Clean It Up

UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Carpet Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: gwrightson on February 15, 2006, 05:48:02 pm

Title: them and us
Post by: gwrightson on February 15, 2006, 05:48:02 pm
So !!!!!!!! I now notice their is a truckmounters forum, How long has this been up and running? ;)
 Thought I would take a look, but decided against it, Why? you have to be a registered member to veiwthe topics, and Im thinking to myself Do we actually have to be a truckmount owner to register?
hmm sure some body will enlighten me.
 Problem is I personaly think it stinks!!!!!!!! Why ?\ well I thought that the ideas of forums was to enlighten and help other people with the same interests , or as this case may be same profession, how wrong I was , it apears to me, that some c.c have big egos, and obviously think they are far superior to mere porty users, is that the case? or am I been Paranoid?  Of course Im not , its blatantly clear that the truckmounter thinks he is superior. well let me tell you your not!!!!!! but if it makes you feel better carry on thinking that!
                Geoff.,   " I want a truckmount"

 ps.  no offence intended to anyone at all, except the high and mighty, you porty c.c. arnt worth knowing types

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: John Rimmer Marshall & Rimmer Ltd on February 15, 2006, 05:59:11 pm
I have been thinking the same for over ten years ever since going to seminars
and training courses. I put it down to the i have a bigger one than yours
                         Take Care John
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: cleaning co on February 15, 2006, 06:08:40 pm
this as bin debated so many times ::) i personally couldnt justifie a truckmount as i do domestics and wouldnt do any more more work if i had one so i would just decrease my profits with the running costs and buyiny one etc etc , and with my setup i can clean as fast as a truckmount and find mt setup easyier to use that a truckmount (and i hav used some honest) its horses for courses etc   and boys with big boys toys lol
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: colin thomas on February 15, 2006, 06:22:13 pm
don't get too paranoid about this truck-mount/portable malarkie, i've joined the new forum but for the sole reason that i might find out ways to make my machine run better or just run!!! i for one will still visit this site for day-to-day good advice on methods of cleaning and good business ideas.  anyone can be succesful in business with or without a truck-mount. as long as the work keeps coming in, do what you do now and keep learning.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: craigp on February 15, 2006, 06:31:41 pm
cus we in england not u.s. should it be 'van mount'   ;D
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: cleaning co on February 15, 2006, 06:34:34 pm
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Rousey on February 15, 2006, 06:37:47 pm
Remember, small things come in better packages  or big is not always best!!!
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Dennis on February 15, 2006, 06:38:31 pm

The new one I had in the mid 90's was classed as a pile of c**p!  >:(

What are they like now?
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Rousey on February 15, 2006, 06:39:10 pm
I forgot to say that's what my wife says anyway. Don't understand what she means!!!
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: cleaning co on February 15, 2006, 06:41:25 pm
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Dennis on February 15, 2006, 06:57:22 pm
They must have improved a hell of a lot then. I'm serious, I got towed in so much I was invited to the recovery firm's Christmas party. That bloody van nearly gave me a nervous breakdown!  ;D
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: cleaning co on February 15, 2006, 07:07:59 pm
well iv had the model for a year and it has bin a dream van , no honest not joking,  its the best van i hav ever had, and iv had few,  air con,power stearing ,twin air bags, cd playler, great fuel milage, really quiet like driving an elctric van, loads space, flalse  floor for storing u hand tools chems etc  drives like a car, loads power 90 no probs ,if u wannao that fast !!! id recom them to anyone , build q is fantastic for a van what u can get for £5995 + vat and i deal for anyone wishing to run thier porty from van,  not many places this van wouldlnt get to the front door
gary ;D
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Mark Lurker on February 15, 2006, 07:23:35 pm

Some t/m users do not fit the picture you painted but look at who runs the forum. In there cases you are so right. ::)
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: garyj on February 15, 2006, 07:24:51 pm
There's not many places that van wouldn't FIT IN the front door ;) ;D
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: cleaning co on February 15, 2006, 07:34:14 pm
lol gary j.  there not that small honest, its got twice the room as say a escort van , combi etc, now be nice !!! lol
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 15, 2006, 08:12:02 pm
Regarding truck mounts, as i have said for 3 years i had marvelous service from my portable Extracta Excel which although letting me down once, which turned out easy to repair.

When you look at truckmounts you get dragged into the concept by the manufacturers advertising, but once using it i have found it easier in difficult situations. To elaborate, there are many houses in an area local to me that either has steps going up or down to get to their house and i was forever lifting the portable up or down these. Life is so much easier now. At the moment a lot of my work has been domestic with the occasional commercial job. I have a commercial job tyhis weekend, and when conmnected to the mains water, this unit will run non stop, dumping the waste water as long as the Five gallons of fuel does'nt run out. A spare can is carried.

The running costs to me work out at 8% of what i take which i think is reasonable, and there would be no servicing costs as i am a trained motor vehicle technician, and would hope to get more than five years use out of a machine which cost me around £12000. I would be looking for around ten years for the machine which will work out at £1200 a year over this length of time.

I certainly know there are ccs out there that have spent £20000 plus on their machines and charge the highest prices. I have quoted for commercial work and been beaten by a cheaper price, so it does'nt mean the tms take all the work. All my equipment is to me is a tool to do the job of work.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Ian Gourlay on February 15, 2006, 08:21:11 pm
Before I discovered this Forum I was starting to feel inferior on Cleantalk.

I was inferior as I had a Wide Track did a brilliant job with its Vibrating Brush.

So I got a bigger Machine

From someone who got a Truckmount.

I did start to feel inferior again  Now Im told Some PEOPLE have Got Two

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: BRSL on February 15, 2006, 09:21:32 pm
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Nope it's an ego thing all the way for me got a big TM and a Big van, but still not happy I was looking at a TM today that runs 6 wands at 4000 ft now i feel inferiour lol  ;D ;D

Rousey I think what your trying to get at is good things come in small packages, but my mother always said, so does poison  :P

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 15, 2006, 10:06:32 pm
James just out of curiosity, are the Hydramaster machines superior to the Prochem ones, only when looking at a lot of your web sites, you mostly seem to use Hydramaster? Have you previously used other makes?

I tried registering to go on the truckmount website, but it still won't let me on.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: gwrightson on February 15, 2006, 10:25:20 pm
well , nobady appears to have answered my question yet, Do you have to own a truckmount to be a member , or is it soley for tms  .?
Mark I CAN SEE THE REASONING IN YOUR REPLY   , although I know their are a few genuine , helpful and willing truckmounters out there, names I wont mention but some go far beyond ther normal expections in been helpful
and willing to see others suceed!!!!!!!
on the other hand , I also see an element of" porty owners not god enough for us , "  we have the biggest and the best sydrome, it stands out a mile, only recently Sunny day out, been one example . with the onus been on truckmount owners.
CRG    as for you joined truckmounters so you can seek advice , !!!! well can you not get any info you want on the established forums?
   ps. once again , no offence meant to the down to earth truckmounters, just the high and mighty ego seekers
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Glynn on February 15, 2006, 10:38:57 pm
The Truckmounters site is aimed at TM operators. Its name does suggest this doesn't it ?
As for signing up, the site was operating in maintenance mode earlier and is now fully open again.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: clive on February 15, 2006, 11:06:58 pm
hi glynn,
What is the website called.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Glynn on February 15, 2006, 11:08:08 pm
Hi Clive,
How are you ?

Sorry cant allow links to other Forums.

But we have allowed disscusion.

Very reasonable.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Simon Gerrard on February 15, 2006, 11:10:50 pm
Yes, you do have to own a Truck Mount to be accepted as a member of TruckMounters although anyone can look in on the site at the moment, but that will change shortly. You don’t have bricklayers in the National Association of Funeral Directors, do you? And while there is this constant bickering between the two factions, Truck Mounters and the porty brigade, why not have a clean break and create a forum where we can all be in a group of like minded people who share a common cause. There is nothing superior in that notion, just the usual paranoia on your part.

Simon Gerrard
  (moderator please delete if this reference offends)
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: BRSL on February 15, 2006, 11:18:45 pm

id hate to get into the debate about the best, if your looking for the wow factor Hydramaster wins hands down, ive always had a taste for quality not saying that any other machine is C*** there all good now esspecialy the new woodbridge but Hydramaster has had years more development time "I think" and it shows the build quality is amazing,

Geoff as a TM owner I feel sometimes I have to talk with words wrapped in cotton wool as not too offend any porty owners so isnt it right to have a forum where we can express ourselves freely, although how often do we get put down do you here us complaining, as for regestering I dont think you have to own a TM, it's obviously aimed at TM's but surely any members are welcome and all info appreciated, you dont even have to be in the CC industry to give good relevant advice on all these forums.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 15, 2006, 11:32:20 pm
Pile profile

I have tried several times unsucessfully to get on truckmounters website. I register then choose a password. A notification is sent to my e-mail then i use thin link and put in user name and password. Nothing, so i try password reminder.  Nothing

I get the impression im "persona non grata" on there

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: spinnaker on February 15, 2006, 11:40:56 pm
You've got the truckmount maybe you have got "previous"
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: BRSL on February 15, 2006, 11:47:27 pm
S.O.C you have to use your real name and fill in most requests like location have you tried this

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 16, 2006, 12:02:10 am
No thank's, i'll try this tomorrow.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Ian Gourlay on February 16, 2006, 12:02:31 am
Ive just woken up.

and remembered its against Forum rules to give out rival Forums locations.

