Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: JasonP on August 19, 2010, 08:46:55 pm

Title: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: JasonP on August 19, 2010, 08:46:55 pm
Hi everyone, just wanted a rant really and see what other peoples opinions are. As some of you may or may not know I've been window cleaning for about four years now, six months ago I set up by myself (still a newbie in my eyes). I've done everything by the book, registered with 'the man', insured, and have worked hard to build a good reputation. Well a few times over the last six months I've crossed paths with a fellow WC from the area. First few times I simply put my hand up as we were passing in the traffic, all I had in return was a dirty look. Then I bumped into this guy and his 'boys' (five of them in total including boss man) in a petrol station, where I was told in no certain terms that I should do myself a favour and stay out of town. Things have escalated a lot over the last few weeks, I've had ladders stolen from my van, all tyres slashed, windscreen bricked (all on separate occasions), customers telling me that I had called them saying I was quitting so when I turn up to clean they have either found someone else or dispute paying in case I'm pulling a fast one (luckily only lost a couple of customers!) The police have been involved but said that as I can't prove it is this wc that is responsible, and that as there is no evidence there isn't much they can do! Even though this all really kicked off after seeing him about a month ago, and explaining I'm not undercutting him, not poaching 'his' work, and that it is customers choice who they use.  I'm literally at wits end and don't know what to do next! 
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: R W C™ on August 19, 2010, 08:58:29 pm
Keep going mate otherwise they win, They will give up in the end when they realise no matter what they do you will keep going, cant you put a camera up at your house.....

Get his number and put it on here and will all ring him up..... ;D
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: bad trippy on August 19, 2010, 09:01:29 pm
Mate this is pretty poop, where are you based?
I put my name forward if you need this A hole sorted
Gotta be a few on here that would join me in dealing with this crook surely?
Lammy how about you mate?
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: awcs on August 19, 2010, 09:06:48 pm
keep going mate. put his number on here and I'm sure things will get sorted out one way or the other   
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: Scrimble on August 19, 2010, 09:08:39 pm
be strong and never ever give in to scum like them,
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: richywilts on August 19, 2010, 09:14:02 pm
get ya own back give them a taste of ya own medicine av ya got a number for there firm where are you based ff'in scumbags
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: JasonP on August 19, 2010, 09:16:04 pm
I'm based in Hereford, there are loads of other WC's about but it's only this guy and his 'lads' that cause an issue, he lives near to me, and I see his battered old rover with his pile of ladders on the roof daily! I've only had one of his customers as far as I aware, and she called me as I clean her daughters windows, she explained that she felt uneasy so with so many lads turning up, taking five minutes to clean, be rude, and charging her £8.00 for her troubles! I quoted her more and got the job! I have got a camera put up now and always take my ladders off the van, and it all now lives in the garage!
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: AuRavelling79 on August 19, 2010, 09:17:55 pm
They really are scum aren't they?

Where was your van when "Bricked and tyres slashed"? Do you know the name and address of the owner of this business.

As mentioned CCTV and get to a more senior officer in the Police. Go dressed in a suit and ask to see a more senior officer. Report every incident and make a nuisance of yourself with the law.

If they do not take you seriously then write to the Divisional Superintendent of your area police force telling him/her you are at your wits end in fear for your families welfare and feel the need to go to the local press.

