Clean It Up

UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Carpet Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: GS CLEANING SERVICES UK on February 05, 2012, 01:30:50 pm

Title: a quicky
Post by: GS CLEANING SERVICES UK on February 05, 2012, 01:30:50 pm
Hi guys , i clean the windows on this guys property that he rents out , when the tenants have left he wants the carpets cleaning but i have no idea on price so i would like to know what you guys would charge .
its a 2-bed house with 4 carpeted rooms , app 12ft-square , hsl , this house is in manchester ( so Northern prices )......i do need the work so i would price accordingly based on your prices...........thank you for any response
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: derek west on February 05, 2012, 01:44:25 pm
what you gonna clean it with, your squeegy? lol. seriously though, what ya gonna use to clean it with?
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: GS CLEANING SERVICES UK on February 05, 2012, 01:58:23 pm
lol yeah was going to , have not seen the state of it , but he only wants a maintenance clean , so i was thinking of hoovering with my kirby then using a cleaner i aquired form a hire shop i worked at years ago called a escort (decent dom cleaner ) i just need a ball-park figure (dont want to rip the guy off ) thanks
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: GS CLEANING SERVICES UK on February 05, 2012, 02:09:34 pm
28 views so far and no reply and i just know you have a figure in mind , your not all cc snobs are you? not trying to pinch anyones thunder , this job is just a one-off.......cmon guys
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Paul Moss on February 05, 2012, 02:11:39 pm
Go in at 25 quid at first then go to 15 if he  pulls a face.
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Simon Gerrard on February 05, 2012, 02:15:34 pm
I was thinking a tenner ;D
Seriously though, why do window cleaners suddenly think they can become carpet cleaners in the blink of an eye.
I'd tell the guy to call a professional carpet cleaner, just as if a customer of mine was looking to have his windows cleaned, I'd recommend he call a window cleaner. ;)
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: GS CLEANING SERVICES UK on February 05, 2012, 02:20:23 pm
lol ok cheers will do .........dont think i will get a sensible answer of you lot (another windie , thinking hes a cc , YAWN!!!! ) lol , i will put my quote in and use the money i get to book myself on a course for carpet cleaning , then i might be able to become a CARPET-CLEANING-SNOB lol..........cheers
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: neil 47 on February 05, 2012, 02:24:09 pm
this may help you ccharge what makes you happy  ;D
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Simon Gerrard on February 05, 2012, 02:26:51 pm
I don't think we are being snobbish, I think you would be equally peeved if carpet cleaners were constantly seeking advice on cleaning windows, which we know nothing about and there is probably more to it than meets the eye, just like cleaning carpets.

Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Paul Moss on February 05, 2012, 02:38:56 pm
Lol, what answer would you expect to get ::)

All carpet cleaners charge different prices, based on loads of different things.
All you need to do is take down room sizes and then phone 2 or 3 local cleaners to you for qoutes. That will give you your local average price ;)

Dont be so lazy asking on here,just do a bit of common sence leg work :)
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: GS CLEANING SERVICES UK on February 05, 2012, 02:51:00 pm
dont be so LAZY.....Paul it is Sunday after all , reason why i came on here is 1 im on it everyday anyway 2 , the guy doesnt want a pro guy with a pro price , im his windy , i said i would do it and he pays for my time . Like i said , i dont want to rip the guy but i want to make something of it....anyway , no biggy just thought ciu members help eachother out , if one of your cc custies lived in a bungalow and mentioned that she will pay someone £35 to clean her conservatory and windows , would you not don your window cleaning cap to her . HA nuff said LOL
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Simon Gerrard on February 05, 2012, 02:56:38 pm
if one of your cc custies lived in a bungalow and mentioned that she will pay someone £35 to clean her conservatory and windows , would you not don your window cleaning cap to her
Actually no, wouldn't even think about it, I'd give the lead to my brother in law whose a professional window cleaner. ;)
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Jim_77 on February 05, 2012, 02:57:14 pm
Not for £35!  I think this is the point that many non-carpet cleaners simply can't get their heads around.
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Jim_77 on February 05, 2012, 02:58:22 pm
Your customer needs to make a decision - pro price for a job worth being done, or go hire a rug doctor and make a balls of it.