So I suggest anyone who is interested makes a note of the details.

Hope its not going to be a LONG NIGHT SHIFT TONIGHT ??? ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Alan Brooker. Aqualink Carpet Care on February 16, 2006, 12:16:12 am
Gotta say that the ninja at the other end of a fifty foot hose in a domestic environment renders a truckmount as a pointless overspend due to the heat, suction and waterflow available at the toolhead and The Pro500 cfr with its amazing tooling and massive airflow ability also acheives as good a job. That being the case WHAT is the point of having a truckmount only forum. We might just as well have a debate about whether Spaghetti is better than Penne pasta. ;D

In a domestic environment (where theres more money, less hassle, less waiting for pay and daytime work) you've got to be a bit short up there to buy a truckmount ::)

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: John Rimmer Marshall & Rimmer Ltd on February 16, 2006, 12:42:35 am
As i sead before in this debate you do not have to spend £20,000 in order to clean a carpet. And as for running costs i do not paye for the electricity i use
while cleaning someons carpet or upholstery, THEY DO

                                           Take Care John
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Dave Parry on February 16, 2006, 09:24:17 pm
As a t/m owner who does 3 to 5 mainly domestic jobs daily (and who also has a Ninja) I do not consider myself a bit short up there. I used my ninja to pay for my truck mount, but I would now rather watch day time tv  than use it.
A t/m is not the be all and end all, but for me it its the best solution. If I worked in london or other city then it would probably be a pain, but I dont.
Its quicker on most jobs, hotter and leaves carpets drier. I dont have to constantly fill and empty, and its more reliable. I also dont consider myself superior to other cc's whatever equipment they use.
PS I used to use upto 75 foot of hose on my Ninja, and did curtains with it aswell,  the van knew its way to Dartford VERY well, I have had a couple of problems with my t/m none of which stopped it from cleaning, all were sorted over the phone promptly. I suggest you engage brain, before operating mouth in future.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: BRSL on February 16, 2006, 09:48:41 pm
And as for running costs i do not paye for the electricity i use
while cleaning someons carpet or upholstery, THEY DO

Your missing a sales point there  ::) ::)

Oh and Alan spegetti wins every time as long it's big and load and goes grrrrrrr grrrrrrrr wooooooosh  ;D ;D
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: cleaning co on February 16, 2006, 10:42:38 pm
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: HQCS (John Kastrian) on February 16, 2006, 10:56:24 pm
It is a known fact that men who brag they have a big one usually only have a little one :)
I really despise this them and us business,at the end of the day we are all carpet cleaners,and I know of many porty owners that acheive as good results as a tm.
There are pros and cons for both systems,but they both clean carpets perfectly well.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Alan Brooker. Aqualink Carpet Care on February 16, 2006, 11:08:12 pm
Dave,  :o
Was it something I said ;D

Dont burst a vessel over it. Carpet cleaning is carpet cleaning. Was your ninja the top spec or a 135 infact I dont want to know because I gotta tell you this cfr pro 500 with cfr tooling beats a truckmount hands down. Why? If I can match the airflow and flushing power of a truckmount at the tool head and combine it with ozone to instantly break down anything organic while NOT caning off loads of chems AND achieve all this at anything from a quarter to a half the cost of a truckmounted system AND without emptying a local reservoir once a month then I would be a short up top not to see the obvious.

Know what I mean ;)

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Alan Brooker. Aqualink Carpet Care on February 16, 2006, 11:14:33 pm
And if you're watching daytime TV as well as doing 3 - 5 jobs a day, there's no way you're prevacuuming ;D
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: spinnaker on February 16, 2006, 11:21:10 pm
david beat goliath......but the odds were against it!
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Dave Parry on February 16, 2006, 11:23:11 pm
Wasn't bursting anything, and even though you dont want to know, it was a 135psi        ( 400 were not available at the time), with solvent kit, auto fill, auto pump out and uprated vac motors, 75 foot of hose, 60 feet sovent hose. Great machine, not a patch on my Boxxer. cfr are great if you like cleaning with dirty water. Didn't say I watched daytime tv, just preferable to using a porty. No I dont pre vacuum, dont believe its nessesary for domestics.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: clive on February 16, 2006, 11:24:00 pm
Hi Glynn,

Hope you are keeping well!
I'm fine thanks and just about to have a look at the truckmounters site.
Are you going to the Carpex exhibition this year?

Have you actually tried using a truckmount.I think you would be amazed at the power compared to the two systems you are talking about.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Ian Gourlay on February 17, 2006, 12:07:32 am

When you had your little Ninja you had a Stemate did this not help to leave the Carpet Dry.

Congratulations on getting 5 jobs a day.

Are you still have your chap putting out leaflets.

Can understand why you would not want to stop and refil.


Have you still got your Bane.  Never got my head round how an Electric Truckmount can have more power as I understand it The power of prtables is limited by the amount of electric you can draw through a plug.

But I do not know?
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Alan Brooker. Aqualink Carpet Care on February 17, 2006, 09:22:49 am
Clive, despite not having used a truckmount I KNOW that they are without doubt the most powerful. However, what gets you to work quicker in traffic, a Bentley or a BMW?
Think about it

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: cleaning co on February 17, 2006, 09:52:07 am
i think (and allways will)  if u do domestic its madness to shell out all that cost for a truckmount, use the best  porty u can find to its full advantge, u will not earn less u will earn more, u will not take longer than a truckmount to do jobs in some cases u will be quicker ,u do not need any higher psi than 200-400 psi to clean a domestic carpet  so y would u want one that whacks out 1200-3000 psi ? total over kill, heat on a certain porty can hold steam at 100ft hose !! how hot do u need it ?  y pay out for disel or petrol when u use custy eltric? y drive a huge van when u only need one third size? only use half the petol cheaper insurance, cheaper matinace , stop n think about it for a min  if a truckmount gos wrong it can cost big time , whats a porty cost to fix ?   y would u want to pull a 2" hose when a 1.5" is much easyier ,and not using a porty at 100ft plus of hose is a myth, i am proof of that  and i say again u will not earn more with a truckmount but u might hav to find more work to pay for it !!!   a truckmount for a domestic firm is OVER KILL FULL STOP  THINK ABOUT  HOW MUCH YOUR OVERHEADS INCREASE BY BUYING A TRUCKMOUNT ITS BIG TIME ITS NOT A SELLING POINT FOR YOUR WORK NO WAY A CUSTY DONT GIV A HOOT AND AINT GOT A CLUE ,THINK SMART, WORK SMART
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: BRSL on February 17, 2006, 01:04:54 pm
Gary not a selling point, WE DONT USE YOUR WATER OR ELECTRIC like the others, I think thats a pretty good seling point  8)

I Love this banter about TM vs Porty it makes for great entrtainment, better than eastenders I tell the misis,

But it's down to technological changes, the evolution of carpet cleaning, if you wanted a chipy to come and hang a door for you you wouldent expect him to turn up with a flint axe youd expect the 24v DeWalt to come out

But Alan you should become a sales man as youve nearly sold me with CFR, only as back up for the jobs when I cant use my TM of course, If CFR are at Carpex im leaving my wallet in the van

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: spinnaker on February 17, 2006, 02:30:17 pm
A truckmount will give you at least an hour a day extra free time or another job

Selling your service comprises of all the things you said when you had a portable plus you explain the additional benefits of a truckmount

The customer percieves your investment as being able to provide a better service, (real or not) this should equate to at least an extra job a week.

Physically,  not lifting machines, carrying buckets of water and working harder with the wand will protect your back.

I have owned a secondhand t/m 5 months if someone told me i had to go back to a portable I would seriously consider doing something else.


Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 17, 2006, 03:57:01 pm
I totally agree. It is all about peoples perceptions, and they appreciate your investment. It doesn't mean that the job will be carried out any better, but i think in time, you will find that tm ownership will increase to such an extent that people will request this.

Remember, some products and services may take off straight away whereas others may take a lot longer. TMs have been in this country for around 20 years i would think, but ownership is increasing steadily, so in a few years everybody will know what one is, especially with slick advertising from TM owners telling people about it.

If you can't beat em, join em, and i did.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Ian Gourlay on February 17, 2006, 05:13:30 pm
Noones answered my question.

