Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Martin-Swinscoe on March 28, 2012, 06:36:39 pm

Title: Cancellation of service
Post by: Martin-Swinscoe on March 28, 2012, 06:36:39 pm

Hi Martin,
Please accept this email as confirmation that we no longer wish to have our windows cleaned by MJS Window Cleaning.
The reason behind this is that I'm sorry to say that we've not been entirely happy with the quality of the finished product.  Today I arrived home just after 09:30 to find all of the downstairs windows and front door covered in water spots as if it had been raining.  In previous houses I've always known the window cleaner to shammy off both the window and the ledges to stop the dust and dirt marks.
What I would like is the actual windows NOT just the glass to be cleaned.
Obviously I understand the health and safety issues in today's society but still fail to work out why the downstairs windows are not finished off nicely?  When we moved in and even now you will see the side toilet window is an orange colour presumably from drilling in the extraction during final finish to the house. I would have expected this to be long gone further to your monthly cleans.
I've attached some pictures to try and illustrate my point (not sure how good they will show).
All the best for the future and hopefully no hard feelings
Many thanks

Came home from work today to find this email off a disgruntled customer in my inbox.
  Now can anyone on here give me a damn good reply apart from telling "Mathew"
to get F*&%"$!!!
BTW the photo's he's sent are of a couple of windows soaking wet and a door dripping of water. The window round the side that he is on about has just stained and believe me i've scrubbed it enough times and it won't come off. Perhaps a bit of paint might do the trick "Mathew"??
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: Window Washers on March 28, 2012, 06:39:42 pm
I would call the guy, hes taken his time to be honest with you, call him and explain why this is and he may stay with you, I would class a customer like that as an asset to your business
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: matty72 on March 28, 2012, 06:45:01 pm
try to educate him in how the system works, show him and should then be alright if has any sense.
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: Tomboler on March 28, 2012, 06:46:41 pm
it does make you feel bad even though you've done nothing wrong - I wouldn't ring him though personally,  someone once told me about the 11th commandment - 'You can't overcome dumb'
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: Pete10 on March 28, 2012, 06:47:02 pm
....I would try and keep him in, I would lay on the charm offensive....take hima bottle of wine or flowers for the Mrs.........would call and ask if you can pop round to discuss....maybe with the kit so you can work on any problems while he's there, but stress if he's still not happy you have no hard feelings.....if you can crack this custie the rest will be a dream....will keep you on your toes to make him happy.... :D
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: PurefectWindowCleaning on March 28, 2012, 06:50:20 pm
My opinion is that he blatently doesnt want you to continue, so forget it and move on
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: weetot on March 28, 2012, 06:58:14 pm
Now I think I need to book myself into a home for the bewildered, cos......

QUOTE....'she wants the actual windows, not just the glass to be cleaned'.

Whats that all about? ???
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: gary999 on March 28, 2012, 07:06:34 pm
they use any excuse when they no longer want or cant afford your service
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: Richard iSparkle on March 28, 2012, 07:09:17 pm
we'd call him and discuss it.  wouldnt try the bottle of wine trick personally for this sort of complaint.  maybe if it'd broken something like a window...
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: rah on March 28, 2012, 07:36:00 pm
I don't like the  "we prefer the other type of cleaning" especially when they have never complained about the service and pay quite happily.

Sounds like there's mileage in your customer though

Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: David Kent @ KentKleen on March 28, 2012, 07:58:14 pm
Martin, can i ask do you clean the frames or just try to clean the glass? It sounds like the customer has had a look at his frames and they are dirty IMO.
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: supernova77 on March 28, 2012, 08:00:33 pm
I would go round and talk to him... Explain how the system works, and that the orange stain is a stain that cannot be removed... Ask him to point out any problems with the windows (that will now be dry)... Try and keep him as a customer.

Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: bobby p on March 28, 2012, 08:01:05 pm
sounds as if he wants a reply- but dont reply and  i never reply in writing anyway . stick a few offhand Fs into him if he ever rings up ,i find that to be very satisfying
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: stuart mc on March 28, 2012, 08:12:43 pm
Hi Mathew,

Thank you for your honesty now do one your windows have been cleaned using deionised water, this is put simply, purified water and what you have witnessed is the short period of time when it remains on your windows drying naturally to a spot free finish as it has no impurities in the water, I can assure the frame work is cleaned as I clean the glass.

