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UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: mister bit on May 07, 2012, 10:27:16 am

Title: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: mister bit on May 07, 2012, 10:27:16 am
I detest nostalgia. Onwards and upwards is my motto. But just read this From the Derby Telegraph ....

Firstly, there was the milkman. They delivered two pints in exchange for the two plastic Co-op tokens during the hours of darkness – so, however early dad got up for work, it would be there for him.

The newspaper boy appeared, bleary-eyed, at about 6.45am. We all knew him because the job was exchanged among kids from our street. When one was fed up with the early mornings, their round would be snaffled up by someone else keen for a few quid.

Between nine and ten o'clock, Cath, the postwoman would deliver the first post. Cath lived about ten doors away.

She would return later with the second post, just before the newsboy with the evening paper.

During the day the street, so uncluttered of cars that we played football in the middle of it, had a myriad of exotic visits.

Depending on the time of the week and the season, there could have been:

The Alpine pop lorry – this was an unwelcome sight because my mum refused to have fizzy pop in the house and I was jealous of all the families taking delivery of the various different ades… I was a particular fan of lime and cherry.

The mobile grocer – this was run by someone in the street. Aside of fresh fruit and veg, he had penny chews … yum.

The mobile library – I am now starting to appear like a country yokel but this was in the city. Funny how, when there was so much less money, there was funding for this.

The bin men – crikey, these were strong men. Our heavy steel bin was at the bottom of the garden. They heaved it all the way to their truck and put it back where they found it.

The window cleaner. They actually went up ladders. No fancy extended poles for them.

The football pools man and the man from the Pru.

And, of course, the rag and bone men.

Just like Steptoe and Son, they had a horse and cart (later they graduated to a truck) and shouted at the tops of their voices "any old iron''. I hadn't a clue how they made money because I never saw anyone give them anything.

Now it seems like they have made a comeback – much to the apparent dismay of many Derby Telegraph readers.

I'm a bit lost on those who have complained about the shouting or blowing of horns of people trying to earn a living.

The longest they could disturb a resident's peace for would be all of about three minutes.

I think they are carrying out a public service.

Last week we left a broken vacuum cleaner on our drive, just in case the rag and bone man fancied it.

Within 48 hours it was gone, presumably taken by one of those scrap collectors who like a bit of a shout.

Well, I say thanks for saving me a trip to the tip.

Now, if we could just get back to our post being delivered twice a day…

Those were the days!

Anybody else remember the 'pop man'?, milk before you went to work!?, Post before you went to work!? People actually in the street!? Brilliant! Let's have it back please!
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: Pureclean Essex Services on May 07, 2012, 10:46:23 am
The Pop Man ;D ;D,funny that,as embarrassingly that was my first job(van assistant) ;D,straight outta school back in '82',left school in the afternoon,job same day,bet you cant do that nowadays.

Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: mister bit on May 07, 2012, 10:54:58 am
Who was it with "ALPINE"? We used to get the cream soda and if you saw the lorry clanking along you would run in and plead with your mam how thirsty you were!
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: dazmond on May 07, 2012, 12:56:44 pm
yep i remember the pop man and our window cleaner used to be a milkman early morning then home for lunch then he used to do a few windows in the afternoon.wooden ladder,a miserable sod by all accounts!he used to charge 50p a house(mid 80s!)scrim and shammy,no squeegee and no corners!! ;) ;D ;D ;D

cash in his back pocket methinks.he still lives around the corner from my  childhood house.funnily enough he seems much happier now he s not working and retired and always lets on if i see him!! ;) ;D ;D ;D

my brother lives a few doors from where we grew up and ive got to admit i do feel a bit wistful and a bit nostalgic when i go and see him.

i have a lot of good memories of playing with friends there and first love girlfriends and the like.i can be very melancholic and err on the depressive side at times.things are certainly not like they were!at 40 i  look back sometimes but i try not to STARE!!as it does me no good whatsoever.

a great sadness descends on me if i look back on memories too often.

best wishes to you all

Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: H S and Son on May 07, 2012, 01:45:28 pm
Here you are Dazmond, life shouldn't be a glass half empty, half full is the attitude to have. I love looking back on my childhood but had my fair share of negative attitudes towards it. Embrace it, its the only one you've had.

Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: CLEANCARE WC on May 07, 2012, 01:46:31 pm
im 35 and remember these fizzy drink vans. 10p back for the empty glass bottles. im sure the brand was corona?
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: dazmond on May 07, 2012, 03:23:33 pm
its not so much looking back at my childhood matt.its some of the friends i had but their either dead now or messed up on drink and drugs,oh and theres a few girlfriends i miss from years ago!! :'( :'( :'(

i wouldnt say im a negative person but i have my" down" days like most people.i used to be a lot worse in my rock n roll days but only the odd day here and there now.

best wishes

Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: EandM on May 07, 2012, 03:35:55 pm
My Gran used to get 'Corona' Cream Soda delivered in glass bottles and we used to get 10p for taking them back to the shop.
Best cream soda there is / was.
Can you still get it?
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: ♠Winp®oClean♠ on May 07, 2012, 03:37:25 pm
Good stuff ;D

Playing "pegs" in the street

Making tents with blankets over washing lines

The revolution of VHS & video shops popping up everywhere- even mobile video hire ;D

"mag-wheels" for BMX's, I even remember the best ones- "Skyway Tuff II" :D

People taking the curly bars off their "racers" & putting big wide flat ones on "cow-horns" as we called them.

 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: H S and Son on May 07, 2012, 03:41:15 pm
and theres a few girlfriends i miss from years ago!! :'( :'( :'(

Aye, I wonder what happened to Tracey from Alton, she were luverlee  ;D

And Rose too, we used to meet on the tennis courts on the edge of Cattistock, between Cattistock and Maiden Newton.

Then there was Stella, went camping with her, she wore a short denim skirt, we went on the funfair, that night I discovered the joys of trying to undo a girls bra clasp  ;D in the dark  ;D

Keep coming back Daz  ;)
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: H S and Son on May 07, 2012, 03:41:51 pm
I remember the pop man and we used to have a fella come round and sharpen all my Mums knives, think he charged about 10p.
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: Tom White on May 07, 2012, 03:45:44 pm
@Dazmond This too shall pass (one back at you from another post  ;D).
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: Dave. on May 07, 2012, 03:54:16 pm
We had a scam going in the late 70's / early eighties where we would take the corona bottles from the crates at the back of the shop - then  take them into the front of the shop later and get 10p back on each bottle.  Then as  our scam escalated we would take them to a different shop at the other end of town.

When it grew from a scam to a full blown racket - we used to have to cycle a couple of miles to the next town - the shop keepers started marking the labels.

Kept me and my mates in sweets for a while ;)
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: dazmond on May 07, 2012, 04:07:30 pm
yeh your right tosh!just gotta dust myself down and carry now officially the most eligible bachelor in my area with a string of broken,dead relationships behind me!onward and upward!! ;D ;D ;D ;D

remember the littlest hobo?

"maybe tomorrow ill wanna settle down!"(in full voice!)

"but for now ill just keep moving on!!"

an ex gilrfriend used to sing it to me!! :'( :'( ;D ;D ;D

it was a series about a dog about the same time as the "lassie" series!
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: mister bit on May 07, 2012, 04:21:43 pm
I remember that it was like lassie only it had a bit of an edge!

Now what was that dog in when it used to say in the credits

'Blaze played by Rebel'

Was it the Lone Ranger?
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: CLEANCARE WC on May 07, 2012, 04:49:56 pm
Good stuff ;D

Playing "pegs" in the street

Making tents with blankets over washing lines

The revolution of VHS & video shops popping up everywhere- even mobile video hire ;D

"mag-wheels" for BMX's, I even remember the best ones- "Skyway Tuff II" :D

People taking the curly bars off their "racers" & putting big wide flat ones on "cow-horns" as we called them.

