Clean It Up

UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Carpet Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Rousey on February 11, 2006, 07:52:59 pm

Title: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Rousey on February 11, 2006, 07:52:59 pm
I see that you can dish it out but can't take a bit of critisism. It's Ok for you to belittle others but we can't you!!! You can carry on living in the real world (splash and dash)and I and the rest (who get aaaaalllllot of money) will live in the business world and get what the market dictates for cleaning expensive carpets. 

Save your BLAH,BLAH buttons for the splash and dash brigade as the market is big enough for all of us!

Good to banter with you

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: cleaning co on February 11, 2006, 08:22:48 pm
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Liahona on February 11, 2006, 08:32:53 pm
then you were belittleing me, which is fine. however rousey is right in what he has said, you give it but cant take it, by the way i have had several responses as to my pricing and it would appear there are many who also charge a pound a foot, maybe you should try it and then not be so bitter to those of us who charge what we do. and also by the way i have made no referrences to any splash and dash as you call it, my comments have always been that on the whole we as carpet cleaners dont charge enough for what we do. Maybe if you could understand what is being written we wouldnt be having these conversations..... he who charges 50p a foot i am sure does an excellent job and is worth all of the 50p I charge a pound a foot and also do an excellent job and worth all of the pound...... Arent you worth a pound a foot??????
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: cleaning co on February 11, 2006, 08:43:36 pm
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Rousey on February 11, 2006, 08:45:05 pm
Sorry Gary, I didn't realise that there was a set standard rate for cleaning carpets. We will have to get in touch with everyone who offers a service and make sure we all charge the same price,OOOHHH, that goes the same for Painters, Plumbers, Plasterers, Window Cleaners, Mechanics, Gardners, I could go ON and ON. No Gary you need to get out of your van, and get in the real,real world.

I presume you like football...Why does Henry get £100,000 per week and Joey Barton £27,000 per week. They are both good footballers and do the same thing!!! But one gets more than the other. So Liahona and I are Henry and you Barton!!

Think about it MATE.

Rousey (Henry)
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: cleaning co on February 11, 2006, 08:50:32 pm
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Rousey on February 11, 2006, 08:59:28 pm
AHH, that's because WE are RIGHT. Just admit that there are different services that can be offered and people with real money who spend £100+ per sq yard EXPECT to pay top money for a top service, just like AUDI, MERCEDES, PORCHE owners wont take there car down the the 'little' garage who charges £70 for a service, but to the makers garage and pay over £200 for the same service!!

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: craigp on February 11, 2006, 09:07:15 pm
you talk crap, lets say you got a chippy round your house to hang some doors, he says to you, thats £400 a day rate, you say rip off!!!!!!!

and your more quilified are you   ?   !!!!!!

ps. a chippy would not expect to get a way with it, and would not charge it as he would know himself its a rip off!!!!!!
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Rousey on February 11, 2006, 09:23:53 pm
Another narrow minded carpet cleaner!!

It all depends on the door you are hanging!! Remember not all doors are the same. Same as carpets. I have been to houses with Solid oak doors the same size of 3 to 4 normal doors, I can see a chippy hanging that for £40!!!!!

My best mate is a chippy (actually he is a fully qualified cabinet maker, which is the cream of chippys and he is not cheap, because his work is second to none.) But again people with money and EXPENSIVE items (which is the whole point) want excellent work and service and pay for it.

Hey it's no skin off our noses if you don't believe that we charge more money because we offer a great service (including aftercare) which our clients want and strive for!!!

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Liahona on February 11, 2006, 09:37:15 pm
Gary, earlier I apologised for maybe suggesting you were a moron. However I recind. My apologies to the monitors of this, but we refer to carpet cleaning as carpet cleaning, therfore a moron must be called accordingly a moron. You really dont get it do you????You charge your customers as a percentage many times more than I do or is that too difficult to grasp, sadly I think it who is ripping off who? having said that I am not ripping anyone off with what I charge and i hopefully pressume correctly you arent either, ever thought that we at a pound a foot might do more for the customer........... you have my e-mail I am happy to go through how you can charge more for what you do. I hope I am wrong but I dont think I will get the e-mail. Best, Dave.
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: craigp on February 11, 2006, 09:38:45 pm
i dont have anything to fear from rouge traders, i dont mind if theres cameras hiden,

your just have to hope they see it your way, "well he did do a good job for £300"

or will it be "hes overcharged! "
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Rousey on February 11, 2006, 10:10:16 pm
AAHHH again, you see it only one way. ALL my customers get personal service before, during and after I clean there carpets.

