Clean It Up

UK General Cleaning Forum => General Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: mystery on February 21, 2011, 06:44:08 pm

Title: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: mystery on February 21, 2011, 06:44:08 pm
Hello all,

Could really use a little help. Obviously I'm aware we are in a recession, but we have lost so much work and I just can't bring any new work in. We are only a really little business, so I'd be happy with just getting a a few new regular domestics or offices.

Whatever I seem to do, the phone just doesn't ring. I paid £300 to have my website optimised last year, we are ranking fairly well, but the site is not getting that much traffic, I have no idea why????? And hence, no leads from there. I have tried advertising, leaflet drops, cards in shop windows etc etc, but just nothing.

Is this just what I have to except because of the recession, or am I doing something wrong, any ideas and advice, would be so greatly appreciated, I'm pretty fed up of going round in circles now.

Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: topcat35 on February 21, 2011, 07:28:42 pm
Hi There!
Let your customers know your looking for new business. they may think your busy and dont have time. They will will be all to happy to help and reccomend you to there freinds. word of mouth and all that. ;D
Why not rehash the customers you have and offer them a half price clean if they reccomend a friend. Also I think its the time of year for a good spring clean. you could offer your excisting custommers a speciall spring clean offer ??? That will bump the hours up for a short while.
Good luck theres plenty of work out there. You have just got to find. Dont give up !! ;)
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: heritagecleaning on February 21, 2011, 08:35:18 pm
I just googled 'Lincoln Cleaners' and you're nowhere to be found - could this be part of the problem?
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: Taylor & Taylor WC Services on February 21, 2011, 08:41:35 pm
Personally I'd be on the potential customers doorsteps..... face to face. That IMO is the best way to promote yourself.

Be a GO GETTER if it's not coming to you
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: mystery on February 21, 2011, 08:44:31 pm
I just googled 'Lincoln Cleaners' and you're nowhere to be found - could this be part of the problem?

Very strange!! I've just used the same search term and I've come up as number 3! I'm pretty much in the top 5 at least for all the main search terms as far as I'm aware and when I type them in, it's right there. I can't understand why you wouldn't see it?!?
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: mystery on February 21, 2011, 08:47:28 pm
Personally I'd be on the potential customers doorsteps..... face to face. That IMO is the best way to promote yourself.

Be a GO GETTER if it's not coming to you

I know window cleaners do this, but I've never heard of domestic cleaners doing it. Worth some thought, but I think I would need to knock a few thousand doors to get anywhere. Not sure I have the time to do that many.

Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: heritagecleaning on February 21, 2011, 08:55:31 pm
Just did it again and there you are, 3rd :)
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: mystery on February 21, 2011, 08:57:56 pm
Just did it again and there you are, 3rd :)

Phew, I was wonderig what was going on for a minute there!
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: newbroom on February 21, 2011, 09:31:40 pm
Do you go to  networking event i don't mean BNI  i mean anny events where other businesses will be.

You must have parish magazines where you operate find the advertising medium that works best for your target market

People are obsessed with internet it is a tool in box but not the only one.
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: mystery on February 21, 2011, 09:58:37 pm
Do you go to  networking event i don't mean BNI  i mean anny events where other businesses will be.

You must have parish magazines where you operate find the advertising medium that works best for your target market

People are obsessed with internet it is a tool in box but not the only one.

Thanks for your reply. I have never been to a networking event, but as we are manly focused on domestic work, again, I'm not sure I would get alot out of this. I'm also time poor, so I would rathr spend than use up my time where possible  :)

I advertise in local business directories, local newsletters, parish publications, magazines, newspapers, in shop windows, etc etc....this has all worked well in the past and brought in new business very easily, but nothing anymore, i mean literally NOTHING  :( not even an enquiry, I just seem to be throwing money away.

On the advice of others, I got my site properly optimised and that's not really generating anything either, a couple of eot's and that's all!

I'm completely at a loss, I have really been trying and looking at new things, but they just aren't working anymore and I'm left wondering what I'm missing  ???

