Clean It Up

UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Hard Floor Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Graeme Smith on March 05, 2013, 08:31:56 am

Title: After care products for natural stone floors
Post by: Graeme Smith on March 05, 2013, 08:31:56 am
After completing stone floor cleaning what range of cleaners could you recommend? Neutrals for limestones, travertine marble etc. What about problem areas like oil splats from cookers? Is there a product you could pass on for aftercare. The issue that seems to persist is oil marks on rough stone like sandstone. Is there a solvent of some description that the customer could use to deal with this? Or would neutral cleaner with a long dwell time and agitation. Please assume that the floor has been sealed with a sub surface impregnating sealant (water based)
Title: Re: After care products for natural stone floors
Post by: Kev Martin on March 05, 2013, 05:15:36 pm

This is a bit tricky to answer because it depends on the size of spill or splash and how quickly the customer reacts as the problem here is the riven or rough surface!  Ordinarily if a surface has been sealed with a premium water based impregnating sealer and the customer reacts relatively quickly then a bit of Fairy, nailbrush, some warm water and a decent Microfibre cloth should lift an oil stain or grease spill if treated quickly.  I don't think a solvent is required personally.  However if it is a decent spill and it has been left for any length of time it may then require a high alkaline, a sealing & coating remover or even a poultice if it's really gone deep.

Kev Martin
Marblelife Ltd
Tiling Logistics
Title: Re: After care products for natural stone floors
Post by: Graeme Smith on March 05, 2013, 06:31:42 pm
Thanks, the problem is getting the customer to understand that a cleaned and sealed floor does not mean no maintenance at all.
Title: Re: After care products for natural stone floors
Post by: Kev Martin on March 05, 2013, 07:27:37 pm
The way I explain it to them is that they have a suite that has been treated and scotchguarded. They spill a glass of wine! What do they do? Sit there and look at it and think it will be OK because it has been scotchguarded?  No do they he'll they run into the kitchen at 100mph to get a cloth to wipe it up!! Then you impress on them that they need to treat the floor the same. Simples

Kev Martin