Clean It Up

UK General Cleaning Forum => General Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: dave on December 26, 2003, 07:51:29 am

Title: Body scum on glass shower doors
Post by: dave on December 26, 2003, 07:51:29 am
Hi all,

Went to do a rental clean the other day. looked in the en-suite and thought the glass doors on the shower were frosted but  when I got closer it was body scum!!

I had to use Astonish paste in the blue tub which is the only thing I had got that would attempt to shift it but it took a lot of elbow grease just to clean to panels, also the tiles were in a bad state as well.

Is there a product that I can use that will solve this problem, preferably in spray, as this will reach into the awkward areas of glass door panels where my fingers can't reach.

Regards Dave
Title: Re: Body scum on glass shower doors
Post by: The Great One on December 27, 2003, 01:13:33 am
I do rentals also. On shower glass doors i use a limescale remover with a scourer, works excellent.

you can use the limescale remover neat, wipe on with a cloth, leave for 5 mins and use the scourer and then rinse, scourers are excellent for the tiles also.

On a different note...

TO4 oven cleaner, the mutts nutts!


Martin 8)
Title: Re: Body scum on glass shower doors
Post by: petra on December 27, 2003, 07:58:47 pm
Yes I use a similar product and it works every time.
Title: Re: Body scum on glass shower doors
Post by: nick_warrenevans on December 29, 2003, 12:44:11 am
I to do rentals.

I always used limscale remover for the shower doors then tried cream cleaner with a scourer. It works really well with minimum effort, followed up with a good glass cleaner.

hope this helps you.

Am intersted in the oven cleaner is it toxic? does it give off any odours like mony products.

Title: Re: Body scum on glass shower doors
Post by: The Great One on December 29, 2003, 07:52:30 pm

the TO4 oven cleaner is excellent.

You do not get any chocking odour, it even get rid of burnt on carbon.

I take the racks out, spray inside of oven and close (warm oven 1st) spray the racks. 20mins later get to work on both of them.

either get from mike at Express cleaning supplies (site sponsor) or look for local pro supplier.

get the small one 1st at about £2.90 so you can see if you like it.


Martin 8)
Title: Re: Body scum on glass shower doors
Post by: nick_warrenevans on December 29, 2003, 08:21:34 pm
Thaks Martin for info on oven cleaner

will definately give it a try :-*

Title: Re: Body scum on glass shower doors
Post by: dave on December 30, 2003, 06:43:49 am
Hi Martin,

Iff I use T04 on the glass shower doors and bath tiles will it do any harm to the soft rubber surrounds on the doors or mastik or grout surrounding the tiles ?

Cheers Dave
Title: Re: Body scum on glass shower doors
Post by: The Great One on January 01, 2004, 01:56:50 pm
Hi dave

personally I wouldn't.

I prefer to use the tool for the job specified, that way there shouldn't be to many problems and I won't be causing myself extra work if i mess it up.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this one?


Martin 8)
Title: Re: Body scum on glass shower doors
Post by: petra on January 01, 2004, 08:27:22 pm
totaly agree mate, oven cleaner is designed for oven, and if this product was used in a shower the cleaner would be liable for all damage and would cost more then the jobs worth. A good descaler will do the job many companies sell good products,so use them. (Its a bit like saying use engine oil instead of vegtable oil).
Title: Re: Body scum on glass shower doors
Post by: Dynafoam on January 01, 2004, 10:35:59 pm

Ashbys have a very good bathroom mouse - spray on, leave 5 min., rinse off. This will also tackle mild limescale but for heavy build-up you may need to follow up with a limecale treatment.

Regarding the oven cleaner, I think you are right to be cautious. Appart from the risk of consequential damage, I would also point out that limescale requires an acid to disolve, whereas most oven cleaners are strongly alkaline.

( Just the thoughts of a mere carpet cleaner)

Title: Re: Body scum on glass shower doors
Post by: The Great One on January 02, 2004, 08:01:50 pm
You are of course quite correct!

With the TO4, I find that it seems to liquidise the grease and fat (heat oven 1st) and it is just a case of wiping it off and with burnt on grease and carbon deposits the scourer works a treat.  

As a side note it is very soapy when wiping off so a couple of wipes with a wet clean cloth is needed and then i heat the oven on full to evaporate any residue.

Oven cleaning just became a damn sight easier :D


Martin 8)
Title: Re: Body scum on glass shower doors
Post by: petra on January 03, 2004, 12:08:09 am
Yes but surly you do not use to4 on showers and screens?  the implications could be a real disaster.
Title: Re: Body scum on glass shower doors
Post by: The Great One on January 03, 2004, 02:05:32 am
I never did say I did?????????????

I use the product for it's intended use as previously stated

Where did that comment come from?

Limescale for the bathroom, oven cleaner for lets see, an oven, anti bacterial for the kitchen worksurfaces, degreaser for inside of the cupboards (food deposits) toilet descaler for the bog, etc ,etc,etc

Oh and just to be sure folks TO4 for OVEN use ONLY..

Cuts through grease like 'hot butter on breakfast toast'

Hope my stance is clear on this now.


Martin 8)
Title: Re: Body scum on glass shower doors
Post by: petra on January 03, 2004, 11:48:04 pm
yes ok im at fault missed the bit in the post where he asked about oven cleaner....sorry :P
Title: Re: Body scum on glass shower doors
Post by: The Great One on January 04, 2004, 02:35:06 pm
Hi Petra

Not a problem.

Was shattered when I answered that post.


Martin 8)
Title: Re: Body scum on glass shower doors
Post by: pal on January 06, 2004, 10:22:01 pm
Just found this forum and it great, I work for a cleaning management company and we encountered the same issues with body fat removal from showers ,swimming pools and wet areas. We finally sourced a great product specially designed for this problem.The product comes from a company call Bona Systems in StAlbans and is called bona main plus. Give it a try,Belive me it works. ::) ::)
Title: Re: Body scum on glass shower doors
Post by: shinnyshinner on January 08, 2004, 06:10:35 pm
Hi all
I cleaned a plumbers windows today and I asked them what they used to clean the shower glass with and she said Oz from yr local super market. She said wipe on and wipe off nearly always perfect 1st go.
She also mention that she has tryed a lot of differenty stuff from different suppliers and this beats them all.
Worth a go. At only 4-5 pound a bottle
Good luck
Title: Re: Body scum on glass shower doors
Post by: tam on January 30, 2004, 11:07:21 am
How sad you lot are. What the F--- is "body scum." When i have a shower the only thing that hits the doors is the soap and water that splashes off me not "body scum."  
Title: Re: Body scum on glass shower doors
Post by: squeaky on January 30, 2004, 02:41:57 pm
Yes , but I think most of us know what it is ;D
Title: Re: Body scum on glass shower doors
Post by: petra on January 30, 2004, 06:11:35 pm
;D ;DI think Tam must be in denial.... ;D