Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: P @ F on October 21, 2005, 10:02:32 pm

Title: Prices please , pics included
Post by: P @ F on October 21, 2005, 10:02:32 pm
Hi people , picked up 16 houses today , and i just want to see if i got the pricing right , here they are ......

2 types of house , front and back of each ..

Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: P @ F on October 21, 2005, 10:03:28 pm
Heres the other type ...
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: H h20 on October 21, 2005, 10:06:35 pm
Rich,i would want at least £15 each,if they include the conservatorys,Gaz
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: windows_chepstow on October 21, 2005, 10:07:34 pm
I'd now price both around the £20 mark, but I presently do a lot more for a lot less.
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: Newwfpgatherer on October 21, 2005, 10:07:46 pm
£25 average each.

Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: Chris Cottrell on October 21, 2005, 10:09:47 pm
I'd have quoted around £20 each if inc conseratorys
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: Sir Squeaky on October 21, 2005, 10:12:17 pm
Blimey you lot must be slow! :o

I'd say £12ish for each of those.

I'd smash through either of them in 15-20 mins with a squeegee.
That's 25quid odd in under 40 mins, and that's better than my older stuff!

Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: Newwfpgatherer on October 21, 2005, 10:16:57 pm
£25 average each.  I won't pay a penny less
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: pjulk on October 21, 2005, 10:18:43 pm
Blimey you lot must be slow!

I'd say £12ish for each of those.

I'd smash through either of them in 15-20 mins with a squeegee.
That's 25quid odd in under 40 mins, and that's better than my older stuff!

£12 each way to cheap.

I would do them for £20 each and get them done in 15 minutes at the most each

Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: Newwfpgatherer on October 21, 2005, 10:21:31 pm
Tell you wot Squeaky,
Come and do stuff for me like that, I'll pay you £15 each, I'll be reasonable, I'll charge £22.50
Everybody's 'appy

Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: Moderator David@stives on October 21, 2005, 10:21:56 pm
i would try for £25 and if they shied away i would say well i will try it for £20 and see if it is ok because it is hard to see how long it would take until i have done it .and they usually go for that and once they get to know you they will stick with you .
them houses must be £500`000 in plymouth so i would say they would go for £25 ,they can afford it
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: H h20 on October 21, 2005, 10:22:01 pm
Blimey you lot must be slow! :o

I'd say £12ish for each of those.

I'd smash through either of them in 15-20 mins with a squeegee.
That's 25quid odd in under 40 mins, and that's better than my older stuff!

How would you do the windows over the sloaped slate tile roof and over the conservatory roof?.
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: rosskesava on October 21, 2005, 10:22:26 pm
If we start pricing by time then prices will go down.

I'd go for £25 each.
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: windows_chepstow on October 21, 2005, 10:26:06 pm
Blimey you lot must be slow! :o

I'd smash through either of them in 15-20 mins with a squeegee.
That's 25quid odd in under 40 mins, and that's better than my older stuff!



What about the windows above the conservatory and pitched roof?  Okay, you might risk the climb onto the pitched roof - probably a bit dodgy when it's damp though.

Bu you wouldn't be able to do the one above the conservatory.

You'd be missing windows.  

Consider the fact that customers that live in these type of houses are intelligent enough to know that a window cleaner whose using specialised equipment is worth more than a window cleaner who has a flat cap and a 'rolly' sticking out of the corner of his mouth.

Go on Rog, get a WFP.

Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: H h20 on October 21, 2005, 10:27:49 pm
Tosh,ive already asked that question,Gaz. ;)
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: rosskesava on October 21, 2005, 10:29:50 pm
Is this with wfp or with traditional methods?
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: H h20 on October 21, 2005, 10:30:51 pm
Is this with wfp or with traditional methods?
Ross,take a closer look at the pics,Gaz.
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: Newwfpgatherer on October 21, 2005, 10:31:29 pm
Without wfp it's a 2 man job over that porch in the wet, or it's a pole and backflip double sumersault.
Either way do the job properly or don't do it at all £25 please
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: windows_chepstow on October 21, 2005, 10:33:22 pm
Tosh,ive already asked that question,Gaz. ;)

I know, but there I was composing my master peice and you just jumped in with your one-liner.  

Roger is a top bloke, I know him.  He's just got a closed mind.  He drives a nice motor and doesn't want it ruined with WFP stuff.  And the jump to WFP for Roger would mean a bigger jump to another vehicle first.

Roger is skilled with a squeegie too; very fast.  So I understand his reluctance.

Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: H h20 on October 21, 2005, 10:39:26 pm
Tosh,ive already asked that question,Gaz. ;)

I know, but there I was composing my master peice and you just jumped in with your one-liner. 

Roger is a top bloke, I know him.  He's just got a closed mind.  He drives a nice motor and doesn't want it ruined with WFP stuff.  And the jump to WFP for Roger would mean a bigger jump to another vehicle first.

Roger is skilled with a squeegie too; very fast.  So I understand his reluctance.

Soz Tosh,i wasn`t having a go at Roger,i was just wondering how it could be done,for so little with out wfp,i to am a whizz with the pad and blade been using them for 17 years and still do a lot of it,Gaz.
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: 24-7 S C Services on October 21, 2005, 10:41:10 pm
Hi Everyone,

I would not touch them for less than £25 each and that does not include the conservatory either.

Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: H h20 on October 21, 2005, 10:42:43 pm
So come on then Rich,how much did you charge?,Gaz.
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: Sir Squeaky on October 21, 2005, 10:45:37 pm
That's right mate. ;)

To answer the question, I wouldn't do the one above the door - people understand.

Don't like to back-peddle, but I'd probably say £15 actually.
If you asked £25 around here you wouldn't get. Not a chance.

Expensive area around here but tight people.

Roger is skilled with a squeegie too; very fast.  So I understand his reluctance.
That's right. Don't need the bother for a few extra quid.

Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: Moderator David@stives on October 21, 2005, 10:46:15 pm

Tip mate dont have them brushes laying face down on the ground or on the roof you are asking for spots that way  ;)

Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: Newwfpgatherer on October 21, 2005, 10:50:05 pm
Actually Rog
I think exactly the same as you, people are the same round here, but I would still hit them with £25.
If they take it, maybe I'd be wrong, I do drop in price, I tell people I want regular work not one offs, but I would go for the big one first.

Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: Moderator David@stives on October 21, 2005, 10:52:59 pm
i would get £20 -£25 all day long down here
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: P @ F on October 21, 2005, 10:57:27 pm
Right , first things first , i did most of them today already , £15 a piece
They took me about 25 ~30 mins each , not bad i think

Paul Griffin , do you use wfp , there is no way anybody would get around those in 15 mins , the roofs are slate so climbing is a big nono .

 Im so confident i will pay the diesel  for anybody to come down and do them in 15 minutes , thats pie in the sky !

David you should be in the housing market , they go for 475K a piece .

 Oh , and if you look closely a lot of the windows are split panes .

 Rich  P @ F  
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: H h20 on October 21, 2005, 11:00:08 pm
Right , first things first , i did most of them today already , £15 a piece
They took me about 25 ~30 mins each , not bad i think

Paul Griffin , do you use wfp , there is no way anybody would get around those in 15 mins , the roofs are slate so climbing is a big nono .

 Im so confident i will pay the diesel  for anybody to come down and do them in 15 minutes , thats pie in the sky !

David you should be in the housing market , they go for 475K a piece .

 Oh , and if you look closely a lot of the windows are split panes .

 Rich  P @ F   
Rich,was i bang on with the same price or what!!!,Gaz.  ;)
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: Chris Cottrell on October 21, 2005, 11:05:19 pm


Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: S.C.S on October 21, 2005, 11:05:48 pm
atleast £15.00 each around here  ;D
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: P @ F on October 21, 2005, 11:09:59 pm
Oh yes Gaz , dont get me wrong , i want to earn big money , but if i do 2 of those an hour its £30 , im not a greedy man , thats enough for me for now .
Christ , i used to work my arse off multi dropping all over Cornwall for £7 an hour before tax , i had to sink a bit of money in this venture but at least now its me gettin rich , not my ex boss .

 Rich  P @ F
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: matt on October 22, 2005, 09:56:36 am
with my round being fairly full, i am in a postition to charge a bit more

first house -- 25 quid

second house -- 30 quid

thats if i am in a good mood and the owner doesnt come over all "better than me" because im just a window cleaner, if that happens, then i would add 5 quid on the price

Oh and sometimes if they have a fleet of cars (some expensive) on the drive, it allso gets a "rich tax" of a few quid

im just being honest here ;)
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: Sarah Sarill on October 22, 2005, 10:28:43 am
Hi Rich,

Just catching up on last nights postings and suddenly though 16 new houses in one day.  How come ??  Were you canvassing ?