How can a Bane be more powerful than a Scorpion,

or garys Ninja

Alan I am confused I thought you had just got a new ninja.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Martin S on February 17, 2006, 06:52:03 pm

You based in MK by any chance?
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Karl Wildey on February 17, 2006, 07:00:56 pm
I always repeat myself when it comes to the TM debate, but here I go again. If you've never used/owe a TM how can you comment on its running costs, cleaning or usage.

And horses for courses, some areas and jobs are best using a porty, not a TM.

Mines only a small one, but the housewives love it and still like the size of my tool.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: John Rimmer Marshall & Rimmer Ltd on February 17, 2006, 07:17:45 pm
What a load of garbage i have been doing this job for for over ten years and i have never been asked do you have a T M most people would not know what you were
talking about. And wye should they, all they want is a carpet cleaned, after all thats
what you advertise as being able to do, and so long as you carry out that task
corectly, and to the custys delight sureley thats thats enough.

                                 Take Care John

 P S Most of my work comes from repeat, and word of mouth GET MY POINT
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: spinnaker on February 17, 2006, 08:48:34 pm
1. Customers that have had truckmount cleans before do ask! FACT!

2.Truckmount owners often advertise they have a t/m so customers are slowly becoming more aware, the internet puts more info across and again the customers understanding grows FACT!

3.ten years in,  repeat / word of mouth /  obviously doing a good job immaterial to the porty / truckmount arguement......unless they lose your number and accidently use a truckmount company ............get my point!

 (only had my t/m five minutes so all the benefits are all fresh)

This is good fun isn't it ?

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Dave Parry on February 17, 2006, 09:07:22 pm
Ian, I had a steammate, but rarely used it, Have since sold it. Yes still use a guy to leaflet, not only for me, he does upto 3 or so others and is self employed. Do stop and refil, usually at lunch time, go home, eat sandwiches while van fills up.

Cleaning co, just because the speedo reads upto 160 mph doesn't mean you drive at that speed, same thing with a t/m pressure guage, it is possible to turn it down. I clean at 400psi. The difference is the amount of water my system will deliver at that pressure, a lot more than a porty, and it WILL also recover it. Regarding the van, I run a Toyota Hiace, not the biggest by any means, and I get 30 MPG out of it, so economical as well. As  i said my porty bought my t/m, but I would not wish to go back to using it.
seems top me that t/m users usually have started out using portys, so they know the pit falls, and the odd advantge a porty has, the vast majority of porty users have never even used a t/m let alone owned one.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: cleaning co on February 17, 2006, 09:10:00 pm
you lot  talk load tosh wake up for gods sakes ::) u live in little world of flyimg pigs and pixeys  ???
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: craigp on February 17, 2006, 09:10:12 pm
spinnaker, i agree, great fun this ;D  but you say custys becoming more aware,

there not interested,

we are because its are job,  i can tell you now if i ask my custys what a TM is they say a truck what?

they dont even know how a porty works..  they think we shamphoo it or somthing. many people only have carpets cleaned rarely so i my experience often dont remember how the last c/c cleaned there carpets just that "he had a machine thingy"   ;D :)
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: craigp on February 17, 2006, 09:14:16 pm
and to them you got a machine thingy just like my machine thingy only yours is  truck thingy one.

lol ;D
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: cleaning co on February 17, 2006, 09:16:49 pm
well said craig, if id brougt a truckmount id spout sxxxt just  so i wouldnt look silly in buying it, wake up smelll the bacon guys !!! ::)
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: spinnaker on February 17, 2006, 09:22:40 pm
If you have got a portable you have gotta believe everything you just said!

Imagine they did a search on yell looked at couple of sites one screaming they had a truckmount  the other with a little "fisher price" toy machine who do you think they would use ?

(oops that was a bit strong, sorry)
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: craigp on February 17, 2006, 09:25:39 pm
nooooo,  they just think your machine s in the van mines not.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: craigp on February 17, 2006, 09:29:15 pm
talk to custys about a machine it bores them to death, there thinking "borriiin, immm wants for tea tonight"
 ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: spinnaker on February 17, 2006, 09:33:21 pm
I bet you do not mention there is a more powerful machine to your customers

But nod when they are impressed by the machine you have!

Imagine how impressed they are when they catch a glimse of a truckmount!


Help me out someone these guys never give up!!!!!

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: spinnaker on February 17, 2006, 09:34:45 pm
Don't need to talk

Truckmount speaks for itself!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: craigp on February 17, 2006, 09:36:07 pm
they dont see your TM and it just looks like a jenny!

lol ;D
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: spinnaker on February 17, 2006, 09:40:02 pm
We used to have a tv that you had to get up and push the buttons to change the station!

Can you believe it?

Thats a similiar story you will tell one day about carpet cleaning!
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: craigp on February 17, 2006, 09:43:52 pm
joking aside, your TM does a better job and there fore more impressive.

all good.

but for me now i just could not justifi the cost i dont want to spend a years earning to pay for one, if i dont buy it ive not got to earn it.

i can sit back and relax, ahhhhh lifes a sosuage :)
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: spinnaker on February 17, 2006, 09:57:22 pm

I bought a second hand t/m seriously consider it!

On really big days I used to take a lad with me, now I dont need him (what would he do ?)

Flog everything you got,  working with a porty is really hard work

Somebody who has worked in this game for a long time once said to me "this job will kill you if you let it " 

I dont know how old you are but at some point a t/m will be a must have.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Dave Parry on February 17, 2006, 10:15:27 pm
Took me 18 months of porty work to pay for a new t/m.

Cleaning co, have you ever seen a t/m at work?
Dont think I ever said they do a better job, just there quicker and easier to clean with for most jobs.

If you got your head out of your arse, you may just see the porkies passing your window.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 17, 2006, 10:34:24 pm
Paul (Spinnaker)


Stop goding the poor porty owners. If you keep on about the fact that our Truck Mounts can out perform their portables, you will give them a serious Inferiority complex ;D ;D :D

They are simply doing the best they can. Whether they like it or not, the customers are interested in my equipment, and i always give them a quick talk about the different methods of carpet cleaning while they are looking at my Tm.

Good advertising will educate the customer to the benefits.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: spinnaker on February 17, 2006, 10:45:47 pm
Spot on by name spot on by nature!

only checking in for a reply to dave's post now!
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 17, 2006, 11:02:42 pm
Thankyou Spinnaker.

 I just hope they get a few portables into the museums now before its too late. I would like to think that my grand children can be reminded of what life was like before progress came along. :D :D :D :D :D

I wonder what those martians in the potato telly adert would say if they thought in this day and age, people were still using electricity to power a machine to clean carpets ;) ;) :D :o :o :o


Title: Re: them and us
Post by: spinnaker on February 17, 2006, 11:38:04 pm
Wasnt it you that told me to stop!

Go easy!

c'mon cleaning co where are you lets be avin you!

We need a twelth man or maybe twelve vac motors

Dont fancy knocking on all the neighbours doors for an electric socket!

Or maybe they will buy a large genny to run em anything but buy a truckmount!

OH they would probably say "your not plugging that thing in I can suck more air thru a straw than that"

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 17, 2006, 11:57:23 pm
No on a serious note.

Portables were first mentioned in the Doomsday book, then some clever person invented the internal combuston engine. :D :D ::) ::) :P :P

These potty, sorry i meant porty owners are like the early luddites smashing up the machinery because they didn't understand it. I reckon in a few years the labour government will have to set up a special fund for all the out of work porty owners. ;D ;D ;D ;D

How many times have you been to a rental property where theres no electric, or to a property wheres there are lots of steps to get up with a portable?

What machine are you using?

I hope you have joined the other forum because there are some usfull tips and hints on there.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: spinnaker on February 18, 2006, 12:05:19 am
Spot on

As mentioned on the other sites I have bought a S/H prochem legend, nothing fancy,  still have a couple of portables and various other machines for commercial jobs you have a hydramaster dont you?
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 18, 2006, 12:21:27 am
Sorry i didn't know you were already on the other forum as we tend to use our first names.

No i have a prochem blazer plus which i bought new in 2005. With the van, insurance etc it has set me back over 20 grand. This is why i want to get as much work as possible even if i have to make the portys look inferior.

Regarding these porty owners, at least thingy Turpin wore a mask when he robbed them. Some of the prices these porty people get is astronomical. We could do a better job for probably what they charge.

Please do not insult fellow cleaners

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Ian Gourlay on February 18, 2006, 12:25:55 am
Please explain.

Computers get smaller.

TVs get Slimmer.

Yet Carpet Cleaning appears to be destroying the planet.

You try to sell Your Customers a cleaner indoor environment and yet you destroy the air quality in our towns and cities.
The next door nieghbour who has been on night shift wonders what the racket is and phones environmental health.

Meanwhile at Central Control the opertor takes a call, the road to Churchill  Grange is blocked by this Van with pipes coming out of it.  (Estates are getting Smaller Roads. Planners only allow 1.5 parking spaces  per unit on New Build. High rise is on the way back)

Truckmounts are not required. Just skilled opertors and improvements to low poluting portable systems.

