Clean It Up

UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Carpet Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Hilton on June 03, 2011, 08:50:07 am

Title: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Hilton on June 03, 2011, 08:50:07 am
I have added a poll, please vote even if not posting  ;)

If asked by a charity to carry out cleaning at no charge at least twice a month for very vulnerable people in your area would you be prepared to do it ?

The goodwill that goes with such an arrangement could prove to be very productive especially if used in marketing and if the charity allowed you to use their name and logo's.

Reason for asking ?

I have a meeting with a large charity later next week in which this subject will be discussed amongst other things and wanted to gauge opinion as the strength or otherwise of feeling on carrying out philanthropic activities.
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: robert meldrum on June 03, 2011, 08:54:48 am
Who will benefit from your " donation"
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: richy27 on June 03, 2011, 08:58:55 am
I personally would not work for free regardless if it was for charity. Trouble is if you start this sort of thing you will get loads of charity s wanting the same . 
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: mark joyce on June 03, 2011, 09:02:41 am
No such thing as a free lunch my friend  :(  Charities are good at pulling heart strings but twice a month is a bit much, now if there is a load of paid work that comes with it yes I would do it.  However there has to be give and take have you seen the amount of money the government pay these establishments to protect theses vulnerable people and they want areas cleaned for free  >:(  why springs to mind
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Hilton on June 03, 2011, 09:07:56 am
No such thing as a free lunch my friend  :(  Charities are good at pulling heart strings but twice a month is a bit much, now if there is a load of paid work that comes with it yes I would do it.  However there has to be give and take have you seen the amount of money the government pay these establishments to protect theses vulnerable people and they want areas cleaned for free  >:(  why springs to mind

Ita a charity the government give them nothing other than charitable status for tax reasons.
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Colin Day on June 03, 2011, 09:17:29 am
I cleaned an office carpet for "Shelter Box" a few months ago for free.

I have had nothing back in return apart from feeling good about what I did... oh, and 4 jobs from the staff that work in there, amounting to over £300's worth of work ;)

So yes, if it's a good cause, of course I'd clean for nothing :)
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Steve Rothwell on June 03, 2011, 09:17:47 am
I would..............

once a month we clean a few settees and chairs for a charity in Andover.

No strings just a free clean so that they can sell some of their suites easier than if they were minging.

Sometimes it is not money that makes the world go around.
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Colin Day on June 03, 2011, 09:20:38 am
I would..............

once a month we clean a few settees and chairs for a charity in Andover.

No strings just a free clean so that they can sell some of their suites easier than if they were minging.

Sometimes it is not money that makes the world go around.

Very true :)
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: neil 47 on June 03, 2011, 09:33:50 am
I have done free jobs loads of times .

and never have i got nothing . people dont like something for nothing .did a friends rug .she sent round 4 bottles of wine ,

did the local rugby club chairs where my son has played since 13.gave me some free beer .

so things usualy work out in your favour and you get to feel good about giving

Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Sarah Kirby on June 03, 2011, 09:34:35 am
Hilton, its a personal choice. As Hector said, money isn't everything. If you go for it, good for you. You may get some paid work from it and it would probably boost your reputation but you may get a personal sense of satisfaction which is sometimes worth more than money  :)
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Helen on June 03, 2011, 09:46:44 am
Have voted "unsure" as I see it a few different ways and have done similar in the past.
We do work for charity driven support homes and although have never done a "free" clean we keep the rate discounted for them. But as with any business when they have management changes, we get a few issues, which can be sorted, but have brought about some problems that in all honesty wasn't worth the time in us having to sort out....hope that makes sense.
We also sub-contract to a company that does the UK re-fits for a chain of charity shops and the info they have let slip at times beggars belief on how much these charities spend out and waste of Joe public's donations instead of it going to the intended cause.
As with all "potential" situations, it could be good, it could be bad and you will only find out once you try.
Instead of offering free, why not offer discounted rates and see how that goes. :)
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Ian Gourlay on June 03, 2011, 10:14:34 am
I have a JP tape from circa 2000AD where a cleaner did do charity cleans on a weekly basis as a way of helping less fortunate people.

It was not restricted to one charity.