Why is it that people want a rolls royce for the price of a skoda?
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Paul Evans on February 05, 2012, 03:10:24 pm
surely you want a decent job for your custie. I live in Hyde and could do this job for you if you wish

TACCA & NCCA  member.

Give us a bell. 0161 351 7346

Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Paul Redden Countryfresh on February 05, 2012, 03:49:50 pm
is it worth losing your custy if you're 'escort' soaks the carpet and leaves it wet for days causing  foul odours and possible damage from yellowing?

Would your p/l ins cover this? I don't think so.    Not a c/c snob, just sensible advise to save you grief  ;)
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: peter maybury on February 05, 2012, 03:53:30 pm
You have not had an answer because the hire equipment that you are going to use is absolute pants.
Your ignorance of our industry allows you to think that what you are going to do is going to be a comparable service to something that we have invested large amounts of money into equipment and training.
A polish cowboy with a crap machine and no idea of what he is doing would probably charge in the region of about £40/50 for what you are going to do. Then like my customer yesterday will pay somebody like myself £125 to put the job right. That is the best answer I can give you.
Peter (
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: steve cardy on February 05, 2012, 03:57:49 pm
hi goldstar, you said in your last post that your custy doesnt want to pay a pro guy with a pro price so asking alot of pro cleaners would charge seems abit pointless just charge him for your TIME. Just charge him what you could be earning cleaning windows. Easy
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Colin Day on February 05, 2012, 08:26:38 pm
I might add window cleaning to my services... I'm a dab hand with Windolene... ;)
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Steve Rothwell on February 05, 2012, 08:27:16 pm
vinegar and newspaper

 ;D ;D
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: GS CLEANING SERVICES UK on February 05, 2012, 08:55:03 pm
Mr Evans i will have a word with custy and see what his budget for the work is , if he wants a top-class job doing with the best equipment i will give you a ring and sort commision out for myself , if he just wants a cheapy , i will do it .
                                                                                                                                      The rest of you , although i respect this is your industry and you have paid alot of dough on machinery , training etc , i do feel that a couple of you who have responded are up your own arse , does your missus say you are that brilliant or do you just make love to your machines..........if it was a Mrs Bucket then i would recommend a pro to him , but as it is a geezer who happens to want his carpets in the house he rents out cleaning then that is why i have put myself forward . thank you         
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Craigp on February 05, 2012, 09:14:16 pm
£20 a room should be about right, take a protein stain remover that should get most of your black spots, ideally have a solvent spotter too.
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: derek west on February 05, 2012, 09:22:18 pm
i just get hose pipe on mine, same as having em professionally cleaned innit?  ;D
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Shaun_Ashmore on February 05, 2012, 10:28:05 pm
How much of his deposit does he want back?

Cost cuts both ways, he's asking you to do it because he knows and trusts you the trust and work may deminish if you f'up, carpets to pay for (i'm guessing you don't have treatment risk insurance) and losing a window cleaning customer.

Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Paul Evans on February 06, 2012, 10:52:33 am
Gold Star.

Is This job in Marple. I have just been asked to provide a quote via freeindex. With the exact same measurements you have stated on here.
You have also responded to this quote. According to freeindex who show you other companies that have responded.
Its a small world. And a little misleading by you in your initial question. To suggest it was one of your windie customers

Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: fitz2kleen on February 06, 2012, 11:00:54 am
Gold Star.