Didn't they threaten you with a knife or is that just your tyres? And haven't you got member of the family who is under medication over this?  ;)
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: Gav Camm lammy 283 on August 19, 2010, 09:20:37 pm
Mate this is pretty poop, where are you based?
I put my name forward if you need this A hole sorted
Gotta be a few on here that would join me in dealing with this crook surely?
Lammy how about you mate?
i hate intimadating people this guys a bully
by putting you down in front ov his men
he thinks they think hes da man how i would
smash him to a pulp i hate bully boys , 100% m8 dont give in
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: TonyD on August 19, 2010, 09:28:53 pm
Follow the advice from GOLD above definitely, make a noise with the authorities as much as you can.  What a prick this guy is, I'd be tempted to go smash his car up but that'd only make things worse by the sound of it.
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: deeege on August 19, 2010, 09:29:11 pm
Sounds like a really crappy situation. Every mans got a right to earn a living. Don't give in and let him win, keep plodding on.
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: JasonP on August 19, 2010, 09:36:52 pm
Thanks for all the advice! It proves the guys intelligence by todays little stunt, he decided to dump his crappy motor right up the arse of my shiny clean van so I couldn't open up the back doors to load up my kit! Shame I had the insight to pull forward though, and as I drove past him at the end of the road I waved! I don't want him to see he's getting to me!
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: Gav Camm lammy 283 on August 19, 2010, 10:14:32 pm
thats it m8 keep waving n smiling  ;)
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: abilol on August 19, 2010, 10:37:03 pm
best thing grip him  in front of his lads and give him a good kicking ;D ;D
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: JasonP on August 19, 2010, 10:42:19 pm
The thought has crossed my mind many times, one on one I haven't got an issue with but 5 on 1 is bit risky! Lol!
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: abilol on August 19, 2010, 10:46:58 pm
just crack on with dont let him get you down he will give up when he see your not takeing any notice
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: darren clarke on August 19, 2010, 10:47:40 pm
when u next see them out working, just phone the police say you think u seen one of them with a gun, that will screw up there day lol
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: Gav Camm lammy 283 on August 19, 2010, 10:58:04 pm
when u next see them out working, just phone the police say you think u seen one of them with a gun, that will screw up there day lol
oh itll screw up their day  ;) ;)
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: SB Cleaning on August 19, 2010, 10:59:36 pm
The thought has crossed my mind many times, one on one I haven't got an issue with but 5 on 1 is bit risky! Lol!
Hey Jason im not far from your area and know a few lads in Hereford, what part of hereford you in ??
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: richywilts on August 19, 2010, 11:00:38 pm
grass him up surely he aint paying there taxes and insurance
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: JasonP on August 19, 2010, 11:03:52 pm
Funny you should say that as my mrs swears she's seen one of his lads going into the job centre! SB I'm based belmont end of town but work all over hereford
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: SB Cleaning on August 19, 2010, 11:09:29 pm
Funny you should say that as my mrs swears she's seen one of his lads going into the job centre! SB I'm based belmont end of town but work all over hereford
I dont get over that side of the bridge much mate!!!

Him and his boys aint from newton farm are they! :-X
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: JasonP on August 19, 2010, 11:18:13 pm
Lol! How did you guess! Newton farm and hunderton! Where bouts you from mate?
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: SB Cleaning on August 19, 2010, 11:26:29 pm
Lol! How did you guess! Newton farm and hunderton! Where bouts you from mate?
I live near Bromyard mate, think it was the rover and the behaviour of the idiots giving you grief mate!!

Dont give in to um mate stick with it ;)
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: prestige cleaners on August 20, 2010, 12:27:47 am
i had my windscreen bricked a couple of years ago, dont know if it was a windy, i did argue with a few builders that week who were shouting sexist comments at my wife, so it could have been them?

even if it was windys, i was only out of work a day, and £75 down, so just keep the van now in a safer place.

my mate who owned the round before me had his tyres slashed by a windy. not a nice experience for you though, makes my blood boil when i hear storys like this! very tempting to do a tit for tat war, but that will just escalate until one of you gives up. best to get cctv as advised and inform old bill every time. dont let them win, keep going, and take precautions, he will give up eventually.
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: Jack Wallace on August 20, 2010, 07:19:48 am
This sort of thing really anoys me, its very tempting to just go and kick him in the cahonys but that just makes thing worse.

