Clean It Up

UK Contract Cleaning Forum => Contract Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: clarkson on June 25, 2013, 01:44:17 pm

Title: Staffing software
Post by: clarkson on June 25, 2013, 01:44:17 pm
In these difficult times I a trying to tighten up my wage bill. I have tried several software systems but not found one i like.

I want a simple weeks worksheet with days of week across top and all my contracts down the side. I just want to drop in who's doing what for the following week and the hours per site. Hopefully it will trundle out some totals per site and for the whole.

I could do this in excel. The bit I really would love is it could convert this into pounds to give me a budget. And if someone was replaced or changes made it recalculates.

Anyone know anything.



Title: Re: Staffing software
Post by: murray42 on July 25, 2013, 10:54:11 pm
Our software, The Scheduling Manager, will do what you want, automatically.  And a whole lot more!

Check it out at and/or give us a call with your questions:

U.S.: +1-718-369-0608
U.K.: 0207 617 7242


Title: Re: Staffing software
Post by: angela stone on August 05, 2013, 08:56:38 pm

Do you pay a monthly fee for this software or is a one off charge to buy it?


Ange  :)
Title: Re: Staffing software
Post by: pristineclean on August 08, 2013, 06:55:52 pm
I might be missing something in your query but if it helps, my spreadsheet uses a combination of vlookup and sumif to give me total wages and cost per site. If you'd like some help in prepping a spreadsheet which meets your needs, drop me an e mail to

The issue of controlling wages (which represents about 80% of my costs) has become something of an obsession with me because, and no offence to the TimeAttends and Ezitrackers of the world, it annoyed me so much that I had to pay a monthly fee for remote time recording and a service which only partly met my requirements that I had a unit developed which would do everything I wanted but which wouldn't cost me money every month.  It's taken me two years (so far!) to have my system set up to do this so that, among other things, actual as against forecast hours cleaners are recorded via a remote logging device which populates a spreadsheet and gives me my wages bill; all that by way of saying that the easiest part of it was creating an Excel sheet which handles and processes the information.

Title: Re: Staffing software
Post by: bobplum on August 21, 2013, 07:59:46 pm
In these difficult times I a trying to tighten up my wage bill. I have tried several software systems but not found one i like.

I want a simple weeks worksheet with days of week across top and all my contracts down the side. I just want to drop in who's doing what for the following week and the hours per site. Hopefully it will trundle out some totals per site and for the whole.

I could do this in excel. The bit I really would love is it could convert this into pounds to give me a budget. And if someone was replaced or changes made it recalculates.

Anyone know anything.



Title: Re: Staffing software
Post by: Robert Banks on August 12, 2014, 05:04:51 pm

Do you pay a monthly fee for this software or is a one off charge to buy it?


Ange  :)

Hi Ange! Sorry for the late reply, but our desktop version is a one-off charge, but we do offer cloud and mobile solutions which are a monthly fee.


Title: Re: Staffing software
Post by: Tony Hodgkinson on August 19, 2014, 10:37:57 am
Great information guys :)