I don't know if the recession is just hitting people near me or what, but I've never had it so hard
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: BDCS on February 21, 2011, 10:07:32 pm
 Firstly you may not like my answer but hey ho

consider another name - maybe run alongside what you use now
spend precious time talking to people about what you do and how good you are
tell them what you do and what else you do
look at what your competitors do and how they do it
are the website key words optimised for what joe public would use to find what you do
Go door knocking just as you would for window cleaning
dismiss anything I say
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: mystery on February 21, 2011, 10:39:47 pm
Firstly you may not like my answer but hey ho

consider another name - maybe run alongside what you use now
spend precious time talking to people about what you do and how good you are
tell them what you do and what else you do
look at what your competitors do and how they do it
are the website key words optimised for what joe public would use to find what you do
Go door knocking just as you would for window cleaning
dismiss anything I say

 :) Thank you for your answer BDCS, I like all answers, if nothing more they will give me a starting point. I do not mean to sound dismissive at all, just trying to be frank about what I have tried thus far and also feeling a bit fed up of doing the same thing. That's not working, so I feel I need to change tack.

Change name? Seriously? I've only ever had positive feedback about my name, but haven't considered it much from a marketing point, However I do think it's more memorable than abc cleaning services.

I do talk about my business and hand out business cards at every opportunity :)

Hmmm, competitors?! Well, I know who they are and how much they charge, but I'm not sure why they are busy and I am not, ok, well the main 3 are franchises, so I suppose that helps but otherwise, how can I find out where there business is coming from? Take merry maids for example, I have never seen them advertise anywhere, so I wonder how they get new business, how would I find this out?

The keywords, I spent quite a bit of time on and I think I've just abot got them right according to google "cleaner lincoln" is searched for 1200 times per month, but I'm only getting like 60-70 hits per month, and that is only 1 search term I'm ranked in the top 5 for. To be honest, I think something is not right there, the traffic just seems to low and when we put on a couple of adwords, the traffic quickly rose, so I can't seem to get my head around what's going on there. But it isn't generating any leads either?!?

Door knocking will be a very last resort, my own opinion is that it would require too much time to generate single lead and I would find it difficult to knock on peoples doors also. If other things don't yield any results, then I will give this a chance, but I'd rather try other things first.
Sorry for the long drawn out post, but I wouldn't want to be dismissive  ;) ;D
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: Matt Gibson on February 21, 2011, 10:45:54 pm
has anyone had anything to do with the whole BNI thing?
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: mystery on February 21, 2011, 10:54:15 pm
has anyone had anything to do with the whole BNI thing?

No I haven't. Just googled it and it seems they have groups near me. Never been to one before, is it likely to generate new leads? What's your experience?
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: BDCS on February 21, 2011, 11:00:42 pm
No - they meet way before I crawl out of bed!

I googled" cleaner Lincoln" and merrymaids were on google maps.

I am no expert as my missus does our websites but how many url's do you have ? I don't think one site can cover all the options - we have about 20 and are cross linked to cover each town / delivery area and the various trades I cover. Url's are £3 for 2 years and hosting is £6 a month, your £300 would buy a lot of web presence. VIEW the SOURCE of your competitors sites to see their key words.

Name - I read things into things and saw Shat O cleaners - sorry
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: mystery on February 21, 2011, 11:14:55 pm
No - they meet way before I crawl out of bed!

I googled" cleaner Lincoln" and merrymaids were on google maps.

I am no expert as my missus does our websites but how many url's do you have ? I don't think one site can cover all the options - we have about 20 and are cross linked to cover each town / delivery area and the various trades I cover. Url's are £3 for 2 years and hosting is £6 a month, your £300 would buy a lot of web presence. VIEW the SOURCE of your competitors sites to see their key words.

Name - I read things into things and saw Shat O cleaners - sorry

Yeah, I am also on google maps, my website also ranks higher than theirs, so I don't see they have any advantage there.

I don't understand what your getting at having 20 domains, I am also not techie either, my Dad does mine so forgive my naivety. But how would that help? 20 Domains into one site? Or 20 different websites? If just one site then I can't understand how that would make much difference?!
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: Matt Gibson on February 21, 2011, 11:18:12 pm
Ive never had any experience with any BNI groups, though i did get invited to my local one recently, hence why i asked.
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: Mark Farrimond on February 22, 2011, 01:02:34 am

What BDCS was getting at with the 20 domains was to have one for each town.  That way you can be much more specific with your keywords on each site.  Google likes sites that are specific.  For example if you have or even better or etc.  Spread your net further.