I presume Liahona is the same as me, I certanley dont go to a house,clean and charge £300 never to be seen again. I offer much more than that. That's what the clients expect and want. I have had clients tell me that I was the most expensive, but best value to the service I offer, because of all the  customer services I offer them, so they choose me.

A secret hidden camera show would show how ethical and honest I am and that I am there for the client long term, not go in rob them never to be seen again.!!

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 11, 2006, 10:11:11 pm
When i started cleaning carpets in 2002, i had an Extracta course under my belt, and learn'd a lot by i suppose trial and error. After 3 months i did all the prochem courses which were paid for me as i had been made redundant. From this point onwards i wanted to do a profesional job. I suppose i could have at that time been described as a splash and dash cleaner, but wanted to be classed as a professional.

I have never shrunk a carpet or damaged a suite, and have strived to be a professional. I always thought i charged fairly, but looking back i always under charged. After spending £24k on a tm it is now my aim to get the prices up as i think the customer is getting good service from me, and at some point i am going to join the ncca to give my customers piece of mind. As i said in another topic, i have always dried upholstery, while others did'nt but charged the same.

Could i ask how many of you carpet cleaners feel this is worthwhle or do not want to be policed by them. .

I believe that to expand or renew equipment on a regular basis then you need the right customers. I have serviced the cheaper end customers who won't pay high prices and the higher end. I know what i prefer.

Another thing i have learned is that the less you charge, the more jobs you need to get the sort of money you wan't to make. All i want is 3 jobs a day x 5 days = 15 jobs a week @ £65 each. not back breaking work. If commercial jobs come in then great, do on the weekend.

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Rousey on February 11, 2006, 10:20:57 pm
Dave I can put in touch with a guy who will show you how to do 1 job a day for £300+ and work 4 days a week.

In the last 2 weeks, actually 8 working days, I have earned just under £2000 and next week I have 2 jobs for £505. I am slowing things down because I go on Holiday in 10 days and I have another business to sort out aswell.

It's all about cleaning top end carpets who pay a top price!

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 11, 2006, 10:34:18 pm
 The most so far in 1 day for 8 hrs work was £305. 2 rental properties 4 bed + 3 bed. We have for 3 years serviced the lower end of my area with portable equipment, but realise that people want quality work.

Hand on heart, i have never ruined a carpet or suite. I no longer feel guilty about targeting the money people. As you say they are paying in with the price for your good equipment, your knowledge gained through taining courses and popssibly ncca membership.

We are now going to work exclusively in our next biggest city where there are many more money areas. Mark, are you a ncca member? What do you think of this? This is going to be my  next move now. To give my customer ever more piece of mind.

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: therapist on February 11, 2006, 10:43:28 pm
Spot on

There is no reason why you cannot service higher value accounts with portable machines, assuming they are powerful enough to allow working from some distance
and you follow the correct principles and use quality products

r m
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 11, 2006, 10:47:54 pm
No, that is true. If it was'nt true then some franchises would all be using tm,s instead of portables.

I think however, when the customer sees the equipment, they are suitably impressed. I have had many compliments to this effect that with the money we spent, they don't mind paying.

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Neil Grainger on February 11, 2006, 10:49:06 pm
I live a part of the country in hampshire/surrey borders where the average house price is higher than anywhere in the country.

Please explain to me how I can get high end prices where the clients are all wealthy and dont want to part with their money.

Most of my work comes from the  rich3/4/5 bedroom house owners that are not free with their cash but still want the best service for their money which i offer.

When quoting for the rich of Ascot / Virignia Water they are even more determined to get the jobs at the best possible price.

Whats the secret as I know that I present my business well when quoting and have a good quote to job ratio.

All help wanted.
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: John_Flynn on February 11, 2006, 10:49:55 pm
Hey Gary, what you done, you sounded a good decent bloke when I spoke with you last night??

But as we agreed................................ !!!
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: John_Flynn on February 11, 2006, 10:51:33 pm
Hi Neil

Do you know why these peolpe are RICH ???
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Neil Grainger on February 11, 2006, 10:56:05 pm
Yes john because the dont spend the money, thats why i want to know how some people get a £1.00 a sq ft.