A friend of mine who ran a charity shop wanted me to clean suites for say £10 I turned it down

Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Colin Day on June 03, 2011, 01:08:38 pm
I have done free jobs loads of times .

and never have i got nothing . people dont like something for nothing .did a friends rug .she sent round 4 bottles of wine ,

did the local rugby club chairs where my son has played since 13.gave me some free beer .

so things usualy work out in your favour and you get to feel good about giving


You can come and clean my carpets then ;D
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: John Kelly on June 03, 2011, 01:43:45 pm
I used to do a local hospice and a home for people born blind, deaf and mute for free also recently done some chairs at a local young carers where a friend of ours works. Only takes a couple of hours of your time.
Some people give hours and hours of their spare time to good causes. Mate of mine works for radio lolipop in hospitals. He a top manager with a large company and can still give time up at weekends to help them out.
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: richy27 on June 03, 2011, 02:02:36 pm
my origial post prob sounded a bit harsh  what i meant to get across was if i had a call asking to clean for free tugging the heart strings my answer would be no but would maybe offer a 25 % discount . If i chose to clean for free because of perhaps a connection relating to a cause then i might  .   but i feel sometimes people believe because they are a registered charity they believe everything should be free of charge .

Of topic but i got married last year and the church asked me to clean the carpets but wait for it after my wedding . Oh yeah and obviously with no charge.  then i got an invoice for £625 for the church bill for the wedding . my answer was cause i will clean the carpets if my wedding was free .  all went quiet on the subject lol.

Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Colin Day on June 03, 2011, 02:21:40 pm
Farming lot are all the same Richard, they made 50 pence pieces an equilateral curved heptagon shape so they could get them out of a farmers's hand with a spanner... ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: richy27 on June 03, 2011, 02:43:45 pm
Farming lot are all the same Richard, they made 50 pence pieces an equilateral curved heptagon shape so they could get them out of a farmers's hand with a spanner... ;D ;D ;D

busted   i am just officially a mean nasty selfish  tight ass.    quite proud of it though
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Steve Gunn on June 03, 2011, 04:23:04 pm
Have done a few freebies soft as poo me ;)
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Doug Holloway on June 03, 2011, 04:37:59 pm
Hi Guys

Yes I have done as I'm sure a lot have.

I would definitely not do it to use as an advert, it is always better to give quietly.


Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Hilton on June 03, 2011, 04:41:06 pm
Thats an interesting comment, do it quietly.

There is a post on here;

No Wonder we Sometimes Get a Bad Name

Going by most of the replies and the poll there are a lot of you who carry out cleans for good causes that go unrecognised, no doubt many of you dont want any recognition it's just that feeling of doing someone a good turn.

Wouldn't it be nice to be known in your community as the business that supports your local/national charity and I mean really be known.

And in turn, to be supported by your local community or area of operation by customers both domestic and business who choose to use your services because of the very fact that they know you support a charity or charities free of charge and as such require their support so that you can carry on doing such good deeds, gratis.

For Example;

When Mrs Jones is looking for a CC, they all look and do the same at similar prices to her, she does not know who to choose.What will sway her decision? do you think she will choose Same as Everyone Else Ltd or you who are linked and recommended by,just for example, a Breast Cancer Charity. She knows that by choosing you over the other mob means she is not only getting her carpets cleaned but will also be directly supporting that Breast Cancer Charity by appointing you.

Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: mark joyce on June 03, 2011, 04:45:42 pm
the reason I would not is because I have in the past done some work for a charity, got talking to a few people and found out that the same charity was paying 2 fund raisers over 100k each a year
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Neil Williams on June 03, 2011, 08:23:21 pm
For Example;
When Mrs Jones is looking for a CC, they all look and do the same at similar prices to her, she does not know who to choose.What will sway her decision? do you think she will choose Same as Everyone Else Ltd or you who are linked and recommended by,just for example, a Breast Cancer Charity. She knows that by choosing you over the other mob means she is not only getting her carpets cleaned but will also be directly supporting that Breast Cancer Charity by appointing you.

I see a slight flaw in this idea, and it's that if someone thinks you do work for nothing that's not far off what they will expect to pay you. There are some nasty types out there who will use an opportunity if it suits them.
The thing with charities is that you have to check them out. There are some seriously unde funded groups who do great work (normally at local level), whilst there are some paying out huge sums in wages (nearly always nationally).
I see in our local paper that the towns Rugby Club (playing at just under profession level) have been given charitable and why?
Someone who we do a lot of work for on contract built a small school on his farm and managed to get charitable status for that......he's worth a reported £80m
So like I said check them out and be satisfied that in your own mind that you doing something good that means something to someone and not that they are pulling a fast one....a bit like the Church of England who constantly claim povity whilst sitting on vast amounts of property and land.
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Doctor Carpet (Ret'd) on June 03, 2011, 11:21:53 pm
I answered no but only because it was the nearest answer. probably should have voted for the 3rd option but that's a bit of a cop out.