We need smaller vechicles  lighter smaller more efficient machines not Giaint Transits carry around future scrap metal.

And fancy paying 20k Mr Halliday made his for 2K

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: garyj on February 18, 2006, 02:26:58 am
Ian makes  a good point about things getting smaller. There are porties now with 500+ psi, more than enough for anyone.

On the window cleaning section they even have a world record holder for speed, I bet he makes very good money to. But when the same thing is said on here you get nothing but insults saying you're splash & dash and do a  crap job.

We're a really weird bunch. Must be the only trade I can think of where bigger and slower is considered better than smaller and faster. If things carry on like this we'll all be cleaning 1 lounge a day for £400 because it takes 8 hours to do with a machine that needs to be transported in a 40ft lorry.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: garyj on February 18, 2006, 02:57:00 am
Also, just read through this lot and what I rememeber is, I used to take a lad with me on the really big jobs, but now I have a truckmount I don't need to and the best one has got to be 'using my 20K t/m I save an hour a day, or I can fit in another job' that statement leaves me gobsmacked. If I was spending that sort of money on a machine it would have to save me 3 hours a day to do the extra work to pay for the d**n thing.

It SAVES an HOUR a day!!!?? Buy a truckmount and spend an extra hour a day with the mrs, porties all round then.  ( and what about that poor lad thats now out of work  :'( )
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Alan Brooker. Aqualink Carpet Care on February 18, 2006, 07:44:44 am
Ah well that's it then. We've found the answer.
A 20K truckmount system that runs on fume producing fuel and should be put out of business during a hose pipe ban ... 'Can save you an hour a day'!

Um Sorry to keep banging the same drum but a 4k Pro 500 Ozone portable which is environmentally friendly in that it recycles water, doesn't require heat, uses food grade prespray while flushing with plain water and runs off of ONE electric lead ... 'Can save you TWO hours a day'!

As for the previous comments about electric in the future ... Do the words HYBRID DRIVE or FUEL CELL TECHNOLOGY or TOYOTA PRIUS or HONDA IMA or LEXUS RX400 HYBRID etc mean anything to you. If anything I'd be worried about forking out such a large sum on something that is already starting to be replaced slowly. Ok it wont hit this market for donkeys years yet but you're the ones that go on about keeping up with the times.
When you were a kid did you ever go to one of those 'steam' shows and see all the old pulling machinery .........

Oh no I've just dragged this subject kicking and screaming into another day ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 18, 2006, 08:41:44 am

Yes my machine does cause polution, that i am never goig to deny. But before you worry about miniscule amounts from this, you should worry about the polution from the thousands of aeroplanes, especially jumbos, that probably will burn mor fuel in 1 month than my machine will burn in it's life span.

Yes fuel cells are an up and coming phenominem, but i think to get the technology right is a long time a coming.

Hosepipe bans; we've had these before and they usually last a short time only. These so called recycling machines are a new fad. Do you not walk into your local retailers and diy shops, and see a range of products on the little telly screen in the store or on your own telly advertising a range of products with new concepts. People are intrigued by them with the large proportion of them buying it, only to use it a few times then putting it away in the cupboard.

In short these people know that, and with good advertising, hopefully they can make the sale before the concept falls flat on its face.

This echos the age old story of the emperors new clothes. The king is naked said the little boy! ;D ;D ;D

On a serious note, i used a portable for 3 happy years, with the view of upgrading to a truck mount. The suction is better, the instant heat is better, the reliability is better long with its image. Yes image, you might say, here we go again, carpet cleaner with big ego. No Alan i am simply using a tool just like you are to do a job, but i along with all the other carpet cleaners will tell you time and time again that our product does it better than any portable. If your theory held any water, truck mount sales would be i decline instead of the other way.

In short, £20000+ might seem a lot of expenditure migh seem a lot of money, but with my individual case there are good tax circumstances, and as the old advert used to say, because i can.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 18, 2006, 08:54:55 am
Ian, i just read your post again. When i was a shift worker off 12 hour nights i could sleep through anything.

I did mention the fact on another topic somewhere that it is my intention of building a truck mount when the time allows me to do so. I would think that with a new 46hp engine, 3 lobe blower and top wac water pump coupled with all the ancillary bits, this would come in at a reasonable price. My brother in law has his own engineering shop and has ofered to help with the welding and manufacture of the frame.

I do not think you could manufacture and sell these though due to the level of testing and certification that would needed to be met.

Never had problems with parking before and if i do, i don't do the job or with the high rises. I do have a good portable machine, but i think the time spent in lugging my porty in the lift, i could be somewhere else earning better money with no grief.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: spinnaker on February 18, 2006, 09:01:44 am
I was being conservative in my earlier posts, Some days you will only save an hour a day ........some days many ,  many more lets call it 3hrs!!!!!!

If you want to give someone free wages,  fill your boots!!!

If you dont fancy the extra time wiv the missus  nip down pub!!

If I only worked one day a week I would use a porty no question, c'mon Guys doing a full weeks work .......get the best tools !

Paul H
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 18, 2006, 09:13:02 am

Before i had a tm, i would arrive at custmers property only to find no hot water.  while i pre vac, the customers got the kettle on. Drink tea while heater is on. Start job, maybe 20-30 mins after arrival. £30 for job which if truthful would take me maybe 2 hours sometimes. I needed 4 of these a day to make worthwhile

Today, straight in, instant hot water, £60+ for a through lounge in approx 45-60 mins. 5 mins to put away pipes, job done.

Today 3 - 4 jobs at revised price when busy a day, and people don't mind having their carpets cleaned later into the evenining because they know their carpets will dry faster. Imagine a customer having carpets cleaned at say 7pm. They would be sittingnthere on damp carpet all night  with soggy socks ::)

 Problem solved.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: craigp on February 18, 2006, 09:47:44 am
they just got sit elsewere til there dry dave, lol ;D
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: BRSL on February 18, 2006, 09:49:11 am
Ok Guys come on were all full of it  :P the custy never asks for a TM thats a lot of garbage, we get asked regulary that only a TM will do, realy how much work do you porty users loose because of TM's "maybee without you knowing".

As for just looking like a jenny, on Fri had a custy standing by the machine for over half an hour admireing it having a cup of tea.

Polution well we cant argue much about that but there are many people and growing, converting there machines to run on gas becoming more economical and environmental.

Ive said before and ill keep saying it "I Love this Bit" 1 HOUR A DAY SAVING

1 hour - 5 days a week = 5 hours
5 days - 46 weeks a year = 230 hours       "thats with six weeks holiday"
230 hours year - 40 years = 9200 hours in lifetime

Thats 153 days 5 months of your life youve saved from working, I dont care what you do with it if it's with wife or down the pub the choice is yours, "get were im coming from"

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: John Rimmer Marshall & Rimmer Ltd on February 18, 2006, 09:59:00 am
Do you suply the earmufs while these people stand by your big machine
admireing it. O look there goes annother pig.

                                     Take Care John
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: BRSL on February 18, 2006, 10:20:41 am
Yes John big ear muffs with pink fluffy flying pigs on  ;D ;D

No seriously it was on a quote so machine wasnt running, so I took half hour of the hour I saved that day to chat to the guy about my machine which he loved, and dont feel the need to bring up what he said about porty users, and fishing because it was my choice  ;)

ahhhhhh anouther properly educated custy  8) 8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 18, 2006, 10:24:58 am
Pile profile

Make the most of chatting to these porty owners before they become extinct :o :o :o :o :o

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: BRSL on February 18, 2006, 10:30:04 am
S.O.C dont worry we will meet again in the next couple of years when I go around to clean the nursing homes lol  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

And like somone said theres always museums, I saw a rug doctor in one the other day but couldent figure out if it was a display or was the caretakers  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 18, 2006, 10:36:26 am
I think in years to come, all the porty owners will look like the Incredible Hulk for Two reasons.

1) They seem Green with envy :D ;) :o

2) Lifting their portys in and out of vehicles and other things will give them big muscles  ;) ;) ;) :-*

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Alan Brooker. Aqualink Carpet Care on February 18, 2006, 11:43:46 am

Today 3 - 4 jobs at revised price when busy a day, and people don't mind having their carpets cleaned later into the evenining because they know their carpets will dry faster. Imagine a customer having carpets cleaned at say 7pm. They would be sittingnthere on damp carpet all night  with soggy socks ::)

Dont you give out blue shoes then ;D

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 18, 2006, 11:47:12 am
No!  Is what what you are giving away as free gifts :P

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 18, 2006, 11:48:58 am

You have a personal message sent to you on other

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: cleaning co on February 18, 2006, 05:33:59 pm
well now everyones got that out thier system !!!! ;) i can come back !!! ;)
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Doug Holloway on February 18, 2006, 05:47:15 pm
Hi Guys,

A forum is much stronger if we have lots of different views, equipment , experince , qualificationsetc

Would't it be boring and unproductive if we all agreed :o


Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Alan Brooker. Aqualink Carpet Care on February 18, 2006, 07:05:59 pm
I disagree ;D
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Ian Gourlay on February 18, 2006, 07:33:09 pm

Thats twice this week.