I would bet any money he is not legit, so I would gather as much information as possible like his name, address and  trading name, and also the details of his lads. then call the tax office and job centre, tell them he was bragging in the pub about "screwing the system"
He is scum and should be driven out of this industry.
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: mark dew on August 20, 2010, 08:33:37 am
Didn't they threaten you with a knife or is that just your tyres?  ;)

Gold, that is very devious/clever.  ;D
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: woody1 on August 20, 2010, 08:38:06 am
If it were me i woud catch him on his own one night when he leaves the pub and do his knees he has proberly created so many enemys he wont know who done it he wont be bothering you for a while then will he  ;)
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: GB Window Cleaning on August 20, 2010, 08:46:58 am
alot of good advice here, these nobs also make my blood boil! if you want to learn the ultimate self defense in the world today and for the last 100 years gracie brazilionjiu jitsu is for you my friend! follow my link...

if i lived closer i would also volanteer to help out mate!
get your blur belt in jiu jitsu then when anybody challenges you, take them up on there threat there and then! if theres more than one tell then you will gladly fight them all one at a time.

alot of self defense expert also recomend that if a group threat is iminent you MUST initiate the attack! this throws them off quickly. strike hard keep moving and strikes to the jaw, grion, throat. liver (located on THERE right side YOUR left between ribs and hip)

im not a idiot or a street fighting man as uneducated people think i am. do your reserch and your will see for your self!

hope this helps some, george.
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: Richard Neal on August 20, 2010, 08:56:29 am
Theyre scum through and through but dont go down to their level, chances are hes been in trouble with the law before and will know how to get out of it! cctv, evidence and report to the dss, if youre like me with a family you dont want all this on youre doorstep!
 Also my son goes to karate so i have his karate club sticker in the back window of my van, i never get any road rage or problems now! if you want one let me know and i'l stick one in the post.
Take it easy mate
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: GB Window Cleaning on August 20, 2010, 08:59:28 am
@ richard... good idea with the karate sticker! im gonna get a gracie jiu jitsu sticker on my van soon more to advertise the art than anything. plus i wear my gracie jiu jitsu t-shirt at work alot too!
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: GB Window Cleaning on August 20, 2010, 09:03:47 am
i would also look at this as an oppertunity to learn something, to me this would be a great challenge to test my skills (verbal, mental & physical skills)
like i said i dont advercate fighting but you must be able to defend yourself incase of attack!
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: Richard Neal on August 20, 2010, 09:07:19 am
i would also look at this as an oppertunity to learn something, to me this would be a great challenge to test my skills (verbal, mental & physical skills)
like i said i dont advercate fighting but you must be able to defend yourself incase of attack!
I know what you mean our club motto is self defense is common sense, im joining myself soon, Korean karate they also do a lot of street self defense with the kids.
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: GB Window Cleaning on August 20, 2010, 09:08:14 am
ive receltly made a new policy to not wave at other w c'ers i see while im on the road driving (unless i know them of course) but if im on foot or working near other w c'ers i'll always say hello. dont know why ive told you all this now lol what does everyone else do?  ;D
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: GB Window Cleaning on August 20, 2010, 09:10:57 am
@ richard... Awesome, m,artial arts will change your life i know it sounds cheesy but its changes my life around!
goos look in your martial arts career start a.s.a.p you will not regret it infact my only regret is i didnt start (and stick with it) earlyer

all the best mate, george.
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: GB Window Cleaning on August 20, 2010, 09:24:32 am
one more thing, if you feel it wont be a one on one i would carry a basball bat or the like (big stick), dont bother with knifes and guns, too deadly!
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: EZclean on August 20, 2010, 09:34:53 am

take that nasty window cleaner man.... I'M THE DADDY NOW!!! AGGGHHHHHHHH
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: Ian101 on August 20, 2010, 10:21:08 am
Arrange a meet and let a few of us know where and when  ;)

or if you dont like direct action then start to carry a video camera and get some at home also go and tell all your customers that if someone tells them you packing in that your not.

one way or another m8 u gotta stand your ground

btw if u going to carry a bat make it a rounders bat shorter and more effective and concealable until last minute but also carry the ball as well so if police see it  in your car / van they will struggle to prove its an offensive weapon unless of course you have smacked him with it then you can claim self defense and you used what came to hand.
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: JasonP on August 20, 2010, 10:28:32 am
Lol! Cheers for all the advice guys! I'm not worried about fighting him, I was in the paras for six years, and still in the ta as an instructor, so I can look after my self (also did ju jitsu while in the regular army) however as a serving ta soldier I can't just batter him on the street as it would effect my military career!
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: GB Window Cleaning on August 20, 2010, 10:37:24 am
@ Ian101... very good thinking about carrying a ball too! i like it! also i must add at this point i do not advercate weapons or fighting (only in self defense)

And DO NOT EVER swing a bat at somebodys head unless you want to kill them!!!
I would advise swinging at the torso and or limbs ONLY!