Hilton. To specifically answer your question no I probably wouldn't for the following reasons.
It's too freqent. Admittedly if you have nothing better to do then its a possibility but it may be an arrangement that you would soon tire of especially if other things came up.
Secondly, it's not just giving time and chemicals-it's also time that could have been spent earning money from a paying customer. So in effect a double cost to you.
Thirdly, using it as PR m.ay only work depending upon how high profile the charity is.
Fourthly, the charity may possibly have deep suspicions of your motives if you simply go in there offering "free".
Finally, I would imagine that high profile charities wouldn't wish to be seen having "exclusive" deals as it may compromise them-especially if you then go and embarrass the charity. If it's not a high profile charity-then looking for their "endorsement" may be a waste of time.
I list these simply as principles-obvioulsy a different decision may be arived at depending upon the specific circumstances.

Personally I prefer to work in a similar way to Doug. I can do freebies quietely, perhaps as part of an overall paying job.That's because I prefer to give rather than expect something back. I may also make an anomonous donation back to the charity. I have often "championed" charities to other people, raising the charity profile whilst not explaining why i am doing so. In effect I get paid for cleaning but then give free PR to the charity .

Don't know if that helps.

Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: gary hall on June 04, 2011, 06:07:45 am
Charity is in my opinion is a tricky one - if we are running  a business we must make a profit I get that ,  BUT we are human beings first and foremost - to give is to get- let me tell you a true story.

Old lady phoned me up once wanted a  rug done (2m x 2m) - I thought its gonna take me longer to set up than it is to clean - charged a tenner - done clean ( took about 40 mins) - she then told me to sit down and have a sandwich - came out of the kitchen with a load to cucumber sandwiches and told me to tuck in while she gets the box!!!
Comes back with a huge box of old photos - and the conversation starts with :
"this is me and Sid in Brighton - he died in 1996 you know "
I was there for  about 4 hours  - was I being a business tosser yep !! didnt make a penny  that day but boy was I rich - it taught me that  a good deed (charity call it want you want) enriches the giver as much as the getter
Next day  got a call from her son who runs a huge pub - said his mum had phoned him and that she was so pleased the job I did !!! and he thanked me for taking the time with her as unbeknown to me it was the anniversary of his dads death the exact day I did the clean - he asked me to take a look at the pub for cc - quoted - got job - cleaned pub every year since
PPS - old lady died in 2008 - but she changed my view on what is the true worth of a charitable act -
To you all remember  one word Karma !!
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Mike Halliday on June 04, 2011, 08:41:07 am
if any charity asked me to work for nothing I would politely tell them to get stuffed.

what an insulting and condescending thing to ask, would they ask their accountant, solicitor, plumber electrician...etc..etc  to come in fortnightly to work for free?...... absolutely no chance, but they think what we do is a hobby and we have nothing better to do( like earn a living to pay our bills & feed our children)

I actually work for lots of charities including a local hospice and not one of them has ever asked for a discount, they are professional business that are run the same way as any other company.

they way i contribute to their cuase is by doing what i always do...... the best clean possible, at a fair price.

Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: derek west on June 04, 2011, 08:45:25 am
charity begins at home, and thats where it stays in our house.
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Joe H on June 04, 2011, 08:49:46 am
I just done a quote for a charity shop carpet.
They not asked for a discount but I have given stated 20% off (what I deem to be a good rate for me) IF they agree to pay within 14 days of invoice.
Only put in quote Friday morning, not heard back yet but they want it done next Saturday afternoon.
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: wynne jones on June 04, 2011, 10:32:24 am

Go with your gut. No one on here can tell you what's right or wrong for you.
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: craig partridge on June 04, 2011, 12:09:33 pm
I tend to agree with Mike.

They are the charity not you.