The side window you mentioned is stained and will not be cleaned off with water or soap, it would require chemicals and scraping, if this was required and extra fee would have to be charged as it is classed as a builders clean and takes time.

If you would like a demonstration of the system and how it works this can be arranged. However if I don't hear back from you I will know you want to remain cancelled

or some pish like that
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: AuRavelling79 on March 28, 2012, 09:31:29 pm
Hi Mathew,

Thank you for your honesty now do one your windows have been cleaned using deionised water, this is put simply, purified water and what you have witnessed is the short period of time when it remains on your windows drying naturally to a spot free finish as it has no impurities in the water, I can assure the frame work is cleaned as I clean the glass.

The side window you mentioned is stained and will not be cleaned off with water or soap, it would require chemicals and scraping, if this was required and extra fee would have to be charged as it is classed as a builders clean and takes time.

If you would like a demonstration of the system and how it works this can be arranged. However if I don't hear back from you I will know you want to remain cancelled

or some pish like that

That's excellent! Maybe end with "... if I don't hear back from you I will know you have an additional unspoken reason for cancelling." 
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: Frankybadboy on March 28, 2012, 09:37:41 pm
just move on and pick up two new ones at twice the amount ;D
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: Londoner on March 28, 2012, 09:40:10 pm
I've had them like this. I just let them go, you can't win them all with WFP its only a percentages game.
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: Smudger on March 28, 2012, 09:50:40 pm
As always a wise and considered post Stu !!

basically i would do the same - i would ring up and agree a time i could pop round and explain the system and the stain - that way you can even give them a cloth and they can scrub it themselves - say you can restore the stain at £XX

i've had several custy's that take a while to understand wfp - so altho it's a pain i explain it to them at least twice - if you get
lazy here with new customers it leads to this sort of problem.

having said that - if they are looking to get out of having the service then it's any excuse they can think of - from that waters rotting my frames ( upvc at that )  ???   to i don't like the dripping noise or i think you clean them to quickly....

only you know if you have cleaned the frames and whether they are mucking you about - but i'd say try and sort it face to face
many a time i've proved a customer wrong and has led to stronger customer relations with recamendations and extra work like conny roofs or gutter clears

Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: Liam1990 on March 28, 2012, 11:03:43 pm
Sounds like he just wants to cancel because he cant afford it or someone has undercut you,
could be a misunderstanding but by his e-mail he seems to be fairly well educated and I would have thought he would have googled window cleaning methods,
Id try and explain it to him maybe e-mail him a link to a video of the system at work, if this doesnt work hes just trying to give you the boot.
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: alanwilson on March 28, 2012, 11:11:33 pm
I can't believe you could be r.sed to read the whole email!

Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: Dave66 on March 28, 2012, 11:18:50 pm
give it a few months then throw an early development of a chicken at it  :-X
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: stuart mc on March 28, 2012, 11:21:19 pm
I can't believe you could be r.sed to read the whole email!

;D must admit I would have seen cancelled shrugged my shoulders and moved on, I have wrote a few emails in response of daft things and sent very few of them, and on this occasion if it happened to me I would do the same, just move on
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: Paul Coleman on March 29, 2012, 09:41:31 am
I suggest sending him links to WFP explanations on the web - maybe to other window cleaners' websites.  That way he can see that it isn't just you saying it.  As for the stain, unfortunately some stains can't be shifted without damaging the window.  If he's up for it, take a non scratch abrasive pad around there and show him.
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: richard jagger on March 29, 2012, 03:38:21 pm
I cannot believe i did not through some snake venom on this one. I must be slipping. Its an age thing.or I am just becoming  a nice guy.
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: Paul Coleman on March 29, 2012, 03:47:57 pm
I cannot believe i did not through some snake venom on this one. I must be slipping. Its an age thing.or I am just becoming  a nice guy.