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: John Rimmer Marshall & Rimmer Ltd on February 11, 2006, 10:58:08 pm
I thought this forum was about helping each other out and not telling the
inland revenue that we should all be paying the top end of tax. Just think
of what you are sayeing and understand that it just might looked at by others
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: John_Flynn on February 11, 2006, 10:59:11 pm
That's right Neil, for the answer to your question you will have to speak with Andrew (Fluffy) Walker from Bradford.
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Rousey on February 11, 2006, 11:00:04 pm
Dave, it is good to belong to an organisation. I belong to the Confederation of cleaning Professionals, but I must say, I have not had one customer ask me about it, but then again they can see the badge on all my marketing.

Dave you can definately earn more. You said you are stepping up in the market, well you've earned it, show your experience and put up your prices.

Last week we did a 4 bed detached (empty let) and got £412,  5hrs work, we are doing a 3 bed let for the same couple, £300, they have another 3 properties, I hope they leave soon!!!

My average per house/job is £325. I do this part time as I run another business as well.

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Rousey on February 11, 2006, 11:11:03 pm
John and Neil, I see your point, but some of the guys have paid a considerable sum of money to go on marketing courses to gain the knowledge that shows you how to charge £1.00 per sq ft!!!

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: John_Flynn on February 11, 2006, 11:16:47 pm
Rousey YES some guys HAVE paid out money for marketing couses and NOW they are reaping the BENEFITS.

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Rousey on February 11, 2006, 11:25:31 pm
 I agree.
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 11, 2006, 11:35:06 pm
Mark, do you work on your own? I wondered whether you have to pay wages. I work alone so charge a bit less cos it's only me.

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Neil Grainger on February 11, 2006, 11:37:11 pm
I'm on fast track too but the wives in Surrey still want to spend the money on shoes and plastic surgery and for me to get the same rates as a consultant around here is not going to happen. These people are tight thats why they are rich.

The rich are different in the south east, harder to sell to.
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: therapist on February 11, 2006, 11:50:32 pm
As mentioned already...........people with money tend to hang on to it. And this applies anywhere.

r m
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Neil Grainger on February 11, 2006, 11:54:31 pm
So how do they get £1 a sq ft. I would not pay it but then i'm not looking for people like me to clean for
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Ian Gourlay on February 12, 2006, 12:03:49 am
I do not kow what happened but we do not delibratley start arguments with one another.

Some people charge a price where they will get more jobs and probably cut out Vac, Pre Spray, Get customer to move more funiture.

Others charge a higher price  Precontion customer Carry out Audit, Give Lap Top presentation. Give free stain remover Free Magi matt aply Carpet protection Turbo dry.
Have Warning Messages Spend 8k on Yellow Pages
Get Recomendations send Thank you letters, News Letters Go ack six months latter and clean most of the carpet agaon send more letters more news letters. Make 6 visits at no charge to remove stain etc etc

So we all have our method of working.

Cleaning Co has a BMW in his Drive Fastrackers have Porches others just keep going.

I doubt if Every Fastracker Proclean Alergy Stop cleaners makes it big because its all about inner drive.

AllI am saying each to his own

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Liahona on February 12, 2006, 12:29:55 am
Ian, good comment, I would just like to add though, I understand what it is you are suggesting and indeed know of some cleaners that clean that way and of course it is not a problem to do so. However my charges are for just plane old cleaning of the carpets and of course protection on ALL jobs. When I go back again in 6 months time I charge the same amount as I did before minus the protection, not forgetting in 6 months time again I would re-apply. Please note I said plane old cleaning but I know I clean differently than most people do. I use no gimmicks of any sort and indeed charge for all the services I provide. In some cases obviously not all I supply the customer with a spotting machine, to the tune of 400 pounds. I feel I supply a better service to them with the machine as opposed to a spotter which after all wouldnt compare, they of course pay for the machine......1 pound a sq ft to clean and maybe 75p to protect for the first clean...........1 pound a ft for the next clean 6 months later and 6 months after that I am back to the first charge......having said that I generally wouldnt charge the same as by now they are repeat customers so I would charge the same amount but would do more services........ I ask to those reading this, how many items or carpeting do you leave behind not cleaned??????? It is much easier to clean more in a house you are already in than to find another customer. Again I only do one job a day so I may as well do as much as I can in the one house.......Last thing for now on prices, there are those who think a pound a foot is too high a price. How many of you ask for a pound a ft? If you ask for 60 or 70p a ft I am sure you get it. So why not ask for a pound? I do, best, Dave.
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Neil Grainger on February 12, 2006, 12:54:39 am

thanks for your comments. I do most of the things you have talked about, its jsut that i dont feel confident enough to try the pricing.

