Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: ts on October 18, 2010, 02:11:55 pm

Title: "starting a war"
Post by: ts on October 18, 2010, 02:11:55 pm
After leafleting a few streets which hadn't had windows done for about six months or more and picking up a half dozen customers I get a call from someone saying im in their patch and I should see what happened to the last guy who tried this. Then was approached in the area few days later as I sat in my car by the guy and his burly friend (with another two in their car) saying the above. Fortunately it was outside the row of shops and was busy or it may have turned ugly (for me!).  There laying claim to a large town and surrounding villages very near where I work and live yet there coming from other side of the city. Bit annoying when I mostly work on my own and these guys just turning up when they feel like it and when they do they miss out windows etc too.
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: the bfg on October 18, 2010, 02:19:07 pm
you should get their registration number and go to the police,   nip it in the bud right away

don't try and reason with them or argue your case just go to the police
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: darren clarke on October 18, 2010, 02:20:57 pm
where do u work
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: ts on October 18, 2010, 02:26:00 pm
Glasgow and outskirts. I had been told they werent coming back and I had mentioned that to about two customers so they were annoyed at that. But it was a genuine mistake I wasnt trying to take their work as I didnt think they were coming back. Some of it hadnt been done since January.
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: ts on October 18, 2010, 02:27:45 pm
Also said we know your car and have your reg number???!! whatever that means?? Think its tyre slashing and bodywork scraping hes alluding to?
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: Llaaww on October 18, 2010, 02:57:57 pm
Never give in never surrender, its not BITISH. ( though I am not clued up on scotch)


Have you got a licence for that area??

has he???
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: ts on October 18, 2010, 02:58:58 pm
No mondeo! He did mutter about my fancy car and fancy leaflets though! mind boggles when folk are worried about leaflets (£29 they cost).
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: ts on October 18, 2010, 03:01:18 pm
Im applying for my license for this area. There are four of them and work for someone who runs it from home. I doubt they have licenses very much.
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: james44 on October 18, 2010, 03:11:26 pm
Im applying for my license for this area

TS if this is the case then you yourself should not be working in the area either! unless you have a temporary one to do so.
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: ts on October 18, 2010, 03:15:25 pm
Yeah I realised it was a different council. Ill have it for next month. But the issue wasn't license with them it was territorial.
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: ian1972 on October 18, 2010, 03:47:08 pm
Stick at it fella do contact the police and keep a record of all threats so if anything does happen u can take them to court,hopefully u b able get a injunction to keep them away from u if that fails baseball bat and nuts tend to work a treat lol
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: bad trippy on October 18, 2010, 04:11:58 pm
Shame it aint down this way, me and frankybadboy could have give em a slap for you, un aided by Gold who would just bash scripture at em  ;D ;D ;D
Tosh n squeeky could have come over the bridge for the day too  :)
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: A & J Owen Window Cleaning on October 18, 2010, 04:44:51 pm
mate they are thugs mate you can target anywhere yiu want sod em and get canvassing like us pinch the whole lot
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: s.w.c on October 18, 2010, 05:01:50 pm
there not thugs there just idiots trying there luck shouting about it, a real thug you would have been dealt with before you knew about it, the type that shout there gobs of are idiots, they rely on intimidation tactic , that's all don't loose sleep over them just smile an carry on.
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: Ian101 on October 18, 2010, 05:31:12 pm
there not thugs there just idiots trying there luck shouting about it, a real thug you would have been dealt with before you knew about it, the type that shout there gobs of are idiots, they rely on intimidation tactic , that's all don't loose sleep over them just smile an carry on.

couldnt have put it better myself .... the ones who tell you what their going to do very rarely do ... the ones to worry about are the ones who tell you why they have smacked after they have / or you come around  ;)

just do your own thing
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: mark dew on October 18, 2010, 05:38:10 pm
I had been told they werent coming back and I had mentioned that to about two customers so they were annoyed at that.

So you approached their customers and told them the previous wc wasn't coming back.
It's not suprising they are peed off with you.
Hopefully you will learn a lesson from this. Approach everyone but don't lie about their previous wc's.
It's better to get on with other wc than not. You've started off on the wrong foot. You should give whoever lied to you a slap, maybe.  :)
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: AuRavelling79 on October 18, 2010, 08:27:18 pm
>Love you too trippy!  ;D

As for scripture I quite like the one at John 18 v 10.  ;)
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: mci services on October 18, 2010, 08:42:36 pm
ts mate some have suggested going to the police and thats what I would do if it worried me enough, but you don't have a license yet so if you go down that road you are just as likely to end up getting charged as the bullies. Just ignore them and hope they don't carry out any threats.
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: Llaaww on October 18, 2010, 09:05:46 pm
>Love you too trippy!  ;D

As for scripture I quite like the one at John 18 v 10.  ;)

Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant, cutting off his right ear. (The servant's name was Malchus.)

Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: GB Window Cleaning on October 18, 2010, 09:32:08 pm
learn to defend yourself! goto

you will love it if you try it!
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: ts on October 18, 2010, 10:34:14 pm
Mark I was informed they weren't around even as far back as January so folk assumed they were offski. And like the verse says if you live by the squeegee you die by the squeegee.
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: weetot on October 18, 2010, 10:37:41 pm
there not thugs there just idiots trying there luck shouting about it, a real thug you would have been dealt with before you knew about it, the type that shout there gobs of are idiots, they rely on intimidation tactic , that's all don't loose sleep over them just smile an carry on.

Well said, that man ;)
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: ts on October 18, 2010, 10:38:47 pm
Gold hope your not counting your time!
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: edward1 on October 18, 2010, 11:17:23 pm
report them to the police .and just carry on.

be inventive
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: mci services on October 18, 2010, 11:43:46 pm
report them to the police .and just carry on.

be inventive

he can't he is not licensed
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: edward1 on October 18, 2010, 11:46:38 pm
 o well thats that then
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: mark dew on October 19, 2010, 01:02:26 am
Mark I was informed they weren't around even as far back as January so folk assumed they were offski. And like the verse says if you live by the squeegee you die by the squeegee.

Yeah i sympathise and realise that you didn't know. I don't agree with how they've approached you either.
Am just trying to see an angle that will allow you to get on without any hassle. And i suspect (or hope) that it isn't having competition that has put their backs up, it is probably the fact that you mentioned they weren't coming back.
I'm sure you and others believed it to be true. But the lesson to learn i think is to offer your services without any comments on previous wc's. There is nothing to gain and can only cause bad feeling. Which is what has happened here.
You have as i see it 2 options;
- try and ignore them and carry on building your business.
- Approach them, say you got off on the wrong foot, say it was a misunderstanding and apologise.

The 1st option will always leave you wondering, whenever you see them around, if they are going to hassle you. Or at the very least dirty stares or ignoring you. Which is liveable, but not ideal.
The 2nd gives them the option of giving you verbals and leaving it at that, knowing their pride/ego has been satisfied.

If you are going to be working the same area, it is worth making an extra effort to at least smooth things over. Even if you won't all be good mates. And anyone who is not an enemy, is an ally until proved different.
Good luck with it all.
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: ts on October 19, 2010, 07:40:37 am
Cheers Mark. I did say that I understood that they were annoyed cos I had said that albeit genuinely. Next time I won't say it. Also said I wouldn't target any of their customers and just keep doing what I have. But they can't lay claim to large towns. Thanks for the input people.
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: gordonswindows on October 19, 2010, 12:22:33 pm
Maybe your issue is not with the license but it is for me.

You are asking to be treated fair by these bullies yet you treat me with contempt.

Do not work until you have your license and if you use a car do you have the correct insurance ie is it insured for business or are you just ignoring another law and driving on your personal insurance.

Get your own business into line then contact the police and report these bullies.

We had four vans and my car tyres slashed in one night then twice had my cars wheel nuts loosened second time caused me to crash on the motorway.

I am still here and the bullies are long gone. Stick to the rules be legal then you can use the law to help you out at present it is the pot calling the kettle

Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: gewindows on October 19, 2010, 01:05:10 pm
the pot calling the kettle Gordon ?

Odd my kettle is called Albert
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: jsm on October 19, 2010, 01:18:47 pm
well send the pitball up Gav CCC - hell do there windows for free just to p them off  ;D

Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: ts on October 19, 2010, 01:56:40 pm
I'm treating you with contempt? I am licensed with two councils and thought this town fell into one as the surrounding villages are. Turns out it's another so I'm getting that sorted.
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: gordonswindows on October 19, 2010, 02:53:48 pm
Mmmmm "i thought"

and your insurance ?
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: ts on October 19, 2010, 06:30:57 pm
My insurance is all up to date and in order. Maybe with all the questioning you might be wanting to sub me some work? Lol
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: gordonswindows on October 19, 2010, 06:36:22 pm
More than happy to sub you work if we have anything suitable


Ps as long as you prove you trade legally
Title: Re: "starting a war"
Post by: AuRavelling79 on October 23, 2010, 08:47:23 pm
Gold hope your not counting your time!

Nah! I just take a pair of dice to the hall, roll them on the sound desk and put the result in the "hours" column.  ;D