 ;D ;D

We were a very poor family and didnt have our own video, every now and then dad would come home with a big yellow plastic box, a video player rented from the garage (£5) and a couple of films!

We didnt even get a telephone at home until 1994!
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: ♠Winp®oClean♠ on May 07, 2012, 05:36:46 pm
Good stuff ;D

Playing "pegs" in the street

Making tents with blankets over washing lines

The revolution of VHS & video shops popping up everywhere- even mobile video hire ;D

"mag-wheels" for BMX's, I even remember the best ones- "Skyway Tuff II" :D

People taking the curly bars off their "racers" & putting big wide flat ones on "cow-horns" as we called them.

 ;D ;D

We were a very poor family and didnt have our own video, every now and then dad would come home with a big yellow plastic box, a video player rented from the garage (£5) and a couple of films!

We didnt even get a telephone at home until 1994!

Our first one had a remote on a wire you plugged into the front of the machine! ;D
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: CLEANCARE WC on May 07, 2012, 05:38:40 pm
Good stuff ;D

Playing "pegs" in the street

Making tents with blankets over washing lines

The revolution of VHS & video shops popping up everywhere- even mobile video hire ;D

"mag-wheels" for BMX's, I even remember the best ones- "Skyway Tuff II" :D

People taking the curly bars off their "racers" & putting big wide flat ones on "cow-horns" as we called them.

 ;D ;D

We were a very poor family and didnt have our own video, every now and then dad would come home with a big yellow plastic box, a video player rented from the garage (£5) and a couple of films!

We didnt even get a telephone at home until 1994!

Our first one had a remote on a wire you plugged into the front of the machine! ;D

that rings a bell actually
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: BVC on May 07, 2012, 06:58:25 pm
Fila head band (stolen). Gino Ginelli Jumper(From nan xmas 86).
Dunlop green stripe trainers(From dodgy dave and his even dodgier suitcast full of goodies)
Grey farah's with the orange tag well and truly on show.
and a rope chain earing.(home made)
Yeah baby I was the man.. ;D

Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: Pureclean Essex Services on May 07, 2012, 07:04:21 pm
We had a scam going in the late 70's / early eighties where we would take the corona bottles from the crates at the back of the shop - then  take them into the front of the shop later and get 10p back on each bottle.  Then as  our scam escalated we would take them to a different shop at the other end of town.

When it grew from a scam to a full blown racket - we used to have to cycle a couple of miles to the next town - the shop keepers started marking the labels.

Kept me and my mates in sweets for a while ;)

Funny you should say about scams  ;D,when I was on the Alpine vans,the driver had a bit of a scam going aswell,we only gave money back on the bottles if asked by the custy,we'd stop off for fish 'n' chips & 20 cigarettes each daily outta the bottle money,and what was left over at the end of the week,we would split,those were the days eh  ;D ;D.

Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: TomCrowther on May 07, 2012, 08:29:43 pm
Dunlop green flash not green stripe  ;)
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: G Griffin on May 07, 2012, 08:58:19 pm
Fila head band (stolen). Gino Ginelli Jumper(From nan xmas 86).
Dunlop green stripe trainers(From dodgy dave and his even dodgier suitcast full of goodies)
Grey farah's with the orange tag well and truly on show.
and a rope chain earing.(home made)
Yeah baby I was the man.. ;D


And Gino Ginelli made ice cream not jumpers.
Leo Gemelli did the jumpers.
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: keyser soze on May 07, 2012, 09:45:41 pm
the kids today have missed out on good experiences..
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: CLEANCARE WC on May 07, 2012, 10:06:27 pm
Fila head band (stolen). Gino Ginelli Jumper(From nan xmas 86).
Dunlop green stripe trainers(From dodgy dave and his even dodgier suitcast full of goodies)
Grey farah's with the orange tag well and truly on show.
and a rope chain earing.(home made)
Yeah baby I was the man.. ;D