Think I will try on some of the quotes I have booked in this week and see what happens


Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Ian Gourlay on February 12, 2006, 01:02:44 am

As we both apear to be awake.

You need to find the expensive carpets and then try.

That just my opinion
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: cleaning co on February 12, 2006, 03:37:16 am
lol , moron yer well ive been called worse so hey what the hell, just rember if we are that unlucky we might meet one day  ;)
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Neil Grainger on February 12, 2006, 07:26:58 am
Come on Guys lets get back to good forum debate, these personnel attacks whether there opion is right or wrong is not what I use this forum for.

The other forum has lots of people that do this and thats why i am on here.

Gary has his opinion and others have theirs. I personnally am in business to make money so if I can find away to make that little bit more out of my customers then so be it.

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Doug Holloway on February 12, 2006, 08:32:33 am

Well said.

It is not necessary to insult each other when making a point , it just means the topic will be deleted and nobody wins.

It is a fine line moderating to keep things lively but also constuctive , so lets stick to the discussion.

One of the main things I remember from my Tack International sales training was to ask for the sale , it's surprising how many don't.This applies to higher prices , if you don't ask for them you will not get them.

However , on the other hand if you like keeping busy, you may prefer to do more lower priced jobs ending up with the same money.

It really is about where you want to position yourself in the market , afterall as we are different so are our customers!

Since coming on the forums i have increased my prices by 25-40% and I've earnt more money with less effort.

My personal view is that Gary is too cheap and Dave is too expensive but it is just a view.

Keep lively,keep friendly,


Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 12, 2006, 08:48:56 am

Just out of curiosity, when you say you leave the customer a spotting machne, can you explain to me how this works, and how much the customer has to spend to get one?

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Liahona on February 12, 2006, 09:00:57 am
a spotting machine is like a very small is a 2 and a 1/2 gallon machine with a heater and comes with 15 ft of hose with an upholstery tool. It costs just under 400 pounds but I charge the 400.... To Gary I have no problems meeting you, maybe I can help you get more for your jobs after all isnt what this is all about, helping each other to be more profitable, cheers Doug for your comments, best, Dave. PS Also to Gary, wouldnt you prefer to be called a pound a foot cleaner? really wouldnt you?
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 12, 2006, 09:04:32 am
Thank,s Liahone, but what i meant was when you have cleaned a carpet for a customer, do you give them the spotter to keep or lend, and is this a package where they have to call you back say in another six months?

I see a lot of people offer packages, and i wonder whether these work.

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Rousey on February 12, 2006, 09:08:24 am
Doug, thanks for your input. It was the point I was trying to get across, to Gary.

Gary I hope you can see my point and agree to disagree that there are different markets out there that capture different prices. As Doug says you are probably too cheap, try putting your prices up slightly you may get a suprise!

Anyway I promise not to 'fight' with you any more and just have adult discussion.

Hey, it also livened up a Sat night as there was nothing on the tele!!!

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: craigp on February 12, 2006, 09:37:18 am
i know what your saying rousey, better service etc. personaly i think yes your higher prices are justified, maybe just not that high, im in the same position as spot on, im creeping my prices up and trying to offer more service, and take more time in doing a good job.

spot on cleaning did you have your leaflets printed?

im in the same position as you so ive just finished working on one targeted a bit more on service and less on price, i can send you one if you want.
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 12, 2006, 09:46:12 am

In the past i have always designed and printed my own leaflets. this way i can change them at my leasure if i think they are not working. If the weather was bad, i would make sure they were printed by laser jet so the colour would,nt run. Any other time we used ink and filled the cartridges ourself.

I am now having leaflets made for me professionally, again designed by me. I think since i have started carpet cleaning i have enjoyed the designing of my leaflets and stationary more than cleaning, and in 2004 enrolled on a design course with the Open University which included graphic designing. I have an engineering background and like looking at things with a view to improving if possible.

I would like to see your leaflet and you can find my e-mail if you click on my business name.