Is This job in Marple. I have just been asked to provide a quote via freeindex. With the exact same measurements you have stated on here.
You have also responded to this quote. According to freeindex who show you other companies that have responded.
Its a small world. And a little misleading by you in your initial question. To suggest it was one of your windie customers


nice one sherlock .... hope u get the job  ;D
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Paul Evans on February 06, 2012, 11:05:46 am
Dont think i will somehow. Reckon Goldstar will go in to cheap. But as we all know sometimes you go in TO CHEAP and customer see right through it  ;)
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: peter maybury on February 06, 2012, 12:10:42 pm
It is a great shame that people do not care how they make money. Some one who is going to pretend to be something he is not and go out to hire something that a customer can hire themselves is no better than the cheats and conmen that you see on programs like watchdog etc. If you do not have experience you are obviously going to lie to a customet in order to get the work.
Peter (
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Jim_77 on February 06, 2012, 12:58:09 pm
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Craigp on February 07, 2012, 05:51:49 pm


Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Paul Moss on February 07, 2012, 07:02:51 pm
Now some body tell me that we dont give away too much info on forums to the wrong people  ::)
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: graeme marchbank on February 07, 2012, 07:35:17 pm
£150, knock that out in about an hour with the TM, that still gives me time to go home and do the windows before I have my lunch ;D
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Billy Russell on February 07, 2012, 07:55:13 pm
Now some body tell me that we dont give away too much info on forums to the wrong people  ::)


 ;D ;D
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: sezzle72 on February 07, 2012, 08:33:25 pm
skoda....bloody good car ;D
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: peter maybury on February 07, 2012, 08:41:07 pm
The thing that makes me laugh is all he wanted to know was what to charge, he thought that the only other thing he needed to do to look professional was hire a machine.
I did a job on Saturday where the prevoius cleaner had turned up to do a full house with a rug doctor, after making a mess of the first room the customer told him to leave, telling him he was not going to pay anything for that standard of clean.  When the guy was insistant that what he was doing was acceptable the customer did get a little bit intimidated.
Our industry has a massive problem with people`s perception..........
Peter (
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Neil Williams on February 07, 2012, 08:42:14 pm
Now some body tell me that we dont give away too much info on forums to the wrong people  ::)

So correct
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Billy Russell on February 07, 2012, 08:46:45 pm
The thing that makes me laugh is all he wanted to know was what to charge, he thought that the only other thing he needed to do to look professional was hire a machine.
I did a job on Saturday where the prevoius cleaner had turned up to do a full house with a rug doctor, after making a mess of the first room the customer told him to leave, telling him he was not going to pay anything for that standard of clean.  When the guy was insistant that what he was doing was acceptable the customer did get a little bit intimidated.
Our industry has a massive problem with people`s perception..........
Peter (

and what did the customer say when you walked in with you spurs, holster and your stetson on?

 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Neil Williams on February 07, 2012, 08:55:11 pm
Our industry has a massive problem with people`s perception..........

Equally the customer has to accept a huge part of the blame for thinking they can get such a job done for a daft cheap price.
We've all seen the leaflets which normally are identical across the country other than a name change right at the top........ Pikey warning
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Mr Dvae on February 08, 2012, 06:09:36 am
Maybe Mr 'Gold Star' would command a little bit more respect if he used his real name on this forum or even signed his original post.

Kind regards

Tinky Winky
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Steve Rothwell on February 08, 2012, 07:01:32 am
Mr Gold ~Star bowed out of this debate at the top of page 2.

 ;D ;D
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: GS CLEANING SERVICES UK on February 08, 2012, 11:54:25 am
lol just flicking through ciu threads , and noticed you lot a still babbling on with eachother , and what good would it do if i gave my real name ,lets get it straight THEN leave it ....i gave someone a quote , i am not a cc and dont go aqround saying i am , i asked you lot for some advice and youve carried on ever if you were in a pub and someone you knew asked you for advice about there carpets , would you look at him and say "how dare you ask me that question "
i was going to write more but youve bored me , i off down tesco to take my rugdoctor back .
Title: Re: a quicky
Post by: Paul Moss on February 08, 2012, 08:09:24 pm
Guys if you go on the tacca site and ask a question, then you will get the right answer as we know fully who every one is and what their aim is  ;).

Oh and it has just been updated ;)