And Gino Ginelli made ice cream not jumpers.
Leo Gemelli did the jumpers.

i was gonna say that  ;D
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: BVC on May 08, 2012, 08:16:36 am
Fila head band (stolen). Gino Ginelli Jumper(From nan xmas 86).
Dunlop green stripe trainers(From dodgy dave and his even dodgier suitcast full of goodies)
Grey farah's with the orange tag well and truly on show.
and a rope chain earing.(home made)
Yeah baby I was the man.. ;D


And Gino Ginelli made ice cream not jumpers.
Leo Gemelli did the jumpers.

And Gino Ginelli made ice cream not jumpers. :-X :-X :-X

Guys, I would have demanded you cut me some slack on the Dunlop Green stripe situation, However after taking into consideration the magnitude of my schoolboy error regarding my Ice cream jumper I have decided to relinquish all ties with this thread.

I offer my humble apologies and promise never to contaminate a thread such as this with such spurious  babblings again. 


Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: Tom Kelly on May 08, 2012, 09:50:36 am
I was born in 1991, and I can't help but feel I missed out on A LOT of amazing things!

Sounds like so much fun "back then"..
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: Neil Gornall on May 08, 2012, 09:58:07 am
DULOP GREEN FLASH. Oh wow I wore those constantly.

Couldnt resist so just looked on amazon and YES they still sell them.

Now shall I or shant I?  ;D
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: EandM on May 08, 2012, 01:08:46 pm
I was born in 1991, and I can't help but feel I missed out on A LOT of amazing things!

Sounds like so much fun "back then"..

In 1991 I bought my second 3.0 S Capri - age is a terrible thing because it gets you in the end!
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: CLEANCARE WC on May 08, 2012, 05:08:17 pm
DULOP GREEN FLASH.  Oh wow I wore those constantly.

Couldnt resist so just looked on amazon and YES they still sell them.

Now shall I or shant I?  ;D

Was more of a HI-TEC SQUASH man  ;D
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: dazmond on May 08, 2012, 06:33:23 pm
i had a pair of adidas "kick"  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: G Griffin on May 08, 2012, 07:19:00 pm
i had a pair of adidas "kick"  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

My first proper pair of trainers, too. They did them again recently but they weren't exactly the same.
I like my trainers and there's big money in it now if you have the right ones. A pair of originals from back in the '80's will go for hundreds. Even decent re-issues will go for a pretty penny.
The '80's was a golden era for trainers and I still wear the same style as I did back then.
I probably always will.
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: Pureclean Essex Services on May 08, 2012, 07:40:09 pm
Brogue boots/shoes, the grifter bike, what about the famous anorak 'the snorkal'  ;D ;D everyone had one of these,well at least I think they did  ???.

Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: Neil Gornall on May 08, 2012, 07:48:38 pm
How many of you put playing cards in your spokes?   ;D
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: CLEANCARE WC on May 08, 2012, 07:51:04 pm
How many of you put playing cards in your spokes?   ;D

Yep until the development of spokey dokey's  ;D
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: Dick on May 09, 2012, 10:26:40 am
And the window cleaning thread is.......................
Title: Re: Nostalgia Alert ... The Street Scene
Post by: mister bit on May 09, 2012, 12:37:04 pm
The OP (which was I myself monkey boots, fred perry tee shirt  harrington jacket type bloke with me name on the back ... RAD) copied a journalists article - which mentioned a window cleaner ... once.

Hope that clears it up Dicky Doo  ;D ;D ;D

Now do any other window cleaners use monkey boots to keep their feet dry when WFP ing?

Or Birmingham Bags to keep their squeegee in if trad?

And can we have our donkey jackets back this winter .... erm Alex Garnier?