Then your keywords need only be "house cleaning, domestic cleaner, reepham"

The more you have, the more chance of one of them being seen.  You could even find that you dominate the top 10 in Google for Lincoln that way. 

If I can offer one piece of critique on your site?  You don't have a phone number visible at all times.  If you want your phone to ring, show the number in big type at the top of your page, next to your name.
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: suffolkclean on February 22, 2011, 08:08:37 am
Hi Julie
Google 'womans networking groups' I've been to 1 BNI meeting & it wasn't my thing but will be going to a local womans networking group soon. They tend to meet on a monthly basis. When you did a leaflet  drop did you have a special offer on it? We've only really done 2 lots of leaflet drops we put a special offer on both lots & did get a response as everyone is wanting a good deal at the moment.
You could do something like book a 3 hr trial clean & only pay for 2 hrs - Heading could be 1 hour FREE Cleaning. Then if they like the service you provide can book you on a regular basis.
Just an idea. You could also get a/this special offer on your website too.
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: mystery on February 22, 2011, 08:33:11 am

What BDCS was getting at with the 20 domains was to have one for each town.  That way you can be much more specific with your keywords on each site.  Google likes sites that are specific.  For example if you have or even better or etc.  Spread your net further.

Then your keywords need only be "house cleaning, domestic cleaner, reepham"

The more you have, the more chance of one of them being seen.  You could even find that you dominate the top 10 in Google for Lincoln that way.  

If I can offer one piece of critique on your site?  You don't have a phone number visible at all times.  If you want your phone to ring, show the number in big type at the top of your page, next to your name.

Thanks Mark, Ive sent that to my Dad, to see what he thinks. It never occured to me that my number is not on every page, small thing, but may well make a difference.

Thanks for that :)

Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: mystery on February 22, 2011, 08:38:31 am
Hi Julie
Google 'womans networking groups' I've been to 1 BNI meeting & it wasn't my thing but will be going to a local womans networking group soon. They tend to meet on a monthly basis. When you did a leaflet  drop did you have a special offer on it? We've only really done 2 lots of leaflet drops we put a special offer on both lots & did get a response as everyone is wanting a good deal at the moment.
You could do something like book a 3 hr trial clean & only pay for 2 hrs - Heading could be 1 hour FREE Cleaning. Then if they like the service you provide can book you on a regular basis.
Just an idea. You could also get a/this special offer on your website too.

Thanks Barbara, I'll have a look for a womens group.

I like the special offer Idea,I'm going to give that a go.

Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: Kate2 on February 22, 2011, 09:30:59 am
How are you on the phone Julie, do you feel confident to do some telesales, get to speak to the decision maker, make an appointment?
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: pristineclean on February 22, 2011, 04:54:53 pm
Please do forgive my ignorance and curiosity but what is the advantage of a women's networking group to business development?
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: ryan mca on February 22, 2011, 05:14:29 pm
Before you spend another penny do a marketing plan alot of people on
here will know alot more about this than me best place to start is
business gateway sales and marketing cource and take it from there
find out where your prospective customers would look for your service
the only way to do that is knock there door and ask if you dont have time
then how would you have time to do the work.

Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: Denise l on February 22, 2011, 07:20:47 pm

I,ve been o quite a few networking meetings, BNI being one of them. I was invited as a guest and whilst it was ok I didn,t feel it was for me. Too many rules and regulations, a bit expensive but you will pick up business eventually. I have tried a few different breakfast meetings and yes you do have to get up early, but once there its worth it. I have picked up new customers and referrals.In my mind its a good way to pick up clients, beats leaflet dropping. Womens meetings are usually once a month in the evenings. Google Ladies networking and you should come up with some. Good Luck

Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: Rick Ward on February 22, 2011, 08:55:40 pm
I really value opinions from both women and men, and would never entertain a men only business meeting; so what's this ladies networking all about.  Bit exclusive on an open forum!!! P'haps we need wimin only threads.
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: BDCS on February 22, 2011, 11:25:00 pm
Its a womens lodge meeting  ;D posh aprons and silly suitcases  ::) If the boot was on the other foot they'd have you up for predudice  :'(
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: suffolkclean on February 23, 2011, 11:52:13 am
Oh my goodness we have a few touchy men on here!! I am not able to go to breakfast meetings for networking as I have 2 young children to get to 2 different schools. I went to see a Business Link advisor who said networking at these events can be very beneficial & he knew of Womans networking groups that met during the day (after school hours) that I may be interested in. I am interested in any networking group weather its just for woman or not. I was merely passing on the advice I was given which I thought was what this forum was about. Also it can be quite sceary walking into a room full of strangers & starting off with a womans one may help build up confidence of talking to total strangers which is what I need.
SORRY didn't mean to offend anyone.
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: suffolkclean on February 23, 2011, 12:02:14 pm
Please do forgive my ignorance and curiosity but what is the advantage of a women's networking group to business development?

 ::) :-X

Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: Matt Gibson on February 23, 2011, 02:25:10 pm

What BDCS was getting at with the 20 domains was to have one for each town.  That way you can be much more specific with your keywords on each site.  Google likes sites that are specific.  For example if you have or even better or etc.  Spread your net further.

Then your keywords need only be "house cleaning, domestic cleaner, reepham"

The more you have, the more chance of one of them being seen.  You could even find that you dominate the top 10 in Google for Lincoln that way. 


Im still abit hazy on this, there are a few different domain names ive been looking at, and i know you can just link any domain name you own to your existing website, but do you have to create a webpage fo the newly aquired domain names? Im guessng you do, as if you didnt, the new domain names wouldnt rank at all in any search engines.

If someone culd give me a bit more info, cause im keen to spread my advertising about abit online. I was on the first page of google for pressure washing glasgow, then i alterred my website and slipped way back..not impressed..
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: BDCS on February 23, 2011, 03:07:19 pm
Ring me 0797 453 7697 and you can speak to the missus - she can explain in laymans terms - if you wish
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: mystery on February 23, 2011, 08:54:20 pm
Before you spend another penny do a marketing plan alot of people on
here will know alot more about this than me best place to start is
business gateway sales and marketing cource and take it from there
find out where your prospective customers would look for your service
the only way to do that is knock there door and ask if you dont have time
then how would you have time to do the work.

Thanks Ryan, I think your right, I don't have anysort of plan and that surely wont help. I'll be getting on that as soon as I can.

Thinking of knocking on doors for work,makes me think I would need to knock on thousands to get any where and I don't have time to do that kind of amount. I'm down 1 full time member of staff at the mo, as work has been slower, so I'm trying to manage the work she was doing. I want more work so I can get back up to another full timer, but just can't afford the wages until I can bring some new work in, hence why I'm here.
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: mystery on February 23, 2011, 08:56:58 pm
How are you on the phone Julie, do you feel confident to do some telesales, get to speak to the decision maker, make an appointment?

Kate, I'm mostly after domestic work, as this is easier to get staff to do. Have you ever tried telesales to domestic customers? I have no experience, but I may give it some thought, surely faster and warmer than door knocking.

Thanks for your imput.
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: mystery on February 23, 2011, 08:58:20 pm

What BDCS was getting at with the 20 domains was to have one for each town.  That way you can be much more specific with your keywords on each site.  Google likes sites that are specific.  For example if you have or even better or etc.  Spread your net further.

Then your keywords need only be "house cleaning, domestic cleaner, reepham"

The more you have, the more chance of one of them being seen.  You could even find that you dominate the top 10 in Google for Lincoln that way. 


Im still abit hazy on this, there are a few different domain names ive been looking at, and i know you can just link any domain name you own to your existing website, but do you have to create a webpage fo the newly aquired domain names? Im guessng you do, as if you didnt, the new domain names wouldnt rank at all in any search engines.

If someone culd give me a bit more info, cause im keen to spread my advertising about abit online. I was on the first page of google for pressure washing glasgow, then i alterred my website and slipped way back..not impressed..