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: craigp on February 12, 2006, 10:09:07 am
hi dave,  just sent it, let me know what you think..

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Mike Halliday on February 12, 2006, 12:15:59 pm
just to give me 10p worth ;)

people would be more believable if they used there real names and filled in the profiles

'Liahona' why not use your real name, same goes  for Mark/Henry/Rousey.

tell us who you are and where you trade, this can only add to your credibility, you might not like what gary says but a lot of people will side with him because we know his name, we've seen his van and has told us where he lives he's very open with his details. where you two are anonimous names.

this is'nt meant as critisism,  just my thoughts on the matter.


Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Rousey on February 12, 2006, 12:33:37 pm
Hi Mike,

I believe my name for the last 38 years has been Mark Rouse (Rousey). Nothing anonimous there! It's the name I have always used on the forum.

What I have found (My 10p worth) on this forum, is when new guys join and add there worth because it is different and against the norm what you guys have been doing for years is, it is dismissed as 'flying pigs' etc,etc.

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Mike Halliday on February 12, 2006, 12:45:26 pm
Thats a start  ;) now tell where you're from and I'll be happy :)

the piont i was making is, its easy to tell porkies if no one knows who you are.

I could come onto this site and say I charge £500 to clean a suite but some one who knows me will come on and tell me to stop telling lies.

openness is the best form of honesty.

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 12, 2006, 01:14:38 pm
Craig, i just sent you an e-mail. I received a bounced message alert from ntl because my inbox was too full to receive any incoming mail. Sorry to mess you about, but can you resend please.

Thanks  Dave
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Rousey on February 12, 2006, 01:39:58 pm

I like my privacy! But in my defence there are other forum users on this site who tell the same story as myself, so am I telling porkies? I dont lie, as it is no use to anyone, I suppose trust must comes into the fold!

I can tell you that I trade mainly in the 'North', but I do travel the country and have done when the price is right.

My business is Part-Time, as I also run another successful business. I also enjoy my free-time to spend with the family, so both businesses complement each other and feed of each other.

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: craigp on February 12, 2006, 01:47:59 pm
is your other bus. painting and decorating?

alot come from that trade.
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: craigp on February 12, 2006, 01:51:04 pm
no i got it your a carpet fitter ?
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 12, 2006, 02:00:44 pm

Message received, will return my one, same terms ;) ;) ;)
Give me half hour or so.

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Liahona on February 12, 2006, 03:02:13 pm
To Spot on Cleaning..... I give the machine to the customer but they do pay for it, 400 pounds........There is no package but I always arrange to come back in 6 months time where I of course charge again...... After all a carpet should be cleaned at least twice a year........ To Mike, I sign off most of the time with my name, Dave....... I understand what has been said as to if a person is for real so to speak, for those who know me and there are a lot who do know what I charge and the different way that I clean...... I have said before but its not a problem to do again, I mostly work in Tetbury and Bath. However I dont live in those areas just travel there for work..... I do travel all over Britain and rarely but into Europe too. Any other questions just keep asking, best, Dave.
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 12, 2006, 03:09:58 pm
Dave, this is Dave, when you say they pay, do you charge them £400 to clean their house carpets and give them a machine, with the condition that they call you back in six months. I am still confused as to where your profit is.

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Spot On cleaning on February 12, 2006, 03:21:59 pm
Craig, message sent

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Liahona on February 12, 2006, 03:30:14 pm
Dave this is Dave......ok here goes I hope.........On jobs upwards of 1200 pounds I would sell the machine to the customer for 400, it costs me about 385 so its not done for profit...... my theory is 400 isnt to much for them to maintain their carpets inbetween me. These customers have spent maybe 2 or 300 pounds a yard for the carpet in the first place so have no problems wanting to look after them. There is no stipulation on me coming back in 6 months but...... see above...... Almost all the time I go back in 6 months......some customers want me the week before the holidays and then again the week after...... My profit is purely in the protection of the carpet hopefully when it is new and then every time I clean it....... By the way, the machine I leave isnt your normal spotting machine. It is capable of hight heat and has an upholstery tool with it, the customers love it, I even use one sometimes for furniture as it has a 2 1/2 gallon tank on it.......Also you must bear in mind, most of my customers have maids and or servants to do whatever spotting needs to be done, they of course dont do it themselves..... hope this helps, feel free to ask again if you have a question, best, Dave.
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: craigp on February 12, 2006, 03:40:52 pm
well there we have it spot on, only give them a machine on your jobs upwards of £1200 of course ill have to remember that! lol ;D ;)
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: gwrightson on February 12, 2006, 03:43:10 pm
Dave  , i honestly believe your talking a load of footballs, £300 per yard and you leave a machine so a maid can clean, come on ytouve been eating to much cheese , it makes you dream you know
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Rousey on February 12, 2006, 04:12:42 pm
Geoff, these people exsist. There are very, very rich people out there who have quality furnishings throughout the house. They want knowledgeable, professional upmarket companies to service there homes and they pay for it.