Could it be the new Van  :D

Give us the secret then,


Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: pjulk on October 22, 2005, 10:57:19 am
Paul Griffin , do you use wfp , there is no way anybody would get around those in 15 mins , the roofs are slate so climbing is a big nono


Yes i do use WFP thats why i said 15 mins, There is no way i could get round that fast traditional.
But saying that i could take a bit longer as its hard to tell really unless you are there but i don't think 15 mins is far out with WFP.

Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: williamx on October 22, 2005, 12:14:34 pm
1st House

1st clean £35.00 then £25.00 per month

2nd House

1st clean 30.00 then £20.00 per month

Clean Time

1st house

1st clean 50-60 minutes then 20-25 minutes

2nd house

1st clean 40-50 minutes then 15-20 minutes
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: sair on October 22, 2005, 01:23:00 pm
min of 30 up to 45 would settle about 37.5   , that will create some minds going
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: P @ F on October 22, 2005, 02:43:05 pm
SARAH SARILL , I got the houses by complete accident , decided to stop for some dinner in a quiet cul de sac , woman comes up to me and says " Are you a window cleaner " i looked at the side of the van and says " I think so , yes ! "
Any way , she took me on and told me to knock in on the others , i got all but three in the street , but they were out so i reckon i will get them next time .
I was going to up the prices , there was shiney Audis and Porsch and Beemer all over the shop , but hey 16 of those is a good days work , if i want to do them all in a day !
PAUL GRIFFIN , Didnt realise you was on wfp , is your van a TARDIS !
Reckon they could be done quicker , but i dont do running !

  Cheers    Rich  P @ F
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: Davindo Cleana on October 22, 2005, 03:21:22 pm
Nice one Rich - going from strength to strength - I thought the photos were of two houses  in each (two porches in one photo) and would have said £10 for standard and £15 with conservatory - but £25 would be fair -
I go on a lot to the punters about the frames bit and then spend ages on the first clean and they seem to appreciate that this is so unlike trad cleaning - more expensive but good value for their money

Good thing is you got them all together and it is a good earner

Nice point you make about not being greedy - multi dropping is modern slave labour :)
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: pjulk on October 22, 2005, 05:26:01 pm
Didnt realise you was on wfp , is your van a TARDIS !
As soon as i open the back it nearly all falls out.

For those i would grab my trolley as it takes longer mucking about with hose's.
I don't hang about unless it's near the end of the week then i slow down abit.

The time's i mentioned would be a regular clean though doubt i would manage that time on a first clean.

After the first clean though anyone with WFP should manage to do them in 15 minutes.

Most of my work are those sort of house's and have them fine tuned.

Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: Sarah Sarill on October 22, 2005, 06:22:22 pm
SARAH SARILL , I got the houses by complete accident , decided to stop for some dinner in a quiet cul de sac , woman comes up to me and says " Are you a window cleaner " i looked at the side of the van and says " I think so , yes ! "
Any way , she took me on and told me to knock in on the others , i got all but three in the street , but they were out so i reckon i will get them next time .
I was going to up the prices , there was shiney Audis and Porsch and Beemer all over the shop , but hey 16 of those is a good days work , if i want to do them all in a day !
PAUL GRIFFIN , Didnt realise you was on wfp , is your van a TARDIS !
Reckon they could be done quicker , but i dont do running !

  Cheers    Rich  P @ F

Rich,  a  bit of luck like that doesn't happen often - enjoy.

Thought you may have found a new magical canvassing method with hugh returns  ;D


Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: P @ F on October 22, 2005, 08:12:00 pm
Sarah , i suppose it is a sneaky way of canvassing in a way , i try to work it so that at dinner time im in a different place , just park the van where most of the people can see it clearly , and eat away !
Another way i have found to get people is to work saturdays , i dont like doing it but you would be surprised how many people i have gotten from it , i like to get in the back of the van , run off some water , and faff around with my TDS meter in full view of people , shaking it like a thermometer and holding it up to the sun ! , it makes me look like a loon but its amazing how many nosey neighbours come out and ask what you are doing .

Rich P @ F
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: Sarah Sarill on October 22, 2005, 08:25:49 pm
Hi Rich,

Your in the wrong trade - an actor you should have been. ;D ;D

Great idea though  -  my hubby doesn't need to act that one he does it every day but its cos he genuinly cant understand the reading !!!

Must look really thick though cos he dont pick up any additional work !!!!!!


Sarah   :D
Title: Re: Prices please , pics included
Post by: P @ F on October 22, 2005, 08:30:38 pm
Sarah , just tell him to mutter away to himself and make the odd grunt and high pitched YIP YIP YOO every now and then , it works .

Rich  P @ F