What I would like to say its sad that Truckers think they are diffrent from the rest of us.  and have gone into a World of their own

Quite regularly I do Searches on  Forums going back to when they first started.

What is amazing is how people who have now got Truckmounts were saying what wonderful cleaners they were and did not need a truckmount.

my view is we all care about Carpet Cleaning we try to learn and ther is more than one way to get  Excellent Results.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: spinnaker on February 18, 2006, 08:00:51 pm
Enjoyed the banter!!!!!!!!

You all have my utmost respect.

(especially the t/m owners) ;D
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: solar on February 18, 2006, 08:54:05 pm
The world changes every day, development progresses and new equipment is born, there will always be those that strive for the biggest and best toys and those that are set in there ways, and like the more traditional approach, whilst their are the few that like to work with the antiques, whilst their are some of us that can afford the luxury of a TM whilst others are only starting as we did a few years ago, and need to start with a basic machine, their are also many and i personally think the majoroty that want to just earn a living, and why spend 20k on a tm when a 3k porty will produce the same revenue.

Of course and we all know that a tm will work harder and faster than a porty and that is fact, but we must also remember that the sly old fox, that takes its time and gets the results goes home with a full belly everytime.

I dont think it is relevent that mine is bigger than yours, give me either machine and i will give you clean results, not a problem, all equipment has advantages and all has disadvantages, we use chemspecs 494s, we use texatherm macines and we use a cheap portable for banks where the tm wont go due to security, every one is an asset and i wouldnt part with any of them, where does that put me? if someone can make a space in the middle of the them and us campaign i would be gratefull.


Title: Re: them and us
Post by: cleaning co on February 19, 2006, 03:44:31 am
i must like to point out(let me finish before stabbing me ;D) that not a single person who replyed who has a truckmount  read or understood my post ::) i said its possible if u used a porty to its full  it can acheive truckmount results and speed if u use it like i do ,i dont hav to wait for water to heat,i dont hav to fill my machine,i dont hav to lug it out of a van, thus making it as quick as a truckmount on a domestic job "fact"(and i hav used truckmounts so i know "fact" i also know that no one ever asks hav u got a truckmount when they book "fact" i also no that i would hav to do more work to pay for a truckmount "fact"  all the replys on this post refered to having to fill machine ,get machine out of van,empty machine etc etc find 20 sockets( if clean dosnt need really hot/steam i only one plug ) etc etc wait for water to heat etc etc well if u had read my post propley u would hav put 2 n 2 together and relised i dont hav to do this  ::) "fact" also truckmounts hav been around 30 years and portys still out sell them(to the person who recons portys hav had thier day) "fact" i know truckmount users who hav seen my setup and hav said if they had done it my way they would never had brought a truckmount "fact"  truckmounts are very very good bits of kit but over kill for domestic imo most people who knock my system prob went from a crappy little under powerd porty which they had to get out of the van every time fill it up etc etc etc to a mega powerfull truckmount so of course they dont understand what i can do with a setup like mine  ::) so come on guys read the post propley before going off on one ;D    p.s anyone wishing to see my setup in action before they part with thier money is more than welcome  and truckmounters u can come see as well and then make jugdement ;D
p.s my reason for using the eq i hav was not because i couldnt buy a truckmount, i could buy one tommorrow, i truelly cannot c the need for one in "my work" the savings i make a year could prob pay for 5 nice holidays,new car, etc etc  but its horses for courses as they say
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 19, 2006, 08:07:05 am
Cleaning Co, firstly what you doing up at this time of the morning and secondly, you made some good points :)

As i have said before, i had a twin vac Extracta for three years, with no problems.I was lucky in that 2002 i was able to spend £5000 cash out of my redundancy money for my equipment. It gave me a living.

The problem was however, the number of people loosing their jobs, and deciding to have a go with cheaper machines, thus flooding the market, and some of them tarnishing it with slap and dash methods.

I strived hard for 3 years then eventually bought a truck mount to move me out of this potential flooded area of the market to the other end. At least i know that my equipment is out of reach of the newbie, or the mates clubbing together to get a start. There are customers out there who can afford to pay, and in future with aggresive marketing of the tm,s ability, these customers in my area will be out of rreach of the portable user. With some people they might say to your face, "You've done a wonderful job," but analise your work after you have left. Bare in mind when i was employed and taking home say £320 a week my wife used to say "lets have the carpets cleaned at around £60," and i would do them myself wiith a vax as i truly resented anyone earning that amount of money with maybe a machine, not much better than a vax, in a short time.

Maybe this is why many jobs are booked by women so their husbands don't find out. Now along comes the tm,s. People look at them, their impressed and will pay the money you want because they respect the fact that you've paid a substantial amount of money on it. I can remember posting leaflets 3 years ago, and seeing 2 men coming out of a house with a large industrial wet vac and carpet attachment on the end of the pipe, oh and a bowl of water and scrubbing brush. doyou see the image conjured up in many peoples minds of some carpet cleaners.

Cleaning Co, all i can say is watch out behind you, another redundant person is coming into your ever decreasing sector to steal some of your wor. Best get a real tm before its too late ::) ::) ::)

You have been warned >:( >:( ;D
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: carpetclean on February 19, 2006, 08:07:56 am
HEY SOLAR all i can say is WELL SAID time someone pointed out its not them and us but just US a cleaning forum for cleaners too many people arguing over the size of their dicks if you ask me
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: cleaning co on February 19, 2006, 08:28:28 am
Cleaning Co, firstly what you doing up at this time of the morning and secondly, you made some good points :)

As i have said before, i had a twin vac Extracta for three years, with no problems.I was lucky in that 2002 i was able to spend £5000 cash out of my redundancy money for my equipment. It gave me a living.

The problem was however, the number of people loosing their jobs, and deciding to have a go with cheaper machines, thus flooding the market, and some of them tarnishing it with slap and dash methods.

I strived hard for 3 years then eventually bought a truck mount to move me out of this potential flooded area of the market to the other end. At least i know that my equipment is out of reach of the newbie, or the mates clubbing together to get a start. There are customers out there who can afford to pay, and in future with aggresive marketing of the tm,s ability, these customers in my area will be out of rreach of the portable user. With some people they might say to your face, "You've done a wonderful job," but analise your work after you have left. Bare in mind when i was employed and taking home say £320 a week my wife used to say "lets have the carpets cleaned at around £60," and i would do them myself wiith a vax as i truly resented anyone earning that amount of money with maybe a machine, not much better than a vax, in a short time.

Maybe this is why many jobs are booked by women so their husbands don't find out. Now along comes the tm,s. People look at them, their impressed and will pay the money you want because they respect the fact that you've paid a substantial amount of money on it. I can remember posting leaflets 3 years ago, and seeing 2 men coming out of a house with a large industrial wet vac and carpet attachment on the end of the pipe, oh and a bowl of water and scrubbing brush. doyou see the image conjured up in many peoples minds of some carpet cleaners.

Cleaning Co, all i can say is watch out behind you, another redundant person is coming into your ever decreasing sector to steal some of your wor. Best get a real tm before its too late ::) ::) ::)

You have been warned >:( >:( ;D
MORNING ;D  cant really see what u trying to say here? are u comparing my £15000 setup with a vax? hope not  lol  ive been doing this long time and seen lots come and go with crap machinery, my custys i hav been cleaning for years and no way would they someone with a vax over me !! do u really think people see my shiny new van all proff sign written with hoses coming out of it making lots nosie as someone cleaning with a vax out of an old estate car ? mmm think not gary
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 19, 2006, 08:48:13 am

All i am saying, its an easy market to break into, and surely at some point there will be too many vying for the work. No i am not comparing your equipment with a vax, but saying that many people would rather use diy machines rather than have someone in, which i used to do. This is why only 20% or somewhere near only have their arpets cleaned.

All i am trying to do is enter into a top end market, and am using aggressive marketing outlining the benefits of tm,s, and i hope that after educating them about these facts, that they will come around to the fact that they are getting value for money due to our outlay. I have produced a nice little booklet which i leave with customers outlining the different methods of carpet cleaning, and after i have been to price the work, they can read it and make up their own minds.

Obviously in this boolet, the truck mount is publicised to the full over the portable machine, but i still carry one in case i can't reach the area. I think in a few short years, a lot more people will get a foothold on the ladder due to second hand tm's coming onto the market, and hopefully there will still be work left for others ::)

I must go soon as i have got office carpets to clean today.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: cleaning co on February 19, 2006, 08:52:37 am
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 19, 2006, 08:56:50 am
Small sized offices, 5 hours work £285.