P.S Im not a nutter lol
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: Ian101 on August 20, 2010, 10:43:10 am
Lol! Cheers for all the advice guys! I'm not worried about fighting him, I was in the paras for six years, and still in the ta as an instructor, so I can look after my self (also did ju jitsu while in the regular army) however as a serving ta soldier I can't just batter him on the street as it would effect my military career!

batter him and then if he grasses batter him again  ;D .... you have better self control than me I think but fair play to you sounds like you need to use the offense of good will or hearts and minds whatever they call it nowadays .. good luck fella !
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: charlie2 on August 20, 2010, 11:15:43 am
get an old wfp pole cut down  and it will still look a work pole
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: GB Window Cleaning on August 20, 2010, 11:24:03 am
@ charlie2... excellent thinking, but will it be heavy enough to use as a weapon do you think?
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: sgibsoncleaning on August 20, 2010, 01:53:21 pm
at the end of a busy day nothing is better than going down the driving range and knocking some golf balls about............well thats the reason i got a driver and some balls in my van.. officer
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: johnny_h on August 20, 2010, 09:57:32 pm
i would inform all my customers about what is happening dont mention names just tell them they are a local firm with a few guys working for them dont hit out hit them in the pocket start taking customers off of them be a pro be smart/well presented do a good job go the extra mile for new customers remember people talk
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: JasonP on August 20, 2010, 11:33:40 pm
Thanks again for all your supportive words fellas! Despite the shocking rain today, decided to go canvassing and picked up another six customers, so it's onwards and upwards! I'll keep you all updated on the outcome of my little problem!  ;D
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: Tom White on August 20, 2010, 11:43:00 pm
Jason, something similar happened to me a few years back.  I reported it to the police and they were very good.

Make sure that you report them each time they try to intimidate you; two or more incidents is counted as harassment and they can be charged for such.

Stick at it, mate; it'll probably blow over. 
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: Gav Camm lammy 283 on August 20, 2010, 11:50:47 pm
Thanks again for all your supportive words fellas! Despite the shocking rain today, decided to go canvassing and picked up another six customers, so it's onwards and upwards! I'll keep you all updated on the outcome of my little problem!  ;D
gud man jason thats the spirit lad ;) ;)
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: mark mann on August 22, 2010, 12:04:49 am
some good advice on here re keeping you and your family safe - by keeping good security and notifying authorities so you have a record of events if ever esculated further.

i like you just look to secure my own custys and dont dilebetately take other windys work but in canvassing etc its bound to happen occasionally i always step away if they have a windy but picked up some lately coz they wanted to try new wc coz current ones  has been not doing there backs and claiming they had or regular missing windows with poo on. . i figure i do best job ican do to keep my custys and build from there if i was to lose some id just keep going and hope my reputation will make them come back.

Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: mark mann on August 22, 2010, 12:10:33 am
i meant to add to this  that this guy has clearly also got doubts about his own ability to retain his customers if hes threatened by you - prob does  apoop job dya reckon?

be the bigger man and continue to rise above it.

Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: Londoner on August 22, 2010, 08:33:57 am
You have to look at the profile of this man, five blokes and an old Rover. Something not right there. Its very hard to keep that many blokes gainfully employed and still make a profit if its all being done Kosher.
Very vunerable to a little investigation from the benefits people and the inland revenue. As a public spirited citizen its your duty to make your suspicions known.
Title: Re: getting close to throwing the scrim in
Post by: glen parva on August 22, 2010, 09:50:53 am
i had a problem the other week a death threat at midnight
just keep going to the police
and keep a record of all the events and more  ;)