If you want to do things for charity do it outside of your business!
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Bob Allen on June 05, 2011, 05:01:22 pm
As alot of people have said we have all done it, but for me being a truck mount user every hour i spend running my machine could cost me £6-£7 i would happily give my free time if it didnt mean i was out of pocket, after all the person asking wouldnt come round your house and clean your van out for free would they, it is a slight miconception that they dont get paid as alot of them do.
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Fintan_Coll on June 05, 2011, 06:07:16 pm
The only work I do not charge for is at my own local Church. I maintain the tiles in the aisle, something I take pride in. I often work in other Church buildings of various denominations but just charge my normal rate. The same applies to working on any charitable organisations property or premises.
At the same time I don't mind giving a good discount to any customer who genuinely cannot afford to pay the top rate. For example an old person living alone with no income apart from a small pension or a single parent trying to raise a child or two on their own and possibly out of work. You always know the deserving cases when you meet them. I always think good deeds should always be done quietly and without publicity.
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: BEN DAVISON CLEANING on June 05, 2011, 08:16:47 pm
got a call from my old village church the otherday.Havent been there for years.Anyway they have had a cafe/community room built on the side and wondered if i would do the carpet in there taking into account they are a local charity.Its about the size of a good lounge diner.
I couldnt do it for any less than £50 i told her and she was fine with this.I was also allowed to put my business cards behind the counter and i picked up another job from a friend of hers. :)

Would i do it for free every month though?Not a chance.They make money by renting the room out and from the cafe.I wouldnt ask for a free lunch if i was hard up and wouldnt expect one either ;D
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Peter Sweeney on June 05, 2011, 08:38:23 pm
I'm a yes but its for a charity shop that raises money for early birth units and there is a strong personal connection for me. I don't make a song and dance about it because it makes me feel good inside that I can help what I feel to be a very worthy cause and one that tends to only be supported by those affected by it.

Very much a horses for courses one but I certainly would'nt use it as a marketing opportunity as that is just damn right cynical. Good post highlighting how morals inevitably slip into our business life (as this is part of our every day lives) but I must point out that I am not pointing the finger as the "no's" as I get back (inside) as much as I put in.
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Steve Rothwell on June 05, 2011, 08:45:10 pm
got a call from my old village church the otherday.Havent been there for years.Anyway they have had a cafe/community room built on the side and wondered if i would do the carpet in there taking into account they are a local charity.Its about the size of a good lounge diner.
I couldnt do it for any less than £50 i told her and she was fine with this.I was also allowed to put my business cards behind the counter and i picked up another job from a friend of hers. :)

Would i do it for free every month though?Not a chance.They make money by renting the room out and from the cafe.I wouldnt ask for a free lunch if i was hard up and wouldnt expect one either ;D

which village is that Ben ??
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: derek west on June 05, 2011, 09:57:30 pm
i don't even go out and quote for charities anymore, charities know they'll get some numpty nice person to do it for newt and its not me so why should i waste my time.  ;D
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Jim_77 on June 06, 2011, 02:35:37 am
If somebody ASKED me to do a job for free I'd tell them where to go.  Don't think I've ever met anyone that brass-necked yet, not even a Yorkshireman!

However if I felt like not charging for something, that's a different story altogether (have done now and again).

As Mike says, charities are businesses, and their business is collecting YOUR money.  Their energy suppliers don't give them free electricity and gas, BT don't let them off their phone bill.  I won't let them off paying for having carpets & upholstery cleaned!

I don't get any sense of satisfaction or self-worth from ripping myself off :)
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Hilton on June 06, 2011, 02:22:25 pm
Wow....... 85% would either do it or might with further information, you really are a charitable lot.

Many thanks for your input and I will take all your comments on board  :-*

I am talking to the people later in the week, it's a bit more involved than I may have suggested but certainly worth looking at.
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Colin Day on June 06, 2011, 02:36:06 pm
I must point out that "Shelterbox" didn't ask for a free clean. I did the clean and the very next day they sent their equipment and volunteers out to deal with the Earthquake Down Under, I felt compelled NOT to charge them when they do so much for others.... :)
Title: Re: Would you clean for nothing if it was in a good cause..
Post by: Hilton on June 16, 2011, 03:31:12 pm

Just to follow up on this, I had a meeting with a group who are intending to run a scheme in this country along these lines,

It was a good meeting and we are to meet again, I am uncomfortable with the service being only for women angle as I know there are many men in the same boat but the intentions are genuine I believe and it something that will be discussed further.