You were right not to.  It may be that his only problem is a lack of knowledge regarding WFP - perfectly reasonable as he isn't a window cleaner.
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: jeremy evans on March 29, 2012, 07:55:50 pm
I had one cancel this evening on me, asked her why and i got the windows are clean but i dont like the water dripping on the conny roof while do you the bedroom window above it. Oh dear what happens when it rains love ;D ;D
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: windowswashed on March 29, 2012, 08:05:42 pm
cant beat traditional window cleaning ;D wfp is ****** ;D
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: jeremy evans on March 29, 2012, 08:07:29 pm
cant beat traditional window cleaning ;D wfp is ****** ;D
Well you wouldnt drip over the conny unless you got 25ft long arms ;D ;D
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: Helen on March 30, 2012, 05:07:41 pm
I had one cancel this evening on me, asked her why and i got the windows are clean but i dont like the water dripping on the conny roof while do you the bedroom window above it. Oh dear what happens when it rains love ;D ;D

Easy....don't do the one over the connie roof then :)
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: David Lingard on March 30, 2012, 08:21:04 pm
sounds like he has accepted the implications of ladders at height but wants trad for the ground floor.. dust off the applicator and the squeegee and give your scrim its once-a-month run out, sounds like a good customer to tell you in advance of the next clean, and sounds honest. If he always pays on time etc do you want to lose him for the sake of a few trad windows?

(I expect most of you are about to say YES!) ;D
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: dazmond on March 30, 2012, 08:37:23 pm
had 2 cancel this evening because of price rise.2 out of around 150 customer price rises is not too bad!all the others accepted.

one was a 3 bed semi with large side extension and small was well underpriced!on an estate i clean.i was charging £8 for it monthly.since i went wfp i clean frames,sills,doors and window above conny.

i said to him i will have to put them up to a tenner monthly or £12 two monthly.he said "we ll look around for another window cleaner!"ive been cleaning his windows for over 10 years!! :o :o

he really seems to dislike the fact ive got a sign written van,uniform and wfp and want to charge more for the windows.i do a cracking job of the windows and i used to get on with him fine.i dont think he likes the idea that im doing ok for myself!

another one around the corner small 3 bedder with an awkward back bedroom window over a small back room extension.i wanted to up it from £6 to £7!she said no thats too expensive!!been cleaning hers for around 5 years!!

i must admit ive dumped some of this estate work over the last 6 months or so as i seem to be picking up better paying 2 monthly work a mile or so away from these houses.

you win some,lose some but im winning more than losing overall!!! :D :D :D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: Jackal on March 30, 2012, 09:09:56 pm
iv been putting some prices up first time in 2 years of work i brought when first started trad,most by 50p with a few a £1

the guy who cleaned before has made it hard for me though as he told me that he used to up prices once a year by 10p so it seems to them like im ripping them off but these houses are mainly £5.50 so just want try get them all to £6,even got alot at stupid prices like £5.40,£6.20 even 1 at £10.90 whats that all about!!

anyway put 30 of them up so far not lost any but a women i was putting up from £5.40 to £6 didnt respond when i told her so i said is that ok,she said we'll see  ;D so i said let me no next time,il just prob knock first, jokers!

i can tell a few are shocked by 50p but other are perfectly fine and some think it aint enough,you just need to have a good knack to knowing which ones will pay more i suppose,in time the tight wods will be a distant memory as long as my round keeps growing,im just being cautious at the moment as need as many custys as possible just incase i lose a lot on the wfp changover
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: Mike #1 on March 31, 2012, 08:22:36 am
We all go on about good customer service . I would reply to the email or better still phone them if possible .  Then you will find out if they are messing you about within 2 mins.  Mike
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: Paul Coleman on March 31, 2012, 08:36:18 am
iv been putting some prices up first time in 2 years of work i brought when first started trad,most by 50p with a few a £1

the guy who cleaned before has made it hard for me though as he told me that he used to up prices once a year by 10p so it seems to them like im ripping them off but these houses are mainly £5.50 so just want try get them all to £6,even got alot at stupid prices like £5.40,£6.20 even 1 at £10.90 whats that all about!!

anyway put 30 of them up so far not lost any but a women i was putting up from £5.40 to £6 didnt respond when i told her so i said is that ok,she said we'll see  ;D so i said let me no next time,il just prob knock first, jokers!

i can tell a few are shocked by 50p but other are perfectly fine and some think it aint enough,you just need to have a good knack to knowing which ones will pay more i suppose,in time the tight wods will be a distant memory as long as my round keeps growing,im just being cautious at the moment as need as many custys as possible just incase i lose a lot on the wfp changover

I'm surprised that anyone is doing a house for as little as £6 but I suppose it does depend on local conditions.
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: steveo22 on March 31, 2012, 08:47:10 am
He no longer wants his windows cleaned because he feels that you are not doing a good enough job, thats his right. Just forget it and move on!!
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: NJones on March 31, 2012, 09:11:26 am
I rarely bother with a price rise of less than €5,.. I simply can't understand to 50p here & there approach.

