F.M.N marketing I undertook campaigns for google, mastercard, dental practices, home improvement firms, Solar power firms and the like. I do feel that over 15 years of direct sales experience I can pretty much go to a door with any product or service and pull deals in. Its a very transferable skill. What service were you considering ?

Lee, well I just spoke to Lee on the phone and he just echoed exactly the kind of story Im hearing all the time about this essex knocking crew.

Well I hope I managed to get everyone covered and if anyone knows how to multi quote that would be cool
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: sham33 on September 19, 2013, 04:20:23 pm
Whizz-bizz are there months in the year where you find it's pointless canvassing typically in the winter months November through to February? Or do you still pick up plenty of work over winter?

Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: roundbuilder on September 19, 2013, 04:37:56 pm
Whizz-bizz are there months in the year where you find it's pointless canvassing typically in the winter months November through to February? Or do you still pick up plenty of work over winter?

A good canvasser delivers whatever the weather..
I know a guy who used whizz in the snow last year and he still bought in the results.
I find 5-8 winter nights are the best as no time is wasted on doors where you cant see if anyone is home or not like in summer months.
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: Whizz-Bizz on September 19, 2013, 07:44:36 pm
Whizz-bizz are there months in the year where you find it's pointless canvassing typically in the winter months November through to February? Or do you still pick up plenty of work over winter?

You can knock all year round, and there is no real lull in pulling in deals. I only have quieter times in back end of November, and December due to cleaners winding their operations down,You will get alot of December people say to you in the New year. Generally Jan is quite a good knock if you can  handle the cold etc. 
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: paul ette on September 19, 2013, 09:42:12 pm
god i need to get my bottle back, attempted to canvass first time this year, got nervous and bottled it, leafleted instead. saturday im gonna give it another go, needs a must
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: Carl@Cwc on September 19, 2013, 10:07:34 pm
get out m8y
done 2 hrs last night and got 6 for £50 total.
thats £650 a year for 2 hrs work. or 2 1/2 weeks wages paid.
i leaflet and canvass aswell,
i want another 500 custies so am gonna go all in for 2 nights a week one week, and 2 nights and 2 days( sat/sun) the next
Title: Re: Canvassing
Post by: Whizz-Bizz on September 20, 2013, 12:27:21 am
No point just thinking about it, just get yourself up and out, you've done half the work walking up the drive ring that bell.