I have been servicing such homes but not on an everyday basis and my whole marketing package is to that clientel. I only put fliers or marketing packages through doors of the top 5% earners in the UK. That can be 30,000 houses per 100,000. Which shows how many of them there are!!!!!

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: gwrightson on February 12, 2006, 04:25:56 pm
rousy , i never said they didnt exist!!! and i never doubted that they would spend the amount on a carpet, believe me i know!!! but i am saying i dont think a maid or a servant would be left with a carpet cleaning spotter, to clean such an expensive carpet, sorry ill rephrase that.
i wouldnt have thought that a responsible c.c would leave a machine in untrained hands to clean such a carpet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now ill sit and wait for the reply, that Dave trtains the maids in the correct procedures, the pitfalls etcof c.c.   
so ill still say it a load of foot balls
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Art on February 12, 2006, 04:29:33 pm
Rousey & liahona,

 Just out of curiosity what type of machines do you use on these highly paid jobs?

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Rousey on February 12, 2006, 04:36:23 pm
I use 2 machines from America!!!!

I don't want to go any further with that line as I answered it on this forum sometime ago and it caused a stir such as today!!!

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: gwrightson on February 12, 2006, 04:39:48 pm
begins with v and ends in x ;D   
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Art on February 12, 2006, 04:41:39 pm
Just had a look back on your posts. So you dry clean.
So don't you use HWE at anytime?


Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Rousey on February 12, 2006, 04:52:05 pm
Unfortunatly,no comment, as last time it was scoffed at!!!

Sorry Arthur

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Art on February 12, 2006, 04:56:19 pm
Ok Mark fair enough.

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Liahona on February 12, 2006, 05:01:10 pm
Geoff, how little you know of these type of houses. There are companies who provide people to do maintainence in and outside of the properties, it is they who I show what to do with the machine. .....For some offices I am asked to do I supply a complete set up, portable of course, as they do not want to pay what I charge, which is good because I dont do offices, they then look after the property themselves. Hmmmmm I have supplied 17 machines in all last year and charge 500 to do it. you do the adding up!!!!!!!!........... In answer to a previuos post, if you have a problem with 300 a yard what do you think of 6 and 700? Ohhhh and how about those who have custom carpets made to measure that just costs thousands. I feel we are charging what you dont think we are, on carpets you dont think exist...... Mind you we charge a pound a foot to clean 300 a yard carpet....... you charge at least i hope you do, 50p a foot on what? 50 pound a yard carpet, that being the case you are charging way more than we are...... so therefore what is a pound and maybe 75p a foot to protect a carpet that has just cost if we say 100 yards that would be 30,000 pounds my guess is you dont see 30,000 pounds of carpet in a week. If you do and again I hope you do then wouldnt it be fair for us to charge in a day what you charge in a week, you know it makes sense.....Please note with all this banter back and forth, wouldnt you really want to charge a pound a foot? If so, why knock us for doing what you cant,wont or dont do....... Best, Dave.
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Liahona on February 12, 2006, 05:06:35 pm
oh and the machines I use are also from America. I made up the portable along with Steamway staff, their brains........ and the truck mount I use is The Powermatic Legacy also from Steamway. Will out clean any other truck mount but then of course we all say that dont we. Best ,Dave.
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: BRSL on February 12, 2006, 05:49:15 pm
Dave I recon im up for the chalange and im not far from you, we could have a clean off, we will put a little wager on it if I win, I get your round for a month and you do mine and if, well I dont intend to loose lol  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