The customer is a previous, but was at first taken aback as last cost 2 years ago was £165, but i would have walked away if he had said no. He's also having his house done in a couple of weeks time.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Karl Wildey on February 19, 2006, 10:20:46 am
having just read some of the rubbish written by people who do not owe a TM, yes you may have tried one, but you need to use any machine for a length of time, to realise its benefits, I have one question that springs to mind:-

No wonder the TM'ers formed their own forum, they know TMs, they know the advantage and yes, dis-advantages and they are several of these.

I owe both a porty and a TM and use both regurlar. And if you think a porty is as good as a TM, you are wrong, if you think a TM is the answer to everything, you are wrong. Horses for courses.

If you started with a single vac, low psi pump, you upgraded for a reason, and so the cycle carries on. If you started with a nice machine, you still think about upgrading to a bigger and better machine, thats business.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: cleaning co on February 19, 2006, 10:35:46 am
karl  y dont people read posts properly ? i hav never said a porty is as good as a truckmount i said u can achive results as good as a truckmount with a porty in the right situ and using a porty to its full , ::) if i started doing comericals i would with out q buy a truckmount full stop , my post on this thread are not to rubbish a truckmount in anyway what so ever, but imo and i only do domestic jobs u can do just as good job and as fast  with a top porty and doing it the way i do thats all ken, and iam giving people an insight of how they can make thier working life easyier if they dont want the costs involed with a truckmount buy , so i dont regard my views as rubbish just facts coming from a tried and tested system which i use every day
regards gary
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: craigp on February 19, 2006, 11:30:35 am
but karl,

 with a tm you only use 400psi on a domestic, you can get that on a porty, if you run a porty from the van with auto fill etc. weres the advantage of a tm.  i can see the advantage of the porty though its these  £££££££££££££

 ;D  you tms bite easy ;D

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: John Rimmer Marshall & Rimmer Ltd on February 19, 2006, 11:38:57 am
I find it incredible that there are people on this forum still going on about
being asked by custys do you use a TM. As i have already sead on this topic
in over 10 years this has never hapened. Thats not to say it never will if and when it ever does i shall endever to point out what has already been sead
ie that you do not need to use a machine like that to clean a carpet or upholstery. Something ells that has been forgoten is the fact that correct me if i am wrong but it was America where the TM came from , now would you not think that if a TM was such a great machine and could do everything there would be no need for any portables. So i wonder wye the manufactures over
there continue to make and upgrade portables ? surely they should all be bankrupt, could it possibly be that CC over there actualy use them, just a thought.

                               Take Care John
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: cleaning co on February 19, 2006, 11:48:51 am
i too in 12 years hav never ever been asked "do i use a truckmount" i even advertise as a truckmount and no one has ever asked whats a truckmount then?
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: craigp on February 19, 2006, 11:54:08 am
they got some mega powered portys at that,  in 3 and 1/2 years i have only once had custy ask abrutly, "do you use a TM"  "no"  "ok bye"  i think it was a competitor. that was recently.  its hard enough paying for a porty in this game without 18k on a TM.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: craigp on February 19, 2006, 11:56:35 am
i that note what is the cost of TM?  15k loan over 5 years £300 a month! ?  on top of all other advertising!  how long will a truck mount last?

really you should take the wheels off your ninja gary, technicaly then its not a porty, and truck mounted!  lol ;D
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: cleaning co on February 19, 2006, 12:13:26 pm
allready done that ;)   EVEN THOUGH my ninja is sold as a porty  it take two to lift out of a van its very heavy machine
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: BRSL on February 19, 2006, 12:26:33 pm
Cant believe this debate is still going oh well here I go  :-[ :-[

I also cant believe you never get asked if you use TM's mmmmmmmmmmm  :P

But you guys go on about 400 psi on portys thats all well and good but it's not the psi thats doing the work it's the lpm thats doing the cleaning aswell  :o :o :o

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: solar on February 19, 2006, 12:29:06 pm
how do you find the truckmount forum
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: cleaning co on February 19, 2006, 12:38:23 pm
isnt 400 psi the same on any machine?
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: BRSL on February 19, 2006, 12:46:44 pm
Gary nope psi is the presure, you could throw a thimble of water at a carpet at 400psi but what do you think thats going to do, not alot, it's the littres a minute the pump is pushing at 400psi, a porty could never push as much as a TM because you would get through a tank in a couple of seconds, it;s the same as pressure washers

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Mike Halliday on February 19, 2006, 12:53:44 pm
I never want to get into the T/M portable debate but I'd like to piont out one reason a truckmount will always be quicker.

I use a 4x 8002 jets with a pump which will put out ( if I want) 4gl/min. when I pull my wand across the carpet it will flush out the dirt with twice as much water as a portable, so a portable will have to do 2 strokes for every 1 I do with my truckmount.

the blower on my machine has easily the suction to recover this amount of water.

If a portable wants the same drying time it will also have to do extra drying strokes, again this will mean it takes longer.

forget about set-up time this is why a T/M is quicker.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: cleaning co on February 19, 2006, 12:59:56 pm
are yes i agree with u if u hav 4 jets but two jets the same size set at same psi will use same amount of water
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: BRSL on February 19, 2006, 01:08:40 pm
nope dont think so  ??? ??? hopefully theres somone technical out there that can put us straight
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: craigp on February 19, 2006, 01:09:45 pm
how relieable a TM in the average year,   ?  with porty i averaged (3yrs)  1 breakdown a year, but i can repair that myself.

vac or pump, with a tm isnt there more to go wrong?
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: homenclean on February 19, 2006, 01:15:14 pm
Why does it matter whether you have a portable, a truck mount or a cruise liner at the end of the day if you are doing a good job, with satisfied customers nothing else really matters! the customer doesnt care how or what you do the job with as long as the result is good.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: craigp on February 19, 2006, 01:23:00 pm
well said john, i think we can all agree with that :)
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Mike Halliday on February 19, 2006, 01:35:08 pm
gary pumps are not just measured in PSI but also lt/min.

If we set our machines at 400psi and fired them into a bucket if we used the same wand I would fill the bucket quicker. (althought this would'nt be true if we  were using very small jets which restricted water flow something like 01s)

plus at 100ft of hose my T/M would still be pushing out a true 400psi.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Mike Halliday on February 19, 2006, 01:37:29 pm
your right it does'nt matter what we use, I'm just trying to explain portable/Tm pump differences.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Len Gribble on February 19, 2006, 03:39:35 pm
Don’t care what any one says my reason equates to productivity/time management = more for the tax man am sure they would love me to use the porty so they can get more out of me blood that is!


I don’t think I’m different from the rest, but one thing I do know I’m the best. And my customers know it! why have a wimp when you can have the best ;D ;D :o



Title: Re: them and us
Post by: craigp on February 19, 2006, 03:56:57 pm
you cant say your the best can you..    how do you know worked with every c/c in the country?
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Dave Parry on February 19, 2006, 04:16:12 pm
Len, Stop lying, You know I'm the best, got a better t/m, better van, better looking, and I've got more hair !!!!!!!!!!!!! so there.
Oh and I dont live in Kent.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Karl Wildey on February 19, 2006, 06:04:32 pm
Tm's work out cheaper in the long run than portys.
No vac or pumps to change, I am excluding diesel/petrol costs, this is another discussion.

You put a porty in a van and do a large job, you will burn the porty out. Portys are not designed for large jobs, for this you need a TM, again horses for courses. Tms can do both small and large jobs.

And Mike point on the wand and water use, about sums it up. This is why a TM will out perform a porty any day.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 19, 2006, 06:58:47 pm

The reason more portables than tm,s are sold is because of the price. Anybody who has redundancy money can buy one, then you have yet another competitor to fight off. Hopefully for the manufacturers, the cleaner puts his money away and upgrades to a tm, (moves up a scale). There is nothing wrong with bettering oneself.
Whoever made the comment £300 a month to lease being expensive. It is, thats why i bought my van and tm outright for cash.

Cleaning Co, i did my job today, but it took 30 mins longer as i forget i had to put insect spray down and i had a chap over from another office looking at the tm. He had seen it from his carpark and hes also having his carpets cleaned next week. He was very impressed as he watched me clean the last passageway carpet. Thou shalt continue to spread the gospel ;D ::) :P
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: therapist on February 19, 2006, 07:12:30 pm
Fascinating stuff, but nothing new..................accross the pond there is more debate on portables and oscillating buffing systems................and if the argument comes down to drying time, then the bonnet mopping system wins hands down................and with constant development of new products does a damned good job at the same time.

I have NEVER in over twenty years been asked for a t/m to clean, BUT, a high proportion of people ask about drying time .............

Finally .............I've been suggesting for some time that the CFR is capable of outperforming, or equalling any t/m and continue to believe so.

robert m
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 19, 2006, 08:02:32 pm
I think:

Bonnet systems have their place, that i am not disagreeing with. But lets me honest, you would need to change a lot of them to get a realy dirty carpet clean.
If you want your clothes cleaned, you submerge them in water, and that is why in many peoples opinions, water fired under pressure into the carpet pile and extracted is the logical solution.

