Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Frequently Asked Questions & Useful Resources => Topic started by: ultimatecodfather on January 09, 2011, 09:06:56 pm

Title: Advice for a Newbie
Post by: ultimatecodfather on January 09, 2011, 09:06:56 pm
Hi Folks
Here goes.
Im currently looking into the possibility of setting up cleaning windows/gutters and pressure washing etc. This isnt a fly by night thing but i am looking at providing a high quality service using wfp for the windows and vacuum for the gutters. As im looking to provide a quality service and spend quite a bit of time on company image and make sure i get it right from the get go so to speak.
So here is the help that i need.
1, I want to set up a system that treats the water as and when its used so that im not preparing water for the next day when i get home from working. As far as i can see this means i need an RO system, can any one clarify what ro stands for.
2, Does anyone use hot water? I was looking at heating the water as i use it with an lpg tankless heater. Im not sure if it would realy make a huge difference to the end product but as a selling point im sure it would go down well with potential customers.
3, Im also toying with the idea of harvesting rainwater as much as possible and installing large collection units at home. Im sure this would give those looking for green credentials a reason to use you. I could also possibly use spring water and purify that. Im just thinking of the marketing potential of saying  "we sellected the purest water we could find and then refined it even further just to clean your windows". Would all this be worth the hassle  or is it good PR
4, Has anyone produced a list or haynes manual type post on how to make your own wfp system.
The water we have is soft water and i suppose rain/spring water would be even softer but i do want to use a system that will treat anything.
Hope this aint too long a post to get any help on the topics. If you can help on just one of the questions that will be great oh and i have cleaned windows many years ago so im not entering this with eyes closed
Title: Re: Advice for a Newbie
Post by: Ian101 on January 16, 2011, 07:04:37 pm
better post this on main window cleaning board as ghost town on this section  ;)