Yes me too. All I want to know is would you port the new domains to your existing site, or create a new site for each domain????
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: BDCS on February 23, 2011, 09:32:10 pm
Each url would have its unique page which would match the keywords and content - these would then link back to the main website. So the search for each district / town / village would have the top slot for that search term in that town etc. £5 / month for each site in hosting
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: Kate2 on February 24, 2011, 07:02:14 am
Hi Julie

I dont think you could apply telesales to domestic work.

Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: Paolo on February 27, 2011, 09:30:53 am
Hi Julie

I dont think you could apply telesales to domestic work.

I'd have to disagree there Kate.

A company I used to work for many years ago had a very successful carpet cleaning business that got all its work from telesales.

Just need to make sure whoever does the calling has up to date data that is TPS checked.
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: Kate2 on February 27, 2011, 10:43:18 am
I think on the carpet side of things, yes
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: garybristow on February 28, 2011, 05:03:09 pm
Hello Julie.i was browsing your website for some clues.its a nice site so no problems with presentation.i am a carpet & upholstery cleaner,i noticed you dont offer this service !why not have a tie in with a good carpet & poss hard floor cleaner ?this will add another service which could lead to your main core bus.
also i saw you dont do a full window cleaning service ie outsides high floors etc ,again get someone else in add a bit for yourself.I find that when people get in a cleaning co they want a one call covers all co ,they dont want to make 6 calls !! im sure in your area there are plenty of carpet& window cleaners who would be happy to offer a trade price
i hope ive helped,good luck
Gary Bristowclean
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: Scotbrite on February 28, 2011, 05:26:18 pm
Just a thought. Has anyone heard any more about Karl Taylor ?? They are still advertising £2000 of work pm for £1000, i would guess commercial. Anyone think its worth a try !!!
Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: garry22 on February 28, 2011, 06:19:47 pm
Hi Julie,

I've popped over from the carpet cleaning side as well. Sorry to hear of your problems.

The keywords, I spent quite a bit of time on and I think I've just abot got them right according to google "cleaner lincoln" is searched for 1200 times per month, but I'm only getting like 60-70 hits per month, and that is only 1 search term I'm ranked in the top 5 for. To be honest, I think something is not right there, the traffic just seems to low and when we put on a couple of adwords, the traffic quickly rose, so I can't seem to get my head around what's going on there. But it isn't generating any leads either?!?

This won't bring you more customers but it might make you feel better about your site.

Your 1200 searches are in "broad match". That could be pretty much any search with those two words in.

If you look under "exact match", then the figure is around about 100 per month (see image from tonight's search).

60-70 out of 90-100 is an amazing statistic. You just need to grab a few (somehow).

Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: mystery on February 28, 2011, 07:52:43 pm
Hi Julie,

I've popped over from the carpet cleaning side as well. Sorry to hear of your problems.

The keywords, I spent quite a bit of time on and I think I've just abot got them right according to google "cleaner lincoln" is searched for 1200 times per month, but I'm only getting like 60-70 hits per month, and that is only 1 search term I'm ranked in the top 5 for. To be honest, I think something is not right there, the traffic just seems to low and when we put on a couple of adwords, the traffic quickly rose, so I can't seem to get my head around what's going on there. But it isn't generating any leads either?!?

Thanks very much Garry for that my SEO man failed to mention that small fact to me.

We are however listed in the top 3, for most search terms related to what we do and are only geting 60-70 visitors per months max, even though we are ranked mostly as 1 or 2. To me that seems to low, because there must be a lot more searches overall, if that makes sense?!

I'm not at all techie, I would just like it to get me some business. :)

This won't bring you more customers but it might make you feel better about your site.

Your 1200 searches are in "broad match". That could be pretty much any search with those two words in.

If you look under "exact match", then the figure is around about 100 per month (see image from tonight's search).

60-70 out of 90-100 is an amazing statistic. You just need to grab a few (somehow).

Title: Re: Can't get work, PLEASE help.
Post by: Peter Gorman on March 01, 2011, 09:44:20 pm
You are not the only one in this boat but one thing thats worked for me is to approach the big players such as ISS, Mitie etc and offer your services as a supplier. They are all going through the usual cost cutting exercises and the first resource they cut is usually mobile cleaners. You may have to offer a lower rate than usual to protect a bit of their margin but you should still make a profit. Hope this helps