Please bare in mind one thing.

The people who market these systems, are also in the business of making money and there are people who will buy into a syatem because of its low cost. I have seen these bonnet systems on prochem courses and was not impressed.
The product is left in the pile.

People want dry carpets, but not many asked me this if i am honest. I do now make a point of telling them with the tm.

Water recycle machines in my opinion are another fad gadget. Again the manufacturer wants to give themselves a unique selling point to tempt buyers into this system, with claims of this, that and the other. A water shortage, we have not had many of these. I am on a water meter at my house, and somedays i take 60 gallons with me, but i don't worry about it. Think about all the hose pipe users with no meter and how much they use. If you said to a customer about recycleing water in a machine like this, they would'nt be interested.

So what i am saying is do not buy a machine like this if you think it will give you the upper hand with your customers because of the recycled water issue. Big companies are experts at marketing their products, and usually there are hidden costs as well. I expect you would have filters to renew, and i bet the customer would rather fresh clean water.

I can remember one rental propertys carpet had a sweet that had melted into it. No problem, full heat and high pressure, straight off. Try doing this with a pad.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Phil Marlor on February 19, 2006, 08:06:49 pm
People with Portables will always find reasons NOT to buy a Truck Mount rather than look for positives reasons to buy one.

Its all about money, and in a way its good that there are so many Portable users (85%) I think it is in England, otherwise there would be nothing unique about owning one.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: John_Flynn on February 19, 2006, 08:34:32 pm
I am selling a Truckmount for less than the cost of a decent portable, so you Portable users that say T/Ms are too expensive can now give one a try for £1600.00.

(This price is for T/M water tanks and vacumm and solution hoses only.)
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Liahona on February 19, 2006, 08:41:00 pm
The debate of what machine is better than another will always go on...... My one point that I think has been already presented but, does any body ever up grade from a truck mount to a portable or any other type of cleaning machine?.......  In the past I have offered to go head to head with any other cleaner that a company or individual has been using to get work, however I dont do this any more but..... I would be interested in meeting a cfr user to see the results they would get under clean off test conditions..... I ask this as I see such good comments on them but would like to see the machines perform. I also ask because and of course I am biased to the machine that I use and struggle to see how the cfr would better it. I tried to have a clean off with cfr themselves but they wouldnt take the offer.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: craigp on February 19, 2006, 09:37:58 pm
some one please enlighten me whats CFR  ??

is it inlighten or enlighten?? inlighten me
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Alan Brooker. Aqualink Carpet Care on February 19, 2006, 10:05:29 pm
There are customers out there who can afford to pay, and in future with aggresive marketing of the tm,s ability, these customers in my area will be out of rreach of the portable user.

Cleaning Co, all i can say is watch out behind you, another redundant person is coming into your ever decreasing sector to steal some of your wor. Best get a real tm before its too late ::) ::) ::)

You have been warned >:( >:( ;D

That is the biggest load of tosh I've heard in ages. Do you REALLY believe that.
It really strikes me that to some truckmounters the analogy of a single middle aged man with a shiny ferrari could be used. Extension to their anatomy!
Do you think that perhaps education and a full understanding of the technical aspects of carpet cleaning requirements would go a long way in REALLY knowing just what is sufficient to clean carpets or are you absolutely adamant that unless you've got a truckmount you're in danger of becoming extinct?

Because as the saying goes 'you cut the cloth to suit the needs' and another 'guilding the lilly' comes to mind when I think of opinionated truckmounters.

Yes the system is great and yes it does produce quicker results than any portable but just how much money do you want to make and just how much money do you really need to spend.
I can comfortably manage over £600 during the day using a portable without breaking a sweat. Why do i need a truckmount.
And as for advertising - Are you suggesting that if I own a truckmount I will be able to produce better laid out, more skillfully designed snappier advertising?

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Liahona on February 19, 2006, 10:43:15 pm
To John Rimmer.......I understand what you are saying about portables in the USA. Primarily the portables are being upgraded to try and give a truck mounted performance on the 32nd floor. The portables in the US are actually much closer to the truck mount in performance, the good ones anyway. .......... Also almost all carpet cleaners in the US have both truck mounts and portables for the obvious reasons................ For what its worth (please note these figures are a few years old now) amongst IICRC qualified cleaners over 80% use a truck mount. With what Shaw Industries stipulates with regards carpet cleaning the customer is far more aware of truck mounts and portables so indeed ask if the company or person is using a truck mount. So in the US the truck mount is the norm....... It will happen here when the suppliers reduce the price of the machines.....The best truck mounts in the US and I mean single or dual wand truck mounts not the multi wand ones, cost under £11,000...... When that happens over here then the truck mount will become the norm as of course it needs to be and should be............ How many portable users would use a truck mount if it cost the same to set up??????, Best, Dave.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 19, 2006, 10:51:25 pm

Have you put an extra zero in £600 in a day realy meaning £60 a day or do you mean a week.

In business, good advertising will carry you forward, and as i believe in the equipment that i use, aggressive advertising is the order of the day. Saying portable owners will be extinct is just a figure of speech and light hearted banter, nothing more.

If i was talking to a customer face to face, yes of course i would tell him that a tm is superior to a portable machine, but then again you would try and discredit a tm in favour of you getting the job.

With secondhand tm units coming onto the market on a regular basis, ownership will steadily increase to such a point that the general public will expect the carpet cleaner to be using one, rather than a plastic porty, well the more affluent ones only.

If you and i went to price a job for the same customer, i bet the tm will get the job, even if the cost in my case is a few quid more.

If you hang on a few years, i will sell you my old tm when i upgrade to a new and better one. Maybe Ferrari will be building them by then so i can have a shiny red one :D ::) :P

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: craigp on February 19, 2006, 10:57:46 pm
i would agree prices for tms are high, we are ripped off here, i mean 18k think of what car that would get you with more advanced tecnology, components, well nine grand will get you a R1 motor cycle say, alloy, titanium, millions of pounds development, 2 R1s for a tm
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: spinnaker on February 19, 2006, 11:04:08 pm
Selling skills aside, it would be interesting to know how many potential jobs are gained or lost on the strength of which machine is being used?

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 19, 2006, 11:05:59 pm

Good things, no cheap

Cheap things, no good

Old Chinese proverb as are the following

Confucious say man who makes love to a girl in a field have piece on earth

He also said man who stick thingy in fireplace F---ing great

and, man who eats steak and peas on same plate, very dirty

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Liahona on February 19, 2006, 11:06:39 pm
My comments, for what they are worth on the 600 a day. Shouldnt we all be on that kind of sum? But then most of you know my comments on what we charge anyway.............  the 600 refers to us all as cleaners not just the truck mount users..... anyway I charge more for using a portable, it takes me longer to use and I have to work harder to get any sort of acceptable clean, but then thats me!
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: John Rimmer Marshall & Rimmer Ltd on February 19, 2006, 11:09:00 pm
To Dave whilst i do understand what you are saying re TM and Portables in America, and i think from what you have to say about this you do seem  have some knowlege on the subject. All i am trying to get acros is the fact that you do not need a TM to
clean a carpet or upholstery, it is not after all like trying to clean the barnacles off the

                         Take Care John

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Alan Brooker. Aqualink Carpet Care on February 19, 2006, 11:22:19 pm
Six Hundred Pounds a Day. Not every day but it is perfectly possible with a good portable system so why expend to a more powerful and 3 -4 times more expensive truckmount just to work a little quicker?
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: craigp on February 19, 2006, 11:24:15 pm
alan will know.. ;)

     whats cfr upholstery  tools? and whats cfr?
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 19, 2006, 11:30:36 pm

I have a flat to do on Tuesday for an old lady, and obviously have to use my Extracta. Still a good machine though.

I am always scepticle of products, because the manufacturer is out to make pots of money.The classic example of this on the other forum on clean it up whereby people bought into a system which was a trailer based pressure washing otfit, which they are all now trying to sell to recoup some money. I was in a shop with my mrs the other day, watching a product being displayed that seals plastic bags. I bet if i bought one, i bet it would be in the draw after a couple of uses.

I bought a scrubber and used it 2 times because i thought i needed it. I can never do without my portable, and will in time i suppose upgrade it. Its done 1500 hours now. Just wish i had bought a bigger van.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: spinnaker on February 19, 2006, 11:36:44 pm
To the six million dollar man

Get the best tools,  have some time off,  you've earn't it!

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 19, 2006, 11:43:49 pm

I sent you a personal message on tm forum with an idea i wanted to run past you. Did you get it?

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: spinnaker on February 19, 2006, 11:53:49 pm
dun , dun dun , dun dun , dun dun

I can't hold it I'm breaking up!

We can re-build him, the first bionic portable half fibreglass half petrol driven,  half a ton of water (maths never was my strong point!)