now on a serious note, I couldent give a rolly polly who cleans what for what and when as long as were all successfull and striving to be more proffesional, now can every one stop dissbelieving everything someone says, theres carpet in the royals houses and 1000000,s of feet of carpet in offices who are we to dissbelieve the people that cleans them, some one's got too, and after all arent we happy in the knowledge that this is the best cleaning forum "well used to be", so why should these people not contribute here  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: gwrightson on February 12, 2006, 06:33:51 pm
Lioana .\Little do you know!!!!!   unfortunatly I cant discuss on here , for obvious reasons the people I know and the houses they live in, for they proberbly would look the type of clientel you are talking about  look insignificant,  and i dont mean a few million :D :D :D
sorry to disapoint you  . 
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Rousey on February 12, 2006, 06:50:23 pm
Lioana .\Little do you know!!!!!   unfortunatly I cant discuss on here , for obvious reasons the people I know and the houses they live in, for they proberbly would look the type of clientel you are talking about  look insignificant,  and i dont mean a few million :D :D :D
sorry to disapoint you  . 
Geoff, you don't make sense? Sorry I don't understand the quote?

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Liahona on February 12, 2006, 08:50:27 pm
Geoff does make sense in that a lot of my customers as his...... we are on what is called disclosures therefore we cannot say who or where type of thing.... Geoff it would be good to then talk with you as I would love to see what you do if it is any different to what I do. Be nice to learn what I can from someone else cleaning what I do. Maybe I do something that you dont too so maybe we can be of help to each other...... Not dissappointed in anyway and i surely understand the comment you made for indeed millions is but a few to a surprisingly large amount of people. Best, Dave.
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on February 12, 2006, 10:05:49 pm
I'm sure Geoffs cleaning is up there as being high quality like Rousies and Liahona's but it's the onsite visit thatis the key to higher prices.

It's not the steak you are selling it's the sizzle!

If you don't ask you don't get, but repectfully you have to have the right client to sell to, alot of clients may not wish to spend £1 per sq.ft. as their carpets may not be worth it after cleaning ie £9 a sq. yrd. to clean a 15 year old carpet which was once £15 a sq. yrd. doesn't make sense to some perhaps there is too much service there!

To look for the correct clients you need time understanding and good sales presentation (sizzle again!)

Were any of you charging £1 per sq.ft. on Fast Track or has your marketing education come from somewhere else?


Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Ian Gourlay on February 13, 2006, 12:57:18 am
LEAHONA does work for The Nationalheritage Society amongst others. So the cleaning is in Castles Stately Homes etc
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: cleaning co on February 13, 2006, 06:38:58 am
hi all , bit lost on this topic now , are these people saying they dont even clean the carpets? and they sell then a machine for £400? and they leave it with an un trained maid to clean thier £500 yard carpets and £20000 sofas ? if so what are u sellimg them ? are they kirby vac salesmen by anychance? did i start and hav a debate with people who are not even carpet cleaning proff and got called splash n dash etc ?
yours confused gary ???
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: therapist on February 13, 2006, 07:21:53 am

You mustn't lose sleep over this. Go back to bed...........unless, like me, you don't sleep much.     What's going on here, is a surprisingly open a little heated and sarcastic at times, but, there are many levels within the c/c market and there are many ways, as they say, to skin a cat......

What you are doing is clearly working for you and successfully, might be able to break into this market, even if, only occasionally and if the opportunity arises, why not be prepared?

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: cleaning co on February 13, 2006, 07:30:10 am
what we talking about here rob ? rental market? ???
p.s not losing sleep  rob like u i only sleep few hours night ;D
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: therapist on February 13, 2006, 07:40:37 am

Who cares, remember, you could find a device, or product that you use and sell it to your clients will make a far greater profit, percentage wise, off spot and stain removers.

Unless you are stupid, like me, and give them away.

Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Liahona on February 13, 2006, 07:16:50 pm
Gary how can you be confused over something as easy as what we are talking about?????? Mind you your comments are from someone who doesnt obviously understand.. The comment made about these discussions was spot on, till you made the comments you did. I must ask, why do you have such a problem with other people in the same business as you are and why such a problem that some people charge more than you do. Best, Dave.
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Martin S on February 13, 2006, 07:40:33 pm
Dave (Liahona),

Did u get the e-mail I sent you yersterday?
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Liahona on February 13, 2006, 09:16:16 pm
Martin, yes I did and returned with one
Title: Re: Gary.."In the real world"
Post by: Ian Gourlay on February 14, 2006, 07:15:27 am
I am bow locking this topic to avoid further problems.