Clean It Up

UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Hard Floor Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Phil @ Extreme Clean on March 07, 2012, 07:50:01 pm

Title: Advice please
Post by: Phil @ Extreme Clean on March 07, 2012, 07:50:01 pm
Hi just wanted some advice i help my mate the odd day pressure washing and he gave a quote on a stone floor in back garden then he was asked could he do the same in there kitchen but he can't with his pressure washer so said i mite be able to help as i'm a carpet cleaner. I have a wet extraction machine and also a rotary cleaner with a medium brush if needed.

also not to sure what stone it actually is any advice appreciated thanks.
Title: Re: Advice please
Post by: Floor_Tony on March 07, 2012, 08:14:48 pm
Ok firstly before anything else really some pictures would be the most useful thing as you cannot identify the stone.

secondly in detail what finish has your friend agreed? what finish is on the stone now? then we can take it from there.

Title: Re: Advice please
Post by: Phil @ Extreme Clean on March 07, 2012, 08:35:49 pm
Hi Tony thanks for the reply the job isn't till next week and it's just a pressure clean outside i don't think there having it sealed just a wash down.

When we do the outside i will take photo's of what is inside to do and get back to you cheers.
Title: Re: Advice please
Post by: Floor_Tony on March 07, 2012, 09:13:46 pm
No problem sometimes the best way to find out what a stone it is simply ask the client, perhaps when there making you a cup tea?
Title: Re: Advice please
Post by: Phil @ Extreme Clean on March 08, 2012, 06:49:50 pm
Hi Tony the stone is york stone? like solid real stone i'm only a carpet cleaner and don't do this side but when i'm helping my friend power wash the garden i would like to quote them for this which is in there kitchen please could you tell me what chemical to use and were to buy also a rough price guide per sq mtr thankyou.
Title: Re: Advice please
Post by: Floor_Tony on March 10, 2012, 01:36:38 pm
Sorry for the late reply.

It will all depend on what kind of dirt it is. If it's just dirt then a good high alkaline cleaner will do it. Then after a good Impregnating sealer after will help in the maintenance for your client after the clean. Don't forget to pre-wet the stone prior to adding your alkaline cleaner you want the product to work on the surface of the stone and not in it. Agitate it in and allow to dwell 10-15min then agitate again and extract.

But if the stone has previously had any sealer on it or even a wax, then this will need to be stripped as well. If it's topical then do as above but add some honing powder.

All this can be done with your rotary and your brush but you will need to have a descent wet vac as well.

As for product ours are Aqua Mix, Aqua-Seal but others I am sure have others which ever is your preference. I would be happy to set you up a trade account if you wish.

Next your price per m2, this is the most common question I get when carpet cleaners are coming into this business. Every job is different with stone so prices vary it is also down to conditions, masking off, size of area and most importantly what you believe or know you are worth time wise. As a rough guide perhaps £10-15 per m2 maybe even £20.

If you want to discuss or ask any more questions feel free to call me anytime within reason.


Tiling Logistics
Marble Life Ltd

Title: Re: Advice please
Post by: jim mca on March 10, 2012, 01:46:03 pm

if you are going to yous the brush from your DF I would not yous it on carpet again just to be safe

Title: Re: Advice please
Post by: Phil @ Extreme Clean on March 11, 2012, 03:35:43 pm
who's Pete  ??? i'm Phil lol i won't use my DF machine i have a Taski Ergodisc 200 with brush thats what i will use if i even do the job.


Title: Re: Advice please
Post by: jim mca on March 12, 2012, 08:43:08 pm
Sorry pete  ;D