I do price rises a lot less often,.. perhaps only once every 3 or 4 years, and I have very few houses below €20.

If I was the custie, messing around finding change for £5.40 or similar would annoy me more than just paying £6!!
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: dazmond on March 31, 2012, 09:40:36 am
nat its the old skool window cleaners way of prise rises.i know i guy whos 66 and still climbing ladders!ive seen him on slate roofs,all sorts of pitched roofs in windy conditions etc.he is still charging £3-50 for some 3 bed semis!he does a pretty bad job as ive picked up a fair few customers of his over the years.when he puts his prices up its 20p!

he said to me the other month"i dont know how you get the prices you charge for cleaning the windows!"as i charge triple or more than what he charges on new work i take on.he s obviously found out how much im charging some of his ex customers windows.

the simple fact is i clean the frames,sills,glass and doors and dont come round as often so their not paying that much more for my services but getting a much better using dionised water the windows dont get as dirty as he uses fairy liquid and doesnt touch the frames or doors.

simple isnt it?it works for me!it helps that im good looking and younger than him and wear i logo d uniform and drive a van that is sign written!!im also very polite and dont take myself too seriously when out and about cleaning!! :P ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: Jackal on March 31, 2012, 09:49:02 am
iv been putting some prices up first time in 2 years of work i brought when first started trad,most by 50p with a few a £1

the guy who cleaned before has made it hard for me though as he told me that he used to up prices once a year by 10p so it seems to them like im ripping them off but these houses are mainly £5.50 so just want try get them all to £6,even got alot at stupid prices like £5.40,£6.20 even 1 at £10.90 whats that all about!!

anyway put 30 of them up so far not lost any but a women i was putting up from £5.40 to £6 didnt respond when i told her so i said is that ok,she said we'll see  ;D so i said let me no next time,il just prob knock first, jokers!

i can tell a few are shocked by 50p but other are perfectly fine and some think it aint enough,you just need to have a good knack to knowing which ones will pay more i suppose,in time the tight wods will be a distant memory as long as my round keeps growing,im just being cautious at the moment as need as many custys as possible just incase i lose a lot on the wfp changover

I'm surprised that anyone is doing a house for as little as £6 but I suppose it does depend on local conditions.

i think the same mate but the simple fact is i dont no many cleaners who are charging more than me round here anyway  its frustrating trying to get prices like i hear on this site,my new houses get charged more but still not a patch on other areas,im trying to take more 2 monthlys on from now on to boost the prices,also my hourly rate should be ok once wfp hopefully,most custys no what there friends pay for a cleaner i assume so wont pay the prices,but this site helps me to charge more
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: A & J Owen Window Cleaning on March 31, 2012, 10:35:06 am
sounds like he has accepted the implications of ladders at height but wants trad for the ground floor.. dust off the applicator and the squeegee and give your scrim its once-a-month run out, sounds like a good customer to tell you in advance of the next clean, and sounds honest. If he always pays on time etc do you want to lose him for the sake of a few trad windows?

(I expect most of you are about to say YES!) ;D

I agree, it's the ones who try and insist on you balancing on a sloping roof that are the problem. I don't think it's unreasonable to do the door, and the downstairs windows trad. It really doesn't take that much longer and it's better than losing a customer.  I'd e-mail back and offer that and if he says no then he wanted to get rid anyway :)
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: darren9ball on March 31, 2012, 04:04:24 pm
To be honest
if they want out they will find any excuse it usually is a money problem and little embarresed too say it,  mate move on bundles of work out there  ;D
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: Crystal-clear on April 03, 2012, 09:07:48 pm
this sort of crap happens all the time , the other day someone went wild about water on the windows said it doesnt clean

, i said one min pls..... i went to her garden dug up some mud and smeared it on her downstars front window then i showed her the difference between this new dirty window and the rest of her clean windows , she immediately noticed the difference and was now looking forward to me using the pole again to clean it.

funny how normally when they are dirty no one complains about water on the windows?
but on maintenance cleans they do

i wacked the pole out and cleaned it off as it was a sunny day i said we will both wait and watch it dry clear as the other windows it did she paid was educated but still canceled admitting it now cleans but still for no reason wanting a ladder man to risk his life 25 foot high
Title: Re: Cancellation of service
Post by: Cliff perkins on April 04, 2012, 08:20:47 am
She didnt like you putting her in her place lol.
Well done