I think we need Mr halliday on this one!

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 20, 2006, 12:00:45 am
Actually what about this as a scenario. Do you remember the mad inventer on the kids show Vision On.? His name was Wilf and he would make contraptions out of old bycycles and things.

What these porty operators need is an assistant in the back of their van, peddleing for all he is worth to try and get some good suction on a portable contraption for cleaning carpets ;D  Faster  Faster i am loosing suction ::)

Have you also got a Ferrari?

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: darrenlee on February 20, 2006, 02:12:41 am
hi mike

so what i bieng thinking for a while
say u have a 100psi porty just for example and a 300psi porty
you are not using anymore water just the pressure at end of wand is greater, if both machines are set to deliver say example 90 litres a min


p.s portys, truckmounts, they all have good and bad points, but doesnt make you a good carpet cleaner which ever you have.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: cleaning co on February 20, 2006, 08:10:36 am
not really a tec head but surely if u hav a pump set at 100 psi then one at 300psi using the same jets  the 300psi would use 3 times the water?   as pressure is about how fast the pump is pushing the water to the jets? ie its pushing it 3 times as fast as the 100psi ? thats y i cant understand how a truck mount can disperse more water than a porty if they are set both at 300 psi ,using the same jets and same size sol hose ? please correct me if i am wrong and y
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Liahona on February 20, 2006, 08:46:27 am
Gary, you are wrong with regards your question to do with psi etc. Doug has answered it in technical terms before so I hope he steps in and does so again as he is much better at it than i am. Basically it is to do with the volume of water moved, not just the psi.... A morris Minor hitting you at 30 mph might hurt alitle bit, a 38 tonne lorry might hurt just a  little bit more...... why? both were doing 30 mph....... To Spinnaker, in England where of course we are, the potential loss of customers by using a truck mount over a portable probably isnt that great because the general public doesnt know too much of either. In other countries where they still have clean offs between all types of cleaning machines the public are far more aware of what does what. That is why everywhere else in the modern world the figures are always on the side of the truck mount. For the record, insurance companies wont use any other system other than a hot water extraction system and the figures used to be that of the hwe systems being used 87% were truck mounted............... To John Rimmer, thanks for your comments. I have never said that you need one machine over another to be a good cleaner, I have always suggested that we as cleaners should just use the best machines. Again how many portable users would change their machines if the truck mount cost the same to buy and run?.......... To Alan Brooker. I dont use a truck mount for its speed in use, in fact on many jobs it may even be quicker to use a portable, I use them purely because they are a better machine not anything to do with what I charge because like I have said I charge more for using a portable........ I would still like to hear from the CFR people because I have not seen what their machins can do and I am curious to new fangled ideas. In the past I have offered to go head to head under test conditions but havent had a CFR company willing to clean off with my machine. Maybe I can find a tech on here at least willing to show me what their machine can do...... Best, Dave.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: therapist on February 20, 2006, 09:13:50 am

I'm surprised that you have, so far, been denied the opportunity of a CFR demo, as I believe you would be surprised at it's ability.  Unfortunately, I sold mine about three years ago due the state of my back, sciatica, scoliosis and critically, spinal compression.

I would have thought the best place to arrang a demo would be Amtech, who would, surely be delighted at the prospect of showing off there range to a group of c/c 's.

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Liahona on February 20, 2006, 09:26:30 am
Thanks Rob..... Where do I find these people? I would gladly see a demo but would much rather see them clean a test conditioned carpet..... But a demo would be a good start.........If anyone on here has any contacts with a CFR company please let me know..... or if anyone would let me see theirs at work then also let me know, we can always compare notes......Mostly though, sorry to hear of your health issues.......I am not sure what it is that you do now but have you thought of consulting, heaven knows we need sorting out on here, remember what you first thought of me??????? best, Dave.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: clive on February 20, 2006, 11:28:37 pm
Sorry it has taken so long to reply.
Yes I sold my Bane clene and bought a hydramaster max 450d.
When I was using the Bane, I had a ninja 400psi 2hd vacs (still have) but would always opt for the Bane. It just seemed more powerful. I think the positive displacement blower seems to provide more airflow than fan vacs.
I would still reccommend the Bane clene system to anyone whose main business is domestic as it is a very reliable and very quiet machine which earnt me a good living for the 5 years I had it. I do like my new machine but the only thing I miss is the quietness of the Bane!

Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Ian Gourlay on February 21, 2006, 01:08:49 am
Hi Clive,

Postive deplacement blowers,  Ive been wondering for Years Whay gave it that extra boost.

Just wondering why they Cant be fitted in portables probably size.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: clive on February 21, 2006, 08:43:24 pm
And Weight!!
One of those blowers probably weighs more than most portable machines!
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: boshravie on February 21, 2006, 09:06:48 pm
Hi Liahona
Yes we have purchesed our first C.F.R. PERFECT HEAT PRO 500 last week and is one of the best investment we have made so far.

P.S. Manging Director of Amtech UK is KARL NILCHIBAR,  and he will be glad to help you with a demo.

Good Luck.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: John Rimmer Marshall & Rimmer Ltd on February 22, 2006, 12:03:43 am
I did speak to someone at Amtech yesterday to try and get them to send some information on the perfect heat, but was told that they had none and to look
on there website. I know that they would give a demo but not everyone lives
down south. It just seems a bit odd to me that when you have 2 machines
ie Perfect Heat & Scorpion in competition with each other for our business that
the company cannot suply this information. Boshravie you say it was a good investment can you go a bit ferther ie how good is it, how does it compere to what you have used before ect, any feedback is most welcome and apreceated.

                                          Take Care John
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Liahona on February 22, 2006, 07:27:31 am
thanks for the info, i will call them today and keep you posted.....also as the above posting, can you go into it a bit more of why it was such a good buy etcetera, best, Dave.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Liahona on February 22, 2006, 06:54:03 pm
As John Rimmer, I got in touch with Amtech but had the same reply. I dont understand why you wouldnt have info on your machines you sell but oh well...... I also wanted a clean off with their machines against mine but they werent interested......... I dont need to see their machines work under there demo conditions, as I am sure you can appreciate I want to see any machine next to the one I am using else how will I know which one is better. So again if anyone has a CFR or Hot Fusion machine and I can see it working please let me know, best, Dave.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: cleaning co on February 22, 2006, 07:29:50 pm
yes dave i agree ,how can they   sell machines and eqp and not be clued up as to how they work  :o if a custy rings up and asked how we go about cleaning thier carpet and we said  "i dunno"  think they might just phone the next firm in the yellow pages me thinks !!! c u later  amtech
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: AJCleaningServices on February 22, 2006, 07:36:01 pm
I have been reading this topic with great interest, I do not do carpets, but may start in the near future.

Regarding Perfect Heat! I would like to say that:
a)   The lab test has been “done ” by the manifacture of the carpet cleaning machine: qote from amtechuk. biz: We conducted laboratory tests of the Perfect Heat and extractors from industry manufacturers…. (
b)    I would assume that higher temperatures maintained throughout the cleaning process ( by every carpet cleaning machine.  I do not belive that  No other system can maintain water temperatures as high as Perfect Heat™! (

Amtech  machines may be good, but not as good as they want us to think?

Kind regards,
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: boshravie on February 23, 2006, 01:16:54 pm
Hi John

Well basically we used to have NINJA 300 P.S.I before and it was a good machine but when we had large jobs we had to have two men on the job so one of them can just empty the machine, filling was o.k. because we had auto filler on the NINJA.
But now we have the 500 PRO from C.F.R. firstly we don’t have to keep empty the machine plus the 500 P.S.I. has so much power to flush the dirt out of any material.
So there is less effort from the operator, and because of the C.F.R. tool design any materials will be dry within 1 Hour.

The problem with Am Tech is because of the success of these machines, to many people want them recently and they can not catch up with the demand. You just have to be pationed with them at the moment.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: John Rimmer Marshall & Rimmer Ltd on February 23, 2006, 01:52:34 pm
Hi many thanks for that info its always better to ask someone who is useing
it on a daily bassis, and get an unbiast opinion. This is what this forum is about
and long may it continue.

                                    Take Care John
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Liahona on February 23, 2006, 04:43:45 pm
thanks also for the info, but its not a demo I want, I want to see it clean side by side with my machine but again I cant find someone who will do so. Best, Dave.
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: AJCleaningServices on February 23, 2006, 06:42:23 pm
Well basically we used to have NINJA 300 P.S.I before and it was a good machine ...

...But now we have the 500 PRO from C.F.R. firstly we don’t have to keep empty the machine plus the 500 P.S.I. has so much power to flush the dirt out of any material...

In the end of the day it is all about the number of P.S.I.?

Kind regards,
Title: Re: them and us
Post by: Liahona on February 23, 2006, 07:16:14 pm
just a thought, how can it be all down to psi? you have to have the ability to recover it or you will have all sorts of problems. else we will all be cleaning with power washers.