Clean It Up

UK General Cleaning Forum => General Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: AJCleaningServices on February 19, 2006, 02:05:37 pm

Title: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: AJCleaningServices on February 19, 2006, 02:05:37 pm
I was going through the yellow pages and noticed that one domestic cleaning company is member of The Confederation of Cleaning Professionals (  Has anybody joined the Confederation?

Any comments…

Thank you,
Kind regards,
Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: Tim Downer on February 20, 2006, 06:45:58 am
I would be interested in reading peoples responses too, as i printed off a load of pages from the confederation of cleaners too.....especially as a lot of cleaners have done the above vote....but not written their comments.

I was in a past life a member of Proclean, who were set up mainly for carpet cleaners. They had plenty of advice on how to make your business grow, had the occasional training session - which did cost, but was beneficial at the time.

However, as a recognised association, they had marketted the brand (just look in the local yellow pages for example), and when people called their office for a Proclean Carpet Cleaner, they would ring the nearest cleaner to give them the work. I did get lots of work from the logo on the van and paperwork. They also got you discounts on insurance etc etc



Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: AJCleaningServices on February 20, 2006, 08:33:51 am
Hi Tim,

Some discussions about SAFEcontractor and BICS have taken place here ( and here (
I guess you know about The Small Cleaning Services Federation (, discussed here (

I think that The Confederation of Cleaning Professionals tries to be an alternative to The BICS, however The Confederation does not offer much in return and people do not know it very much.

Kind regards,
Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: Tim Downer on February 20, 2006, 09:56:27 am
Hi Arthur,

Yes, i wondered the same about the confederation. The set up looks ok....but had never heard of them.....nor had others in the business that i had spoken to.


Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: CMS on February 20, 2006, 10:02:09 am
Nor me
Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: AJCleaningServices on February 20, 2006, 05:06:12 pm
...I think that The Confederation of Cleaning Professionals tries to be an alternative to The BICS, however The Confederation does not offer much in return and people do not know it very much.

I applied today for BICS membership.  I have been in cleaning business for 6 years now, but do not know whether they accept my application or not.  What I can say that if they do not then I will have to think whether I would like to join some other association, because I (as many others who have voted here) think that my business can benefit from using a cleaning association’s logo…

To join The Confederation of Cleaning Professionals all you have to do is pay the membership fee…
Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: AJCleaningServices on February 20, 2006, 05:27:54 pm
Has any body joined The Federation of Small Businesses (
Any comments?
Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: CMS on February 20, 2006, 05:35:19 pm
...I think that The Confederation of Cleaning Professionals tries to be an alternative to The BICS, however The Confederation does not offer much in return and people do not know it very much.

I will have to think whether I would like to join some other association, because I (as many others who have voted here) think that my business can benefit from using a cleaning association’s logo…

Have you applied for individual membership or corporate membership?

I think there are different rules for each about the displaying of logo's.
Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: AJCleaningServices on February 20, 2006, 05:46:18 pm
Hi Karl,
I applied as A and J Cleaning Services, cost £200+, so I think it is a corporate membership
Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: CMS on February 20, 2006, 05:56:04 pm
It is indeed!
Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: Steve Chapman on February 20, 2006, 10:37:42 pm
I belong to the fsb and must say when in times past i have needed legal advice they have been really helpful plus you get many other discounts and privilege services, cost me about £70 a year
Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: 24-7 S C Services on February 20, 2006, 11:05:59 pm
Hi everyone,

At present I am a member of the following Associations and Federations

FWC - Federation of Window Cleaners - formerly NFMW&GC

FSB - Federation of Small Businesses

APWC - Association of Professional Window Cleaners - Founding Member

Safe Contractor

You will all find all the associations out there may have something to offer you which may be of some use and others may not be able to offer you anything. It is purely a case of what you want. Each of the above all offer discount insurance, yet whose is the cheapest???

For the contract cleaning Industry, I would strongly recommend BICs!!! You will find most large commercial entities will only utilise Bics trained cleaners - WHY? There is less chance of accidents happening.

Take a look at the larger National Cleaning companies - Initial Cleaning - Jani King etc - All are BICs registered and trained.

Hope the above helps


Ps I will be registering and training via BICs later on this year
Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: AJCleaningServices on February 22, 2006, 08:33:25 am
...I applied today for BICS membership...

I have just been on the phone with the BICS...

My application has been accepted and...


Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: CMS on February 22, 2006, 08:40:44 am
Have they given you 'Member' status or 'Associate Member' status?
Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: CMS on February 22, 2006, 08:42:47 am
Just was corporate membership you had wasn't it?

Congratulations  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: George-Reid on February 22, 2006, 10:45:20 am
Join the FSB and join BICS
I would not be without these.

You join them for your help, protection, legal advice, Training etc.

Associations that you join to impress the public are worth very little as for the most part the public dont care.

I think a carpet cleaner should join the NCCA  and a window cleaner the FED or similar as we are into wheelie bin cleaning we are members of the NAWBW
In theory these Associations set down guide lines and try to weed out the cowboys to protect the public, and should be supported just dont expect a lot in return.


Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: Nick Johnston on February 22, 2006, 11:30:51 am
Hi guys

I joined the NCCA and advertised the fact on I almost immediately took an order for a whole-house carpet clean and stain protection from a prospect who was looking for someone with "letters after their name".  Paid for my subscription!

I am also a member of FSB. They provide a range of discounts and legal services. I joined solely because they offer the cheapest merchant service (for accepting credit/debit cards) on the market through Streamline.   I pay extra for  the mobile terminal, but I reckon it will pay for itself many times over, as we live in this credit-driven world.

FSB also offers free for life business banking through the Co-op. 

Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: AJCleaningServices on February 22, 2006, 05:06:08 pm
Have they given you 'Member' status or 'Associate Member' status?

I do not know, I am waiting for the confirmation to arrive by post.

...Congratulations ;D ;D

Thank you
Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: AJCleaningServices on March 02, 2006, 07:29:18 pm
Have they given you 'Member' status or 'Associate Member' status?

I do not know, I am waiting for the confirmation to arrive by post.

...Congratulations ;D ;D

Thank you

27 people out of 39 who have voted so far have said that they would join an association because of the benefit from using their logo, being part of something big, improve company’s image…

So I have joined the BICS and today got a written confirmation of my membership.  :)



 ::) Now I am going to make some changes to my ads and website.   :)

Thank you for voting,
Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: blacksheep on March 02, 2006, 07:57:33 pm
hi all do you have to be one of the big boys to join BICS
Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: CMS on March 02, 2006, 08:08:13 pm
Congratulations Arthur. I see you personally got 'Associate Membership'. I thought you would.

Blacksheep, no you don't have to be one of the 'big boys' as you put it.

Membership of BICS is granted depending on qualifications/experience/time served etc.

Membership is on a number of levels as follows:

Student Membership
Associate Membership
Full Membership

Arthur has been granted Associate Membership after 6 years in the industry. I personally hold Full Membership after having 26 years in the industry. I achieved 'Full' Member status in 1994 after 14 years.

Arhurs Membership number is 019227 and mine is 011553 which means that since 1994 there have been 7674 new memberships granted of one kind or another.

Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: AJCleaningServices on March 02, 2006, 11:31:36 pm
Congratulations Arthur
Thank you.
Here is my new ad-draft for Yellow Pages:


 ::) Carpet cleaning picture missing  :-[, will fit in later...
Title: Re: Your opinion on joining an association
Post by: *Chris Browne on March 03, 2006, 10:05:35 am
Hi arthur,
youve got a tiny bit more space there on the right hand side................. ;D ;D ;D

chris ;)